The Ace Producer

Chapter 24

Chapter 23 – Shopping Malls Are Like Battlefields

Fei Feiwu, as a romantic touch, is a cute girl.

So as soon as he entered the private room, the CEO lifted the alarm, but Fei Feiwu let out an “Ah”, jumped up and screamed, “Are you really together? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Still a CP true fan.

As a schoolmaster with a very decent style of painting, she probably doesn’t know what a “rotten girl” is, so Ye Zhen just smiled at the right time, then stretched out her right hand and said, “Hello, Teacher Feifeiwu, I’m Rong Ye Zhen from the Entertainment IP Development Department, it’s an honor to meet you today.”

“Hehehe,” Fei Feiwu stretched out her hand in a sly way, “Hello, Ye Zhen, can you stop calling me teacher…” She felt a lot of pressure when a female doctor called her teacher.

“Then I’ll call you Xiao Wu like your fans?”

“Okay, okay~”

“I contacted you on Weibo before…” Ye Zhen explained the purpose of coming again, and then said, “About the film and television copyright of the book “The President Can’t Be Overbearing”, I don’t know what you have on Xiao Wu’s side. Do you have any specific cooperation intentions or requirements?”

Talking about business, Fei Feiwu also changed her style of painting. She took a sip of eight-treasure tea and asked a question first: “My book is quite long, with more than four million words. Since your company wants to buy it, why don’t you buy it?” Have you finished watching it all?”

“Of course.” How could Ye Zhen not do this kind of basic homework, “If you don’t believe me, you can test me.”

“I heard that Xueba has an IQ of 148, and you still have a photographic memory. Since you read it,” Fei Feiwu felt that there was no need for him to seek abuse. What’s your opinion?”

“It’s a very popular president article. It uses a lot of classic president routines, but it doesn’t make people feel abrupt and far-fetched. Although it’s a bit Mary Sue, the audience of young girls loves it. There should be an audience base. If there is any problem, um,” Ye Zhen frowned and counted, “The plot is very repetitive, there are thirty-four misunderstandings between the male and female protagonists, and there are fifteen brainless female counterparts. The parents blocked it illogically nine times, and the hero and heroine each lost their memory once—”

“—Then,” Fei Feiwu interrupted her, “why did you buy it?”


“You are not my reader, you don’t agree with my article from the bottom of your heart, you are looking down on it and judging it,” Fei Feiwu said, “Then, why did you buy it? Because it ranks on the ranking list? A certain degree of search popularity?

Sorry, I’m not selling if that’s the case.

I only want to write for joy, and I only want to sell for my heart. “

When it came to the end, Fei Feiwu, who was accustomed to being a literati, became a little angry.

“Sorry, although I have studied applied mathematics, I don’t think the field of art can be quantified by data. I just—” She just used numbers to express it habitually, and she really didn’t know what Ye Yi liked about this book, but She couldn’t say this because Rong Chengjue was beside her.

Ye Zhen looked at Rong Chengjuan subconsciously. Rong Chengjuan thought she was asking for help, so she leaned into her ear and said, “Junior Sister, that’s not how you talk about cooperation with people in the mall~”

After finishing speaking, he put down his phone, took off his coat, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, sat up straight and said solemnly: “Ye Zhen is just interpreting her professional field. After all, this book is an IP developed by our company. In the evaluation system, the grade is only B.”

Feifeiwu became even more irritable: “What is the level? It’s just B—”

Rong Chengjue raised his hand and interrupted her: “But this does not affect our opinion that this work is worth doing. Due to the length and particularity of web serials, it is inevitable that there will be some water-filled plots in web articles. It is not a certain author. On the contrary, under such heavy creative pressure, you can still write many bright spots in this work, which is not easy.”

This sounded like that, Fei Feiwu felt a little more comfortable, and said again: “What do you think is the bright spot?”

What, Rong Chengjue gave Ye Zhen a look, signaling her to continue. No way, he really didn’t read a single word of this book.

Ye Zhen tacitly continued: “First of all, the heroine in this work is bound to a personal terminal from the future, possesses “mind reading skills”, can read everyone’s thoughts, but always delays reading the male protagonist Lord, this setting itself is very interesting.”

“Well, this is indeed my original creation~”

“Secondly, the male and female protagonists’ views on marriage and love are also different from ordinary CEO stories…”


An hour later, Ye Zhen and Rong Chengjue sang together, and finally limped Fei Feiwu, ah no, it was a fool who wanted to sell the article immediately: “Okay, I trust you, do what you say! I only have One request, I want to be the screenwriter myself, oh, and one more thing, if Xi Gu can play the male lead, then I will die without regret!”

Rong Chengjue said: “Of course we welcome the author of the original work to be a screenwriter, but scripts and novels are different forms of creation. Have you ever had any experience in writing scripts?”

“Uh, I can learn-“

“Xi Gu’s current positioning for him is to establish himself in the film industry, enter the international market, and star in girl idol dramas.” Rong Chengjue tilted his head, “It depends on whether he is particularly interested in this work~ “

“Okay, okay,” Fei Feiwu wiped away tears with heartache, “Then let’s be pragmatic, let’s talk about the film and television copyright contract first…”

Rong Chengjue continued to attack her and said, “Your work is still in the evaluation stage of the IP Development Department. If you intend to sell it, after that, we still need to go through a round of central purchasing meetings.”

Fei Feiwu was completely on the ground: “If I had known that I was not sure about anything today, I would not have made an appointment… I might as well be codewords at this time, I haven’t updated today…”

Although Rong Chengjue has completely controlled the rhythm of the negotiation, but flying around like this is not in line with Ye Zhen’s original intention. She must buy this IP, and she is also worried about being snatched by Ye Ning.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhen rubbed her palm against the edge of the table a few times anxiously, and decided to interrupt Rong Chengjue, but he stretched out his hand to envelop her – he took her hand, squeezed it lightly, and signaled her to be safe. Cao Cao, and then said to Fei Feiwu: “Who can’t be sure about anything?” He shrugged, looking very comfortable and confident, “Aren’t I sitting here?”

Fei Feiwu looked up, not knowing why.

“The above is what we say from the standpoint of the company, the following is our personal, well, you can understand it as a promise made based on our personal reputation and social wealth.

In fact, Ye Zhen likes your book very much. She wants to buy it and take the lead in this project. This is also one of the purposes of her entering the entertainment industry from the professional field, so please believe in her sincerity.

And, if you want to be a screenwriter as a writer, I can help you invite well-known screenwriters in the industry to exchange and study.

As for Xi Gu being the male lead, I can’t guarantee that he will agree, but I can guarantee that if Ye Zhen is not the producer, he will definitely not agree. Also,” Rong Chengjue lowered his head and flipped through his pockets, turned his head, retracted his aura and said to Ye Zhen, “My wallet. “

Ye Zhen took out the wallet and handed it to him. In an instant, Rong Chengjue, the CEO, Fan Er came back, tore off a check from the wallet, wrote the amount on it, signed it, and pushed it in front of Fei Feiwu.

Fei Feiwu looked down at the amount: “Five hundred thousand.” “An advance payment?”

“Sincerity money,” Rong Chengjue wrote lightly, “Since the company’s process will take some time, I will pay you 500,000 sincerity money in my own name, which is not included in the specific copyright fee. I hope you are a more sincere candidate as a writer.” Reserve the copyright for us until it comes out.”

“Okay,” Fei Feiwu drank the eight-treasure tea in the bone china cup, and said, “I don’t want the money, but I’ll eat this dog food! I’m waiting for the CEO’s girlfriend to make me “The President is Overbearing”! “

This TM definitely has a foundation for life!

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