The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

Fighting Starys

“Kiba, go and assist Tomoe-san. Issei and Koneko, you go with Saji-kun. Akeno come with me!”

Fortunately, they were currently fighting at the edge of Kuoh, or the constant sounds of shouting and fighting would have alerted the humans and produced even more work for the devils than necessary.

“Yes president!” x2

The Gremory knight and pawn immediately follow their president's orders and shout in acknowledgment, while the ever silent rook just hums but follows the orders nonetheless.


Kiba, being a knight, rushed with incredible speed towards the Sitri's knight Tomoe Meguri, who was fighting a stray devil that had a large 8 foot tall snake tail in place of his legs, with two long arms that each end with a pair of hands with hideous animal like claws.

The beast facing the dame was locked in combat, and thus didn't see the knight rushing towards their location with a sword that promised no mercy.


The sound of wind being cut was heard immediately being followed by an inhumane scream as the knight's sword found its place at the side of the stray devil's ribcage.

“Meguri-san, how have you been?”

Kiba's voice rang calmly despite the circumstances they were in, and as the beast turned around to unclog the blade that was buried in its flesh, the blade vanished as if it didn't exist, then it appeared again in the knight's hand.

“I have been well Kiba-kun! Your sacred gear sure is cool! I'm kinda jealous honestly~”

The dame's hardened features instantly softened when she heard the voice of the knight, and her bubbly personality soon surfaced back up again.

But that didn't do anything to hinder her in the slightest, as he instantly readied her katana and launched a flurry of slashes aimed at the stray devil's back, but of course, the stray won't just sit down and take the beating for granted.


The large tail that was anchored to the floor whipped its way towards the non suspecting dame, and accompanied by the sound of the air cracking, was the sound of a body being flung across the floor.


She crashed into an abandoned building a couple of meters away, but wasn't overly hurt or injured, which made the knight sigh in relief and focus back on the task at hand.

He didn't have time to care about his comrade being launched in the air like a ball, because the beast, now wounded and enraged, slithered towards him with surprising speed, with his claws and fangs bared and ready for vengeance.

The Gremory knight held the sword in his hand with the other, and as multiple swords came into beings around him, he glared at the stray and announced solemnly.

“Stary, as a member of the Gremory household and as a devil. I sentence you to death”


[Issei POV]

When Sitri-san came to the club room and shouted about stary devils, I was honestly excited.

I honestly shouldn't be excited because this is no laughing matter. I was told by the president and Akeno-san that the devils who turn on their kings turn into these hideous looking things that go out of control and soon lose all their senses and delve into madness, feeding on the flesh of not only humans, but devils and yokai as well.

So it's kill on sight for every stray devil you find, that goes for not only devils, but also every other fraction as well.

And as a devil, despite me being only a novice I have to accompany my comrades in the stray devil subjugation as well.

‘But I still don't know how to fight well'

“Dragon Shot!”

I fired of the only move I know how to use at the stray that looked like a monkey but with sharp teeth and four legs, it wasn't that large in size, but it's explosive speed made it hard for Saji to trap it with adsorption line.


I hit it! I actually did! I guess all the training that I did with the handsome bastard Kiba is finally worth it-Ahhhh


“Issei-senpai Get out of the way”

The stupid monkey rushed at me after recovering from the shot, if Koneko-chan wasn't here it would have clawed my face off.

“Issei! Are you alright?”

I look at the side and find Saji approaching me, he looked haggard and spent, but he didn't have visible injures, even after fighting alone against the stray for a while, it's honestly impressive considering that we were both turned into devils at almost the same time.

“I'm fine Saji, Koneko-chan punched it away before it reached me”

He nodded once and idly called back the absorption line again into his sacred gear. I look back to Koneko, and find that every time she launches a punch in the monkey's direction, it evades it seemingly with ease.

I can't launch dragon shot at it without hitting Koneko, and Saji can't catch it with the line, what should we do?

“Hey Koneko! Can you corner it until it gets here! I have a plan”

I shout to Koneko-chan and she just nods, then I turn to Saji who looks at me curiously like I've been possessed by a ghost.


I can't help but ask him, and he just scratches his head and answers awkwardly

“I didn't think your head had anything other than boobs in it”

Hey! Boobs are life! And this and that are different things!

“Anyway, Saji! Can you launch that line faster?”

He looks at me one last time, then just shakes his head lightly.

“I can't unless I train harder, which I don't exactly have the time for now”


I say internally, and hold up my left hand, and the Red Dragon Emperor gauntlet gem shines green, and with the mighty roar of the red dragon that's apparently absent, it clearly resoundes.


This gains the attention of Saji, and he understood my plan, so he smiles fearlessly and holds out his hand towards me.


Unfortunately, this is all I can do for now, but it should be enough and I touch the sacred gear on Saji's hand as I feel my own powers being multipled four-fold


I feel my power being deflated like a balloon, but that didn't matter, and as soon as we both hear Koneko and the stray approaching, Saji readies his sacred gear.

“Koneko! Get out of the away!”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, Koneko does as I say and jumps out of the flight, leaving the stray where it was in the air, but not for long.

“Dragon shot!”

I hurl a dragon shot at it, and while it doesn't damage it much due to it being just a ball of demonic energy, it should be enough to destabilise it.

“Now Saji”

A single, long blue line snaked it's way towards the stray, and when it reaches it, it wraps around the devil fully and drops it to the ground. It tries to struggle of course, but the line not only bound it but also saps away at its strength, and soon enough it was laying there unconscious.


….Koneko-chan, you're way too cute looking to just crash someone's skull like that


[Rias POV]

“This is their leader, right Sona?”

With Koneko, Kiba and Issei taking care of the other two, this should be the last stray, but I turn to my friend to confirm anyway, better safe than sorry.

“Yes, it's indeed the last stray, I don't exactly know how they entered Kuoh in the first place, we should search for the reason after taking care of it”

I nod at her and turn to Akeno, who is now wearing her miko attire, that he always wears when she fights.

“Akeno, restrain it with ice magic”

“No problem Rias”

She unfurles her devil wings and flies into the air, and with the combination of Sona's water magic and Akeno ice magic, the stray freezes instantly. Now should be my turn.

“Sona! Tsubaki! Get out of the way!”

I prepare my bloodline power, the power of destruction that the Baal family is so famous for, and after the magic circle is constructed I single beam of reddish black rushes out towards the stray, shattering the ice statue instantly, and disintegrating it into pieces.


As proud as I am with my power, I honestly wonder how my brother uses it so easily, while I have to prepare the magic circle for atleast 3 minutes in advance.

“Good work Rias, now we just have to repair the damages and that's all for now”

Sona comes back with her queen, and with them came back all the other devils, they seem to have finished handling their respective strays without too much injury.

“Akeno, can you help Tsubaki? You're the only one that knows magic out of us”

She just nods and goes to Tsubaki, and soon they both start hiding the aftermath of the battle, which is honestly quite much.

“Sona, do you why these three strays are here in Kuoh of all places? Strays don't usually end up in here out of the blue”

I say to Sona and she silently contemplates, she's smart, so if anyone will know about the reason they were here, it should be her.

“I don't know Rias, I'll contact my sister, she should know more about this than I do”

Sona said, and turned to walk away from us, presumably contact her sister.

And as I was about to relax, a magic circle flashes near my ear, and I hear the sound of my brother's voice echo in my head.

“Rias, Riser Phenex wishes to visit you, so he will came to your school tomorrow morning”

……What have I done to deserve this I wonder?

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