The Actor and His Sister Are Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chapter Fifty Nine

Chu Xiaoyi has always believed that he knows popular music well, and its accurate concept should be commercial music, music created for the main purpose of making money.

It’s just that laymen always think that popular music is widely circulated music. In fact, this is an extremely unscientific classification method. It is easy to classify well-known songs such as “Volunteer March”, and it is easy to exclude some popular music that has not become popular. outer.

Literally, “popular” means easy to understand and easy to understand, and “popular” means widely spread, so only “commodity music” is the most scientific, reasonable and accurate concept, and this is the “PopularMusic” discussed in music style. The saying of popular music is derived from the translation of this word.

However, this is where Chu Xiaoyi’s confusion lies. In principle, his music can be profitable, but the popular music he recognizes is at the level of musicians such as Jay Chou. How could it slip to this point?

Chu Xiaoyi’s song had never exploded before. He only assumed that his level was not enough, but this Christmas song unexpectedly exploded, and instead made him fall into self-doubt.

He stared at the simplified version of the song in a daze, and he was puzzled: “Is this song really good?”

Chu Xiaoyi was convinced that the melody must be unpleasant, even if Liang Shuangqi closed his eyes and played Chu Xiaoxiao on his face, the other party would have a true evaluation in his heart.

There is no difference between the melody of the two editions, that is, the chords, orchestration and other aspects caused discrepancies, and he needs to replay these things.

Chu Xiaoyi fiddled with the computer earnestly. He is now inexplicably successful. Of course, he wants to know the reason for his success.

Seeing his full concentration, He Xin confessed: “Actually, I think the version you gave Xiao Xiao is quite brainwashed and it makes people feel very comfortable. Your other version sounds a bit strange. You can’t say it bad, it’s just me. Never heard of it before…”

Chu Xiaoyi vomited: “Because you think the brainwashed version is a chord of the bad street, you can’t wait for someone to write it out. Of course you will feel familiar and comfortable, and your ears will always be immersed in this kind of sound.”

He Xin was surprised: “Really?

But when I listened to that version, I felt that the song was brand new, and I didn’t think it was a bad street. Is it plagiarism to use the chord of the bad street? ”

Chu Xiaoyi rubbed his temples with a headache. He missed Liang Shuangqi inexplicably now. At least the other party was not a layman. He collapsed slightly and said, “Well, not count…but I really can’t explain this to you laymen.”

Chu Xiaoyi is like a designer now. The party A he is facing doesn’t understand anything but talks nonsense. Opening his mouth is “colorful black”, which makes him mentally frustrated.

He Xin was hit at Chu Xiaoyi’s place and could only helplessly touch his nose, not knowing what to say.

After a while, Chu Xiaoyi suddenly sat upright, a bright light flashed in his mind, and suddenly asked, “You just said that you think the song is brand new?”

He Xin: “Yes.”

Chu Xiaoyi simply wrote a paragraph, still using a nutritious technique, and he played it to He Xin: “Then do you think this is brand new?”

He Xin nodded: “Yes, and I think this passage is better than Christmas song…”

The Christmas song uses the melody that Chu Xiaoxiao hums casually, but this paragraph is handwritten by Chu Xiaoyi, and the insider is always better than the outsider.

Chu Xiaoyi succeeded in verifying his own conjecture, and he suddenly learned the method of writing explosive songs, which was to cater to the audience’s aesthetics of routines, which was simply a matter of hand for him!

As music learners, Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi have listened to countless excellent music works, so they naturally look down on bad routines, and only feel that the composers are not attentive enough.

However, laymen such as Chu Xiaoxiao and He Xin have listened to limited repertoire, they still can’t understand the deeper things, and they can’t tell the difference at all.

Chu Xiaoyi suddenly realized the business opportunity. He originally had to compose a good composition for a long time, but once the routine was changed, he could go into mass production. As long as a few changes and innovations were added, He Xin and others could not hear the difference and saved a lot of energy in an instant.

Chu Xiaoyi completed three songs in one afternoon, and each capital can be praised by He Xin, and the other party thinks that each capital is different!

He Xin said with joy: “I think I will use these songs for the next album. I have a hunch that some of them will explode!”

Chu Xiaoyi had just come to his head with enthusiasm. He felt that the singer’s dream was close at hand, and he wrote three poems in succession, as if he saw the golden light of the stage.

Now, his excitement is gradually cooling down, looking at the songs on the screen again in a daze, and finally reaching out to delete the three freshly released songs, murmured: “Forget it, I don’t think this is so good…”

Seeing the other party delete it, He Xin hurriedly wanted to stop, and said in amazement: “What’s not so good?

We all think it sounds good! ”

Chu Xiaoyi felt the familiar weakness rushing into his chest again. He pondered for a few seconds, and said in frustration, “Of course you don’t understand it, of course it’s not bad, but if I do, it makes people feel very despicable.

Of course Chu Xiaoyi wanted to set foot on a larger musical stage, but he always felt that being so foolish was like a thief taking a shortcut, which made his conscience disturbed.

His new song is advertised and promoted by fans. As long as he pleases the aesthetic of the routine a little, he will definitely get good results, just like that Christmas song, but is this correct?

He Xin patiently persuaded: “Even if you don’t write this kind of song, other people will write it. How can there be anything despicable?

You also said that you want to make money with your music! ”

Chu Xiaoyi sneered and said, “Other musicians can’t afford to eat. I make money from acting and bring my own fans, but take the lead in doing bad money and expelling good money. Do you still have a face when it spreads out?

Can I still look up in front of other musicians? ”

Chu Xiaoyi believes that his own traffic deliberately ruined the music market, which is really shameless.

Some musicians may make concessions for survival, but they can be understood. If they do not have the pressure to survive and set up bad examples, then they are not moral.

He Xin looked weird: “But you originally said that pop music is commercial music, and you want to make a profit!”

He Xin does not understand music creation, so he is naturally puzzled by Chu Xiaoyi’s obsession.

He didn’t think that making money was a despicable thing. Besides, Chu Xiaoyi didn’t have plagiarism and other taints. Is the other party’s ability to write songs that he was afraid of gossiping about insiders?

Even if they muttered privately, it was envy, jealousy, and hatred!

Chu Xiaoyi sighed and said helplessly, “That’s because I was too naive before. I may not be able to make this money. I still can’t pass this level…Even if it is music that makes money, I still need to draw the bottom line.”

“You like songs like that. It is our fault in the final analysis. We didn’t create more excellent songs for you to hear, so that your bottom line keeps lowering. You can only accept the existing songs on the market…” Chu Xiao Yi whispered, “I’m only in my twenties this year. I believe that sooner or later I can write excellent and popular songs. This kind of music environment will change one day.”

Chu Xiaoyi learned one thing from Chu Xiaoxiao, that is, don’t deceive yourself, he can deceive anyone, but he can never deceive himself.

He is now relying on speculation to make money for explosive music, in the final analysis it only lowers his composing level, which has no practical meaning, let alone a long-term solution.

If the public is in a music environment surrounded by excellent songs, they will listen to enough of them, and they will naturally be better able to distinguish the pros and cons of the songs and have a higher aesthetic ability.

However, in order to make money to follow the trend, the creators madly write unnutritive tracks, destroying the good market with their own hands and smashing their jobs.

In the short term, some creators have made extremely high profits and seem to have achieved secular achievements; in the long term, all creators have suffered greatly, and the circle has been completely ruined.

The domestic music scene is ruined, and the public will not be affected. Some listeners can still enjoy music from the European, American, Japanese and Korean circles. Only domestic musicians can’t eat.

What they did was to force some listeners away in disguise, making people who had the ability to appreciate them lose confidence in domestic music.

Chu Xiaoyi would embark on the path of music because he had listened to countless outstanding domestic pop music when he was a child. At that time, it was almost full of flowers and dazzling, but now it is withering regrettably.

He can’t just run to compare with others because they are bad. What kind of chasing dream is called?

He Xin originally wanted to persuade him again, but when he listened to Chu Xiaoyi’s sincere tone, he realized that the other party had made up his mind, and had no choice but to say: “Well, anyway, you don’t do similar things once or twice. I just really feel a little bit. unfortunately……”

Chu Xiaoyi was originally an unconventional traffic star. He Xin has always been painful and happy working with him, and it is not the first time that the other party has missed the opportunity of the so-called fire.

If Chu Xiaoyi were really a regular star, he wouldn’t be able to say so many silly things.

When Chu Xiaoyi saw his agent let go, he immediately relaxed and teased leisurely: “Look at what you said, as if I usually let you make less money!”

He Xin is weak and weak: “Then can I still find commercial cooperation for this Christmas song?”

Chu Xiaoyi righteously said: “This is a gift I gave to my sister. It was not created for the purpose of making money. Of course, it cannot be related to money!”

Chu Xiaoyi can tolerate the existence of the Christmas song because it was born in a different background, but he wants to make money with this song, and it will change the taste in an instant.

He felt that it was okay to write this kind of music to coax his sister. If you really want to chase your music dream, you still have to follow the old path in a down-to-earth manner, one step at a time.

Chu Xiaoyi untied his knot and suddenly felt a sense of relief. Anyway, he still has time, and music creation is not something that can be done overnight.

However, Chu Xiaoyi also had a headache for one thing, that is, Chu Xiaoxiao desperately playing Christmas music at home. She couldn’t wait to listen to it more than a dozen times a day, and Chu Xiaoyi was about to collapse.

He was complacent at first, but it was really unbearable to accompany her to listen to his own songs every day!

Chu Xiaoyi was happy that his sister had affirmed his song, but also helpless to her fanatical love for the song, he finally couldn’t help but said: “Chu Xiaoxiao, can you listen to other songs? This song is nice.”

Chu Xiaoxiao lay on the sofa lazily. She stretched out her hand to fiddle with the music box, categorically saying: “No song is better than this one.”

Chu Xiaoyi has always been not afraid of bad comments. At this time, he was flustered in the face of his sister’s high praise.

Chu Xiaoyi: Even if I don’t shame anymore, I don’t dare to say that my arrangement is number one in the world!

Chu Xiaoyi simply used his mobile phone to play a piece by the king of pop music, and he said earnestly: “Come and listen to this song, I am sure it is better than the song you played…”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “It doesn’t sound good.”

Chu Xiaoyi was at a loss for a while. He thought that this song might be a long time ago, so he picked another divine song that was recently popular overseas, and said patiently: “Then we will change another one. There is definitely something better than this song in the world… …”

Chu Xiaoxiao is still stubborn: “It doesn’t sound good.”

Chu Xiaoyi was dumbfounded, he was silent for a moment, and finally hugged his head in a collapsed manner: “Why do you like this song?

It’s really not the best! ”

Chu Xiaoxiao blinked, she put her chin on, and said solemnly: “The songs you play are also very nice, but they weren’t written for me.

This song was written by Santa Claus for me, and I certainly think it is the best song in the world. ”

“Others may think your song is better, but for me, Santa’s gift is different. I can feel the special heart in it, which is not available in other songs.”

Of course Chu Xiaoxiao knew that his brother was playing songs by well-known singers, but what did that have to do with her?

Even if Santa’s song is not good, she will be very happy to receive it. This is a song written for her, and this heart cannot be replaced.

Seeing her look serious, Chu Xiaoyi was stunned in place as if struck by thunder, and suddenly realized that his sister might not understand the music, but in her opinion, his mind is far more important than the song itself!

Of course she knows that there are many songs better than this Christmas song, but she still selfishly ranks it first!

Chu Xiaoyi almost shed tears for his sister’s warm heart. Originally, he was troubled by her lack of musical aesthetics, but when he learned the truth, he had mixed feelings and couldn’t help holding the little thing up.

He moaned with emotion, and the heart that was critically hit by the netizens healed in a second. He held her in a circle and said solemnly: “I will write songs for you in the future…”

Chu Xiaoyi: It’s not that my sister doesn’t understand music, she just understands the mind behind music better!


Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t understand what he was talking about, so he was caught off guard and forced to ride a human roller coaster.

She didn’t know why Chu Xiaoyi was so happy. This song was written by Santa Claus. What does it have to do with him?

She didn’t understand the sudden madness of the cheap brother, and felt dizzy when she was lifted up, so she grabbed his hair in annoyance and screamed: “I’m going to throw up! Let me go!”

Chu Xiaoxiao’s resistance had no effect, and he was rubbed wildly by his ferocious and enthusiastic brother, like a kitten being forced by humans, his face full of discomfort but struggles to no avail.

She still couldn’t adapt to this kind of extreme friendly way of expression, which made her feel like a glutinous rice dumpling about to be swallowed in one bite. Rua came to Rua miserably.

Chu Xiaoxiao: Why can’t I be a giant four to five meters tall?

Then I can also push him on the sofa Rua.

Chu Xiaoyi regained his confidence in his younger sister. He ran back to the house happily and decided to create with joy, feeling that the inspiration in his mind was endless.

She doesn’t like his full version of Christmas songs, but his later full version of songs will definitely impress her, he firmly believes this!

Seeing that Chu Xiaoyi finally left happily, Chu Xiaoxiao began to search sneakily in the corner, and typed “how people grow taller quickly” into the search box, intending to implement the plan secretly.

She has planted small seeds of vengeance in her heart. The cheap brother is now as tall as hers, so that he can rub her wantonly by his advantage. When she grows several times as tall as he is, he can give him a taste of Rua. The taste of being wiped out!

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