The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 53

Chapter 51: Stowaway

Chen Xi had this idea, so he started to float forward, trying to get closer to the ship in the sky.

However, he didn’t succeed. He couldn’t get close to the ship, and his consciousness seemed to be confined to a certain range because of the summoned object.

At this time, the gear on the desktop woke up and sent a message to Chen Xi who was a summoner in response to the call.

It is a magic mechanical gear, perfused with the life’s hard work of an old magic apprentice, and awakened his mind one year after the death of the old man, named Gilmed.

It’s a pity that Jill doesn’t have the ability to move on its own. It stays here all day long and gets moldy. When he was born, he couldn’t see the beauty of the world. He became very lonely and eager for someone to use it.

Chen Xi learned that with its power, the surrounding metal objects can be manipulated. The total weight of the metal objects controlled must not exceed one kilogram, and the operating range is about ten meters.

And it needs only two kinds of energy, one is magic power, the other is electric energy, of which magic power is the most efficient, followed by electricity.

After hearing this introduction, Chen Xi’s eyes lit up.

Bring a few handy sabers with him. When the time comes, he screams, flying knives within ten meters to take the first level. Isn’t it a simplified version of swordsmanship?

Thinking about it, Chen Xi almost replied.

Wait, don’t forget to shop around!

Chen Xi quickly stopped the thought of calling, and bid farewell to the small gear, saying that there is something to do now, and he will check back later.

Then Chen Xi turned a few small light clusters, such as those with a diameter of five centimeters, one with a diameter of fifteen centimeters, and one with a diameter of twenty centimeters, and they were not very satisfied.

He found that many items have energy limits and require something called magic power. However, Chen Xi is not a magician and cannot provide them with magic power.

Flesh and flesh creatures are very smart, and they are very suitable for Chen Xi with weird abilities, but he has an intuition that they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Once they come to see Chen Xi being bullied, they will bite back.

He thought for a while, and finally chose the lonely and helpless little gear.

Xiaogong has been living alone since he was born. He has been sleeping for decades and finally ushered in the call. He has not been affected by the harsh environment, and he will not immediately eat the Lord. It is estimated that like Xiao Hui, he is curious about the new world.

“Then it’s you, Jill!”

Gil is the name of the pinion. After the green summoning array sensed Chen Xi’s thoughts, it began to call the pinion to cross the boundary.


There was a crack in the sky above the summoning formation, and the pinion slid out of the crack in the space and slowly fell onto the palm of Chen Xi’s palm.

As soon as he got the pinion, Chen Xi sensed the signal that the pinion was eager to swallow electricity.

Chen Xi took out the power bank and touched the sharp corner of the pinion to the charging port of the power bank.


A burst of electric light flashed, and blue arc rays surged up and down the pinion.

Zanghubei saw this, shouting that he was hungry and want to eat electricity, so he stretched out his little pink tongue and touched the other port of the power bank.

Zizi, another arc jumped up.

Four grids are missing three grids instantly.

Chen Xi’s eyebrows throbbed, and he felt that the power bank in his hand was getting hotter and hotter, like a hot potato.

A few seconds later, the power bank emits a puff of black smoke and a burning smell.

Chen Xi threw the power bank aside with a black face, his power bank was completely burnt.

Xiaogong and Zanghubei both expressed their dissatisfaction, saying that they had not eaten enough, and wanted Chen Xiguan to “rice.”

However, Chen Xi only brought one power bank, and the two had to give up.

After a while, Chen Xi tried to touch the patina-covered pinion.

The patina is very soft, like a living breath, it can feel warm breath when touched by a finger.

It can be seen that the patina on the pinion is not real patina, but a special substance from another world.

Chen Xi tried to connect the superficial consciousness of the pinion, but found that his connection was very deep, almost connected to the deep consciousness, and he could control the power of the gear at any time.

Soon, he opened up new senses while holding the gear, and he could sense that there are metal implements in the backpack.

The metal utensils have a very vague sense of existence, but as long as he thinks about it, the fruit knife hidden in the backpack can burst out immediately.

Of course, Chen Xi didn’t test the knife directly. He first opened the zipper and put the knife on the flat ground.

Then Chen Xi thought, thinking that Hengkong Yudao would make a circle.

In the next second, an electric arc flashed on the pinion patina.

The fruit knife on the ground stood up, rushed into the sky with a whistle, hula swept the wind, and drew a circle.

Then the fruit knife stroked a distance of ten meters and hit a pine tree in response.

Chen Xi walked over to look at the tree, and saw almost half of the blade plunged into the tree. It can be seen that the strength of the blade is not bad. If it is pierced on a person, it can directly pierce the heart.

Then Chen Xi thought to move again, the fruit knife buzzed and trembled, and slowly pulled out a few millimeters.


The blade violently retreated, turned around one hundred and eighty degrees in the air, and stopped on the backpack after half a circle.

Chen Xi was overjoyed when he saw the effect of controlling gears for the first time.

“Yes, I also have the ability to protect myself, but these two things are big consumers of electricity, and I must find a house to charge tomorrow.”

Chen Xi has a headache when he thinks that these two things need electricity.

In these years, does household electricity support two foreign objects?

Chen Xi was afraid that these two second goods would eat too much electricity and cause some trouble.

“How about the eighth call to choose something that can generate power?” Chen Xixin asked.

Originally, for the eighth time, Chen Xi wanted to summon something that would control the “Red Shadow of Death”.

However, these two big electricity consumers have no energy supplement, and there is a possibility of strike at any time.

ten minutes later.

Another summoning circle lights up.

Chen Xi once again activated his own abilities to abnormalize the summoning array.


This time it is a starry blue summoning circle, the pupil pattern in the middle disappears, turning into a magnificent galaxy geometric pattern.

The direction of summoning is endless. Chen Xi wants to summon something that can be charged. “Don’t Play Summoning” has several things that are in line with the electric system.

The first is a top predator creature similar to an electric eel.

There is also a summoning thunder element. The thunder element is similar to the image of the thunder element in online games. It floats in the air. The whole body is stretched by electric lights. It has arms, head and upper body, and the lower body is a “Z” shaped lightning.

There are not many examples of creatures. They are all high-end summoning objects. Chen Xi dare not call such creatures to cross boundaries.

Thinking about it, Chen Xi can only create his own summoning spell.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xi listed his needs. What he needs is charging characteristics, which can generate a lot of electricity every day, is not aggressive, and is a little bit less intelligent.

Chen Xi temporarily imagined the target summoner in the shape of a stone, and after slowly adding details, he also prepared several backup spells.

There is still fifteen minutes for the summoning time, time is running out, and Chen Xi began to read:

“An ancient stone from an unknown world.”

“A lot of electricity is generated every day you who are not aggressive and have extremely low intelligence.”

said that it was not aggressive, the summoning array was stuck.

Chen Xi smashed his mouth, changed his mouth and said:

“You who generate electricity every day, have a huge amount of power storage, and are friendly or neutral to humans.”

“Respond to my call.”

“This land looks forward to your coming.”

After   , the eight flames rose up and turned into a magnificent starry sky door.

There is no galaxy this time. It is changed to a rectangular array with eight flames, with an endless starry sky in the middle, and galaxies of various colors are shining in the dark.

Lonely, desolate, and beautiful.

And in the door of the starry sky, ripples like water waves slowly opened, and a black stone appeared on the surface of the water.

Chen Xi prepared Xiao Hui, and Zanghu Bei was also ready to spray the water gun at any time.

On the backpack, the fruit knife trembled slightly, ready to vacate and pursue it at any time.

Facing the unknown summoned creature, Chen Xi’s heart hung to the top, for fear that the other party would run away.

One second, two seconds, the black stone slowly slides out of the door of the starry sky, revealing a height of one meter, with a very strange appearance, like a sculpture of an unknown civilization.

Its body is very distorted. The hands and body have distorted lines on the surface. The head is a triangular cone, the whole body is stone, and there is no lower body. The whole sculpture is suspended.

When Chen Xi wanted to connect with the superficial consciousness of the summoned object for friendly communication, the black sculpture officially fell off from the starry sky gate, and there was a flame on his head.

His icy gaze swept towards Chen Xi immediately.

Chen Xi looked at the head of the sculpture. The firelight looked like a monkey, only ten centimeters high. The hair all over his body was burning, and it was very bright in the dark.

Carefully sense that this is a creature without a summoning contract, a stowaway attached to a black sculpture!

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