The Actor and His Sister Are Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Chapter Forty Two

Naturally, the sausages snatched by the big yellow dog cannot continue to be eaten. Fortunately, the program team also has a box lunch for the staff.

After the meal is over, mix the leftovers with the chopped sausages and let the wild cats and dogs have a full meal.

The cats and dogs in the country are not picky eaters at all. They all seem to be hungry and eat hungrily.

After the meal, the staff were fully armed to catch cats and dogs. The crowd let them eat a full meal and arrested them on the spot.

Behind the scenes, Chu Xiaoyi smiled complacently: “A dog of this size is too dangerous, so it’s better to send it for an injection and wait for adoption.”

Although the old principal and the guardian said that big yellow dogs do not hurt people and just like to steal things, it is still strange to allow large dogs to run around on campus.

The old principal didn’t stop everyone’s actions. Instead, he smiled emotionally: “It’s good, let’s find a home for them. After the school is merged, there will be no one on this campus.”

These cats and dogs were originally gathered because of the school cafeteria. When the old campus is completely abandoned, they will have to run around to find new base areas. It is better to ask the program team to ask if anyone in the local area is willing to adopt them.

Director Li learned the news after eating, and suggested to Chu Xiaoyi: “Rhubarb has a good relationship with you, otherwise you will adopt it?”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…You mean evil fate, right?”

Chu Jiadong looked at the big yellow dog that was caught obediently and did not resist. He also felt that the dog was clever, and smiled: “We can’t raise a large dog over there. Otherwise, let it go to your cousin’s house. Your cousin loves to raise it. dog.”

The big yellow dog is obviously a clever and slick guy. It feels like it is not an enemy of a large number of staff. It simply accepts the arrest and has not acted aggressively.

The wild cats were quite upset, and they resisted quite loudly, but they were all taken away by the staff in the end.

Chu Xiaoyi heard the terrible cat cry and suggested to Chu Xiaoxiao: “You let them be quiet?”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “I can’t make them quiet, they don’t listen to me anymore.”

The wild cats were suddenly caught and deceived, and now even the child Chu Xiaoxiao is unwilling to talk to him, and he is very vigilant.

The friendship between Chu Xiaoxiao and their bones had disappeared like the wind, and she could not explain to him the reason for the arrest and the future injection.

Chu Xiaoyi remembered the key details, and couldn’t help being surprised: “Do you really know cat talk?

Isn’t this super power? ”

Chu Xiaoyi has already started brain supplement science fiction movies, and his sister’s brain has an instrument for communicating with animals, which can control animals to fight.

He just said why Chu Xiaoxiao is so smart, it is just reasonable to follow the setting of the film and television drama.

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at him inexplicably, “How could it be a superpower?

You can read more scientific information online. ”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…What does this have to do with science?

It is unscientific if you can speak cat language. ”

Chu Xiaoxiao showed an expression of hating iron and steel. She watched her brother Yumu silently for a moment, and simply asked her mother for her iPad, and decided to teach her younger brother a lesson.

She turned on the screen seriously, and said seriously: “Then we will learn an introductory cat language class today.”

The other staff members found it interesting and raised their hands to indicate: “Then can we learn too?”

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded reservedly: “Of course, as long as the classroom order is followed, anyone can come to the class.”

Chu Xiaoxiao borrowed a small blackboard and chalk from the old principal, and started his teaching career with IPAD: “The language of cats is mainly composed of smells, body movements and calls, because they can hear high-frequency sounds. , So it’s more alert than humans…”

Chu Xiaoyi was a little dazed: “What is a high-frequency sound?”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “It’s the sound you can’t hear, which exceeds the upper limit of human hearing.”

Chu Xiaoyi: “Is your explanation scientific?

Haven’t you been exposed to physics knowledge? ”

The staff whispered: “…Don’t lift the bar in class!”

Chu Xiaoxiao said solemnly: “No, this is the spirit of scientific questioning. I have research materials from reading experts. The highest frequency that cats hear is 65,000 Hz, while that of humans is 20,000 Hz.”

Chu Xiaoxiao will dig deep into the things she is interested in. She can even publish a research report on even one episode of cartoon, let alone study the language of cats.

Now it is the Internet age. People want to know what they want to search on the Internet. Of course, Chu Xiaoxiao has also searched for information.

Chu Xiaoyi hadn’t read the relevant article again. He didn’t know whether the data was true or false, but when he saw his sister’s face full of stern expression, he continued to listen honestly.

“Cats can make more than one hundred sounds, while dogs can only make more than a dozen sounds. Therefore, dog language is easier than cat language. What humans can learn is only the cat’s voice that they can make…”

Because cats can communicate with scents, body movements, and purring, Chu Xiaoxiao can only teach the language that requires meowing, which is commonly known as “attracting the other’s attention” in cat language.

Of course, whether cats will react to this depends on their mood and their relationship.

Chu Xiaoyi had just finished learning cat language, he immediately went to the wild cats with great interest, and started to learn and sell now: “Miaoao——”

The wild cats were originally nesting in their cages. At this time, they all looked at Chu Xiaoyi dumbfounded, showing an expression as if they were looking at a mentally retarded one.

Chu Xiaoyi felt that something was wrong. Why did he and his sister have completely different cat language effects, and questioned: “…Why do I always feel that they despise me?”

Chu Xiaoxiao stroked his chin thoughtfully: “This language is said to be the sound of kittens attracting the attention of the female cat. It may be that you are too old. They think you are not a kitten?”

Kittens will meow constantly when they are young, hoping to get the company and attention of adult cats. When they grow up, they become silent and rarely use the language of “attracting the other’s attention”.

Chu Xiaoyi’s meow is similar to that of an adult man selling cute and cute, but it can’t be said that it is wrong, but it will make the cat subtle and naturally think that he is mentally retarded.

Chu Xiaoxiao was still a child, and the cats were more tolerant of the two-legged cubs, and would not show their dislikes too much.

Chu Xiaoyi: “…” Doesn’t this mean it’s useless for me to learn?


The staff also started to practice after class, taking turns to meow and tease the cat, but they all failed one after another.

Just as Chu Xiaoyi was about to doubt the authenticity of her sister’s class, a certain female director of the program group suddenly succeeded. She really attracted the attention of a cat with her cry, and it eagerly approached her to sniff her.

“Is this a male cat?

Is this too realistic?

! ”

“Animals are really hurting people. I would rather it be incomprehensible than to accept that it understands and ignore me…”

When Chu Xiaoyi saw this, he was naturally hit, and finally deceived himself and said: “There is no cat language in the world! No!”

Chu Xiaoyi: As long as I deny the magical world, I won’t be like a fool!

The program team sent away the big yellow dogs and wild cats first. They looked for professionals to check their bodies and then looked for people who were willing to adopt them.

The cats and dogs had just eaten a full meal. At this time, they were drowsy, lazy, and did not show a fierce appearance. They looked a lot more honest.

When Chu Jiadong and others finished their meal, they followed the old principal around the campus, but there was not much space in the school, in fact there were only a few classrooms.

Facing the former students, the old principal missed it and said: “You are a class with good grades, and there will be very few grades in the next ten years, and the number of students will be less and less.”

Chu Xiaoyi: “Why are there still fewer students?”

The old principal: “Everyone left here with their children, or they will be sent to a better school. Now many people go to the county to buy houses, so naturally they will not come here to go to school.”

Cousin Xiao Xiao and other families with a little financial strength usually build their own buildings in the village and then buy a house in the county.

Xiaojie and others are studying in the county, and they certainly wouldn’t go to the countryside to study in the countryside.

Chu Jiadong: “You will retire after the two sessions?”

The old principal: “Yes, when their young teacher goes to another school, I will go home and rest.”

Chu Jiadong glanced at the old campus for the last time, and then remembered that the alumni who had made their mark in the past few years, finally left with his wife and children.

This school, which once gave birth to many outstanding talents, is now gradually being eliminated by the times and is about to leave the stage of history.

Chu Jiadong seriously said goodbye to the old principal, and the convoy slowly started to leave, leaving the deserted community behind.

Chu Xiaoxiao noticed his father’s sentimentality in the car and curiously asked, “Dad, can’t you keep your school?”

Chu Jiadong smiled helplessly: “If you can’t stay, there are not enough people going to school, and it’s useless to stay in school.

This is also a good thing, everyone’s life has improved, and a better school has been found. ”

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded in understanding, she started to feel dizzy in the car, and then retracted into her mother’s arms.

“It’s really hard to imagine that people from all the villages near us used to come here to go to school. Now there is only one class in the first grade of the school. At the beginning, our textbooks and teachers were the same. Now Xiao Xiao, Xiao Jie and others have the same educational conditions. There is a big difference here…” Chu Jiadong was in love with the scene, he hadn’t had such a perception in the city, and only when he returned to his alma mater did he realize that it was like a world away.

“What will happen in the future, can ordinary people’s children still get ahead?”

Chu Jiadong murmured, “However, reading may not be the only way out in the future…”

Xiao Bi comforted: “The times are different, there is no way this can be done.”

Listening to the chattering of his parents, Chu Xiaoyi suddenly understood a trace of his father’s sentimentality. Perhaps he was not only regretting the disappearance of his alma mater, but also a feeling of empathy.

Because Chu Jiadong was a person who passed the exam from the mountain, he and his second uncle used the college entrance examination to change their destiny and finally became a new front-line person, so they are more impressed.

Chu Jiadong, Xiao Xiao Erbo and Cousin received the same education, but they differentiated in the college entrance examination. A generation creates a different living environment.

Chu Jiadong is a typical new Beijinger. He obtained a Beijing residence with his own ability and took root here smoothly.

Because he changed his environment through study and exams, he of course regarded study as the most important thing, thinking that “everything is inferior, only studying is high”.

However, Chu Jiadong’s return to his alma mater became uncertain. They set off at a relatively fair starting point, but their children ran down the path of their parents, and the situation was different.

This is indeed a change of the times, just like the college student Jin Gui who was assigned to assign work, but now it is completely different.

Chu Xiaoxiao was already asleep. Seeing his father was silent, Chu Xiaoyi whispered: “Dad, are you okay?”

“It’s okay, I’m fine, I just think the times are changing fast…” Chu Jiadong cheered up, and he hurriedly said with a smile, “You will not have any pressure in your life in the future, and you will be able to get in touch with more things you like. The days are indeed the better.”

Chu Jiadong is an optimistic person by nature. He has not been immersed in depression for too long, thinking that his children will no longer have to die to study to escape the mountains, and he immediately feels happy.

He hadn’t dared to have this kind of thought in the early years, because he didn’t have confidence in his own economic strength, so he would naturally force Chu Xiaoyi to study.

Because Chu Jiadong could not guarantee his son’s future, he imposed what he thought was the most secure thing on Chu Xiaoyi, that is, studying and taking college entrance examinations.

It’s different now. The family’s economic conditions should be enough to support Chu Xiaoyi and Chu Xiaoxiao to spend the rest of their lives in peace. It doesn’t matter what they learn.

Chu Xiaoyi didn’t know his father’s state of mind. He bowed his head and muttered for a few seconds, and then said in a low voice: “Dad, can you give me some more time? Wait for me to think about it…”


“…If one day I am ready, I will discuss with you about studying.”

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi showed surprise expressions at the same time. They looked at Chu Xiaoyi in disbelief, but Chu Xiaoxiao, who was asleep, didn’t respond.

This is the deepest hidden pain in the family, Chu Xiaoyi used to be furious when he heard it, but now he took the initiative to mention it for the first time.

Chu Jiadong suddenly had mixed flavors, his eyes were red, and he trembled: “Okay, of course…”

Chu Xiaoyi was also a little awkward after speaking. He looked at the sky outside the window without saying a word, pretending to say nothing.

This is like an insignificant episode, outsiders can’t understand the strangeness at all, only the people who have experienced it silently read the tacit understanding.

A touch of warmth appeared in Xiao Bi’s eyes, and she hugged her sleeping little daughter tightly, convinced that the better the day passed.

Chu Xiaoxiao slept all the way back to the imperial capital, which made the trip to her hometown have no effect on her. She could even jump on the sofa excitedly after returning home.

A family of four returned to Yurongtai before the working day. The adults were exhausted, and only the children were still energetic.

As the younger sister’s car and luggage carrier, Chu Xiaoyi said speechlessly, “Where are you from the spiritual head?”

Chu Xiaoxiao regained his spirit and said enthusiastically: “Have the rhubarb and the cats been adopted?”

Chu Xiaoyi said in a huff: “How can it be so fast? They have to get injections for inspection. After the show is broadcast, someone should be willing to raise it. Maybe that dog will become a star dog.”

Chu Xiaoyi: As soon as I looked at it, I knew it wanted to rub my heat!

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded. She picked up the IPAD and started to make up her Latin course, reminding: “You haven’t handed me the daily newspaper today.”

Chu Xiaoyi hesitated, and said tactfully: “…but we just went home?”

Shouldn’t it take a day off?

Chu Xiaoxiao said confidently: “Yes, you are all going home now, you can start writing daily newspapers.”

Chu Xiaoyi: “…”

Chu Xiaoyi used to envy his sister’s cleverness, but now he thinks it’s good to be an ordinary person, he can’t accept such a self-control life at all.

He didn’t know why she was so energetic, no matter what unexpected circumstances disrupted the plan, she could quickly recover.

Chu Xiaoyi sat at the table reluctantly. He didn’t know what to write at first, but when he actually edited it out naturally, it seemed that his physical memory was still there.

He is now glad that Chu Xiaoxiao is his own sister, not his own sister, otherwise his childhood shadow would be even greater.

Chu Jiadong is just a schoolmaster among ordinary people. At most, he can be regarded as the SR who changes the fate of the college entrance examination. If he is replaced by SSR Chu Xiaoxiao, Chu Xiaoyi can directly die.

Chu Xiaoxiao browsed the daily newspaper with satisfaction, and exclaimed: “Today is also a great day!”

Chu Xiaoyi complained: “I didn’t do anything today, at most I recorded a day’s show.”

Also robbed of sausage by the strange big yellow dog.

Chu Xiaoxiao shook his head and said seriously: “Today is staying with my family, so it is also a great day!”

In Chu Xiaoxiao’s eyes, getting along with relatives and friends is also an important part of life, sometimes even more important than studying.

Because of this, she will postpone her studies in her hometown and spend more time with her cousin, Xiaojie and others.

Chu Xiaoyi didn’t expect that she would say this. She was startled for a while, and Xiao Bi came out with a bowl of noodles. She greeted: “Okay, go wash your hands and end the noodles. The noodles are ready.”

Under the warm light, Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi had already cooked the hot noodles, and they had fried some vegetables and put them on the table.

Chu Xiaoxiao immediately removed the iPad from the table. She jumped off the sofa flexibly, ran to wash her hands and eat, and forgot her brother.

Seeing her leaving happily, Chu Xiaoyi felt a little soft in his heart, but he muttered unconvincedly: “Anyway, what you say is reasonable, every day is a great day…”

A family of four happily went home to eat noodles. Director Li and others also packed up the machines, checked the materials and left.

Chu Xiaoyi and others have finished recording, and Director Li and others’ work has just begun, and they need to rack their brains to edit the content of the next few episodes.

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