The Ace Producer

Chapter 6

Chapter 5 – Gossip In The Crew

Knock Knock Knock—

“President, are you looking for us?”

“Well,” Rong Chengjue said with a deep expression on his face, “Mark, Matthew, I remember that you also graduated from Huada University, do you know who Ye Zhen chased after you in school?”

This kind of question: “We… don’t know…” Huada is so big, if they hadn’t heard gossip before coming here, they wouldn’t even know who the little junior sister who suddenly appeared was.

“Then go and find out.”

“Ah?” The two brothers looked at each other, “Oh.”

“Ah Zhan,” Rong Chengjue turned his attention to his special assistant again, “Help me find out who Ye Zhen has contacted in Rongcheng Entertainment, and report the detailed list to me.”

A Zhan looked up from the document and said, “Excuse me, President, how detailed?”

“Including everyone who meets her eyes!”


“Oh, by the way, there is Xigu you—” Rong Chengjuan looked around the office, and suddenly realized, “Where did Xigu go?”

“Leave with Miss Ye.”

! ! “Call this grandson back to me! Immediately, immediately!”

“Okay, let’s go.” Special assistant A Zhan put down the documents in his hand, turned around and walked out of the president’s office calmly.

Seeing this, Brother Mark also took the opportunity to back out. After Mr. Special Assistant called to inform the security downstairs that Xi Gu must be intercepted, he couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the situation now?”

“Can’t you see it?” Mr. Special Assistant raised his glasses expressionlessly, “This is the beginning of an article about a domineering president. It’s a great honor that we all have a role in it.”

“Oh, I get it, I get it,” the brothers suddenly realized, “I just said, how familiar is this feeling? Domineering presidents usually want to check the life experience of the heroine, and put it in a thick brown paper bag and throw it out. Very stylish!”

“Oh my god, isn’t our role very important?”

Different from the excitement of passers-by A, B, and C being assigned to the scene, Xi Gu is trying to jump off the throne of “suspected rival” at this time: “You ask me why I want to go with Ye Zhen? That’s because she came in my car Yes, I sent her to find you, okay?!”

“Why did she join the crew of “Treasures of the Tang Dynasty”? Isn’t it because you Jijiwaiwai didn’t want someone to join Rongcheng Entertainment, and they asked me to help, and wanted to learn something from the crew?!”

“Okay, grandson, listen to me, and I’ll repeat it for the last time!” Xi Gu put his hands on the boss’s desk and shouted to defend his integrity, “I didn’t know Ye Zhen before today! I’m not interested in my brother’s women! I don’t like her style at all!”

“Okay, okay, I believe you,” Rong Chengjue wiped the saliva on his face, didn’t he just ask a few questions, why this person is more excited than him, and, “Why don’t you like it?” Ye Zhen, what’s wrong with her?”

“Ahhh—” Xigu felt an urge to die, “Deng Deng Deng” took three steps back, threw himself on the sofa, and didn’t want to pay any more attention to this grandson.

However, the CEO still didn’t let him go, and added: “Forget it, I’m sorry for your loss of vision.”

Xi Gu shook his body stiffly, expressing that he was dead, but he couldn’t hold back, “I feel like you have been interested in him for a long time. How come I don’t know when?”

“Do you remember being out of order for a while after I first came back from England?”

“I don’t remember,” Xi Gucheng said, “You’ve always been abnormal.”


Ye Zhen naturally didn’t know about the “bloody storm” behind her. After she separated from Xigu that day, she spent another weekend at home before receiving a call from Xigu, saying that his contract with the crew of “Treasure of the Tang Dynasty” had been negotiated and that he would be filming the next day. When negotiating the contract, the producer told him that there was a vacancy for a scene reporter, which might be more suitable for a pure newcomer. He asked whether she could accept it. If she accepted, she could join him in the group report; if she didn’t want to, then she could also Directly joined the IP development department of Rongcheng Entertainment, and served as the deputy director of the department, responsible for the overall planning and analysis of big data.

Of course, the latter was notified by him on behalf of Rong Chengjue.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Ye Zhen still chose to join the film crew as an errand reporter.

The scene recorder, as the name suggests, is the person sitting behind the monitor, the recorder of the time code, the microphone of the director, and the planner of the shooting sequence.

However, there is more than one scene record for the production crew, and Ye Zhen, a newcomer, will not be able to do these big tasks. Her task is to record the details of the actors’ appearance, clothing, headgear, hand-held props, etc. for each scene, and accompany each department before the filming starts. Checking the preparations, and handing over the recorded content to various departments after the shooting starts, can be said to be a complicated, trivial, and error-prone job.

If one is not good, there will be a “bang gang” scene that is complained by the audience.

However, as a person engaged in scientific research, the most indispensable thing is endurance and observation skills. Ye Zhen quickly got started with this job, and no one even noticed that she had just entered the industry.

Gradually, she began to get acquainted with the life of the crew, and when she was free, she also took pleasure in comparing some things she found interesting, with the impressions of ordinary people, and those of the person who had passed away.

When she was young, she once asked that person what the crew was like and whether filming was fun. Unlike those artistic and romantic imaginations, the person wrinkled his nose and said disgustedly: “It’s not fun at all. The crew is like a big construction site. Producers and directors are contractors, and I am a contractor.”

Ye Zhen has never understood the meaning of the words, but now that she has experienced it herself, she finds that there is something really going on. It’s like the crew of “Treasure of the Tang Dynasty” is currently filming at a well-known film and television base in the industry. It is said to be filming, but except for some basic pavilions, many special scenes for each crew have to be built and modified by themselves, so if you climb Take a look from a high place, and you will find that the entire film and television base is a big construction site—one side is demolished and built, the other is built and demolished, there is chaos everywhere, and the style of painting is not uniform.

As for producers and directors, they are contractors, because most of the production teams are different from the established companies we know. They have great fluidity and disassembly and composition: there are group heads for group performances, and cars for teams. Costumes, props, makeup, and even the production director and finance, they all have their own relatively fixed teams and leaders. When a crew starts work, the producer and director start to code the team, and the team leaders of each department bring their members in to work. After the filming of the crew is over, each team either disperses or partners to enter the next crew.

…It really looks like a contractor.

As for whether an actor looks like a contract worker, from Ye Zhen’s point of view, this is a bit exaggerated. The more similar place is that if you are filming in the wilderness, even if you can call it a day after filming, there is nowhere to go, and there is no good food. I can only squat in the crew all day long.

“Treasure of the Tang Dynasty” is currently in the film and television base, surrounded by all kinds of livelihood facilities, so there is no such trouble, but there are other problems correspondingly, such as too many crews. Each crew has hundreds of people, and the hotel is not enough to live in. Many crew members can’t even live in a small hotel, so they have to stay in private houses. Naturally, a small story like Ye Zhen shouldn’t enjoy any special treatment, but she just arrived here and didn’t understand the rules, so she followed Xigu and stayed in the nearest super five-star hotel in a daze.

So it was properly labeled as “airborne troops”.

Most of the film crew are old people who are used to running around the rivers and lakes, so the attitude towards her is naturally neither far nor close, neither offending nor being too close to avoid getting caught. Who knows where to meet again?

Ye Zhen felt this kind of self-evident atmosphere, but she didn’t take it seriously, she usually just did her own thing well, and then went back to the hotel to do the school project after work, and it took half a month in a flash.

On this day, she handed over the record sheet to the collector as usual, then wrote the daily report, made three copies, handed one copy to another group of record handover, and then handed over the other copy to the production director There, I finally turned to the coordinator’s office, and was about to reach out and open the concealed door to hand in the third copy, when someone inside heard “Ye Yi”.

Ye Zhen’s hand paused, she took it back, and only listened to the continuation:

“…I always feel that there is something wrong with this matter, and I can’t tell. Old Wu, do you know what’s going on inside?”

“Ask me? I was good in Macau that day, but I wasn’t there,” the man called Lao Wu said in a low voice. Ken said.”

“Then there’s definitely something going on.”

“You’re not talking nonsense, otherwise it’s fine, why are they leaving!”

“No way, this is, but human life is at stake~”

“Hush, keep your voice down, you don’t want to mess around?!”

“Hey, don’t talk about it, don’t talk about it, let’s pretend that we don’t know about this kind of thing, work hard…”

Ye Zhen’s mind was blank, and she was so dazed that she didn’t know how she retreated from the coordinating office and returned to the hotel room. When she remembered again, it was already dark, and someone was filming her madly door.

After staring at the door for a while, she realized that she should open the door, so she got up from the ground, staggered towards the door, turned the lock left and right a few times, and then opened the door.

Xiaolin, the coordinator assistant at the door, said, “What’s the matter with you? Do you know what time it is? You didn’t hand over the schedule to the coordinator, so you ran back to sleep? Why, it’s great to have a backstage!”

Hearing the word “coordinating”, Ye Zhen looked up at her reflexively, with messy long hair, red eyes and pale complexion, she appeared a bit fierce and gloomy for no reason in the dark room, Xiaolin couldn’t help it He took half a step back, but still said loudly: “I’m here to get the daily report, give it to me when you’re done!”

“Wait a minute.” Ye Zhen replied hoarsely, turned around and searched for the daily report slowly in the room, without even knowing to turn on the light. Floating back, he handed it to her and said, “I’m sorry, today I—”

“Pa—” Before she finished speaking, Xiaolin grabbed the schedule and ran away, as if there was a ghost behind her.

“…” seemed to frighten her.

With the light of the corridor, Ye Zhen glanced at herself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and wanted to smile a little, but she couldn’t smile after all. After closing the door, turning on the light, she habitually put her hand into her pocket to touch the playing card. Gently, again and again, after a long time, she slowly took the card out of her pocket.

Under the light, the most conspicuous thing on the card is not the clown representing the “Wang” card, but the word “Ye Yi”, which stands out on the back of the paper.

“Before I came, I thought I was thinking too much…”

I didn’t expect, huh—

Thinking of this, Ye Zhen finally smiled, but that smile was more sad than crying.

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