The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

Izanami and Shuri

After the group finished eating Xeron and Grayfia accompanied them to the gates of the mainson to say goodbye.

“We shall see eachother again soon little devils”

“Goodbye Lady Rias, Akeno, Tsubaki and Lady Sona”

The master and maid duo said after each other, and the devil group returned their goodbyes while walking away.

And after the devil group disappeard from site Xeron walks back to the mainson, followed closely by his maid.

And when he enters the mainson doors again, they close on their own, startling Grayfia and as she was about to say something she notices her master biting his fingers, drawing black blood.

Startled by the sudden sight, she froze in place. But what truly disoriented her was the next sight.

Xeron dropped a drop of black blood on the ground and chanted something in an unknown language that sounded like someone was screeching.

And when the drop of blood hit the ground, a black magic circle with ominous red flashes glowed on the ground and after a while it summoned someone.

The figure appeared to be a woman seemingly in her thirties, she had snow pale skin and snow white hair with contrasting sharp blue eyes and full red lips, she also had a slim figure that further enhanced her overall looks and brought out her feminine appeal.

She was dressed in a long black traditional kimono adorned with streaks of gold and silver that seemed to belong to only the elite of the elite.

The woman in question was breathtakingly beautiful, and had the aura of an empress, which even Grayfia who's called the ‘Silver Haired Queen of Annihilation' found herself a little suppressed by which spoke volumes of the woman's power, which makes the next scene more mind-blowing.


The woman first looked around confused and after Xeron spoke she flinched and turned her body around like a rusted gear, and when her eyes fell of on Xeron, she instantly trembled violently and kneeled on the ground slightly tearing her expensive looking kimono.


…Grayfia was stunned, not only was the now identified Izanami a Goddess from the divine energy emanating from her, but also she was a Primordial Goddess at that!! A Goddamn PRIMORDIAL!!

The woman in front of Xeron was the Shinto pantheon’s Goddess of death known as Izanami-no-Mikoto, the woman rumored to be all powerful and also all hating.

She was rumored to be ruthless to all, including her own pantheon's fellow gods, the only one who's fame and power rivals her own in their pantheon is her own daughter and chief goddess of the Shinto pantheon Amaterasu.

And said woman now was currently kneeling in front of Xeron, while trembling like a deer caught in headlights.

“Izanami-no-Mikoto, It seems that you have grown up since the last time I saw you”

The woman flinched again while staring at the ground and she answered weakly.

“I-It's natural master, It has been a few eons since you graced this realm”

Xeron just nodded while continuing to speak.

“I know, but I'm here now and I won't be leaving anytime soon”

Izanami didn't say anything, but judging by the small blash visible on her snow white skin, she seems to be happy.

“Rise and follow me Izanami”

Xeron spoke lightly while walking ahead towards the mainson's living room.

Izanami rose from the ground and looked at Grayfia for a moment while showing no reaction whatsoever, and after looking at her up and down she turned around and swiftly dashed after Xeron.

The maid just sighed and shook her head then proceeded to follow them.


After sitting in the living room, which seems to be very busy since their arrival in mainson, Xeron held up his cup of tea that Grayfia had prepared and looked at the two ladies present.

“I believe introductions need to be made”

Izanami, who was seated in front of him on a different sofa, just quietly took the tea cup and sipped slightly, but still nodded in acknowledgement.

Grayfia, who was standing behind her new master, didn't say anything. But she was certainly waiting for his follow-up.

“Grayfia, this is Izanami, also known as Izanami-no-Mikoto the primordial goddess of both creation and death. And she seems to have started a pantheon while I was away”

Xeron said lightly while pointing at Izanami who seems to have composed herself significantly since her arrival.

“She is also my servant, after she signed a contract with me in exchange for power. She became a Goddess and by extension my servant for eternity.”

The woman in question didn't react much, but she still looked at Grayfia with a silent stare.

'Not a word!'

The stare seemed to mean this Grayfia, which is certainly very amusing. Someone has to be either very desperate or very stupid to sign a contract with that man.

…Which ironically contains herself. But Grayfia was a very professional maid, so she didn't make fun of the Goddess, at least outwardly.

“Izanami, this is Grayfia Lucifuge. A pureblood devil and a quiet well known one at that. I basically demanded for her to be my maid as one of my contract clauses to stay in this world”

He didn't elaborate much, but the goddess just nodded seemingly understanding. She seems to be very much familiar with Xeron. But the slight snicker she let out was very annoying in Grayfia's opinion.

“Now for what I summoned you here for Izanami, I want a soul in your possession”

Izanami looked at her Master and quickly answered.

“At once master Xeron, which one?”

“A human woman known as Shuri Himejima, who a couple of years back was branded a heretic for loving a fallen”

Izanami just nodded while opening a magic circle under her, the magic circle glowed in divine energy and from it emerged a transparent floating body in the shape of a woman wearing a shrine.

The woman had light brown eyes and a black hair similar to Akeno's, she also looked as equally curvy as Akeno, which confirmed that the secret lies in the Himejima genes.

Shuri opened her eyes and looked at the goddess, and lowered her head in reverence.

“Shuri Himejima, My master ordered me to hand your soul over. So you have been pardoned for your transgressions”

The she-phantom looked surprised but just bowed silently and stood in place without speaking.

“Shuri Himejima, I'm known as Xeron Kezgenoth. Now come here”

Xeron introduced himself to Shuri politely and gestured for her to approach him. Which she quickly complied by floating over to his direction.

When she arrived beside him, she took a deep look at his face which was smiling slightly at her then bowed in silence. And while the sight would normally stun her due to the man's overwhelmingly good looks, she didn't get the luxury to do so.

This unknown man was the master of the mother goddess. Even the chief goddess Amaterasu herself has to consider her opinions and needs.

Shuri remembers when she died and was brought to the Shinto death realm for judgment, she arrived in front of Izanami’s domain, and the woman coldly discarded her faith and punished her for her betrayal by sentencing her for an eternity of punishment.

And now that same woman just pardoned her for all her sins and handed her like an object she didn't stand, to her ‘master’.

But surprisingly, Shuri didn't find herself caring much.

As far as she was concerned, she was already dead, and dead men tell no tales, and whatever the man known as Xeron had planned for her, would probably be better than the punishments she endured at the Shinto Hell.

“Shuri, your daughter Akeno Himejima asked me if I can revive you and I shall. But your soul shall be mine for an eternity as per a contract, if you choose agree”

The moment he ended his words, the now fimiliar demonic contract appeared in a flash of flame infront of Shuri.

“How do I sign this?”

The woman didn't even read the clauses, not like she even knows how to read them considering it's in demonic language, but still.

She didn't even consider for a second, the moment she heard her daughter's name she rushed in front of the contract that was floating in front of her.

“As you don't have blood, a soul imprint will do. Just focus and cut a small part of your soul. Just a fingernail sized one, and give it to me”

The woman closed her eyes, and a small glowing orb rushed out of her floating body and arrived in front of Xeron, who in turn dropped a drop of his black blood on it and fused it with the contract.

The contract flared up in flames shortly after and then vanished, signaling that it has been signed.

“Lord Xeron, where is my precious Akeno? Can I see her? Is she alright? ”

Shuri showered the demon with question after question, and in contrast to the visibly annoyed Izanami, he was perfectly calm.

“Shuri calm down, your daughter is fine and you'll see her in a bit, but you can't go to her in your soul form, or you'll be purified by any exorcist or magician that finds you”

Shuri snapped her mouth shut and lowerd her head. It seems that hearing the name of her daughter after so long made her lose her composure.

Thankfully, her new lord seems kind, or she was afraid of what would have happened if he was not.

“You require a new body first, I won't make Izanami make you a body as you'll be a yokai, I shall make you one of my kin”

He then snapped his fingers and a portal appeard in front of him, and after pulling something from it, he placed it flat on the ground.

It was a naked woman's body, who's quite tall, about 5’7’’ with a very voluptuous figure, Asian features, a long black hair and two black horns sprouting out of her forehead, the woman was laying on her back seemingly dead, but that didn't do much to undermine her gorgeous figure.

Shuri just stared at all of this in silent bewilderment, and sensing her confusion, Xeron gestured for her to come in front of him.

He then touched her forehead and a couple of thoughts flashed in her head, explaining not only his existence, but also the events that led him here and the reason for them all.

“Now that you understand, get into the body. Possess it and you will find no resistance, and when you're done I'll bind both of you, and this shall be your body”

Shuri just nodded and sinked into the body waiting on the floor, and after a while the body twitched and opened its eyes, revealing a pair of red golden eyes, similar to Xeron's own.

“Can you move?”

Asked Xeron, which the body lying on the floor responded to by trying to lift her hands off the floor, but ultimately achieved no success.


She apologized, which Xeron chuckled to.

“No need for apologies, higher order demonic bodies are stronger by nature, so it's no wonder you can't command them, even if it's just a vessel”

He then threw a ball of black energy into the body's abdomen and it just jerked.

After a couple of seconds, Shuri stood up from the ground and bowed to her new lord.

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