The Abused Luna’s Comeback

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Rose’s P.O.V.]

When the members of the tribe found out who I was, they hugged me. Edward’s mother, Taylor, even cried. After that, Edward and I enjoyed Madam Daisy’s delicious food. Once we were done eating, Edward took my hand and brought me for a walk near the castle. We sat under a big tree and watched the swans in the lake from a distance. He and I kissed me several times. His kisses made me feel relaxed and happy.

When night fell, I felt a little sleepy. Since I didn’t have to be a slave anymore and didn’t have to face a lot of dirty clothes or dishes to deal with at night, it felt as if I was feeling the accumulated sleep that I had lost over the past eight years had crept up on me.

“Babe, are you sleepy already? There’s just one more place I want to take you to.”


“Well, if you can stay awake by then, you’ll find out. I promise it’ll make you happy.”

Curious, I followed Edward to the castle garage. He started the car, I sat in the passenger seat, and Edward fastened his seatbelt.

“So where are we going?”

“To a place where Charlotte and Champion can breathe.”

I felt my heart beat faster. Charlotte spun around in my body excitedly, howling. All I could think about the entire day was my human self, but my Popeye was so thoughtful. I knew that he loved me and my wolf.

Edward held the steering wheel with one hand while his other hand held mine tightly. God, I was so lucky. This man was so handsome and sexy even when driving.

“Rose, Babe, have you seen Charlotte? I mean, although werewolves can communicate with their wolf minds from young, they usually only transform for the first time when they’re fifteen or sixteen years old. Some even transform when they’re already eighteen years old.”

“I haven’t broken my mother’s warning in eight years, so tonight will be the first time I see Charlotte. I hope she’s a beautiful wolf.”

“She must be, just like you.”

After driving on the rugged mountain road for a while, a paradise appeared before me. It was night, but I could see the flowers on the meadow and smell their fragrance. A small river ran through it, reflecting the stars in the night sky.

Edward and I got out of the car. At this critical moment, I was a little excited, but then my fear and uncertainty came.

Edward seemed to have read my mind as he came over, hugged me gently, and whispered in my ear.

“Rose, your first transformation may feel uncomfortable and painful, but it’s normal. All you need to do is focus, embrace it, and accept it. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

He kissed my forehead, which calmed me down a little. I nodded, walked a few meters away from him, and began to concentrate, ready to let my wolf take over my body and mind.

I felt my bones miraculously grow, creaking as a burning pain came about. My hands and feet began to turn into claws and fur broke out of my skin. I gritted my teeth and tried not to cry out in pain.

Just as I thought I was going to pass out from the pain, the pain gradually disappeared. I felt my mind not in me, but floating somewhere in the air.

I turned around and saw that Edward was also turning into his wolf so that he could communicate with me. Soon, the tall and strong silver wolf, Champion appeared in front of me. His pitch-black eyes were like the Moon with a sword, as handsome as when he saved me from New Moon Tribe.

“Babe, you are fucking amazing!”

While I was getting distracted by Champion, or more accurately, when Charlotte was infatuated with Champion, I received an exclamation from Edward.

“Really? What do I look like? Is it very strange? Quickly tell me.”

“Why don’t you take a look for yourself?” Champion suggested cheerfully. At this moment, his eyes were as gentle as water.

I walked to the riverside and saw Charlotte’s reflection. I was shocked. It was hard to describe what colour she was. Her fur was like a combination of light purple and pink, flowing and full of colour like a gorgeous neon sign. It flickered under the moonlight with a soul-stirring luster. Her eyes were blue, similar to the colour of mine.

“I’ve never seen such a unique wolf! If you weren’t Rose, I would think that you were a graceful fairy from some cyberpunk world.”

“Uh, what’s cyberpunk?”

“That’s not important. The point is that you’re too beautiful and unique, Babe.”

Champion came close to me, lowered his head and gently nuzzled me with his nose. Charlotte was still in control of my body and mind. She warmly responded to Champion. They began to chase and play on the grass, making happy grunts and purrs. I started to feel like an old mother watching her child grow up.

I had finally met my true love and my wolf had finally seen the light of day. Everything seemed to be getting better..

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