The Actor and His Sister Are Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 108

Chapter 108 season finale

Chapter 108 Finale

The choice was just a moment, and Chu Xiaoyi analyzed himself and weighed the pros and cons for a long time, but at this moment, he had to admit his true ideas.

Of course, he looked at his smug sister, and did not say anything to thank her for her guidance, but wanted to rub her wildly!

Chu Xiaoyi: What does it mean that I don’t understand Chu Xiaoyi?


Chu Xiaoyi just couldn’t see her sluggish appearance, he immediately geared up to fix her, and muttered: “Who did you learn this set of words from…”

When Chu Xiaoxiao saw this, she fled in a hurry, still quite dissatisfied: “Aren’t you can’t afford to lose!”

Fearing that he would **** the research materials, Chu Xiaoxiao slid into her room, taking small steps quickly.

Chu Xiaoyi caught up with her and frightened her two steps, and was amused when she saw her retracting into the room quickly and vigilantly.

He sat back on the sofa, and once he accepted his heart, the rest was much easier.

He Xin received the call. He heard the artist’s choice and confirmed again: “Really?

But you don’t even have an offer right now, right?

Enrollment can be delayed even if there is an offer. ”

Chu Xiaoyi: “This is not only a question of going to school, but also a period of adjustment I plan for myself.”

He Xin: “Adjustment period?”

Chu Xiaoyi smiled: “Yes, during the adjustment period of life, do you remember that I told you that Director Chen said that if I want to play a good show, do I have to learn in life?”

“I didn’t understand what he meant at the time. In fact, thinking about it now, I have no life after I debuted. I was taken care of by you so much, and I was praised by the fans so high that it seemed to be living in a vacuum.”

Chu Xiaoyi confessed, “I do love this job, but I keep running on, almost forgetting the original direction.”

If Chu Xiaoyi did not have persistence and love, he would not be able to hold on for that long, but when he entered the big dye tank of the entertainment circle, he was inevitably affected by the surrounding environment.

He will be discredited by people, vying for resources, competing for data and commercial value, and there can never be a moment to stop in anxiety, and he will always be carried forward.

He wants to adjust a bit now, and continues to run down after receiving the scene from Director He. If he encounters better resources later, wouldn’t it be that he will continue to run year after year, and there is still no end.

Who can guarantee that after a year or two, he will not encounter similar things again?

Secular success is endless, but life is more than just these.

Chu Xiaoyi didn’t have the ability before. He could only rush forward desperately, still in the stage of running around for food and clothing, but now he has the ability and wants to control the power to press the pause button for himself.

Studying abroad or filming is never a choice. He chooses one between his own life and his life.

He could only be dominated by life before, but he now has the opportunity to choose, and he is still led by life, which is a bit daunting.

He Xin regretted: “But this is really a good opportunity…”

Chu Xiaoyi comforted with a grin: “Don’t worry, what I plan for myself is to retire at the age of 80, and there are countless good opportunities in the future.

The short adjustment period now is to run farther, write better songs, and shoot better scenes in the future. Maybe when I am 80 years old, you will have to run your schedule everywhere! ”

He Xin said decisively: “That’s impossible.”

Chu Xiaoyi was immediately dissatisfied: “Can you have a little confidence in me? I think it’s okay for me to be 80 years old…”

He Xin: “No, I can never finish my work. My plan is to retire at the age of fifty. I will go home and take my granddaughter at that time. Who wants to take you?”

Chu Xiaoyi: “?”

Chu Xiaoyi: “Are you sixty years old anyway?”

He Xin: “Too tired, I have to lose my life. Since I have worked with you, I have been very intensive.”

He Xin must admit that Chu Xiaoyi hasn’t rested since he debuted. The other party is a superman. The recent break is a three-month English assault. In the past, he was often assigned to work even during the Spring Festival.

Now that Chu Xiaoyi has said that studying abroad is not only studying abroad, but also a buffer and adjustment of his life, He Xin no longer has any opinions, and now only the means of refusal are left.

Chu Xiaoyi thought about it for a while. Taking into account Director He’s position, he simply asked Director Chen humbly for advice.

The relationship between the two great directors is pretty good. Director Chen may have more ideas and know how to decline it.

When Director Chen heard the ins and outs, he couldn’t help being surprised: “He Xiangqi asked you to go filming, but you want to decline?

What are you rejecting? No need to reject it! ”

Chu Xiaoyi: “No, Director Chen, I plan to study abroad…”

Director Chen: “You can go to study abroad! If he can find all the investment, I will lose. Just like his prodigal, he may not be able to start the machine after you graduate!”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…” What do you mean by that?

Director Chen shouldn’t be too familiar with Director He. He Xiangqi is an honest type of filming. He himself doesn’t like investing and will not embezzle money. The production budget he wants is practical, but it is also much more practical. !

Director He happily completes his artistic ideals every time he shoots, but whether the investor makes money or not is a metaphysics.

When the film and television industry was booming, countless hot money poured into it, and naturally some people were willing to pay for Director He.

Now that the industry environment is so bad and Director He is a well-known capital killer, businessmen have become afraid to take risks.

Director Chen will think about the box office and capital when filming, and Director He will only consider art when filming. Who can stand it?

Director Chen made suggestions for Chu Xiaoyi, and asked him not to refuse first. After a while, there will naturally be results.

Chu Xiaoyi: “I’m a junior, isn’t this bad…”

Director Chen: “It’s okay, he has a good temper, he just spends money fiercely!”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…” Also, there is so much money to make every time you shoot, can you have a bad temper?

Sure enough, Chu Xiaoyi only delayed his reply for a week, and the Director He team sent a message, euphemistically saying that the start-up would be postponed, which may be later than the originally agreed schedule.

He Xiangqi was kind of embarrassed. He made a special trip to apologize to Chu Xiaoyi: “I’m sorry, there was a problem with the management. At first, one family left. After I found another one, I left the family inexplicably and came back and went to get together. Irregular…”

Generally speaking, the production team plays according to the budget. However, Daoshi He refuses to be pressured by others. If he wants to meet his production costs, he needs multiple joint investment. Naturally, there will be various things.

The funds in front of him only reach the stage of script incubation, and the real start-up requires a large sum of money, which is not a small number.

If it was Director Chen, he might think of a way to start the machine with these companies, but Director He had a different personality. He had to collect funds, otherwise it would be a flawed art!

When Chu Xiaoyi heard about the money that Director He wanted, he felt choked for an instant, and he understood the feelings of the employer.

He suddenly felt that going to school is more reliable than filming He’s guide. This project does and requires time and money, so he comforted: “It’s okay, it’s okay, you don’t have to worry, there is time…”

Chu Xiaoyi: Maybe it will be delayed until I graduate.

Director He originally wanted to place a deposit with Chu Xiaoyi first. He didn’t want to slap the young actor with a shot, but Chu Xiaoyi didn’t ask for the money.

The two agreed to talk later. Although Director He promised that he would get the funds right away, what Chu Xiaoyi thought in his heart was “Don’t say goodbye, it’s okay to slow down,” and the matter was finally put off in a harmonious atmosphere.

The following days were calm and calm. While finishing the remaining work, Chu Xiaoyi received offers from the school one after another, and began to formally plan to study abroad.

He also checked the scenic spots near the university. In addition to Universal Studios, he planned to go to places with rich music culture alone to feel the exotic artistic atmosphere.

Chu Xiaoyi applied for a major in film and television production. On the one hand, his resume and recommendation letter are suitable. On the other hand, he has the opportunity to contact the music major after enrollment, but it is unlikely to be exposed to film and television in a pure music college.

Inside the Yurongtai, Chu Xiaoyi scanned the page boredly, checking whether there was any new mail received.

He clicked on an email and waited until he could see the sender and the content. Then he showed an incredible expression and said, “I’ve been hit!”

Chu Xiaoxiao was originally sitting next to her brother. She was startled by his sudden voice, her small heart almost popped out of her throat, her eyes widened and said, “…What?”

Chu Xiaoyi turned his head to look at her, his face full of joy, he grasped his sister’s shoulder and shared excitedly: “I’ve been shot! I’ve been shot! I’ve been shot!”

Chu Xiaoxiao was stunned by his elder brother, thinking that he was afraid of being wicked?

Chu Xiaoyi is like the crazy Fan Jin in “Fan Jinzhongju” because he climbed to a school that he didn’t dare to think about.

Although Chu Xiaoyi has gradually received offers recently, he didn’t expect that he would be able to climb higher and take another step.

When the two children made up their minds in the tea room at the beginning, he applied for them one after another. Who would have thought that he would be admitted!

Chu Xiaoyi suddenly hugged his sister, he only felt his arms around the lucky koi, and he was about to cry sincerely: “I finally have to go to school, you can buy everything you want when you go to Universal Studios!”

Chu Xiaoxiao was so hugged by him that she couldn’t breathe, she could only make a vague voice, muttering: I want you to go away)…”

Of course, Chu Xiaoyi did not forget the other party, the gold and silver jewelry and magic props he promised to his sister Universal Studios (?

), and also handed to Liang Shuangqi something good.

The two made an appointment at the entrance of the small courtyard, and Liang Shuangqi naturally felt quite puzzled when he retrieved the news of Xiao Xiao’s brother.

After he saw Chu Xiaoyi, he couldn’t help but spit out: “Brother, I just found out that you keep plagiarizing Xiao Xiao’s avatar?”

Liang Shuangqi exchanged WeChat with each other when recommending members of the orchestra, but because the two sides rarely communicated, they did not pay attention to Chu Xiaoyi’s dynamics.

He has only discovered that Chu Xiaoyi is a scholar, how come his avatar always imitates Chu Xiaoxiao’s style?

What’s wrong with this?

Chu Xiaoxiao always uses animation or movie characters as his avatar, and Chu Xiaoyi will deliberately change with her, and she is often so angry that the little girl wants to beat people. This is regarded as his evil hobby!

Chu Xiaoyi faced the condemned gaze of the little devil, he said hurriedly: “Hey, what is plagiarism? We are brothers and sisters. It is a matter between brothers and sisters, that can be called plagiarism!”

“Okay, this thing is for you, I said it was for you last time.”

Chu Xiaoyi turned off the topic immediately, and handed the small box in his hand to Liang Shuangqi.

Liang Shuangqi took the box curiously. The box was not too big, and it contained small badge-like things.

He read the above text clearly, and suddenly showed a look of surprise. He changed his spitting attitude just now, looked at Chu Xiaoyi with bright eyes, and said, “Brother…”

Chu Xiaoyi guessed Liang Shuangqi’s reaction early, and he patted the other party’s shoulder leisurely, and said in a serious manner: “I’m going to study abroad. While I’m abroad, I hope you can take on this honor.”

Liang Shuangqi cherished the box and said seriously: “I will.”

Chu Xiaoyi said with satisfaction: “If there are any problems, feel free to send a message to contact me, and I will help my successor without reservation.”

Chu Xiaoyi felt that his strategy was too clever. He turned the enemy into a friendly army without a trace, and was able to protect his cabbage while studying abroad.

Although he can’t keep an eye on his younger sister’s growth, he can still grasp the situation as long as he has a spy eyeliner.

Liang Shuangqi asked humbly: “Then can I also plagiarize the portrait of Xiao Xiao now?”

Chu Xiaoyi thought that the two heads had the same style of painting, and he immediately said: “…no.”

Liang Shuangqi was a little strange: “But you just said clearly…”

Chu Xiaoyi: “No, yes, yes, let me give you a set of induction training first, you should love your post and work hard, and you can’t guard yourself against stealing!”

Chu Xiaoyi: If you are a tool man, you must have the attitude of a tool man. How can you still think about stealing cabbage?


Chu Xiaoyi buckled Liang Shuangqi and came to the storm training, and then set countless rules with a thousand warnings. Only then did he feel a little relieved and felt that he could go to study abroad.

Liang Shuangqi was so dizzy by him that he finally couldn’t help but said in a daze: “How do I feel that I am worse than before?”

Is this different from what I imagined?

Chu Xiaoyi focused on brainwashing: “The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, of course this job is not easy to do.”

Of course, Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t know the private meeting between Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi. During her holiday, she went to Universal Studios with her cheap brother. After spending a good time with Destin and Meili, she finally ushered in the day of farewell.

The family took the opportunity of Chu Xiaoyi to go to school, and they traveled abroad together for the first time, leaving many precious memories.

Chu Xiaoyi didn’t have time to travel with his family in the past, and finally made up the long-missing photo of the family of four during this vacation, which was a pity.

Now, Chu Xiaoxiao is going back to China with his parents, and only Chu Xiaoyi is here waiting for the start of school.

At the airport, Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi hugged and bid farewell to their eldest son, but Chu Xiaoxiao couldn’t walk back and forth.

She followed her parents blankly for two steps, and couldn’t help but look back at Chu Xiaoyi behind her, as if it were a little difficult to make a decision.

Chu Xiaoyi saw her hesitating, he suddenly softened his heart, chased a few steps forward, squatted down and said in relief: “Hey, knowing that you can’t bear your brother, I’ll be back in a few months. You use a fake first. Let’s take care of the goods.”

Chu Xiaoxiao was a little sad at this time, she curled her lips, and said with an urn voice: “What?”

Seeing her eyes red, Chu Xiaoyi squeezed her cheek and smiled softly: “Secret.”

Chu Xiaoxiao’s tone was rare to hear him, but she finally did not hold it back, and she shed a sparkling tear.

In the bright airport lobby, the brothers and sisters reluctantly bid farewell in a foreign country. They carefully agreed on the time for the next reunion, but Chu Xiaoxiao’s sad mood lasted only three days after returning home.

“Wow, Chu Xiaoxiao, don’t you know how heartbreaking and tragic you cried that day? I almost thought I was going to be unable to leave. I cried so much that my parents and I didn’t dare to take any further steps. Do you want to listen? Listening to my crying, I still recorded a large section at the time, and listen to how embarrassed I was…”

In Yurongtai, Chu Xiaoxiao was talking to his cheap brother who was far away, and for a time he wanted to hang up his voice expressionlessly to stop his endless slander.

She collapsed and cried gaffefully at the airport at the time, but she didn’t know the black history left behind for a lifetime.

Chu Xiaoyi hugged her to persuade her in a low voice, but secretly clicked on the phone’s recording button, recording everything with a heart-hearted heart!

Chu Xiaoxiao: This is what my brother did! No, my brother can be so shameless!

Chu Xiaoxiao said indifferently: “I am not ashamed. You will be ashamed when you fail your course at the end of the term.”

Chu Xiaoyi has just returned to study now, he has not yet adapted to the course, and is desperately adjusting.

Chu Xiaoyi was suddenly weak, and muttered: “It’s still early to the end of the term…”

Chu Xiaoxiao fought back angrily: “Maybe when I am admitted to university, you haven’t graduated from university. You have postponed for several years, just like Brother Meili!”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…” The heart was pierced, the old girl was pierced, and I was scared to study quickly.

The two brothers and sisters exchanged words in a nutritious manner. Chu Xiaoxiao ended the call with a bit of sorrow. She is now adapting to the state of her brother studying abroad.

When Chu Xiaoyi returned to China again, he would have to wait until the holiday in a few months. Although he often mentioned finding someone to replace him, Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t understand what he was talking about.

Until the beginning of school, Chu Xiaoxiao saw the badge worn by Liang Shuangqi. She showed a very subtle expression and hesitated: “Brother Qiqi, what is this?”

Liang Shuangqi straightened the badge, showing his professional attitude like a service person, and said: “Hello Xiao Xiao, as the agent of’Brother Xiao Xiao’, I will officially take up the post today and perform his unfinished duties on behalf of his former colleague.”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “…” It turns out that my brother can still be in a position, and it is actually a shift system?


Chu Xiaoxiao said in disbelief, “But the job responsibilities of’Xiao Xiao Brother Agent’ are…”

Liang Shuangqi: “Be an excellent leek, an excellent tool man, and an excellent brother.”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “?”

When Liang Shuangqi saw her lost, his eyes were serious, and he said leisurely: “So my former colleague asked me to tell Xiao Xiao that although he is temporarily abroad for a few months, you don’t need to be sad at home because the’Xiao Xiao brother agent’ is still performing his duties.”

Chu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment. How could you know that Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi deliberately made them happy before they designed this one.

As a seven-year-old kid, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed and couldn’t help but whispered secretly: “Are you three and a half years old…”

Chu Xiaoxiao: I want to be twice as mature as you.

Under the bright sunshine, the laughter of the little girl and the little boy Tongzhen reverberated and reverberated under the blue sky. They talked and laughed forward, walking side by side for a long time.

(End of text)

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