The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 18

Chapter 17

Qian Lingling naturally sat next to Taowei, and Dai Su’s eyes lit up when he saw Yun Feiwu, and he sat down beside her.

“Xiaoyun, are you reading the script? Not bad, how about we discuss this part?”

Yun Feiwu let out a “huh” and turned his attention to deal with this over-enthusiastic director.

Fortunately, without saying a few words, Bian Xin also arrived.

Bian Xin came alone. When she opened the door and saw so many people in the box, she was slightly taken aback, but quickly adjusted a delicate smile: “Sorry, everyone, I’m late.”

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Bian Xin turned his gaze to the remaining positions.

Both Qian Lingling and Dai Su had vacant seats, Bian Xin sat down next to Dai Su almost without hesitation, and said with a clever smile, “Director Dai, are you and Yunyun reading the script?”

Dai Su didn’t even raise his head: “Yes, yes, Xiao Bian, you can come and take a look.”

“Okay.” Bian Xin almost moved to Dai Su’s shoulder.

When Bian Xin discussed the plot with Dai Su “seriously”, Yun Feiwu was distracted and continued to listen to Qian Lingling and Tao Wei chatting.

Tao Wei: “Xiaoqian, Mr. Xia is so strict, it’s really hard for you to work by her side.”

Qian Lingling: “No, Mr. Xia is just demanding at work, but she is very nice in private.”

“Anyway, I don’t dare to stay by President Xia’s side all day long. Oh, just looking at her gives me goosebumps.” Tao Wei rubbed the back of her hand exaggeratedly.

Qian Lingling smiled lightly and shook her head.

When Yun Feiwu glanced over, he happened to see Qian Lingling’s smile.

Although she knew that Qian Lingling couldn’t have that kind of relationship with Xia Shutong, she was still sore.

Yun Feiwu had heard Xia Shutong mention about Qian Lingling before.

When Qian Lingling’s family had an accident and she was desperate, it was Xia Shutong who rescued her and kept her by her side.

Up to now, Qian Lingling’s demeanor and movements are 60 to 70% similar to Xia Shutong’s, which is obviously taught by Xia Shutong.

…Xia Shutong, what hobby does she have? It’s fine if you like saving people everywhere, but why do you like nurturing so much?

One is not enough, do you need another?

Yun Feiwu couldn’t help worrying again, the former Xia Shutong wouldn’t like Qian Lingling, but what about her after amnesia?

And Qian Lingling, what if she likes Xia Shutong? She was by Xia Shutong’s side almost all the time, if she had any unreasonable thoughts, it would be very convenient.

After Xia Shutong went home alone, she asked Aunt Wang to cook some food at will, and then went back to work.

She first dealt with Tianjun’s work for a while, and after almost finishing it, Qian Lingling hadn’t come back, so Xia Shutong dug out the information of the actors who passed the audition today and read it carefully.

After looking through the materials of Bian Xin and Yun Feiwu, Xia Shutong discovered sharply that they actually debuted in the same crew.

Ten years ago, Neon Country director Ji Jianjun’s film “Darkness” was also Yun Feiwu’s first film.

In other words… Bian Xin and Yun Feiwu actually knew each other.

Xia Shutong thought for a while, and searched the encyclopedia of “Darkness” in the browser.

“Darkness” is a film about school bullying. All the students in the film are amateur middle school students selected by Yoshimi Jun who have no acting experience at all. This film won an award internationally, and it was also very popular in China at the time, but among the group of students who participated in the film, only Yun Feiwu and Bian Xin made their debut and entered the show business circle.

However, Yun Feiwu played the heroine who was bullied, and Bian Xin was one of the many bullies, the kind with few scenes.

Xia Shutong opened a few still photos at random. The main color of the photos is gray, but the smiles on the faces of the junior high school students are particularly innocent and lively, in stark contrast to the dark background.

After reading it, Xia Shutong suddenly felt restless.

She had a vague feeling… She had been to the shooting scene, but she couldn’t remember it.

Head hurts again.

Xia Shutong got up and took a sip of water, stared at the stills for a while, and finally turned on the projector, found “Darkness” and showed it.

Less than a minute after the movie started, Qian Lingling came back.

“Eh… Mr. Xia, are you watching “Darkness”?” Qian Lingling changed her shoes, went to sit next to Xia Shutong, and said casually, “Miss Yun and Miss Bian were good at acting when they were young, no wonder so many years have passed, There are still people on the Internet who fry their cp.”

Xia Shutong was fascinated by watching: “Yes.”

A few seconds later, Xia Shutong turned her head suddenly: “Huh???”

What cp? ? ?

“Don’t you know?” Qian Lingling took out her mobile phone, and casually searched for a few videos on a certain website, “Here, look, the CP video that netizens cut for them.”

Xia Shutong saw the title of the video at a glance: [Yun Feiwu] x [Bian Xin] I only like you

Seeing the cover of the kiss photo released by P again, her expression suddenly became very tangled.

“Netizens have always been very imaginative in this regard, and both of them are not badly famous, and they have no black material, and the company is also willing to earn traffic from CP fans. When “Chasing the Light” starts shooting, we can also use this to promote it. “

Qian Lingling explained a few words, then yawned again, “However, during dinner today, they didn’t say a few words, and they didn’t look familiar.”

“Is that so…” Xia Shutong relaxed inexplicably, she suddenly smelled a faint smell of alcohol wafting from Qian Lingling’s body, she couldn’t help frowning, “Xiaoqian, have you been drinking?”

“Yeah.” Qian Lingling nodded, “Everyone drank a little… Oh no, Miss Yun didn’t drink, she said she was allergic to alcohol.”

After a few brief chats, Qian Lingling was also quite tired, so she went back to her room to take a shower and prepare to rest, leaving Xia Shutong alone to continue watching movies.

Just like the title of the movie, the overall tone of “Darkness” is very dark, and many small details in the movie give people a breathless sense of despair.

A group of thirteen and fourteen-year-old junior high school students smiled innocently and kindly in front of the teacher, as if they didn’t understand anything. When the camera turned to a dark corner where no one was around, when they bullied their classmates, they still had that innocent smile on their faces.

At this time, this kind of smile looked cruel and terrifying.

At that time, Yun Feiwu was only thirteen years old, still very immature, but his appeal in front of the camera was already very strong. At the end of the movie, she smiled desperately and gloomyly at the camera, and she became the shadow of many people.

But Xia Shutong didn’t feel depressed, on the contrary, she even felt a little… kind.

When the camera cut to the bully, the corner of her mouth subconsciously showed that innocent smile.

When the camera was on Yun Feiwu who was being bullied, Xia Shutong’s expression became cowardly again. She subconsciously waved her hands following Yun Feiwu’s movements and recited her lines, even several times in the movie. Before Yun Feiwu could say anything, Xia Shutong’s next line came to mind.

It’s as if… She has watched this movie countless times, so that every action and every line is engraved in her bone marrow.

That night, Xia Shutong had a dream.

She dreamed that Yun Feiwu, who was wearing a junior high school uniform, was standing in front of her, tilting his head and calling her sister.

Yun Feiwu, who is in his teens and hasn’t grown up yet, is delicate and cute, with a childish look on his slightly tilted head, which makes people want to pet his head.

Xia Shutong stretched out his hand to Yun Feiwu as if he had been bewitched.

But then, the little Yun Feiwu grew up instantly.

The adult Yun Feiwu was taller than her, easily grabbed her hand, pulled her into his arms, and lowered his head towards her—

The surrounding scenes also changed rapidly, turning into the toilet that Yun Feiwu went to with her on the day she signed the contract.

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