The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 16

Chapter 15

Xia Shutong only felt that her whole body was extremely hot, and she didn’t listen to what Yun Feiwu said afterwards.

But after Yun Feiwu started performing, her eyes were still involuntarily attracted.

There are two parts in the audition. The first part is that when the heroine Du Xian was nineteen years old, she was bullied by her classmates because she couldn’t communicate with others normally, and after being persuaded to quit by the school, she huddled in the corner of the room and wept silently. .

The second paragraph is the end of the movie. Twenty-seven-year-old Du Xian is sitting by the window and writing, when a ray of light shines in from the window, she looks up, her eyes are soft and indifferent, and the corners of her lips draw a gentle arc.

There is not a single line in these two audition clips, but they are precisely the two clips that test the actors’ acting skills the most.

In the first paragraph, 19-year-old Du Yuan is confused, lonely, and wronged. She doesn’t know where she will go, just like a weed that is trampled on. Du Xian in the second paragraph is more indifferent but confident. At this time, she has already seen Qianfan, and she has achieved certain results in her favorite writing. Compared with her youth, her mentality is very different. .

In the script, Du Xian’s psychological description is the most touching. However, it is not easy to perform it and achieve the effect written in the script.

Just like the previous two actors, their acting skills were not bad, but Xia Shutong always felt that something was wrong, and it wasn’t enough to touch people’s hearts.

But the moment Yun Feiwu entered the play, Xia Shutong felt something different.

One second, Yun Feiwu’s expression was still indifferent, but the next second, the emotion in her eyes completely changed.

There was a little bit of water in the gray eyes, and the lights in the room were reflected in the pupils, but it seemed hesitant and helpless. The corners of her lips were slightly opened, and the corners of her eyes were drooping. That pretty aggressive face instantly became pitiful.

Immediately afterwards, her steps also faltered.

Yun Feiwu walked towards the “bed” made of chairs almost tremblingly, hugged his knees tightly with his hands, and shrank into a corner of the bed.

She buried her head in her knees.

The room was dead silent.

Yun Feiwu didn’t make any sound, but everyone knew that she was crying, crying heartbreakingly.

Xia Shutong put her hands on the table and stood up unconsciously.

Her heart also ached.

Obviously knowing that Yun Feiwu was just acting, but she couldn’t help but want to go over to comfort her, want to squat beside her, and rub her head.

“Okay, stop!”

The first audition is over.

Xia Shutong came to her senses quickly, and she immediately took a step back and sat back on the chair.

Fortunately, almost everyone’s attention was on Yun Feiwu, and no one noticed her strangeness.

But Yun Feiwu raised his head and glanced in Xia Shutong’s direction.

Yun Feiwu’s face was still stained with tears, but her eyes had returned to their usual indifference. The moment the audition ended, she had already appeared in the play.

This time Xia Shutong simply closed her eyes… Can’t see, can’t see, can’t see.

“As expected of Xiaoyun Yingying Queen! This part is so vivid! Although there are still some small details, but the appeal is really amazing…”

When Xia Shutong opened her eyes again, Dai Su was already standing in front of her, and excitedly handed Yun Feiwu a tissue.

Dai Su’s tone was fanatical, and his movements were slightly exaggerated.

“Thank you.” Yun Feiwu took the tissue he handed over, wiped away the tears on his face, and said lightly, “I’ll read the script after I get down.”

“That’s right, it’s okay. After all, you just got the script last night. It’s normal to have some small discrepancies. I just want to see if anyone can play Du Xian’s feeling…” Dai Su continued to babble.

He spoke loudly and passionately, and his voice echoed throughout the room, making it very noisy.

Xia Shutong folded her arms helplessly and sighed.

Suddenly, Xia Shutong’s fingers froze again. She didn’t know if it was her own illusion, Yun Feiwu seemed to turn her head around Dai Su’s figure just now, and smiled at her helplessly.

After Dai Su finally finished his long speech and returned to his seat contentedly, the second audition began.

In this paragraph, Yun Feiwu tied her loose hair into a ponytail, and there were two extra earrings around her ears. Even though she was wearing the same set of clothes as before, her temperament was completely different.

All of a sudden, she changed from an immature student in her teens to a calm and confident sister next door.

She sat down at the table, picked up the pen, buried her head in writing something seriously, her eyes were focused and serious.

The warm yellow light outlined a layer of faint lines on her side face, warm and soft, but inexplicably giving off an inviolable sacred atmosphere.

What Yun Feiwu brought this time was not the hesitation and fragility that made people couldn’t help but want to step forward to comfort him just now, but a trace of openness revealed in his indifference.

Everyone present couldn’t help but guess what she wrote on the paper.

The vast ocean at sunrise, or the brilliant galaxy in the boundless universe?

If it wasn’t for Dai Su’s gesture, the staff almost forgot to turn on the flashlight.

When the light shone on the table, Yun Feiwu’s writing hand paused for a moment, and then she raised her head slightly, facing “outside the window”, showing a gentle smile.

The lighting staff shook their hands and almost fainted on the spot due to excitement.

After the clip was over, Dai Su turned directly from the table, excitedly wanting to shake hands with Yun Feiwu.

“Xiaoyunyinghou, this role is really yours…Can you sign it for me? My girlfriend has always liked you…If you have any questions about the script, please feel free to discuss with me. Do you have any suggestions for choosing other actors? Tell me directly…”

Xia Shutong simply put on the earphones, and stopped listening to Dai Su’s loud voice, and also avoided Yun Feiwu’s eyes that drifted over from time to time.

Dai Su pulled Yun Feiwu and chatted to himself for a while, until someone reminded him that the next round of interview time for the second female lead was up, and he reluctantly looked away.

It wasn’t until Yun Feiwu walked out of the room that Xia Shutong took off his earphones.

Dai Su took the piece of paper that Yun Feiwu had written during the audition, and walked back with a flushed face. While walking, he also smirked at Xia Shutong, which showed how excited he was.

After sitting back, Dai Su shook the paper in Xia Shutong’s hand: “President Xia, guess what is written on Xiaoyun’s paper?”

Xia Shutong was quarreled by him all morning, and originally didn’t want to talk to him at all, but he was still interested.

She really wanted to know, what would Yun Feiwu write in such a focused manner?

She thought before that Yun Feiwu was just putting on a show, but seeing Dai Su’s expression now, there should be real content on the paper.

“Show me.” Xia Shutong stretched out his finger and ticked Dai Su.

Although Dai Su is short-sighted, he wouldn’t be shrewd in front of Mr. Xia at this time, saying “hahahaha, I won’t show it to you if you can’t guess it.” As soon as Xia Shutong stretched out his hand, he obediently handed over the paper .

Xia Shutong took off her sunglasses and looked down at the paper.

…Then, the faintly joyful smile froze at the corner of her mouth.

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