The Ace Producer

Chapter 2

Chapter 1 – President And President Wen

“Breaking news, actor Ye Yi passed away unexpectedly due to a heart attack at 1:10 am today—”

“Rongcheng Entertainment confirmed the news. Ye Yi’s girlfriend for many years and also the CEO of Rongcheng Entertainment, Rong Chengyue, fainted due to excessive grief, and is currently receiving treatment in a local hospital in Macau… Affected by this incident, the stock price of Rongcheng Entertainment has continued. The two-day limit fell, and the upward trend of its parent company Rongcheng Group on the New York Stock Exchange was also affected…”

“Recently, Rong Chengjue, president of Rongcheng Group, announced at the company’s internal meeting that he would directly manage Rongcheng Entertainment, and said that due to new business needs, an ‘IP expansion department’ would be established to deal with the current rapidly developing new film and television ecosystem. Industry insiders pointed out that, Shifting the focus of the business and expanding the content chain of the film and television business, this is actually Rongcheng Entertainment’s helpless move without Ye Yihe at the helm…”

Probably because of the media bombardment in the past few days, on the day of Rongcheng Entertainment’s recruitment, the scene was extremely hot. The media, recruiting elites, Ye Yi fans, and many good people crowded the company’s interview lobby to the brim. .

“Ye Zhen, 23 years old, Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Master of Theoretical Physics, Huada, works in the School of Mathematical Sciences, Huada, published a paper in “Nature”…”

Having worked in human resources management for many years, the interviewer known as Sister Mei thinks she has a lot of knowledge, but when she got such a resume, she felt a little unconfident for no reason, and she sat up straight, only to have the same appearance and temperament as the person facing her. The good girl said, “Hey, of course we welcome Miss Ye to apply for us at Rongcheng Entertainment, but this time we only recruit ordinary employees, and they belong to the trial operation department, and the salary is also—”

“I know,” Ye Zhen nodded, “Although I have a good education, I don’t know much about the entertainment industry. I just need to learn from the basics. I hope the interviewer will give me this opportunity.”

“Ah, so that’s how it is.” After hesitating for a while, Sister Mei still ticked her to pass the first test, handed her a number plate, and said, “I really believe in Ms. Ye’s ability, but according to the procedure, a second round of interviews is required. You Take the elevator here to the third floor, and there is a retest of business ability over there, I wish Miss Ye good luck.”

Ye Zhen stood up, took the number plate, bowed halfway, and walked to the other end of the corridor.

After seeing her off, Sister Mei picked up her resume again, and the more she looked at it, the more she clicked her tongue. Seeing this, the colleagues around her couldn’t help looking over their heads, and sighed: “Tsk, I went to Huada Junior Class at the age of thirteen. Dr. Wan has won so many awards, this little girl is really amazing.”

“Yeah, she is definitely a talent with a high IQ. I don’t know why she can’t come to our company for an interview.”

“You said that,” the colleague elbowed Sister Mei, and narrowly said, “We are a well-known domestic rich company, and the boss of the group is handsome and rich, so he has become an Internet celebrity, okay?”

“Pfft—” Sister Mei was amused by her, and just about to gossip, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance. She glanced at it and found that her internet celebrity president happened to appear at the company’s gate without saying a word. I saw him in a white casual suit, wearing sunglasses, with front and rear bodyguards clearing the way, and amidst the screams of little girls, he entered the elevator expressionlessly. Fresh Meat Xigu didn’t give in too much.

In fact, Rong Chengjue, our local tyrant president, is much more attractive than Xi Gu, who became a big star. When he became famous at a young age, a **** female reporter interviewed him: “President Rong is so handsome, there must be many girls who want to marry you.” , what do you think about this?”

His answer at the time was this: “What can I think of a group of women who can’t pronounce my name correctly?”


“Ah what, my surname is not Rong, my surname is Rong Cheng, and my single name is Jue.” Seeing that the female reporter was getting more and more at a loss, he simply took out a pen and marked his name tag with pinyin, “Follow me, jue” , two jades and one jue, understand?”

This rather individual answer was screenshotted and turned into a video by the troublemaker, and quickly reached the top of the Weibo headlines, making Rong Chengjue famous in the first battle, and established the status of the “Internet celebrity” president. Since then, he has become even more gossip and gossip. Even the paparazzi have regarded him as a regular follow-up subject, and they can’t drive him away. As a result, the general public has a lot of chatter after dinner.

Ye Zhen naturally didn’t know that there were “Internet celebrities” downstairs to watch, she was holding her number plate, sitting in the rest area waiting for the retest. The re-examination is carried out in groups, with each group of six people. A staff member came out just now and informed them that this group is preparing, and told them the topic: Please choose a high-quality IP suitable for film and television, and conduct a selection analysis.

Logically speaking, since the group retest and the preparation time are given, the group members can discuss in advance. But the few people glanced at each other, but they didn’t mean to speak, it was obvious that they wanted to fight on their own. But this is also normal. After all, the question is not difficult. The key lies in how to present one’s own point of view to convince the interviewer. It is wise to avoid each other.

Sure enough, when it was Ye Zhen’s turn, as soon as they entered the conference room, a boy wearing glasses spoke first, “Thank you all the interviewers for giving us the opportunity to interview, I would like to express my personal opinion first.

As we all know, the representative category of online literature is fantasy. Most of the works in this category are characterized by youthful enthusiasm and rich imagination. They are very influential among young people. Therefore, if you want to build a high-quality IP brand, I think you should buy this kind of works , and among them, “The Story of the Nine Cauldrons”, in which I eat tomatoes, is the most representative…”

Helping the forehead, Ye Zhen didn’t expect that the point of view she had thought in advance would directly collide with the first person. Well, she didn’t want to be blamed, so she had to change it. She was thinking about the answer, and then the person behind said: ” Youth campus novels also have advantages among young people, and the investment and production costs are much lower than those of fantasy and other big costume dramas. The current IP copyright operation is still in the trial stage, so I think it should be the first to buy such products… “

“…I am different from the previous two opinions. It is not only novels that are called IPs. In a word, a song title can be called an IP as long as it is popular and recognizable. We can use this as an opportunity to create our own Original IP…”


It can be said that everyone is keeping up with the trend and trying to come up with new ideas. Ye Zhen originally planned to do this, but after thinking about it, everyone is only looking for new ideas, so it is not a kind of repetition. She might as well just talk about old-fashioned things, new wine in old bottles, and it’s not unattractive.

It just so happened that she was also prepared for this.

So, after the first five people finished speaking, Ye Zhen said: “In my opinion, the core of IP is not content, but big data, so choosing a high-quality IP is to sample the data collection of various contents that have been tested by the market, and carry out Evaluation and optimization, in order to reduce the risk and difficulty of film and television adaptation, a process of measuring market purchasing power and fan stickiness.

Based on the above theories, I chose a novel, um, even if you don’t read it, you will know what it’s about. “

“Puff—” There were bursts of laughter in the conference room.

Ye Zhen took out her mobile phone and said calmly while showing the webpage: “From the pocket books in Taiwan in the 90s to the online novels today, in the past 30 years, the domineering president Wen has been favored and never faded. It is synonymous with Taiwanese Xiaoyan, and now it is still the mainstream of online novel romance. Take Penguin Reading APP, which currently occupies the largest market share, as an example. Among the top 100 best-selling books, 56 of them are male protagonists. It can be seen that The charm of routines.

The book I recommend is the one with the highest data on the website. It mainly tells about a handsome and earth-shattering CEO. His industries are spread all over Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America. A law enforcer of justice guards the order of the world, and then falls in love with a woman whose mother is a laundryman, has a brother who loves gambling, looks like a passerby, and fails every exam—”

“Boom,” before she finished speaking, someone suddenly pushed open the door, leaned on the door frame, clapped their hands one after another, and exclaimed, “That’s right, what a good book~”

It was a collection of all kinds of YY, insults and ridicule towards the CEO. Our CEO Rong Cheng managed to escape from the siege of the brain-damaged girl, but when he passed by the meeting room and heard such a story head-on, there was a kind of empathetic sadness.

Hehehe, I’m not happy, it’s getting cold, the Wang family should go bankrupt…

Oh, the line is wrong, it should be, well, woman, you have successfully attracted my attention. Rong Chengjue took off his sunglasses, walked into the meeting room, and looked down at Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen glanced at him inexplicably, then turned to look at the interviewers, wanting to continue to discuss her point of view, but some interviewers quickly stood up and said: “President, good afternoon.”

Seeing this, other people responded one after another. For a while, “President” and “President” greeted each other one after another.

There was also someone who didn’t know what to say: “The president also likes to read this kind of novel?”

It was the first time that Rong Chengjue felt ashamed when someone called him “President”, and, don’t you understand what irony is? How could he read that kind of romance novel that does nothing but flaunt his wealth and play cool, kneeling and licking his girlfriend, hum!

He is a connotative, unconventional, true three-dimensional president. He knocked on the table with his mobile phone, attracting Ye Zhen’s gaze, and then sneered, “How dare you come for an interview at this level? Girls, you should read more useful books. You don’t have a good brain, don’t you work hard?” For the future, daydreaming is a disease that can be cured, understand?”

Ye Zhen: “…” This is the first time someone has said that she has a bad mind when she grows up, and this “Internet celebrity” president is really ignorant of others, as rumored.

It is quite in line with the setting of a domineering president, no wonder everyone likes to gossip about him.

But now the object of his anger is himself, which is very unpleasant, and he is still at the level of the interview. Ye Zhen knows without thinking, if there is no way to turn the situation around, even if someone has heard her intention of giving an example before, they will not try to offend the company’s big boss to speak for her, let alone admit her.

Forget it, it seems that she can only show off her IQ in a high-profile way.

Ye Zhen raised her head, looked at Rong Chengjue clearly and brightly, then moved her eyes down, sized him up, and said, “President Rong Cheng is having dinner with mother at home today?”

Rong Chengjue’s eyes tightened: “How do you know?”

“Guess,” Ye Zhen pointed to his collar, “President, your outfit should be a new series of a certain brand. The blue sweater between the shirt and the suit is a little nostalgic. It’s a bit cooler today. It must have been your mother who stopped you from adding it before going out.”

“Heh, that’s a pretty good guess.” A certain person smiled evilly and said, “Honestly, are you a female reporter from some company who intends to go undercover in our company to break the news?”

“…” She took back what she said just now. This person not only fits the setting of a domineering president, he is simply the embodiment of the heroine of the president.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Zhen said again: “I’m not a reporter, I’m a math student,” she said, and glanced at the phone that Rong Chengjue put in front of her, “Why don’t you let me guess your phone number? password?”

Rong Chengjue subconsciously turned on the phone screen, then looked at Ye Zhen, in disbelief: “Woman, don’t take chances, my password is hard to guess.”

“Your birthday.”

“The third day of March.”

“For you, a special set of numbers.”


Ye Zhen nodded, reached out to take Rong Chengjue’s phone, cut into the boot screen, looked at him, and was about to swipe up with her finger, when she suddenly asked, “When is Valentine’s Day?”

Rong Chengjue subconsciously stared at the screen and said, “It’s the seventh day of July.” After speaking, he quickly added, “Well, I mean, there’s still February 14th.”

Ye Zhen’s hand opened the screen at the same time, and turned it to him: “Okay, it’s unlocked.”

“How did you do it?” Rong Chengjue was shocked, “Is there really any formula to deduce the password from the number I reported?”

“No, I said that I learned mathematics just to disturb you. What I observed was actually where your eyes stayed.”


“However, based on the above two cases, I think it can prove that I am not a girl with a bad brain, not working hard, and daydreaming” in the words of President Rong Cheng. Therefore, I hope you can withdraw your preface and give me a chance to continue the interview.”

If she “has a bad brain”, wouldn’t it be even worse if she was fooled around by her? Rong Chengjuan said to the interviewing employee with a dark face, “Show me her resume.”

Probably felt that it was too obvious for him to find fault. After receiving the resume, he turned around and said to Ye Zhen: “Our recruitment at Rongcheng pays great attention to education and qualifications. IP expansion is not only important for Rongcheng Film and Television, but also for Rongcheng Film and Television. One of the core work of the group company.” The implication is that he is just doing business, not making trouble for no reason.

Ye Zhen nodded: “Oh.”

Rong Chengjuan was a little annoyed by her attitude, so he lowered his head and flicked through his resume, then froze, and looked up again with an aggrieved look.

Ye Zhen read many complex emotions from his eyes, such as “You really study mathematics”, “You don’t look like it”, “It’s great to get a doctorate at the age of 20, why are you applying for ordinary employees to play me?” . She was just about to express her love and longing for the new position, when Rong Chengjue suddenly said in a resentful tone: “Ye Zhen, it turned out to be you…”

“Pa—”, before Ye Zhen could react, some viewers smashed their water glasses because of the excitement of the onlookers: This line is definitely not simple, CEO, tell your story!

However, Rong Chengjuan had lost interest in acting, he sighed with a wistful expression, put his resume back into Ye Zhen’s hand, and said to the interviewing employee, “Let her stay”, and walked out .

Ye Zhen: …

At eight o’clock in the evening that day, new gossip about the president of the “Internet celebrity” quietly surfaced on Weibo.

Gossip Trumpet V: Outside the name, according to industry insiders, today “Rongcheng Entertainment” interviewed new employees. Rong Chengjue went to the scene in person and recruited a certain girl to work in the company. I heard that the two have known each other for a long time.

The most right **** replied: →_→ Is it recruited to be the personal secretary of the president?

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