The Actor Wants to Divorce

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Accept cp has been be, take care of cp f

After seeing that Weibo, Jiang Yichen’s expression was cold and ironic.

“Gu Qingrang, your relationship with this surnamed Lin is really extraordinary. Haven’t your family and my family played enough?”

Gu Qing was afraid that Jiang Yichen would throw away his mobile phone, so he quickly took the phone back and carefully stuck it to his heart.

Jiang Yichen’s eyes were dark again, and his heart could not help but surge upwards.

“What’s your action? You are so precious, isn’t he the Weibo for you? You have only known each other for a few days!”

So much so that you have to stick to your heart!

Gu Qingrang frowned, “Mr. Jiang has such a big temper. Although I have not known each other for a long time, but we met each other like we did, and we hate it late! I feel like I have lived in vain for the first twenty-seven or eighty years.”

After he finished speaking, he cautiously held the phone, walked to the sofa and sat down, lowered his head and pressed the phone “Zhaoxin Li”.

“what are you doing?”

Gu Qing kept her head up, and continued poking her phone, “Everyone is speaking for me. I can’t pretend to be dead. I have to forward it… What should I post…”

“No posting!”

Jiang Yichen is angry O

“My Weibo is in charge.”

Jiang Yichen stepped forward and snatched the phone.

“what are you doing?”

Jiang Yichen’s eyes were red, “I said, you are not allowed to interact with his Weibo.”

“Are you sick?” Gu Qing asked Jiang Yichen to push away. Jiang Yichen staggered back two steps, his thin waist hit a corner of the table, and the pain spread, making his face pale.

Gu Qing made an aggressive voice, “Jiang Yichen, where did I provoke you? Didn’t you and Shen Zhiyan do the same before? Why, you are allowed to maintain Shen Zhiyan, forward Weibo to Shen Zhiyan, and do not allow others to defend me?”

As he spoke, Gu Qingrang’s eyes turned red, and his voice became a little hoarse, “Jiang Yichen, no one has ever wanted to speak up for me, say good things for me…”

“I have been married to you for seven years, and the only mention of my name Gu Qingrang in your Weibo is the divorce statement.”


Gu Qingrang stretched out his hand, interrupted Jiang Yichen’s words, smiled hard, and said, “I don’t have any other wishes. I just want to one day, when people hear the name Gu Qingrang, the first reaction is not a vampire. , Dog skin plasters, sticking upside down and touching porcelain.”

“I want to be a **** person too!” Gu Qing let his teeth gritted, his voice trembling more and more, sitting on the sofa, his eyes were a little confused, “I didn’t steal or rob, I didn’t harm anyone, Xiaomi said, during the seven years of marriage, I am very good to you, not only to serve you, but also to serve you so many people in the Jiang family, why do you all treat me this way…”

Jiang Yichen was startled.

There was a strong desire in his heart, he really wanted to hug Gu Qingrang.

He rarely saw Gu Qingrang showing such an expression.

At least during the seven years of marriage, he had never seen it.

Gu Qingrang is like hot lava, wrapped in a hard crust, never showing dew, until today, he showed his true appearance in front of him.

It was a Gu Qingrang with flesh and blood and emotions.

Jiang Yichen was silent for a long time, and finally put the phone gently on the coffee table in front of him.

“Don’t get me wrong, I really just came here today to do PR for you. Now that Lin Zhaozhi has solved it for you, then…that…I’m leaving.”

After speaking, he turned his toes and left.

He felt terrible back pain when he walked out the door, thinking that the bump just hit a little bit harder.

Jiang Yichen walked slowly with his waist, and got into the car with Xia Feng’s stunned expression.

Xia Feng swallowed.

Xindao, for the sake of Gu Qingrang, President Jiang’s sacrifice was too much, right?

Ten minutes later, Jiang Yichen checked Gu Qingrang’s Weibo.

He forwarded Lin Zhaozhi’s voice.

Gu Qing let V: Please be merciful! I play well!

Gu Qing kept Weibo from commenting, but Lin Zhaozhi’s side was much more lively.

As a myth in the entertainment industry, one of Lin Zhao has an opinion, who would dare to say anything.

[Support all choices of Lin Dao! 】

[Director Lin’s election of Gu Qingrang must have his reason, and then everyone will wait and see. 】

[Anyway, I booked the movie tickets first. 】

[Director Lin is really lucky to be his actor! 】

[Yes, this is the first time I have seen someone speak to Gu Qing, without any counsel. 】

[Jiang Yichen did not help Gu Qingrang to speak…]

[This is Lin Zhaozhi’s Weibo, don’t mention someone, okay? Gu Qingrang has nothing to do with him again. 】

[That’s right, let’s not mention it. After a while, everyone will scold Gu Qing and post it upside down. 】

[Lin Daozhen man, online guard…I dare not say anything later. 】

[Wife Wife Wife Wife Wife…]

[Translate for everyone, my wife made a mistake, I can scold, but other people want to scold, then ask my opinion first! 】

Jiang Yichen’s face grew gloomy.

Not to mention, after half an hour, #carecp# was actually posted on the hot search. Fans opened Super Talk. In less than half a day, it was nearly there.

─Wan’s fan.

Jiang Yichen opened a meeting while listening to his subordinates reporting their work, while clicking on the [Care CP] super chat.

[Just entered the pit, salted fish writer, wrote 2000 pure meat in the office, cp power generation for me! 】

A long picture followed.

Jiang Yichen subconsciously clicked on one by one

[Lin Zhaozhi presses Gu Qing under his body and slowly takes off his clothes…”Zhaozhi, you are great…”]


Jiang Yichen hit the table with a punch.

What’s so special about that?

Gu Qingrang never said this kind of shame in bed, okay?

What is this group of people writing nonsense?

Everyone in the meeting room was stunned by Jiang Yichen’s punch.

No one knew what was wrong with Jiang Yichen.

The manager who was reporting was even more horrified, and was busy reading his notes.

I… Didn’t say anything wrong.

“President Jiang?”

Jiang Yichen’s face was so cold that he was about to fall out of ice scum.

Looking around the meeting room coldly.

“The project of the Xijiao Commercial Park, I will see the plan the day after tomorrow, and the meeting will be adjourned.”

After speaking, he got up and left.

The managers of all parts of the meeting room left in a mess, and the things to be done this week will be handed in the day after tomorrow. President Jiang wants to kill them.

Jiang Yichen returned to the office and took the coffee from the secretary.

“What is cp super talk?”

The secretary was a little surprised at how Jiang Yichen was curious about this, but he answered honestly, “It’s because the fans want two people to work together to make sugar or something in it.”

“Got it.”

Jiang Yichen sat back in the boss chair.

A flash of inspiration.

He remembered that when he and Gu Qingrang were recording a variety show, someone also gave them a cp group, and he remembered a name called [ChengRang].

Then he and Gu Qingrang, aren’t they also super talking?

And at that time, he hadn’t publicly divorced Gu Qingran, so fans wouldn’t be less than that [care].

After all, they are a veritable husband.

Jiang Yichen felt a little more confident in his heart, and he found it after searching on Weibo.

Click in and take a look excitedly.

300 fans, 600 reading.

Jiang Yichen: It’s so cold.

The latest Weibo is posted by a person called 【Strawberry Flavor is Cute and Many】.

[20xx year x month x day, Jiang Yichen announced the divorce from Gu Qingrang on Weibo, and the concession of cp has been, goodbye Jianghu. 】

Jiang Yichen:

See you again?

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