The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

A Guest at the Gremory Household

Safe to say that the devils present had a wide array of reactions, that ranged from apprehension and tension like with Astrei and Venelana, tiredness and worry like with Sirzechs and Grayfia, anger and resentment like with Rias and finally but weirdly enough fascination and lust with Akeno for some off reason.

Everyone had a reaction to show except for the Patriarch who just smiled like he expected it all to happen.

“I presume you are Sir Xeron?”

The patriarch didn't move form hiss seat as he looked the newcomer in the eye as he said so, which resulted in Xeron smiling amusedly.

“Indeed, I'm the one called Xeron Kezgenoth, I presume you are the head of this so-called Gremory clan? Maybe the father of Zechs here”

Xeron, just kept smiling as he gestured at the Satan Lucifer while he talked, which was certainly something.

“Yes and yes, and it seems to me that the words spoken about you by my son ‘Zechs’ certainly held some merit”

Zeoticus replied calmly while snickering a little, it appears he was trying to deepen the conversation between them and get the demon comfortable.

“But where are my manners at?, my name is Zeoticus Gremory, Head of the Gremory clan, and next to me is my wife Venelana Gremory”

The patriarch introduced his wife, who was smiling a very seductive smile. Gone was all the apprehension she showed when he first showed up, which didn't go unnoticed by the demon, but he didn't comment on it.

“I believe you are acquainted with my son and his maid so no introductions are needed there. The woman next to my son is his wife Astrei Gremory, while the little kid is their son Millicas Gremory”

Sirzechs didn't react much except the little nod of acknowledgment he gave to the Demon, which Xeron just smiled at, but his wife smiled and bowed a little in greeting, the same with their son.

“And lastly my youngest daughter, Rias Gremory and next to her is her queen Akeno Himejima”

Rias was glaring daggers at Xeron from the very start, and she didn't back down even when his attention was focused on her, which confused the demon, but he deduced that she was connected to the maid Grayfia somehow and didn't like what he did to her.

But what truly confused him is the queen called Akeno, from what he could tell by the age of her soul she was fairly young, about 18-20 years of age.

So how is it that she's not only interested in him which he could somehow understand, but also lustful towards him.

Don't get him wrong, he knew his appearance was very attractive, but the same could be said for all the people present and the entire underworld regardless of age.

So this young devil sure was interesting, maybe he'll play with her a bit to see where this ends.

“A pleasure to meet all of you, sorry for my sudden intrusion here Zeoticus, the only reason I did so was to prove a point, so please don't let it sour our relationship in the future”

The demon said with surprising friendliness that but a smile on Zeoticus's face and a frown on Sirzechs's one

“Haha I understand, I shan't hold it against you, but only if you also don't hold what Sirzechs did against you”

The demon smiled a little and stopped talking for a few seconds to look like he was thinking and finally he replied.

“Well, he's still young so I'll overlook what he tried to pull off, but only under a condition and a request of my own, if you don't mind.”

Zeoticus nodded a little to indicate he expected this and proceeded to ask

“And what would those be? I certainly will try my best to fulfill them”

The demon began to like the guy, well who wouldn't? 

From the looks of things it appears he cares greatly for his people, and is smart enough to know when to advance and when to retreat, and by the looking at his wife who from the start hasn't spoken yet, but was just seductively smiling at him while observing, it appears they make a great team.

It certainly was a change of pace, different from the bloodthirsty and ruthless environment he grew up and fought in for an eternity, their scheming was kind of refreshing in a way.

“Well, nothing to major really, my condition is that you free Grayfia from any obligation here, in this house because I'll be taking her with me, not to the Abyss mind you, but here in this world and she's free to come here whenever she wishes, but only with my permission”

Zeoticus fell silent and appeared to be thinking on the outside, but on the inside he was again expecting this demand, because from what his son told him, Xeron was quite possessive, and upon knowing that Grayfia was tied here as the head maid, he'll want her to resign.

So he fell silent to purposely make Xeron think that this decision weighed heavily on him, but in truth it didn't, all of this was deliberate to make Xeron view him in a good light.

“That certainly is something significant, but not impossible. Then Grayfia you are fired from being the head maid in the Gremory household, but you are free to visit us anytime”

To this Grayfia wasn't surprised and bowed to Zeoticus in acknowledgment, and when she saw Xeron gesturing for her to come to him, she moved from behind Sirzechs and stood behind Xeron, signaling the start of their relationship.

“Then what is the request?”

After securing his hard earned maid without resorting to violence, the demon was in a good mood, so he replied cheerfully to Zeoticus.

“Nothing serious really, It's just that I want a house in the Human World while I have no money as you now, and I happened to knew that the Gremory household is particularly rich among devils, so I was hoping you can provide me an accomodation for myself and my maid there”

Of all the things the patriarch tried to predict, this wasn't one of them, and it kind of shocked him.

Why would the rumored bloodthirsty demon king want to live among the humans, which is arguably the weakest race there is, but at the same time it didn't really concern him, and the demand as he said wasn't a big deal so he decided to agree.

“My daughter goes to a high school in the human world that's located in Kuoh, Japan. I can arrange a house for you there”

The moment young Rias heard this she scowled visibly, it's as if she swallowed a liter of raw sugar-less lemonade, but ultimately she stayed silent while glaring at Xeron, she knows nothing she says here will change this, and she wasn't blind, she knows her father wanted to make a connection with the one called Xeron.

“I see, the you have my thanks and in addition I'll look after your daughter when I'm there if I have the time”

Zeoticus just smiled and thought that his son falsely accused the guy of being lustful and arrogant.

“Then I'm sorry in advance Sir Xeron, I know my daughter is quite the handful sometimes”

The patriarch stood up and went to shake hands with the demon, which the demon gladly reciprocated.

“I don't mind Zeoticus, and please just call me Xeron, I really don't like titles”

And to that the Patriarch laughed lightly, and asked.

“Buying the house will take some hours and it's currently late at night, would you like to stay here today and head out tomorrow?”

The patriarch offered to the demon, to which Xeron thought about for a minute until ultimately accepting.

“Alright, I'll stay here then but can you please make someone guide me to my room, I'm currently very tired”


Zeoticus then summoned a bell and rang it, and after a few seconds a red haired mature devil woman strolled into the room and bowed in front of Zeoticus.

“Lapis, please guide our guest Xeron here, to the guest bedroom”

“At once master Zeoticus, please sir Xeron follow me”

The demon nodded and started walking after the maid followed by his own maid, but didn't forget to say his goodbyes.

“Goodnight Zeoticus and his family, I certainly didn't get the chance to talk to all of you today, so I'll do so tomorrow”

And after that he exited the room, with the door closing on its own after he left.


[Sirzechs POV]

I'll never get used to that demon, he just came waltzing in here without anyone detecting him and did whatever he wanted, and despite not being overly rude or arrogant this time around, it still kind of pisses me off.

But, part of me can't help but admire Xeron's attitude, as it's per course to the supernatural world's first and only rule, which is ‘might makes right'.

Being the very powerful being that he is gives him a lot of privileges, and being a powerful and known being gives you more privileges, which leads me to believe he's going to make himself known to the world sooner or later.

'I have to prepare for when the time comes for that, and there's still the three main powers alliance coming up. *uhh* this is exhausting’

The Satan Lucifer sensed that there will be a lot of headaches coming his way in the future.

“*sigh* Well, that certainly was…. something”

His thoughts were cut buy the voice of his wife speaking to no-one in particular beside him.

“Indeed, what a troublesome fellow he is, but I kind of like his overall bearing, it resembles the attitude of the progenitor of our clan, but more… kingly”

Father told us his observations and I certainly agree with them, Xeron seems to have three different personas he chooses to adopt based on his current circumstances.

The first one being that of a king which he showed me and the other Satans when he signed the contract.

The second one is a personality of mischief, he seems more relaxed and interacts with everyone around him.

The last one I observed today was what can only be called the ‘business’ persona, which he seems to have adopted in response to my father's attitude towards him.

None of them so far seem to be destructive in any way like what Red and Ophis described to us about all demons, but I certainly wouldn't want to be the one to find out why.

“Good work dear. But, it's kind of sad he didn't even glance my way, didn't Sirzechs say he wanted Grayfia the moment he saw her? aren't I beautiful enough?”


I mean, I get what she meant by saying that, and everybody here also knew she was trying to ensnare Xeron, so it makes sense she was disappointed when he didn't even give her a second glance.

“No, he was interested in you, but he also instantly knew what you were up to and sneered at me with his gaze”

Well, that's not surprising, considering we already established that he wasn't stupid.

“He didn't talk, but I could feel him telling me with his gaze ‘Tell your little wife that it won't work’, it was in a way disturbing that I could understand him without speaking”

And in front of this revelation mother was just stunned, it's kind of funny seeing her opening and closing her mouth like a fish.

“W-Wait, did he say LITTLE WIFE?? I'm already more than 3000 years old!!”

…I don't think that's something you should be boasting about, I mean I'm about 700 years old and feel like a living foss-

Oh shit, I feel her glaring at me, mother I'm sorry but you have to know this.

“Mother, I believe Xeron is older than the Dragon God of infinity, which means that in front of him, we're all children”

My mother just pouted at me like a wronged maiden, and huffed while muttering ‘My little Sirzechs isn't cute anymore’, which makes me a little sad.

I was about to reply to her when my father cut us off.

“Then Venelana please keep your actions in mind when interacting with Xeron in the future, we wouldn't want him to hold a bad opinion of us”

My mother instantly lost her pouty look and looked at Zeoticus seriously.

“Yes Dear”

And then he turned to all of us.

“Then, this meeting is over. Go ahead and get some sleep and rest well, because I have a feeling we'll all need it tomorrow”

…what a coincidence, I was just thinking that.

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