The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

Exiled Nun

[Kuoh Academy - Next Day - Third Person POV]

The sounds of students chattering and muttering among themselves were heard all around in the classroom as usual, it certainly wasn't a place for someone who wants to some peace and quiet, nor was it a place for young Issei who couldn't sleep these last few days due to the new life, he found himself in.

“Everyone, get back to your seats”

Thankfully, the sound of the teacher was soon heard, and the class now is completely silent.

And soon enough, the teacher entered the classroom, he came in his usual black french suit, while strolling through the door like he owned the whole place.

“You guys sure are rowdy in the morning”

He puts down two books on the desk, and sets down while adjusting his suit, Xeron wasn't known to be a strict teacher, so that encourages the students to speak to him more.

“Oh? You don't like to wake up in the morning, teacher Xeron?”

Aika Kiryuu, unanimously known as the fourth of the perverted trio, speaks up with a lewd glint in her eyes, it is no secret to everyone here that she can uncover the size of a man's manhood with just a glance, so the look in her eyes now was reminding all the boys present about some unpleasant experience.

“No Kiryuu, I don't hate mornings, you're all just too energetic, and stop looking at me like I'm some kind of delicious meal, you're too green to face the consequences”


Xeron replied flatly as he finished fixing his suit, but Aika just glared at the student who laughed at her. She wasn't actually prepared for Xeron to notice what she was doing and make fun of her for it…but she'll forgive him because he's handsome.

“Know that this little episode is out of the way. Let's start today's lecture”



After about two hours, the school bell rang, signifying that the lecture ended and it was time for Xeron to leave the classroom, and as he tried to do so, he was stopped by the young Red Dragon Emperor.

“Teacher! Can I have a minute?”

The demon stopped and silently looked at the boy, he knew it was something semi-important because the boy wouldn't approach him without a real reason.

“Can you please come with me to the club room? President Rias wants to ask for a favour”

The demon didn't answer, but instead looked at his watch. It was 12 in the afternoon, so he had some time to kill before the next lecture.

And it was Rias who told him…then it's probably something minor, shouldn't take too much time.

“Alright I'll listen to what she had to say, but warn her that my favors aren't always for free”

The young dragon nods, and then scurries along. Leaving the demon to his own thoughts.

‘Despite his infamous perverted nature, the kid is quite easy to get along with, not sure why some people hate him so much'

Maybe he has a bias towards dragons? Xeron didn't know, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care. In the end, he always does what he wants, he worked quite hard to make it that way after all.

‘For now, let's see what the little missy has to offer for me'

The demon turned around and started walking towards the Occult Research club room and at the same time, Rias felt goosebumps all over body for some reason.


[Vatican - Third Person POV]

“Devils? But why? A-Am I that irredeemable?”

The young exiled nun known as Aisa Argento, couldn't take it anymore and immediately broke down crying, and honestly, who would blame her.

She was raised all her life in the church, she fought for their cause and believed in their beliefs, only to be cast out in the blink of an eye due to her healing a devil with the gift that, as the church claims, was from god himself.

But, she didn't shout, scream or even try to blame them. No, the fact was that she blamed herself, she believed that God hated her for her crimes, and decided to punish her for her treason by casting her out.

But fate was cruel, and now after they exiled her, the church was sending her to Kuoh Japan, to live under the custody of devils, the same species that condemned her future and brought God's wrath onto her.

Griselda Quarta, the exorcist in charge of Asia, brought the news to the young nun, which resulted in Asia breaking down and crying, further wounding the heart of the mature woman.

So after making sure that no-one was around, the older nun squatted down near Aisa, and grabbed her in a warm hug, akin to a mother embracing her child.

“Little Asia, don't cry. I contacted an acquaintance of mine, and we the reason we sent you to be with the devils in Kuoh was to protect you”

*sniff* *sniff*

The sound of crying stifled crying further broke the older nun's heart. It wasn't easy to see someone you cared for all your life and considered like your own child, break down crying like this while you were powerless to do anything.

The best Griselda could hope to do was explain the situation to Asia in hopes that the younger nun understands, both for herself and the little girl's sake.

“Asia, I know that the world may seem either black or white….but, the reality is different”

Finally, after she heard Griselda speaking, Asia stopped crying and listened to her attentively, being in her embrace seemed to help the younger nun calm down significantly.

“So, In order to protect you in this harsh world we call home, you must see people for who they really are”

Griselda's hands lowered down to Asia's head and patted it gently, and all the worries and grievances in Asia's little heart melted like snow.

“I know that you're a very kind girl Asia, so in order to protect you, I have to send you to Kuoh, there are kind people there that will do what I failed to do”

A sad, regretful smile was drawn on the woman's lips, so to avoid saddening the younger nun further, she embraced her tighter into her chest, for arguably the last time in a long time.

“Asia, I just want you to know that I love you, and will continue to do so forever”

The younger nun flinched slightly in Griselda's hug, but she didn't let go, instead she hugged her tighter and spoke while pouring out all her bottled up emotions and controlling herself from crying.

“I-I love you too, mother”


[ORC room - Rias POV]

I was currently sitting in my usual seat in the clubroom, and was silently twirling my fingers, why are they late?

I look back at the clock that was hanging on the wall behind me and see that it was about 12.30 in the afternoon. They should have finished the lecture by now, did Issei forget to tell him? I swear I'll punish him if he does.


Akeno…she's making fun of me isn't she?

I turn around to look at my sadistic queen behind me, she's holding a hand near her mouth, while stifling her laughter. I swear she's even more sadistic now that her mother is back with her.

“Akeno….what's so funny?”

Akeno smirk widens slightly, and a second later, she's back to her usual graceful expression, I swear the bitch is bipolar.

“Nothing~~ I'm sure that Issei will come back any minute now”

And she has the gall to wink at me! Damn you Akeno!



Speak of the devil and he shall be here! 

No, Literally. Issei is here, and after barging through the door, he leaned down and started breathing heavily, he seemed to have come here running.

“Issei!! What took you so long?! And where is Teacher Xeron?”

I was first relieved to see that Issei arrived like I told him to, but where is Xeron? Did he refuse? What should I do?

“P-President *panting* wait a s-second *panting* I feel like I'm going to die”

Oh…he looks tired, maybe I should calm down a little.

“Issei-kun, sit down on the couch and catch your breath, I'm sure Rias here can wait just a little bit for you”

Akeno says while looking at me funny, I get it woman! I'll calm down!

Akeno then pours a cup of water and hands it to him, and after drinking it like he just came from the desert, he finally starts talking.

“After the lecture ended, I told to teacher Xeron what you said to me, he told me to tell you that his favors are not always free, and that I should go ahead and he'll come here later”

The moment I heard Issei confirm that Xeron is coming, I could feel my entire body relaxing instantly. I know I may appear desperate, but I really have no choice.

But, if he spoke to Xeron right after class, why didn't he say anything until now, half an hour later?

“Thank you Issei, I know that facing Teacher Xeron is not something you particularly enjoy doing”

I know, he feels a little apprehension when dealing with Xeron, and he isn't alone, we all do.

But, at least we know that he won't harm us, without provoking him first, so as long as we're on good terms, then all is good.

Issei, hearing my concern, shakes his head lightly. He's quite dependable when you get to know him.

“It's fine president, I know he isn't that bad”

….I don't know about that, but we all can at least hope.

“I have a question Issei-kun”

…That look in Akeno's eyes…I guess this will help him to get to know Akeno better.

“What is it, Akeno-senpai?”

A sadistic smirk crawls on Akeno's lips and with a small smile, she asks him in a gentle tone, despite her less than gentle intentions.

“What did you do after talking to Teacher Xeron, I wonder?”

“I went to the cafeteria of course! They were serving chicken wings today! I didn't want to miss out on them”

Akeno's sadistic smile broadened on her face, but I was too busy to notice her afterwards.

“....I was sitting here while the worry was eating me alive….and you were eating chicken wings?”

Issei, now having understood that he had just been played, was filled with dread, he looked at me apologetically….but I won't spare him 

“C-Calm down, president I-I'm s-sorry, I-I was hungry!”

“No excuse shall save you, my cute servant”

I started approaching him slowly, and while normally he would start ogling me with his preverted eyes, he doesn't seem to have the luxury to do so now, and he started backing away

“W-Wait wait WAAAAAIT!”

And just like that, the club room was filled with the sounds of a wailing Issei for the next half an hour or so.


A/N: As evident by the scene with Lilith in the previous chapter, the novel does in fact contain sexual content. So, the question is, should I try to include sexual scenes or should I just skim over them? 

Keep in mind that this is literally my first ever novel.

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