The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

Mother and Daughter

(WARNING: The chapter has some scenes that may be uncomfortable for some people out there)

[Xeron's Mainson - Azazel POV]

The Welsh Dragon has been revived.

That's something I would have never even thought would happen today when I woke up this morning.

When Raynare, my daughter called me and said that she has been captured, I was first furious, even if she hasn't been announced as my daughter publicly, she's still a fallen and by extension, affiliated with Grigori.

So, I planned to go myself and make it a political hell for whoever dared to do such a foolish thing, but fate, she's a fuckin bitch I'll tell you that.

When I asked my daughter what faction captured her, and she said it was someone who called himself Xeron, I nearly fainted on the spot.

…I should've known, I mean, who lets their supposed prisoners make phone calls? So it was a given that the one capturing Raynare was either stupid or didn't care.

And low and behold, it was the latter. The one that captured her was the mother fucking Prince of Despair, and as if the guy's title wasn't telling enough, that guy was terrifying.

I didn't lie when I said that I still have nightmares to this day, heck, to my knowledge even Michael doesn't like him and he's the literal definition of ‘goody two shoes'.

I don't like to reminisce about the past, but I especially don't like to remember the days of the demon war.

Not because of the fighting, I'll tell you that, but it didn't matter to us angels much, mainly because we were still young and our father originally made us without very developed emotions. Added with the fact that we were literally fighting the common tropes of the demons tells you that we were relatively laid back.

What was mortifying was Xeron himself. I remember one time when we were fighting against another demon invasion, it was a daily occurrence, so we mostly got used to it, but there were always people who let their emotions get the best of them.

A yokai insulted him to his face, it was an insult of poor taste, aimed at his current lover at the time, which he had many of to my knowledge, but that didn't seem to matter much.

He stopped ‘fighting’ and all of the troops in the vicinity were immediately frozen in place.

A fuckin SPACE spell!!! And that was AGES AGO! I shudder to think what he is capable of now, but let's keep going.

How do I know it was a space spell? Simple, I was there and I still remember the moment as it was yesterday. I was fighting a second and the next second I was frozen in place, couldn't even open my mouth to breathe, but my mind and senses were still working. It was as if the world itself didn't allow me to move, and that tends to happen when a space master commands his controlled space.

Xeron then proceeded to walk calmly towards the poor yokai and then when he arrived, the yokai was suddenly slammed face down into the ground.

The yokai was understandably terrified and didn't speak, but after a bit of mocking from Xeron, it seems that he got bored.

He didn't speak anymore, just summoned five male demons and pointed at the poor yokai…..and well, I believe you can guess what happens next.

Then and there, in front of all that was present, they ravaged him. Without any form of decency or mercy they continued to defile him in front of all of us, and we were forced to watch that brutal display.

The male demons didn't slow down as time went on, No, in fact they kept getting more brutal, more savage and as the yokai's plea for mercy were echoing around, they seemed to only fuel the demons to be more inhumane.

It wasn't only until the yokai was physically decapitated, did they stop. And then, proceeded to cut him off limb by limb and feed it to demonic beasts as he watches, until there was nothing left of him anymore.

And we were all still binded the entire time, forced to watch this brutal slaughter, forced to acknowledge that we were ants in comparison to the demon in front of us.

And at the time I was devastated. Distraught. Mortified.

‘How can someone be this cruel'

I imagined in my head, I refused to believe there is someone this vile in the world, it must be demons, I said. It was demons that brought destruction to our world, they were the vile ones not us.….how foolish I was.

It wasn't much after the war that I got to personally wetness the grueling fact, people are selfish by nature, and they will do all manner of normally frowned upon actions to achieve what they want, and if not in public then in secret.

Demons by contrast, were true to their desires. I have never in my long life met a demon that lies, yes even Xeron himself. They either take what they want, or die trying. No plans, no schemes and no overcomplicated plots.

They march forward with a single goal in mind, that's certainly stupid, but admirable in a way.

Except of course for the scary fucker that is Xeron, he didn't just stop at being stupidly overpowered! The fucker is also a cunning piece of shit!

He in fact was very cunning, to the point that he was the sole planner on the demon's side for a war that spanned a hundred years.

And now that I've seen him again, I'm fairly certain that he was the one who ended it too!

He planned to be pushed back, and also planned for the leading figures of our side to seal our world. Heck, he might even have done something to give them the idea!!

‘The idea alone is giving me the creeps’

“Azazel, what's the matter? You seem lost in thought”

It turns to the voice and finds Xeron smiling eerily in my direction.

And from his expression it seems he knows what I'm thinking about, and is just making fun of my misery.

….now that was unsettling.

I'll stop thinking about him from now onwards. I don't want to go mad this young.


[Third Person POV]

“How do you feel Ddraig?”

Xeron asks the now revived Welsh Dragon, which turns towards him and smiles, a smile full of razor sharp teeth.

“Full of energy and a little power hungry, the feeling is nearly identical to my old dragon body but stronger, how curious”

Nodding slightly, Xeron walks back to his sofa and sits down, followed by Ddraig doing the same but on his own sofa.

“It is because demons, dragons and gods all have a similar statuses, with demons and gods being polar opposites and dragons being the literal neutral”

It was always believed that the strongest gods were draconic gods, but it seems that the universe functioned in a more orderly fashion.

Azazel in particular, was interested in the prospect of balance that the universe seems to hold in all of its aspects.

“So, as you are a dragon. A true neutral entity, you can become a demonic dragon or a dragon god, and you are now the former”

‘The Demonic Dragon of Domination, it has a nice ring to it’

Ddraig thought to himself with amusement as he sat down and closed his eyes, which was quite unexpected, considering that he was recently revived.

“Ddraig, you can go out and do whatever you want for now if you'd like, I can call you via magic at anytime, so don't worry about it”

The dragon's eye shot wide open and he instantly teleported away, it seems he was being respectful. How unusual.

Xeron then turned to Grayfia and gestured towards Issei.

“Grayfia, wake the boy up and make him take a shower because he stinks. I also sense Rias and Akeno coming here so wake Shuri up, she needs to see her daughter”

“At once my Lord”

Grayfia bowed and walked to Issei and carried him like a sack of potatoes, she then calmly walked out of the room, leaving Xeron alone with the two fallen.

'Shuri? It can't be her right?’

Thought Azazel idly to himself, and as he was about to ask Xeron, he cut him off.

“Would you like to stay with Azazel, Raynare? I certainly won't mind if you do”

Xeron said to the duo, which made them look at one another, and after a while it was Azazel who ultimately replied.

“I'll have to thank you for the offer Xeron, but I would like to take my leave. I still have a ton of work to finish after all”

He seemed to be telling the truth, mostly, but there was also something else that was keeping the first fallen from staying a little longer.

Xeron seems to have noticed, but didn't comment on it, either because it wasn't important or he just didn't care. Not that anyone would know which of the two it was.

“I see, then a word of advice before you leave. Do not leave Kokabiel run amok anymore, his orders nearly go your daughter killed and I have come to like the little girl”

Azazel, being the cunning and wise oldman he was, caught on to the hidden meaning in Xeron's message, but it seems that Raynare didn't inherit her father's brain.

She was a blushing mess, fidgeting left and right while twirling her hair locks and staring at the ground. One would question where the mature couple thousand year old fallen angel went to, but you'd be pressed to find an answer to that question.

“...I'll see what I can do about it”

Azazel said while grabbing his daughter's hand and casting a teleportation spell under both their feet.

“Fine, but be quick or it won't end well for him”

Xeron said dismissively, which made Azazel both relieved and concerned.

‘It seems that he's fated to suffer anyway huh, if not by Xeron's hands, then it must be the devils'

Those were the last thoughts on Azazel's mind before he left Xeron's Mainson.

Opening his eyes in Grigori's base, the first thing that greets him was a wall of flaming text, floating in the air.

‘Also, tell Baraqiel that I revived his wife'

And after Azazel read the entire sentence it vanished into the air.

‘I need a drink’

…It seems that the day was too much for our favourite fallen angel.


“Good evening Rias, Akeno. Please have a seat”

Xeron greeted the two lovely devil ladies at the mainson's garden, he chose to meet them out here as a change of scenery, nothing more.

“Good evening Xeron” x2

The two devils sat on the garden chairs prepared by the butlers; it was a tea set that consisted of four chairs and a small table. A very classy choice of furniture, one that certainly wasn't expected from a demon.

Which it indeed wasn't, because the whole mainson décor was premade by the devils, so the entire design carried that Victorian Era elegance, Xeron merely lived here, which he had certainly come to appreciate.

“I'm sorry little Akeno that I didn't come to school with your mother today, she needed more time to adapt than I expected, so I let her rest fully”

Xeron spoke with a slight apologetic smile to the visibly tense Akeno, and the words made her body twitch and then her violet eyes snapped to Xeron's golden red ones.

“M-My m-mother i-is here?”

Xeron didn't answer, and as Akeno was about to ask again she heard a voice she thought she would never hear again in her lifetime.

“Akeno!! My daughter!”

Akeno's head snapped backwards, and she was met with the sight of her own mother that she knew was dead, so she immediately rushed towards her in a flash of lightning, which she didn't notice that she was subconsciously using.



The pair of mother and daughter were embracing each other tightly, it was as if they both were afraid that the other would disappear. And after a moment of silence and the smirks of both Xeron and Rias, they both separated a little and Akeno got to see her mother's new look.

“Mother, you look so beautiful. And what are these horns! They're so black, I don't even see light reflected in them!”

“My~ my~ Ufufufufu~”

Shuri just smiled beautifully and giggled….a very seductive giggle I'll tell you that much, it seems we now know were Akeno got here attitude from.

Heck, even Rias was blushing a little and she wasn't into girls okay!! She could appreciate their looks but didn't think of them as a romantic interest. It's just that Shuri seemed to miss with her brain a little, that's all!!

….Xeron was just smiling at the three women like an old man talking his family out for an outing, the women noticed it, but didn't say anything for different reasons.

Akeno wasn't really concerned about anything other than her mother for now. 

Rias thought that there was something wrong with Xeron's manhood because he didn't react to their looks, which got her a glare from him, and she immediately removed the thought from her mind.

Finally, Shuri didn't say much, because it was true. He is literally her father now, he created her after all. He even has the mindset for it, so why fight the inevitable?

“I believe that I have fulfilled my part of the deal now little Akeno, but I can see that you have a question on your mind, what is it that you want answered?”

Akeno got out of her mother's embrace and stood up in front of Xeron's seat and bowed a 90 degree bow.

“Thank you Xeron! I will remember this debt until I die!!”

The young girl's words were full of sincerity which Xeron could practically taste, and while he did revive her mother for his own selfish reason, he did also pity her situation a little, so he wasn't all that bad.

“Don't worry about it little Akeno, it may be true that I literally revived your mother from death, to me, it wasn't really much”

Akeno shook her head left and right in denial while bowing again.

“Even so, you returned my mother to me, and for that I'll be always grateful”

“Again, it's fine. I really didn't do much. But, on another note, she is now a pure-blood demon, she wouldn't get the destructive tendencies because I disallowed it, but she's still a demon and demons are both powerful and enjoy flaunting their power. We're a lot like you devils in that regard except of course the appearance”

Akeno, nodded her hair while turning her head back at her mother, who flashed her a smile full of sharp teeth.


“C-can she turn into a human form?”

Xeron snapped his fingers and Shuri horns disappeared and teeth turned completely into human teeth. 

The woman herself didn't seem that surprised, considering she instinctively knows she can transform, she just wasn't evolved enough to do so alone.

“I have forcibly morphed her appearance into that of a human, she will be able to shift alone when she becomes strong enough”

Akeno nodded thoughtfully, and fell deep in thoughts. So deep in fact, she didn't notice her mother sneaking up on her and ultimately lunging on her back and hugging her from behind.

“Mah~Mah~ You're such a worrywart my daughter!! I'm sure everything will be fine with my father here!”

“Y-Your F-Father?!” x2

Akeno and Rias were understandably shocked, and who wouldn't be when such a mature and sexy woman suddenly calls a young looking man her ‘father’.

“Your father? Well, you wouldn't be incorrect. But, it's the first time, I heard such words from the demons I personally created, but you may suit yourself”

Xeron nodded once and waved his hand at her, and she immediately bowed at his direction while speaking sensually.

“Yes, father~~”

That only earned a smirk from an amused Xeron.

“Lord Xeron, I have brought the boy here as you commanded”

The voice of Grayfia was heard from the far side of the garden, and looking towards her, one can find Grayfia in her usual maid dress, but now she was accompanied by a young boy in his teenage years, Issei Hyoudou.

“Teacher Xeron? Rias-san?! Akeno-san?! And who's that smoking hot babe besides Akeno-san?!?!”

The boys voice kept rising in pitch with every passing word, along with his increasingly ogling gaze, which made The pair of mother and daughter giggle and made Rias sigh in exasperation, she nearly forgot about her potential new pawn's extreme perversion.

“She is Shuri, Akeno's mother, but I must say Issei. You're certainly taking your near death experience like a champ. I didn't expect you would even have the balls to come and meet us, now that you know about the supernatural”

Xeron spoke with a hint of curiosity in his voice, the boy may be a pervert and thinks with his lower half, but he wasn't a coward. He was almost tricked and killed by a fallen, and even after knowing that all the beings here were of the supernatural, he chose to come anyway.

‘At least you have some backbone on you kid’

Xeron thought lightly as he watched his maid walk to him until she reached behind his chair and she just stood there…..menacingly. [couldn't help it]

“I dislike pleasantries, so I'll cut to the chase”

Xeron clapped once and drew the attention of all people present. Then he looked at Issei and spoke with no visible emotions on his face.

“Issei, now that you're a little more familiar with the supernatural, Rias here has come to you with a proposal. She wants you to join her ‘peerage’, which basically means you'll be her slave for life or until you become high-class which is incredibly difficult. She controls your freedom and you can't oppose her or risk being hunted down, and in return she offers you ‘immortality’ which in this case means a devil's life span of around ten thousand years, power in term of ‘demonic energy’ that's basically the devil's unique energy, she offers you protection, so that what happened to you is unlikely to ever repeat again, and also the resources behind her house, in this case being the Gremorys’ which is famous for being extra loaded”

Xeron just basically listed all the pros and cons of the devils' pyramid scheme, he didn't mind it if the boy was scammed, but it would leave a bad taste in his mouth if it happened in his house.

“Issei-kun!! You must know that I don't treat my peerage members as slaves! They are my precious family!”

The young Heiress says while glaring at Xeron, and he just shrugged. He didn't care that much about her succeeding in recruiting him or not.

“It's true, she doesn't seem to treat her current peerage as slaves, but you must know that the devil society itself views low-level reincarnated devils as slaves. So, you should consider your decision carefully before ultimately deciding”

Another glare was shot in Xeron's way, and he brushed it off just as swiftly as the last one.

And after about ten minutes Issei asked Rias the question that will ultimately change his future forever.

“Will your house protect my parents if I join?”

The Heiress didn't waste a second, she immediately put her hand on her chest in with a sincere voice she started speaking.

“I swear on the name of the Gremorys' that we will always protect both Issei Hyoudou's parents as if they were our own”

Issei stared at her for a while and as if seeing her sincerity, he nodded gratefully.

“Then, I accept. President Rias”

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