The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 447

Chapter 439: Stop at the unknown taboo

The black forest stands in the outskirts of the steampunk city three kilometers away. Is there any connection between the two? Chen Xi is too lazy to think. The first thing he comes to is to sweep the black forest with his powerful soul.

The Black Forest repels the power of summoning, but it cannot reject the detection of the souls of the world. Almost in a single thought, Chen Xi took all the soil and wood of the Black Forest in his palm, holding it very clearly.

That is a mechanical forest composed of magic and machinery, which hides a magic circle and contains technological weapons.

But the overall level is too low, Chen Xi can’t understand how this forest supports the anti-summoning force field.

Up to now, Chen Xi found that he did not know how the force field of the summoning force was opened.

There are only words in the real name meaning, and the interpretation of some words will explain how that thing is made, but for the anti-summoning force field, it only has a short explanation:

“A field without summoning power is an anti-summoning field.”

is a very concise introduction, there is no specific method of how to make the anti-summon force field, which is confusing.

Chen Xi took another look, and forced his soul into a straight line, and went straight into the black forest in an invisible form, bypassing the black unicorns that inhabit the black waters, and bypassing the magical organs surging under the current. Drilling into the crypt of physical organs made up of machinery, I see the black-skinned humans living inside.

Its skin is like the blacks of the earth, but his skin is even darker than the blacks of the earth. It is completely black and shiny. Not only the hair and nails are black, but the eyeballs are also black.

It is wearing a dark magic robe with a magic circle that hides the breath of life and soul on the robe. The materials are quite precious and do not match the resources of the world.

The weird black robe sits in front of the big metal table and looks at a white hard rock with a lens of a certain smelting magic circle, as if studying something.

Chen Xi’s powerful intrusion was immediately shocked by it. It turned and merged into the darkness, disappeared, and there was no life fluctuation at all, as if it was really a mass of darkness, so that Chen Xi could not find its existence.

Chen Xi didn’t panic, and in the clearing, he whispered the opening sound of the second real first ten seconds.

After reading the second real name in the first ten seconds, the darkness surged. The black-robed man walked out of another wall and exchanged a strange brain wave: “Who are you and why do you know the name of the ancestor **** of my clan? ”

“Be entrusted by him, find other people, come out.”

After Chen Xi passed on this idea, thunder and lightning appeared in his brain, stimulating the memory seal where the second real name was, and uncovering the dark corner.

When the seal was unveiled, Chen Xi waited with bated breath, and the soul of the whole person was ready to summon and leave at any time.

The seal of    memory was opened for a corner, and the second real name seemed to know that this was the place where its people belonged, and it moved immediately.

“Let’s use the light of your knowledge…” Chen Xi’s brain sounded exactly the same as his voice.

Without Chen Xi’s answer, Chen Xi understood its meaning.

Using the top-level light of knowledge, the core memory can be imprinted instantly, and then the core memory in the body can be eliminated to achieve the process of real name transfer.

It turned out that the people who searched for it were to transfer their real name. Chen Xi was naturally delighted, but Chen Xi only allowed one-tenth of the light of knowledge to use it.

Although the two use the same body, the light of knowledge is branded on Chen Xi’s soul. To use its power, Chen Xi’s consent is required.

In the next second, there was a black robe at the entrance of the Black Forest. It was pitch black, making it hard to see its shadow.

And Chen Xi’s body burst out with a beam of white light. The white light was violent and irritating. It illuminated the face of the black man, dyed the whole face white, and instantly turned into a white man.

After   , Chen Xi turned off the very light of knowledge and swept his soul circle with thunder and lightning, and there was no other unknown memory to share his body with him.

Just in case, he secretly summoned the real name crystal box again, and after checking his real name, the white man in the black robe opposite also borrowed the crystal box to check his real name.

The result of the inspection is that Chen Xi has only one real name, and it has two real names.

“Thank you very much, the ancestor **** returned to my clan and started to fall asleep. I don’t know what kind of return you need?”

After Chen Xi sent the real-name crystal box back to the original world, he heard the sincere expression of the white man in the black robe opposite.

Chen Xi’s lips moved, and he pointed to the anti-summoning force field in this land, “How to make the anti-summoning force field?”

Summoner is a painful profession, and alien creatures are also very troublesome. Some big bosses have developed the knowledge of anti-summoning. This is a very profound knowledge, big and profound, and every alien There are different levels of understanding of the rationality of counter-summoning. Chen Xi has studied here for a day, and he has the light of top-level knowledge.

It turned out that if you want to achieve a counter-summoning force field, you must use magic and mental power to achieve a certain strange band. That is the band of counter-summoning power, which is extremely concealed. If you want to find this band, you must have extremely keen perception.

This is not too difficult. Chen Xi’s soul is so powerful that he soon created an anti-summoning force field in himself.

After finishing the force field, the gray mist that had shrouded Chen Xi’s body all the year round disappeared, revealing his true face, and it was no longer the face of a strange boy.

Unraveling an unknown mystery, Chen Xi nodded, feeling a bit interesting.

After learning this technique, Chen Xi talked with his people again to understand what kind of existence its “ancestor god” was hunted down, and he didn’t even dare to leak his memory.

When he became a white man, his skin was white and crystal clear, and his eyes were pure white, without pupils, and no focus. When he looked at Chen Xi, he seemed to be looking at something on the horizon, and his eyes were not placed on Chen Xi.

“Don’t tell, it’s a taboo unknown, I don’t know what it is.” He shook his head.

Then Chen Xi learned that their clan had violated some unknown taboo, contaminated with great terror, and caused a massacre.

Fortunately, the ancestor **** has vast magical powers and barely rescued dozens of people from the tribe. However, the ancestor **** himself has not returned to the news, and the people of the tribe did not know its real name, which made the tribe people very worried.

What kind of unknown taboo is that? Chen Xi didn’t know. He just felt that when he spoke the tip of the iceberg, he felt cold sweat all over his body.

is really scary, what kind of thing it is.

When he asked here, he knew that he could not ask any more.

“Actually, you can stop here. When you reach a realm like yours, there will be no long-eyed things to annoy you in the future, and the world-killing creatures will not dare to bully your people.” He said that with all his body.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and it was right to think about it.

In the dictionary of real name meaning, the exterminating creatures are already the top creatures. The difference in strength lies in who lives longer and who has the rules and creations.

As long as you fight to death, it is actually very difficult, unless it reveals its real name.

The guys who divulge their real names often need to use their real names to summon such existences.

Then the real name was leaked, what should I do if I was chased and killed? One way, I changed my real name immediately after rebirth.

How to change real name?

This is actually a very simple method, as long as you delete a part of the core memory, you can change your real name.

In the core memory, some important memories are events that have an impact on a person’s character throughout his life. For example, a farmer has worked in the field for fifteen years, and his hard-working character penetrates his life If the fifteenth field is deleted Life, then the character of the person has changed drastically, and he is no longer the original one.

Therefore, the change of the real name is to delete the real name.

But Chen Xi did not want to delete his core memory. In his opinion, except for some insignificant things, every memory is his precious property and should not be deleted, nor can it be deleted.

“As long as you are not involved in that unknown field, I think you can go home with peace of mind.” The other party continued.

“But how can I avoid the unknown?” Chen Xi asked in confusion.

“As long as you stop exploring unknown secrets that are stronger than you, you will never be able to touch that unknown field, because the level is not enough, you can’t touch it.” He said here, the tone is very vague, in fact, he knows Not much, otherwise he wouldn’t speak in the wild.

The two talked for several days and nights, all talking about the knowledge of extinct creatures and the knowledge of risks in other worlds.

This is a good opportunity to understand otherworldly extinction creatures, Chen Xi can’t let go of this opportunity.

As for the unknown taboos encountered by their clan, the other party avoided talking about it, and Chen Xi did not dare to learn more about this matter. Just understanding some knowledge of extinction creatures would be enough for him to digest it for a long time.

On the fifth day, Chen Xi was covered with a layer of gray mist, stepping into the void and leaving formally.


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