The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 453

Chapter 445: Can’t return

pushed open the black stone door, the sunlight outside the door came in, Chen Xi squinted his eyes and saw tens of thousands of stars flashing in the dark sky.

It is said that every star is the incarnation of Dharma gods, and I don’t know how their souls change when they turn into the magic sun.

Since the energy of the body cannot be used, the souls of the gods are so powerful that they can always live without the body, right?

I didn’t think about this detail before, but now thinking about it carefully, he found that the profession of Dharma God is a bit tricky.

But no matter how the Fashen is, he is not interested in knowing that after the soul leaves the body, the magic power has nothing to do with him. The magic power is only stored in the real body, not in the soul.

Chen Xi looked around and saw the yellow sand of Motian, and the horizon was magical light far away.

Farther away, he could still see a magic light straight through the sky. It was a magic lighthouse. In the area of the magic lighthouse, the depth of magic power was deep, and mortals could see it.

Chen Xi carefully examined the plants and trees outside the door, including every grain of sand, the veins and leaf juice of every piece of green vegetation.

“True, too real.” Chen Xi murmured.

If you want to create such an effect, you must use the strongest rule of the supernatural game-Time Reverse!

“So I am really in the past time and space?” Chen Xi thought.

He has seen the rules of the supernatural game. The reverse flow of time does not allow him to change the past. He can only look back at the past in the form of tourists and create absolutely real scenes.

In addition, the various changes made by Chen Xi require huge resources for real-time deduction to achieve the effect of “changing the past.” In fact, the past has not changed at all.

Because of the change in the past, the current Chen Xi no longer exists. This is a paradox and it is impossible to happen.

Chen Xi knew that what he saw before him was fake, but the scene before him was still very shocking.

He took the cat ear summoner next to him across several hills in succession to the nearest city.

Human cities are a very complex place. To maintain their realism requires extremely large resources. Chen Xi wonders if the tentacle monster can withstand such a large number of deductions. After he entered the city, he felt a burst of noise.

People from all walks of life estimated that they were selling in the streets, thieves walked alone in the shadows, warriors fought big swords on their shoulders, sturdy pets roared past, slender magicians wore self-cultivating magic robes, and occasionally children walked through the streets.

Chen Xi was hit by a child. When the child was about to leave, Chen Xi suddenly grabbed his arm.

The child raised his head, showing a frightened look, with tears in the corners of his eyes, crying and saying in another world language: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

This is a thief. Chen Xi took a detailed look at the thief’s look, and then looked at the people next to her. An aunt wiped her hands, looking at this side, waiting for the show to come on.

Some passers-by cast curious eyes, and some women touched their pockets. They were also hit by a child, wondering if they had been stolen.

rustle, a few people shouted, “My wallet was stolen!”

“That kid stole it!”

“If you don’t learn well at a young age, whose adult is so bad?”

Everyone rushed over, searched the child’s body, and retrieved his wallet and material bags.

During this process, Chen Xi secretly observed everyone’s expressions and surrounding things. The influence was not too big, and the details in every place were very real.

“I’m underestimated, the soul of the tentacle monster is almost exploding.” Chen Xi sighed secretly.

Since it is the strongest supernatural game rule, anyone who dares to use it must also be a beast with a strong soul.

“The quality of the soul of the Tentacle Monster is many times larger than mine. I can’t find it to relieve the risk.” Chen Xi murmured.

Just now he thought of a way to solve the supernatural game, that is to directly summon the tentacle monster!

The Tentacle Monster is the beast behind the “last supernatural game”. As long as it is summoned, interviewed with it, and a certain benefit transaction is reached, Chen Xi can release the supernatural game.

But this is just Chen Xi’s conjecture. He doesn’t know the success rate of summoning the Tentacle Monster to dispel the supernatural game.

and the tentacle monster is so strong that even he dare not fully resist it.

The last time I saw only the tip of the iceberg, he was directly controlled. If the whole was summoned, the effect would be self-evident.

After releasing the thief, he browsed the entire Mage City, and when the sun rose, he officially left.

The cat-eared girl left her in the city, and Chen Xi used the summoning technique to counter-summon and traverse.

The place    crossed is the Nirosse area that he had been to. Take a look at the path he walked.

An hour later, he crossed back to Earth.

But this crossing failed. The reason was that the summoning power in that area was too scarce to summon things from the earth.

Chen Xi is stunned, the summoning power is too little?

Speaking of him at the university, because the summoning power was too little, he couldn’t use the summoning power at all.

“The power of the earth’s summoning is too little to complete the summoning at all, but why did that girl summon me successfully?” Chen Xi muttered.

He walked back to the previous Mage City again, distinguished by the smell of the air by his soul, and quickly found the girl before.

The girl with cat ears was feeding cats in a small yard outside the city, holding some grass blades in her hands, and placing them on the ground attracted a group of black cats to beg for food.

Chen Xi’s appearance shocked her, thinking that Chen Xi wanted to kidnap her.

“I ask you, did you feel strange when you summoned?” Chen Xi asked.

“No.” The cat-eared girl shook her head abruptly.

Chen Xi looked suspicious, and the misty face made the cat-eared girl’s hair blow up, as if being stared at by a wild beast.

“Yes, yes! It stands to reason that an existence like you will not be summoned by me at all, because you are too weird, not the weak existence I want to summon.” The girl feared.

Chen Xi was stunned, thinking of her summoning words, there was a human-like appearance in the words weak body, doomed.

“No, there is nothing wrong with your characteristic words. All three characteristics are in line with my current situation.” Chen Xi shook his head.

Cat ears “Oh”, his eyes suddenly became serious, “So your body is very weak?”

Speaking, Chen Xi heard the slight sound of claws breaking through the air.

This girl is not as weak as she imagined. She still has a bit of resistance.

As a summoner, he must always hold the opportunity to fight back, otherwise he will be suppressed to death by the hidden dangers that come from the summoning.

Chen Xi understands her movements very well, but she has only a guilty heart, no guts, after all, the gray mist on Chen Xi’s body gives people a very strange feeling, she dare not move, fearing that Chen Xi will trick him into making a move.

After a few minutes.

Chen Xi stood on the stone bench in the courtyard thinking about life, vaguely thinking of the key factor that he was summoned.

First of all, it was a factor. In the past, Chen Xi was indeed summoned by the cat-eared girl, so no matter how he changed the status quo, the thing that summoned him is still there.

Even if there is no summoning power in the earth, he can still be summoned. This is a supernatural event!

“It’s just that it’s a bit bad. When I was away, those three roommates didn’t stop playing supernatural games.” Chen Xi murmured.


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