The Actor Wants to Divorce

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 You like to see the stars

Even though he couldn’t see that face through the phone, Feng Jin’s pupils were still covered with endless fear and anxiety at this moment.

“Xiao Jin, I miss you a lot during this time.”

Feng Jin’s shoulders trembled, and his voice intermittently: “Lin Yan…you…you did it, right? It’s you…to Ali and him…”


Feng Jin was startled.

Lin Yan laughed twice in the next second.

“It’s really intimate, what’s wrong, Feng Jin, don’t fall in love with empathy? You want to cuckold me again, right?”

“I didn’t.” Feng Jin squeezed the phone tightly. Deep down in his heart, a big hole was hollowed out by the man, which was filled with the seeds of fear and was going wild.

Feng Jin’s breath was short, and his chest rose and fell again and again, “I didn’t give you…wear a hat, Lin Yan, we broke up…”

“Break up, huh…then what do you call me to do?” Lin Yan sneered, “Xiao Jin, you want to spend money and get **** again, right?”

“You know why I am looking for you.” Feng Jin said anxiously: “You made Ali…Wen Ruili expelled from the hospital!”

Lin Yan chuckled, “Xiao Jin, Wen Ruili’s expulsion is his own business. He killed an innocent patient. How can a quack like this put on a holy white coat? Similarly, he is not qualified. Stay by your side…” Lin Yan seemed to bit his teeth: “He will kill you.”

“No, he will heal me, my disease… my disease has stabilized… Lin Yan, don’t hurt him.”

There was a long silence on the phone.

At the moment, in the office of the president of Lin’s Group, the assistant looked at Lin Yan’s gloomy and cold face, and he did not dare to show the atmosphere.

In the office, the air seemed to be compressed and solidified, suffocating people.

Lin Yan’s state is like a volcano about to erupt, just a little bit close, and it will completely lose control.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the endless stream of cars downstairs, the lights were colorful, the streamers floated, and the bizarre colors outlined this intoxicating night.

So good-looking, and so… absurd.

He listened to Feng Jin’s intermittent prayers on the phone, every word and every word was for Wen Ruili’s low voice, and every sound and every sound turned into the sharpest knife, piercing his heart fiercely.

─The knife followed by one.

He lowered his head and smiled, his lungs tearing apart in pain.

“Feng Jin, look at you, you are more like a loving couple, making me look like a villain who beats a mandarin duck.”

“Lin Yan, why…you can’t let me go.”

Lin Yan’s pupils tightened.

“Because I said, you are Lao Tzu’s person, you are Lao Tzu’s ghost when you die, and you are Lao Tzu’s if you are crazy and stupid!”

Feng Jin gasped in shock, his eyes were red like a rabbit where Lin Yan couldn’t see it.

“You won’t let Wen Ruili go, will you?”

“Yes, Xiao Jin, if you don’t come back, I swear by Lin Yan, I will smash him to the end. I want him to be a shame to this medical profession, and he will be crucified on the stigma pole for a lifetime. There is one more charge. I will tell you in advance that Wen Ruili’s eldest brother is running for the election. Do you think that at this moment, this kind of life-threatening matter has been exposed, can Wen Ruili’s eldest brother still be elected?”

Feng Jin’s voice became cold and unfamiliar.

“Lin Yan, you are a scumbag…you, from the inside out, you are completely lousy! You are a bad person!”

Lin Yan held his breath, there was a long silence, and smiled softly, “Thank you.”

Feng Jin hung up the “dududu” call.

Lin Yan took the phone from his ear blankly.

The deep pupils were full of coolness.

The assistant mustered up the courage, “Mr Lin, do you want to prepare the car for you?”

Lin Yan loosened his tie and let out a faint “um”.

The assistant responded and turned to go out. However, as soon as he stepped out of the office door, he heard a loud noise from inside.

Help ideals. Mr. Lin probably lifted the table.

Lin Yan made an appointment with a few friends and drank outside until three in the morning before returning to the villa drunk.

As soon as I got off the car, I saw a person squatting under the tree at the door.

Lin Yan was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes narrowed quickly.

The breeze at night was chilly, and Feng Jin wore a thin, white shirt and black trousers. He simply ran out.

Seeing him, Feng Jin stayed for half a minute, then slowly stood up from the ground.

Neither of them took the next step. They looked at each other silently at a distance of seven or eight meters.

I don’t know why, at this moment, a thought suddenly flashed through Lin Yan’s head.

Perhaps this was the last time he had faced Feng Jin so peacefully.

─Feng Jin’s body trembled, and then quickly lowered his head.

Lin Yan walked calmly and walked in front of him slowly, with a sneer in his tone: “You came soon.”

He was so afraid of himself that he would rather stay in a mental hospital and be a delirious lunatic than return to him.

But for Wen Ruili, he came back so impatiently.

When I wanted to see him again, Lin Yan’s mood became even heavier.

He unbuttoned the suit jacket one by one, and then put it on Feng Jin.

“Let’s go, Xiao Jin. Welcome home.”

Feng Jin’s shoulders stiffened, then he looked up and turned to the side.

The brightly-lit villa stood not far away, like a cage growing out of the dark, with tentacles protruding from all directions, which instantly restrained him.

“what is that?”

Feng Jin looked at the highest point of the villa.

“It’s a rooftop.” Lin Yan gently embraced Feng Jin’s shoulders, “You said before that you like to see the stars with a telescope. I asked someone to buy the best telescope. When you get better, I will take you up. Look, have you ever seen the Altair Vega star?”

Feng Jin smiled faintly, “I don’t like the story of Cowherd and Weaver Girl.”

“Why?” Lin Yan led him to the door of the villa, “What an epic love story.”

“Love?” Feng Jin shook his head bitterly: “The Cowherd stole the Weaver Girl’s fairy clothes and left the Weaver Girl who had lost his power by his side. He also forced her to give birth to a child. Even if the Weaver Girl escaped, he would kill and accompany him. The old scalper, go after… has been entangled with the poor Weaver Girl forever… Such love is suffocating and disgusting.”

Lin Yan’s footsteps paused, and his brows tightened: “What do you want to say?”

Feng Jin smiled, “You also make me sick.”

Lin Yan’s pupils stagnated, but they were quickly covered by a chill.

He stretched out his hand and stroked Feng Jin’s industrial lips: “It’s okay, nausea is not cancer, it can’t kill people.”

Feng Jin’s smile froze.

He looked at the rooftop not far away, and after a long silence, followed Lin Yan into the villa.

“have you eaten yet?”

Lin Yan rolled up his sleeves, “You used to like to drink ribs soup, can you drink it if I cook it?”

“I’m not hungry.”

Lin Yan’s eyes were cold, and there was no obvious emotional change. As a result, he quickly fastened the apron that the butler handed him, “I’m going to cook.”

It is a resistance that cannot be commanded.

Feng Jin had no appetite.

Even facing the bowl of rib soup in front of him, it was a bit nauseous.

“I haven’t done it for many years.” Lin Yan handed the spoon to Feng Jin, “Xiao Jin, try to see if it still tastes the same as before.”

Feng Jin’s throat moved, and the spoon in his hand was heavy.

His childhood can be described as darkness.

Hunger constitutes most of his childhood memories. His mother is weak and incompetent, and blindly obeys the man’s orders, and the man beats and scolds himself, and can not feed him for several days when he is angry.

Lin Yan would secretly cook pork rib soup for him.

That small bowl of spare ribs, dipped in the sweet and fragrant soup, Feng Jin can drink not a single drop.

Lin Yan would always grab him by the nose and call him “little greedy cat”.

Every time he was wronged at home, that bowl of rib soup became the warmest memory of the young Feng Jin.


He is no longer the child who would worry about being hungry.

This bowl of pork rib soup no longer has the taste and meaning of the year.

Feng Jin swallowed the meat blankly.

Perhaps the expression was too painful and resistant, Lin Yan waved his hand and swept the soup with the bowl directly on the floor.

The servant hurriedly stepped forward to pack up.

The atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Feng Jin looked at him calmly: “I will stay by your side obediently, please let Wen Ruili go.”

“I won’t let him go.”

Feng Jin’s pupils were slightly enlarged.

“Feng Jin, I didn’t promise to let him go. He has thoughts about you that you shouldn’t have. In my life, I will kill him.”

Feng Jin’s fingers trembled, and there was a deep hatred in his eyes: “Lin Yan, the last thing I regret in my life is knowing you.”

Lin Yan seemed to be slapped and irritated, and some rudely pulled Feng Jin upstairs to the room.

He pushed Feng Jin onto the bed, like a lion, to bite Feng Jin’s neck.

Feng Jin lay motionless, with hollow eyes open, looking at the ceiling.

He vaguely saw the dark shadows that were far away from him converge in front of his eyes again.

Wen Ruili once told him: “Xiao Jin, you will get better, you will be a normal person walking in the sun.”

However, he felt that he might not get better for the rest of his life.

He was trapped in this darkness forever by Lin Yan forever, without seeing the sun.

Feng Jin’s nose is sore, his eyes straighten up with a mist of sadness.

They have crazy **** on this bed.

Lin Yan seemed to vent his anger and unwillingness over the past few months, bending him into different positions and entering from various tricky angles.

In the end, Lin Yan fell beside him and fell asleep deeply.

Feng Jin got out of the bed with his body supported, picked up the clothes that fell on the floor, and put them on one by one.

Gently closed the bedroom door.

“Mr. Feng.”

The butler followed behind him.

Feng Jin turned his head and glanced at the housekeeper, showing a cute smile, “Lin Yan said, is there a telescope upstairs?”

“Yes, he said, Mr. Feng, you like to see the stars.”

“Then I will go up and have a look.”

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