The Actor and His Sister Are Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Chapter Thirty Two

Chu Xiaoyi was almost dying of anger by his sister. He felt that his eyeshadow was slightly thick, but he did not use exaggerated colors, only the smudged area was larger.

This is also impossible. The makeup of the magazine hard photos is originally different from the daily makeup, and he has taken the lens too close, so it is naturally clear on the screen.

Of course, the staff in the makeup team is afraid that they will have to fry the pan after listening. If the eyeshadow is the same as the “eye baba”, what kind of profession is a makeup artist?

Chu Xiaoyi took the phone farther and asked, “What about now?”

Chu Xiaoxiao was puzzled: “Isn’t the key to wipe it clean?

Why do you want to take a remote phone? ”

Chu Xiaoxiao: What can’t my brother do? He won the first place.

Chu Xiaoyi: “I said it was eyeshadow, if you talk nonsense, I will beat your **** for your parents!”

Chu Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows lightly, taking his brother’s words completely to his ears, always thinking that he was a noisy Chihuahua.

The cheap brother is ranting frantically every day, but he has no attack power at all.

She now knows a little bit of sophistication. The most powerful person in the family is her mother. Xiao Bi speaks softly and softly, but can restrain others with a single word.

Chu Xiaoxiao has always seriously underestimated his brother’s appearance, so he doesn’t understand his weird makeup and fashion.

There may be strange filters between the brothers and sisters, and Chu Xiaoxiao can’t see what Chu Xiaoyi looks good anyway.

Even though the choreographers and sisters who carried Xiao Hei repeatedly praised his brother’s appearance, Chu Xiaoxiao only regarded them as being polite and unwilling to speak badly about his brother in front of him.

Chu Xiaoyi was dull for a while, he suddenly remembered the business of the call, and carefully probed: “By the way, do you want to record the show…”

Chu Xiaoxiao curiously asked, “Have we recorded twice?”

What else do you want?

Of course, Chu Xiaoxiao has never seen the finished film of “Generations in Our Family”. She has no interest in the daily chores of the family, and there is not enough time for watching cartoons. There is no free time to watch variety shows.

She now occasionally gets sleepy while watching TV series, and the movies she is interested in are also magical themes such as “Harry Potter”.

Chu Xiaoyi whispered: “It’s not the feeling we recorded at home, but other strangers on the scene.

If you are not interested, I can just let my father attend, and the studio is also very boring. ”

Chu Xiaoyi was anxious that Chu Xiaoxiao refused, but he didn’t want to take her to the studio at all, but Director Li and others tried desperately to lobby.

Chu Xiaoxiao is now very popular on the Internet, but her family keeps her at a moderate distance from the Internet, lest outside discussion affect her growth.

The Internet is a gathering place for countless fierce speeches, whether you like it or hate it, it’s vividly expressed here.

However, the reality is a more peaceful and expansive world, which will not violently gather information fragments, and Chu Xiaoxiao’s life has not been disturbed by the program.

Many stormy events on the Internet are like stones thrown into the water in reality, and it is even difficult to splash ripples.

Director Li meant that Chu Xiaoxiao just showed up in the studio, and he remained as usual after returning home, unaffected at all, but Chu Xiaoyi was hesitant in his heart.

After all, the recordings in Yurongtai are from my own family, but other celebrities will be encountered in the studio, and the environment becomes more complicated.

Chu Xiaoyi discussed the matter with his parents. Their suggestion was to refer to the young daughter’s opinion, and she would not go if she didn’t want to.

Chu Xiaoxiao said casually: “I can.”

Seeing that she agreed easily, Chu Xiaoyi couldn’t help being surprised: “You are so easy to talk?

Shouldn’t you think more about it? ”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “But Dad is also very busy, right? I’m fine if I don’t go to the kindergarten. What will happen if Dad doesn’t go to the company?”

Chu Xiaoyi hesitated: “…Is our dad busy?”

Every time he went home, he only saw his father cooking, naturally he didn’t understand Chu Jiadong’s trajectory, and when he discussed with his parents, his father did not raise any objections.

Chu Xiaoxiao frowned immediately, and condemned dissatisfiedly: “Of course, every time you come back, you are around you. You must feel that we are not busy.”

Chu Xiaoyi is the one who spends the least time at home. He is free almost only during the recording of the show. This is also impossible.

Family members always accommodate his schedule. Of course, he can’t feel the busyness of his parents, unlike Chu Xiaoxiao who is at home every day.

His parents would not confess the truth to Chu Xiaoyi, but Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t feel pressure to say it.

She wasn’t complaining to her elder brother, but the two were of the same generation, and they didn’t have much worries about speaking.

Chu Xiaoyi was taken aback when he heard the words, and he thought about it seriously. Indeed, his parents would show up when he was at home, but his sister occasionally ran out to play for a while.

These inconspicuous little details are everywhere in life, so that people have been paralyzed, and always feel that parents will always wait for you at home.

In fact, Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi have their own work and life, and they are just silently giving in to their busy son.

Chu Xiaoyi had an unspeakable soreness in his nose, and he ridiculed himself forcibly: “You are so busy, are you still willing to come?

Isn’t this giving you trouble? ”

“How can a family be so small!”

Chu Xiaoxiao waved his small hand and said openly, “Besides, it is not easy for you to find a job, of course you can’t be ignored.”

Chu Xiaoyi knew his sister’s misunderstanding of herself, and said: “…Actually, my job is really good.”

Although Chu Xiaoyi explained her job many times to her sister and showed her the number of Weibo followers, she still doesn’t know how powerful her brother is.

Chu Xiaoxiao’s careers are still limited, let alone the concept of a star idol, her idol is still a paper man in anime.

When Chu Xiaoxiao faced her brother’s consecutive Amway, she once asked sincerely: “Are you more famous than Page?”

Chu Xiaoyi was questioned unexpectedly, and he finally said aggrieved: “…No.”

After all, Peppa is a pink pig that has spread all over the world, and he has not achieved such a high achievement in his career.

“Oh -” Chu Xiaoxiao immediately showed an unpredictable look, she dragged the long key to answer, obviously no longer interested in it.

Chu Xiaoyi: “…” Who would have expected him to lose to a pig?

Now that Chu Xiaoxiao agreed to record, Chu Xiaoyi was not good at evading Director Li, so she had to ask Xiao Bi to ask her sister for a day off.

On the day of the recording, He Xin sent a car to pick up the two brothers and sisters. He greeted Chu Xiaoxiao enthusiastically: “Xiao Xiao, long time no see, do you remember me?”

Chu Xiaoxiao had a little impression of He Xin. He always followed his brother cheap. It is said that he would also exploit Chu Xiaoyi’s money, but he had a very good attitude towards Chu Xiaoxiao.

She nodded obediently, and said, “Hello.”

Today, Chu Xiaoyi was sitting in the back seat with his sister. Due to the long journey time, he put Chu Xiaoxiao in the child safety chair and stretched out his hand to tie her tightly.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that his elder brother was in a normal mood, and his state looked a little tight, which was completely different from the leisure and relaxation at home.

Speaking of which, Chu Xiaoxiao had never seen Chu Xiaoyi at work, and he would never be serious in her heart.

Although she has seen Chu Xiaoyi in a TV series, she has never seen Chu Xiaoyi in a TV series.

The first time Chu Xiaoyi took his sister to work, he was inevitably more anxious than before and asked: “Are you sure the guests on the show?”

He Xin sighed deeply in the co-pilot, and said helplessly: “Ancestor, I sent you yesterday, you have asked it eight hundred times.”

Chu Xiaoyi took out his mobile phone blankly, like a goldfish that lost his memory: “Is there?”

He Xin: “Why are you more nervous than usual?

You will affect Xiao Xiao’s mood. ”

He Xin is no stranger to Chu Xiaoyi’s working state. It is rare for his own artist to have a naive state in “Our Generations”. Most of the time, the other party has a tight string, and there is no moment of relaxation.

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned when he heard the words, he quickly turned his head to look at Chu Xiaoxiao, only to find that she had already closed her eyes and fell asleep, completely careless.

With her little head turned to one side, she slept comfortably in the child seat, her long eyelashes hanging down, and her small mouth closed.

Chu Xiaoyi looked at her peaceful face, feeling a lot softer, no longer anxious.

He immediately acted like a brother, and decisively took out his mobile phone to take pictures of Chu Xiaoxiao: “Leave an ugly picture to laugh at her.”

He Xin: “…” Please be your own person.

Chu Xiaoxiao finally arrived at the studio in her sleep. She was hugged out of the car by Chu Xiaoyi in a daze, still in a half-dream and half-awake state.

Chu Xiaoyi was wearing a black mask. He directly pushed her little head into his arms, wrapped his sister tightly, strode through the fan-intensive area and entered the door without stopping at all.

Even though the studio is located in an extremely remote suburb, there are still countless fans squatting here just to see the stars.

Other artists would stop to communicate with fans, but Chu Xiaoyi took his younger sister and did not dare to stay. Fortunately, his indifferent attitude was well-known in the circle, and now he is not even considered a black spot.

Chu Xiaoyi left a classic essay, once bluntly saying to his fans, “None of us should have high expectations of each other”, and caused many big fans to step back, saying that he completely ignored the mood of fans.

To be honest, Chu Xiaoyi’s character is not black spots now, the reason is that it is as bad as black charcoal, how can a person discredit a piece of black charcoal?

This is obviously impossible.

Passersby fans are not too lazy to mention Chu Xiaoyi’s character now. They watch dramas and engage in data in silence. Because the expectations are too low, they are really tricky and like it for a long time.

The professional blacks dance fiercely, catching Chu Xiaoyi’s mistakes will infinitely magnify it, but too many times can make people aesthetically tired. In fact, people outside the circle don’t care at all.

Except for fans and sunspots, as long as Chu Xiaoyi does not commit political issues at the national level, no one has the leisure to stare at him every day.

This makes Chu Xiaoyi a special presence in the circle. It seems that many people can’t understand him, but no one can kill him, making the sunspots jump with anger.

The personnel in the recording studio became complicated in an instant. There were many stars who participated in the recording today. Chu Xiaoyi and others were first brought into a dressing room.

Chu Xiaoyi put Chu Xiaoxiao in her arms on the chair, and she was still stunned when she saw her, planning to see Director Li alone.

He turned his head and said to He Xin: “I’ll go find Director Li.”

He Xin: “I’ll go with you.”

Chu Xiaoyi resolutely refused: “You are looking at her here.”

He Xin: “The assistants are still…”

Chu Xiaoyi said stiffly: “No, you just look at her here!”

Chu Xiaoyi didn’t want to hug her sister out to cause riots, and was afraid that she would encounter problems in the dressing room, so naturally she wanted to send the most trusted person to stay guard.

He Xin felt that his artist was overly sensitive, and there were no scourges nearby. Could anyone rush out and take Chu Xiaoxiao away?

But he didn’t want to be true to Chu Xiaoyi, so he honestly shut up.

After Chu Xiaoyi left, Chu Xiaoxiao gradually calmed down. She looked around and looked forward: “Where is my brother?”

“He went to talk to the director and will be back soon. Do you want to drink water?”

He Xin asked with concern, “Does Xiao Xiao want to eat fruit?

Do you feel hungry? ”

Chu Xiaoyi’s team has a large number of people, and the life assistants have already prepared what they need, and everyone’s work pace is extremely fast.

He Xin unscrewed the mineral water bottle for Chu Xiaoxiao, handed it to the little girl, and looked at her with small mouthfuls.

The space in the dressing room was quite large, and there was a messy sound from the door, and a group of people pushed the door and wanted to come in.

The leading staff stared at He Xin and others for a moment, and hurriedly bowed their heads to apologize: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

The door of the dressing room did not put the name of the star inexplicably, causing the staff to accidentally enter the wrong door, and the other party quickly wanted to take the artist behind him back.

Because the program group is not resident here, it is inevitable that there will be negligence in the background details, which is also quite common.

The staff closed the door halfway, but Yang Chang behind him excitedly said, “Isn’t this Xiao Xiao?

I like you so much! ”

Yang Chang had no impression of Chu Xiaoyi’s agent, but he had watched the “Generations in Our Family” program and immediately recognized the little girl in the chair.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the strange man in front of him, and couldn’t tell whether he was an older brother or an uncle. Although he was extremely enthusiastic, his inner emotional color was greatly reduced.

But now she has gradually learned the ability to control and will not immediately use emotional colors to draw conclusions.

He Xin didn’t expect that Yang Chang would not leave, but the other party rushed to Chu Xiaoxiao, expressing his affection for her, and wanted to take a photo with Chu Xiaoxiao.

Chu Xiaoxiao still doesn’t know the popularity that the show brings to her. She doesn’t quite understand why Yang Chang wants to take a group photo. She looks a little bit surprised and confused.

He Xin is not Chu Xiaoxiao’s parent, his own name is not righteous, and it is harder to stop the move, watching Yang Chang pick up the phone.

Yang Chang’s hands were quick and quick. He quickly took out his phone and immediately called up the camera app to take a group photo, but suddenly he heard a male voice at the door: “What’s the matter?”

Chu Xiaoyi came in with frowning brows. He felt that something was wrong when he saw a group of people at the entrance of the dressing room. He rushed back and saw Yang Chang holding his mobile phone when he entered the room.

Yang Chang was only one step away, but now he can only put down his phone and ask Chu Xiaoyi to warm up.

The two had never met before, but people in the entertainment industry have always been able to act. Chu Xiaoyi switched his business attitude with one click. He showed a bright and false smile, only for the brothers to slap Yang Chang on the shoulders and tout each other. The performance of the other party’s work.

Yang Chang said warmly: “I saw your family on the show, your sister is so cute!”

Chu Xiaoyi politely said: “Thank you, thank you, the children look cute, but they are actually very naughty at home…”

Chu Xiaoyi dealt with Yang Chang and the others. He didn’t wear a microphone yet, and when the door was heavily buttoned, he immediately changed his face.

His expression sank for an instant, his eyes were slightly cold, and he said unceremoniously: “You rude fellow.”

He Xin touched his nose, weakly said: “You should pay attention when you speak…” Even though the room is all his own, Chu Xiaoyi is too unconquerable.

When Chu Xiaoyi saw the agent, he lost his anger in an instant, and said angrily: “I let you stay here, just stand next to her and pretend to be dead?”

Chu Xiaoyi saw Yang Chang rush to Chu Xiaoxiao, he was almost disgusted, but fortunately he rushed back in time and didn’t let the other party succeed.

He Xin was bitter and couldn’t tell, embarrassed: “He moved too fast, besides, he still shouted like Xiao Xiao…”

Chu Xiaoyi sneered: “He used to love rubbing other people’s heat. I can’t care about it, but I can’t rub my sister.”

Yang Chang is a famous person who plays with who is red, and eagerly wants to take a photo with Chu Xiaoxiao, just because he wants to post it on the Internet.

Chu Xiaoyi was very careful, so he didn’t allow outsiders to take advantage of his younger sister, and he won the relationship because she was a child.

Chu Xiaoxiao was curious: “Why does he rub me?

He just wants to take a photo with me? ”

Chu Xiaoxiao: My brother started talking nonsense again, full of unintelligible words.

Chu Xiaoyi didn’t want to explain the complicated human feelings to her. He rubbed her little head and said simply, “If you are an adult, don’t interrupt your child.”

If it was something else, Chu Xiaoyi would definitely explain it to her, but he didn’t want to instill messy things into his sister, so he offered the parents’ all-purpose excuse.

Chu Xiaoxiao curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and heard Chu Xiaoyi continue to condemn He Xin. He seemed to be extremely upset with the agent’s negligence.

He Xin hurriedly said: “Yes, yes, young master, it was me who was too late to **** you and betrayed your trust…”

Chu Xiaoyi: “You know it.”

He Xin: “Do you count as being bitten by a snake once and fearing the ropes for ten years. Because you have fallen once before, you overreact every time?

What if someone is a good person? ”

He Xin knew what happened to Chu Xiaoyi in the past, and of course he understood the reason for his excessive vigilance, but he did not expect that his guard was transferred to Chu Xiaoxiao’s body and magnified ten times, which was even more suffocating.

Chu Xiaoyi’s attitude was cold and hard when he defended himself, and he was in a tight fighting state when defending his sister, which was more terrifying than before.

“It’s not called overreaction. Don’t make me laugh as many good people can be in the circle.”

Chu Xiaoyi’s words were taunting. He picked up Chu Xiaoxiao in the chair, simply let her sit on his lap, and decided to sit down himself.

Chu Xiaoyi: “You show me the deskbook. They will definitely have to ask her a lot. I’ll check it out first.”

He Xin handed the Taiwanese notebook to Chu Xiaoyi, and at the same time gave Chu Xiao Xiaobi thumbs up, jokingly said: “Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, you are really amazing. I will be the agent of superstar, and superstar will be your agent. Afraid it is not a supermoon, a super moon surrounded by superstars?”

He Xin was completely convinced by Chu Xiaoyi. He didn’t care about his notebooks so much. Now he is busy reviewing the notebooks for his sister?

Chu Xiaoxiao: “?”

What tongue twister is this?

Chu Xiaoxiao couldn’t understand their dumb riddles, but she was not free when she was held by her brother, and suggested, “Can’t we sit separately?”

Chu Xiaoyi experienced the incident of Yang Chang accidentally breaking into it, and he wanted to transform into an adult kangaroo and take Chu Xiaoxiao away in his pocket, for fear that there would be demons and ghosts again.

He didn’t get angry: “I’m your chair, and you’re not my chair, so how come there are so many complaints?”

Chu Xiao Xiaoyi said righteously: “You are not an emperor penguin, nor am I a penguin egg, you can’t always think about incubating me!”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…”

Chu Xiaoyi could only put her on the chair next to him, and said, “Yes, you incubate yourself…”

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