The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 73

Chapter 70: Information about the psychic

The intelligence dealer on the other side was taken aback when he saw Chen Xi’s question, but he didn’t expect Chen Xi to ask such a novice question.

“This message has no gold content, I will give it to you for free.”

The intelligence dealer sent a long article to Chen Xi with the following content:

[The current more orthodox power division of supernatural powers comes from the director of the Supernatural Bureau of China. He uses numbers to distinguish power, that is, level 012345.

Among them, level 0 is the lowest, and there is no highest level.

Because everyone is getting stronger now, the upper limit of level is constantly refreshed, theoretically there is no superlative level.

Level 0 belongs to people who have played supernatural games but have not gained abilities. Some people at this level are physically strong, while others are weaker.

A level 1 ability person has one or two abilities. Since the abilities that novices get at the beginning are relatively weak life abilities, the abilities of this level are not very strong.

Level 2 abilities have three to five abilities. The fighting methods of this level are diversified, but the combat power is still a mystery. Some people’s five abilities are all life abilities and have no combat effectiveness.

At level 3, there is an ability to control the entry level. At this level, the number of abilities is no longer the criterion, but the control of the abilities is the criterion.

4th level, there is an ability to control the mastery level.

There is no definition of level 5 at the moment.

Note: The control of the ability is divided into three levels: “Novice, beginner, proficient!”

Now there is no ability person to practice control to the peak, everyone is getting stronger, so there is no upper level of control.

Someone planned to list five levels “Novice, Beginner, Proficient, Master, Natural Disaster”. As there is no authoritative approval, there is no credibility for the time being.

Chen Xi finally got a clear understanding of his own strength after watching it.

He is a level 1 ability person, and he has a long way to go.

And looking at their level introduction, the level of the entire power world is in the initial stage of development, and he may have caught up with the second wave of spiritual recovery.

made an appointment for an offline transaction location, which is in a barren mountain in Tongzhou, and the time is tomorrow.

After finishing the private message exchange, lunch was over, Chen Xi went back to the second floor to rest for a while, and took a look at the news section by the way.

I didn’t watch it all night. There were a few more news in the news section, including foreign news and domestic news.

“On the morning of June 4, the United States established the Federal Superintendent Investigation Bureau, aiming to deal with various supernatural incidents in the Americas, referred to as the Federal Bureau.”

“At noon on June 4, Europe established the EU Special Affairs Investigation Bureau…”

“On the evening of June 4th, the island country established the island country mystery affairs office…”

The above key news yesterday, almost all countries have established state-level departments for supernatural events, only one day after the establishment of the China Supernatural Bureau.

The news of the China Supernatural Bureau also appeared in the news section, and Chen Xi discovered that this was a soft article published internally by the state.

“In the middle of June 3, China Huaxia Supernatural Bureau was established. Those who are in urgent need of Huaxia powers in the bureau, interested parties can write privately, and apply for conditions…”

Seeing these news, Chen Xi thought of a question.

Foreign countries set up supernatural departments, where do their supernatural powers come from?

Is there a foreign language version of the supernatural legend forum?

Chen Xi glanced at the website of the forum of supernatural legends, and found that the suffix of the website was cn.

He changed “cn” to “us”, clicked to confirm, and the website immediately began to jump.

When loading the website, a black screen appears first, and then the blood-colored font slowly emerges. The effect is the same as that of the supernatural legend forum, but the font is in English, with the effect of “Welcome back to Chen Xi”.

The contents of    were all in English, and Chen Xi turned it over on a batch machine and saw that the translated game type was almost exactly the same as that of Huaxia.

The ID in the comment area is an unfamiliar ID in English. They are all foreigners. The popularity of comments is different from that of Huaxia’s supernatural posts. Generally speaking, it is 10% or 20% colder than Huaxia.

Chen Xi tried to post a Chinese comment in the comment area. The comment area forcibly translated Chinese into English automatically, ensuring that the comment area was communicated in English, and the translation effect was very professional, and there was no awkward translation effect.

Chen Xi retired after going around. He is not a great English master. Some sentences can barely be understood, but most sentences are more difficult to understand.

But this discovery made Chen Xi aware of something.

Spirit Legends Forum is not controlled by the world. Almost all people on earth can enhance their strength by playing supernatural games.

After exiting the Supernatural Legends forum, Xiao Hui barked and asked when Chen Xi would use the Abnormalization ability on it.

Chen Xi was stunned when he heard this.

Xiao Hui has grown to the upper limit, and if he wants to go further, he must mutate.

Some creatures cannot grow until they reach the upper limit. That is their sorrow, but Chen Xi is different. His ability to abnormalize can make foreign objects mutate.

There are good variations and bad variations. Chen Xi and Xiao Hui communicated to explain the danger of abnormalization, emphasizing that N times may die or be half-life in this life.

Little gray barked a few times, a little scared, and after a few minutes of entanglement, he chose to mutate.

You must know that other creatures can’t mutate. It is fortunate enough to get the chance to mutate. Even if it is life-threatening, it is worth a try.

After Chen Xi felt Xiao Hui’s determination, he put aside the things on his body and reached out to touch Xiao Hui’s head.

Touched a piece of air, but it didn’t matter, Chen Xi silently activated the Abnormalization ability in his heart.

In an instant, the two-dimensional shadow-like body appeared and disappeared, swelling and shrinking from time to time.


Xiao Hui’s expression changed drastically, she made a painful sound, and her body rolled left and right on the ground, painful.

Immediately after Xiao Hui, the range of Yin Qi shrank rapidly, decreasing sharply from two meters all the way.

‘S body swelled to three meters high, and after a few seconds it shrank to one centimeter high.

Eventually, the adult dog’s body shape becomes a palm-sized puppy, and the yin range remains one meter level.

Xiao Hui stopped the murmur of pain, lay on the ground and became exhausted into a dead dog, showing an expression of not wanting to live.

Chen Xi breathed a sigh of relief when Xiao Hui was not dead.

From the current point of view, Xiao Hui’s mutation has mutated in a bad direction, and her strength has doubled.

But nothing can be said without dying, anyway, Xiao Hui’s growth rate is very fast, and he only needs to swallow three or four big ghosts to bring his strength back to its peak.

Chen Xi put it in Zanghu Baili, let it swallow the shadow of the red shadow of death, Xiao Hui immediately recovered most of his energy, and his eyes regained their brilliance.

He thought about it, Xiao Hui might not be as strong as before after he mutated. He plans to use the summoning technique to strengthen his strength to prevent intelligence dealers from buying and selling.

Summoning is not suitable in broad daylight. Chen Xi is going to take Xiao Hui out to catch ghosts and help Xiao Hui regain her strength.

stood by the balcony and opened the yin and yang eyes to see the world.

The sky is half-dark and half-bright, with gray mist appearing in some places and some places are very bright and there is no cloudy pollution.

Chen Xi looked around and was suddenly startled when he saw a certain direction.

His home is near the No.1 Middle School. There was no gray mist in the sky above the No.1 Middle School, but now there is a faint gray mist, indicating that there are ghosts there.

The first middle school was the high school where Chen Xi’s sister was. Chen Xi was afraid that her sister might be in trouble, and when she bounced her legs, she immediately jumped off the balcony on the second floor, brushed a bicycle, and ran away with full horsepower.


first Middle school.

The stairs of the    teaching building were crowded with people, and everyone was moving downstairs with wooden tables and chairs.

Today is the day of the college entrance examination holiday. All high school students are mobilized. The school building is as popular as a vegetable market.

Someone moved the table downstairs and chatted: “Have you heard of a ghost story. Don’t count the stairs when you walk up the stairs. If you count to the thirteen stairs, something bad will happen.”

“But don’t the Thirteen Stairs only appear at night?”

“Hey is it, maybe I remembered it wrong…” The man smiled awkwardly.

Chen Xiaotang felt a little funny when he heard this story when he went upstairs, but couldn’t help but stare at the stairs to see how many steps there are.

The boy who moved the table downstairs saw a cute girl upstairs, so he quickly took a few more glances at Xiaotang.

Xiaotang’s cheek is round and soft, and there are a few drops of sweat between her cheeks, which slide down her cheek and drip onto the white summer school uniform.

The white short-sleeved shirt reveals two white and soft arms, which are soft enough to make people want to squeeze.

was wearing a pleated skirt that covered her knees. The pleated skirt swayed gently, like the water surface in the morning.

Also at this time, the two boys saw their sister wipe the sweat from her forehead bangs, and whispered, “So there are 13 steps in the school’s stairs…”

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