The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

Unanswered Questions and Kuoh Town

Some may have expected this outcome, and some may have not, but the question still stands nonetheless.

How would the three demon kings just ‘die’, those same beings that each possess an amount of power that competes with the powerhouses of this world.

Maybe and internal conflict? But why? Didn't they band together to fight in the war?

After what felt like a long time of silence, Xeron decided to speak.

“I can practically read the question floating on your minds, so I'll give you the answer”

He moved back his chair and directly looked at everyone in the room, including Grayfia.

“Demons are the embodiment of chaos, we don't abide by rules, hierarchies and certainly not friendships with each other unless out of necessity, hell lesser demons can't even be communicated with, only forced to serve by a higher power”

“So, that makes that the little collaboration we did when we invaded this world a necessity to produce results”

The devils now understood, it seems that the demons are more chaotic and uncivilized than they thought.

“The three other kings and I gathered an army each and marshed here with the intent of conquest, and as we all had basically the same amount of power, we decided to share major decisions amongst each other and make them collectively”

Xeron's mood visibly soured when he said that, it seems that he doesn't remember that time fondly.

“And that directly contradicts our nature as demons. Demons don't share, if a demon wants something, it'll take it or die trying. So as you may imagine, we didn't play nice with each other”

“And after this world was sealed and we were repelled back to the Abyss, we fought and I came out the victor in the end”

After Xeron finished speaking he pushed the chair he was sitting on back to its original position and waited for them to process the information.

And after some time Venelana decided to speak.

“In summary, the demons don't like working with anyone, not even their own ‘leaders’ and that amplifies when it's the leaders themselves. Then you were not only forced to work together, but you were also forced to protect each other, as to not allow one of you to fall and ruin the power balance, correct?”

Xeron stared at her and smirked, seemingly intrigued.

“Interesting, you figured it out yourself, very praiseworthy, and as expected you're a scheming little wife aren't you?”

Venelana's eyes widened for a bit, before just huffing and turning her head in mild annoyance, but it kind of felt good to be acknowledged sometimes.

“Yes, that is correct. And as you may or may not know, demons can absorb the power of a dead soul and make it their own. That means we were stuck babying each other, as to not make one of us betray the other and spike in power basically dooming us all”

…Wait, so him being the only standing here, and the other kings dead. That means.

Grayfia looked at her lord from behind while trembling a little, and as she was being swallowed in her own thoughts, a hand was placed on her head.

She looked up and there was Xeron smiling at her while ruffling her hair and shaking her maid's headpiece.

“I take you all figured it out? But don't worry, especially you my maid. I signed a contract with the protectors of your world. Big bad Xeron won't be doing any conquering any time soon”

Grayfia hated that she was being comforted in the same manner as that of a child….but It kind of felt good.


She flicked his hand away from her head, and tidied her disheveled hair while glaring at him, which made him chuckle in response.

“May I ask a question Xeron”

Xeron then turned around to face Zeoticus, who looked like he had a very serious question in mind.

“You are a demon, ‘a being of chaos’ as you put it yourself, then why? Why aren't you using the ultimate power you acquired to then finish the war that you all ultimately started”

The demon just smiled at the question dispelling the tense atmosphere, and after what seemed to be a staring contest with Zeoticus, he replied.

“I won't be revealing everything about myself now, would I? What's the fun in that?! You might just have to answer those two questions for yourselves in the future”

And as to signal the end of the topic he asked another question entirely.

“So? Did you finish with the arrangements of my residence in the human world?”

The devils looked at the demon who was still smiling weirdly, but ultimately just shrugged, as it seems that he has no plans of answering any more questions.

“It has been done, I have purchased you a mainson in Kuoh as we discussed, and I also took the liberty to expand it from the inside using magic, so it's currently about the size of a quarter of this mainson”

The demon didn't particularly react to this development since he expected it, but there was something he had to make clear.

“Just expanded the mainson correct?”

Xeron said while smiling innocently, which is certainly very threatening, but didn't sway the Gremory Lord, and he replied with a calm smile.

“Don't worry Xeron, I'm not stupid. I won't try to pull anything on you like my son did”

The demon just snorted in amusement, but didn't pursue the topic anymore, and as Zeoticus called the maids to clean the dinner table Venelana asked a question.

“I'm curious what will you do in the human world Xeron?”

Xeron then thought for a couple of seconds and replied.

“I don't know really, but I was thinking of being a teacher in Kuoh academy, it seems to be interesting”

Another shock to the devils, it seems that they may never understand this so-called demon.

“Very well, put please keep an eye on Rias, because the little girl is really spoiled, and may do very rash decisions if left alone”

And to that, the demon just nodded, he agreed to do so after all.

Zeoticus then summoned a set of keys and a real estate contract and handed them to Xeron.

“These are the keys and the papers of the property, and Grayfia knows its location she can take you there”

Xeron took the keys and documents and turned around and walked to the exit, and on his way there heard Venelana speaking to him one last time for now.

“Kuoh town is jointly governed by the Sitri and Gremory Heiresses, Rias knows about you since yesterday, but Sona Sitri is the younger sister of the Satan Leviathan and hasn't left the human world in a while”

The demon stopped and turned around while smiling.

“Sona-tan? Well, yes I've heard of her before from Serafall's mouth”

The two devil lords felt a little sad for the future of the young devil heiress, but nonetheless Venelana continued talking.

“Though I suspect she already knows that you'll arrive by now, as dear already told Serafall you'll be staying there”

He nodded, and resumed accompanied by his maid, and just before leaving the room his voice echoed in their ears.

“Let us meet again Zeoticus and Venelana, it was a pleasure getting to speak with you both”

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