The Actor Wants to Divorce

Chapter 340

Chapter 340 Teruyuki Hayashi 8

Lin Zhao stepped forward and opened the door.

He saw Ji An slightly pulling his head and staring at him with red eyes.

Lin Zhaozhi laughed angrily: “I thought you were so capable, what did you run out to do with others’ doors?”

Ji An was not convinced: “If you can’t be noisy, just run away. I won’t do this kind of thing since I was three, okay?”

Lin Zhaozhi said that he was no more mature than when he was three years old.

“Come in first.”

Ji An: “You said you would go shopping with me.”

“I’ll change my clothes and stay out again.” Lin Zhaozhi gave him a white look, “Are you an idiot?”

Ji An smiled: “Anyway, you have promised me, you are not allowed to go back.”

Lin Zhaozhi: “No.”

Lin Zhaozhi let him into the house and went to the bedroom to change into a casual outfit.

Ji An shrank on the sofa and played with his mobile phone and looked up: “Lin Zhaozhi, I am really a straight man. I just want to make friends with you. Don’t think too much.”

Lin Zhaozhi lowered his head to adjust his cuffs, “Do people like you still lack friends?”

Ji An’s eyes darkened: “I have no friends.”

Lin Zhaozhi: “Are you kidding?”

Ji An: “…really.”

Lin Zhaozhi could hardly believe that in the 21st century, how could there be people who don’t even have a friend.

Ji An took a breath, and his nose was stained with thick nasal passages: “I never went to college. In my senior year of high school, due to physical reasons, I dropped out of school.”

“A friend you didn’t know in school, and you didn’t meet a suitable friend in society?”

Ji An shook his head: “None, they are not happy to play with me.”

He suddenly smiled, his eyes gleaming like a small deer: “In fact, at first, some people played with me, but then one time, I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, I heard them call me stupid and called me. People are stupid and have a lot of money, and you can drink spicy food with me…”

Ji An shrugged, “I stopped looking for them later.”

Lin Zhaozhi tidyed up his clothes, raised his eyelids and glanced at him, “They are right, aren’t you just a fool?”

Ji An picked up the pillow and hit your Lin Zhaozhi face, angrily: “Go to death!”

The pillow fell on Lin Zhaozhi’s feet, and Lin Zhaozhi bent over to pick it up and put it on the chair.

“Let’s go.”

Ji An slipped off the sofa, “Where are we going to play, will you accompany me to the playground?”

The green veins on Lin Zhaozhi’s forehead jumped: “Don’t go.”

Ji An dragged Lin Zhaozhi; “Go, I want to go.”

“What do you want to play?” Lin Zhaozhi sneered, “Roller coaster?”

Ji An shook his head desperately: “No, no, I’m afraid of heights.”

“Then go play bumper cars with the kids? Are you naive?”

Ji An is annoyed: “I can’t just go shopping. Which one stipulates that adults can’t go to the amusement park? If you don’t want to go, just say it! If you agree, I still grind!

Lin Zhaozhi helplessly: “Why are you so bad-tempered.”

─That’s how small things happen.

Ji An narrowed his mouth, then shrugged: “Naturally, so will you accompany me or not?”

Lin Zhaozhi’s frowning brow stretched out: “Let’s go.”

The two went out and went straight to the biggest amusement park in the city.

After the new year, many facilities in the amusement park were not open, and it seemed very deserted.

Ji An went to take a look at the roller coaster for a while, and for a while, he kept yelling at the jumping machine.

Lin Zhaozhi followed behind him, only thinking that he had a brain twitch to accompany him to such a place.

This is not like a 23-year-old adult man, even his ten-year-old nephew is more mature and stable than him.

After walking around for two or three hours, Ji An finally got tired. He sat on a bench in the amusement park and ate the ice cream bought at the gate. “Lin Zhaozhi, I am very happy today.”

Lin Zhaozhi looked at the ice cream in his hand and frowned, “Huh?

Ji An smiled brightly: “Really, this is the happiest day I have had since I was eighteen. I will remember it forever.”

Lin Zhaozhi helpless: “Your happiness comes too simple, right?”

Ji An proudly said: “That means I am innocent! For a simple person like us, happiness is quite simple, so you won’t understand it.”

He took a bite of the ice cream.

“Damn, it’s so ice…”

Ji An covered his teeth and frowned fiercely.

Lin Zhaozhi laughed out loud; “I think you are not innocent, but stupid.”

Ji An smiled “hehe”.

Lin Zhaozhi doesn’t like to eat sweet and greasy things. The ice cream melts a little bit in the palm of his hand. It is greasy and uncomfortable. He is looking for a trash can to throw it away, but Ji An grabs the past one by one.

“Don’t waste it, twenty yuan each.”

Lin Zhaozhi frowned: “Don’t eat so much, it’s cold, be careful of stomach pain.”

“It’s okay, I’m not afraid of the cold.” Ji An took another sip.

Lin Zhaozhi looked at his clean profile face and the clear and clear pupils like a deer, his heart jumped twice.

The ghost asked awkwardly: “Do you… do you want to go somewhere else today?”

Ji An quickly turned his face: “Will you still accompany me?”

Lin Zhaozhi nodded: “Well, yes.”

Ji An’s eyebrows curled up with a smile: “Then I want to go to the movies.”

“the film?”

“Well, haven’t there been a lot of New Year movies recently?” He suddenly leaned against Lin Zhaozhi, “Oh yes, don’t you like that one…Do you not like Gu Qingrang? Let me see if there are any of his movies.”

Lin Zhaozhi frowned: “Don’t talk nonsense, who likes Gu Qing to let it go?”

“You!” Ji An smiled gossiping, “Don’t pretend, I can see that you just like him, and if you like him, go after him.”

Lin Zhaozhi corrected: “Like to live and to like are two different things. He and Jiang Yichen are living very well now, and they are also very happy. My liking for him is just a burden. If I entangle him again, it would be too selfish.”

If he had understood this principle earlier, he wouldn’t have delayed himself for so many years.

Ji An smirked, “Yo-yo-yo, sad, great director.”

Lin Zhaozhi smiled kindly, then grabbed his hand and fed him a bite of ice cream: “Go eat your stuff.”

“! Ooo, ooo,” Ann difficult to swallow the ice cream season, pretends his teeth: “!? What are you doing ice is dead.”

“Seeing that you are not good at talking, please educate you.”

Ji An wiped his mouth, “Forget it, don’t go to the cinema, you accompany me to dinner, eat hot pot.”

“Are there any stores open at this time?”

“Yes, I went there two years ago, and it was opened on the New Year’s Day, but there are not many people.”

Lin Zhaozhi stunned and frowned, “Are you not going home during the New Year?”

How else would you know that hot pot restaurant is open every year during the Chinese New Year?

Moreover, he and Ji An have been staying for almost one day, and he has never seen Ji An contact his family.

Isn’t his family worried if he doesn’t come home at night?

“Where is your family?”

“My brother?” Ji An blinked, “Well…their doctors are also busy during the New Year. He is always on duty.”

“I mean your other family members, what about your parents?”

Ji An’s face changed slightly. He lowered his head and bit his ice cream and said vaguely: “I have a bad relationship with them, so I don’t want to go back. He suddenly changed the subject, “Hey, let’s go, I’m hungry. ”

After all, it was his family affair, Lin Zhaozhi stopped asking more questions, and the two of them drove to the hot pot restaurant.

During the Chinese New Year, business in the store is not very good, only a few tables of guests.

As soon as Ji An sat down, the lady boss came over enthusiastically.

“Jian, are you here again?”

Ji An smiled: “Yes, I brought a friend here today!”

The proprietress smiled: “Then I recommend you to use this mandarin duck pot, the bottom material is very sufficient.”

Ji An nodded and ordered a bunch of things to the menu.

Lin Zhaozhi frowned: “You can eat less, just two people, you can’t finish it.”

With his head buried in Ji An, he drew a circle on the menu with a pen: “It’s okay. I’ll treat you today. Don’t be polite.”

Lin Zhaozhi was helpless: “I don’t want you to be too wasteful.”

“I can eat very much.” Ji An combined the menu and smiled: “Okay.”

Lin Zhaozhi can only let him go.

After a while, the ordered items were brought up.

Ji An: “What do you like to eat? This shrimp slippery and yellow throat are very delicious, I will help you rinse it.”

Lin Zhaozhi has a slight habit of cleanliness and does not like others to help him pick up vegetables, so he immediately refused: “You can eat your own, I’ll do it myself.” Ji An put the yellow throat in his bowl and said sullen “Oh”.

Lin Zhaozhi watched Ji An lower his head to eat through the curling steam.

He felt that there were two special things in Ji An’s body, like confrontation and contradiction like fire and water, which were very tangled.

It seems sunny and cheerful, but in his bones he is cautious, but when you look inside, you can still feel his kindness and vitality.

Low self-esteem, but powerful.

Lin Zhaozhi had rarely seen such a person, and Ji An made him unable to see through and guess.

After eating and drinking enough, Ji An hugged Coke for a discount and hiccups.

Like a lazy kitten.

What Lin Zhaozhi said would not let a boy who was several years younger than him pay, as an excuse to go to the toilet and prepare to pay.

But who knows, just after paying the money, there was a sudden quarrel over there.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw three or four people standing at Ji An’s table.

Obviously it is also a guest of this store.

“Isn’t this Ji An?”

“Yeah, Young Master Ji is here for hot pot? With whom?”

Ji An’s head was drooping, looking from Lin Zhaozhi’s perspective, he didn’t know what his expression was.

Among the group of people, the strongest figure stretched out his hand and pushed it on Ji An’s shoulder. Ji An buckled and almost fell off the chair.

“Talking to you, why are you pretending to die?”

Ji An still said nothing.

Lin Zhaozhi frowned, put on a mask and walked over, and twisted the man’s hand to push Ji’an.

The man screamed: “Fuck, who are you? Let go of me!”

“I am Ji An’s friend.”

“Friends?” He widened his eyes and smiled contemptuously. “Can a **** like Ji An have friends?”

Lin Zhaozhi suddenly twisted his wrist.


The man screamed immediately.

Lin Zhaozhi said in a cold voice: “Clean up your mouth, and say something nonsense. I will just take off your arm and get out of here!”

He pushed the man away hard.

The man was supported by his two companions and laughed: “Dude, don’t you be fooled by Ji An? He is not a thing. If you don’t believe it, ask yourself what he did.”

Ji An’s head suddenly dropped lower.

The author has something to say

Ji Anxiao was pitifully bullied.

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