The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

“Open the door!”

“It’s only natural to pay off debts!”

“Fuck, Wang Xiaoning, you bitch, you cheated the money and just hid it and didn’t pay it back, right? You **** have the ability to hide for a lifetime!”

“There is a sound in the room, smash the door!”

“Yes, smash the door!”

The old iron door was smashed and creaked against the ground, as if it would be smashed open by the angry crowd outside the door in the next second.

In the corner of the cramped and messy room, two women, one big and one small, huddled together.

The older one, in his thirties, with a haggard face and shabby clothes, was holding the younger one tightly in his arms, covering the girl’s lips with one hand, not daring to let her make the slightest sound.

The younger one was only eight or nine years old, with a petite figure, wearing shabby clothes that obviously didn’t fit, and there were some stains on his face, but his almond eyes were particularly clear. However, at this moment, the girl’s eyes were fixed on the slamming iron door, her eyes were full of fear.

Seeing that the iron gate was about to fail, as if the woman had finally made a decision, she gritted her teeth and pushed the girl under the bed.

“It’s okay…it’s okay, don’t be afraid…don’t make a sound…” The woman kept shaking her hands, but she still pushed the girl in forcefully, “it’s okay…with mother here, everything will be fine…”

The people outside heard the sound and smashed harder.

With a final bang, the door was smashed open.

The girl huddled under the bed, saw the feet of countless people squeezed into their room, and heard their fierce and menacing voices:

“Wang Xiaoning, pay back the money!”

“Stinky **** pay back!”

Mother timidly, with a crying voice: “I… I really don’t have any money, please be patient for a while, okay…”

What kind of person is the mother? Shrewd, gentle, and bold, she has never used such a fearful voice to speak to others in her memory.

So the girl huddled under the bed. Although tears were already dripping from the corners of her eyes and her body was trembling uncontrollably, she still followed her mother’s instructions and tightly covered her lips, not daring to make a sound.

The world outside the bed is getting louder and louder, not only men’s yelling and cursing, but also the metal sound of knives and sticks colliding and women’s screams.

Finally, the world suddenly quieted down.

The mother collapsed beside the bed, blood dripped down her fingertips to the ground, seeping under the bed.

The girl finally couldn’t control herself, and screamed hoarsely:


Terrible screams pierced the night sky outside the hospital.

The woman suddenly sat up from the hospital bed, hugged her legs and shrank into the corner, the panic in her almond eyes hadn’t faded away.

She had that nightmare again.

Ever since debt collectors came to her door after wave, she often had such nightmares.

In fact, the mother died of illness.

After the death of her mother, those debt collectors would not find her, a ten-year-old child, unless the alcoholic uncle next door was drunk and would occasionally knock on her door, and no one had been there for a long time. She’s home.

But she still couldn’t get out of the shadow of the nightmare…

The woman closed her eyes and decided not to think about the dream again.

Now that I’m awake, the top priority now should be to get something to eat. Aunt Liu left a few days ago, so there should be no one else staring at the plastic bottles in the East District…

The woman quickly made a decision—go to the East District first to pick up two bags of bottles and sell them. On the way back, she could just buy a pack of instant noodles. The cabbages behind the house have not been picked yet, so she secretly went to get some. No one should find out.

However, after opening her eyes again, her vision gradually became clearer, and she immediately noticed something was wrong.

—she’s not at home!

She shrank under the quilt and looked around in fear.

The room she is in now is much larger than her home, the walls are white, the ceiling is also white, and it is so clean that there is no black spot.

There is also a mahogany hollow screen not far away, and there seems to be a sofa behind it. There is also a small compartment next to it, the door is closed tightly, and it seems that someone is inside.

Surrounding the bed are all sorts of strange instruments—the kind that look expensive.

In addition, a large LCD TV was hung on the wall opposite the bed, and the hanging lights on the ceiling were also brand new, with crystal glass shining.

She had never seen such, such a luxurious room on TV!

The woman flinched unconsciously.

Only then did she realize that the smell of disinfectant around her was very strong, and the quilt was also white. On the wall behind him is a picture of the nurse on duty.

She lowered her head and saw that she was also wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown.

This, this is in the hospital?

what happened?

How could I wake up and go to the hospital? And it was a hospital that she could never afford.

This was kidnapped…?

After thinking of this possibility, the woman’s hands trembled uncontrollably.

She heard from the neighbor’s uncle that after a girl is abducted by bad guys, she will have a miserable life… Although she is poor, she is not willing to become someone else’s plaything.

The woman lowered her eyes, her hands were still trembling, but a gleam of determination flashed in her eyes.

Anyway, get out of here first.

But in the next second, she just stretched out her covered leg and froze.

Her legs… lengthened?

No, not just legs! And the hands, the hands have also become bigger, and the height is much taller than before.

It is clearly the body of an adult woman.

What is going on?


Before she could think about it, the door of the cubicle in the back of the room suddenly opened.

She vaguely saw a large mirror inside, which seemed to be a toilet.

Seeing someone came out from inside, the woman retracted into the quilt like a frightened rabbit, leaving only two eyes exposed, looking at the person coming vigilantly.

A girl with a round face came out of the toilet. She had an immature face. She looked no more than eighteen or nineteen years old, but she was wearing a black close-fitting suit, which seemed incongruous no matter how you looked.

“Mr. Xia—Mr. Xia, are you awake?”

When the girl saw the woman on the bed, her eyes turned red. She rushed towards the hospital bed quickly, her mouth was like a cannonball, “Mr. Xia, you finally woke up! It was you who made that sound just now? Are you feeling bad? Does it hurt? ? I, I’m going to call the doctor…”

The woman on the bed huddled together, not only did not relax because of her voice, but became more vigilant, her almond eyes that were soaked in water were full of confusion.

“Xia… Mr. Xia?” the woman murmured, her voice was as thin as a mosquito.

“…Huh?” The girl was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, she saw her family Xiao Xia sticking out his head from under the quilt tremblingly, and asked her in a panic: “Who… are you?”

The girl was completely stunned.

She had never seen Xiao Xia with such a pitiful and helpless expression.

“I, I’m Qian Lingling. I’m your secretary and personal assistant…don’t you remember?” The girl thought of a certain possibility, and her mouth trembled when she said it, “Do you still remember who you are? ?”

“Who am I?” The woman tilted her head, with a hint of innocence in her confusion.

She had no impression of the word Qian Lingling, but subconsciously felt it was familiar and kind, so she was not as scared as she was at first.

Qian Lingling was dazed for two seconds, and said a lot, trying to evoke the woman’s memory: “You are Xia Shutong, the director and president of Wutong Pictures and Tianjun Media, and the daughter of the Xia family…”

Xia Shutong, Wutong Pictures, Tianjun Media…these words all sound familiar, but I can’t remember any of them, and my mind hurts.

“Xia Shutong…is that my name?” The woman subconsciously raised her hand to hold the center of her eyebrows, and pressed gently.

Qian Lingling’s eyes lit up, yes, yes, this is the action!

Every time Xiao Xia has a headache, he will habitually rub the center of his eyebrows with his right middle finger.

“Yes! The summer in summer, the distant one, the sycamore tree, how about it, do you remember?” Qian Lingling excitedly said.

Xia Shutong pursed her lips tightly and shook her head anxiously.

“I, can I go to the toilet?” Xia Shutong said weakly after a moment of silence.

“Of course, I can help you there?”

“Thank you, thank you.”

After getting up, Xia Shutong realized that she was half a head taller than Qian Lingling.

After Qian Lingling helped Xia Shutong to the toilet door, she stopped automatically.

Xia Shutong hesitated for a moment, then walked in by herself and closed the door.

Outside the door, Qian Lingling stood in a daze for a while, the shock on Xiaoyuan’s face gradually disappeared, and her eyes also calmed down. She walked to the window of the ward, opened the window, and skillfully lit a cigarette.

His demeanor was cold and serious that didn’t match his age.

Since Mr. Xia has lost his memory, she has the responsibility to arrange Mr. Xia’s life well, and…to protect Mr. Xia.

After entering the toilet, the first thing Xia Shutong did was to look in the mirror.

In the changing mirror, the woman’s figure was tall and graceful, with her gestures and gestures, she exuded an elegant temperament from the inside out, and also inexplicably carried a hint of flirtatiousness and ruffianism.

However, the woman has a face that one can’t help but pity, especially a pair of apricot eyes, the eyes are flowing, and the panic and helplessness in the eyes at this time make her even more pitiful.

Xia Shutong tidied up her figure weakly, and the **** that was naturally exuded from her body just now was gone. Now, not only her face, but her whole body became like a harmless and pitiful little white flower.

…No, she was.

Xia Shutong stared at the face in the mirror for a long time. This adult woman’s face was indeed beautiful and delicate, and the eyes were almost exactly the same as hers, but she still couldn’t believe that this was herself.

Finally, Xia Shutong carefully pushed aside the hospital gown, and looked sideways at her left shoulder.

On it was an irregular pink birthmark that looked like a sycamore leaf.

Xia Shutong raised her hand to touch it in disbelief, biting her lower lip even harder——

This, this is actually her body? !

what is going on? Is it a dream?

Xia Shutong thought about it, and pinched her thumb tentatively.


It hurts.

Not a dream!

Suddenly, several images flashed across Xia Shutong’s mind like lightning…

The roar of the motor when the car is racing, the buzz of the mobile phone vibrating, and finally a crash that resounds through the sky.

The flames burst into the sky.

Xia Shutong’s head hurt again.

She rubbed the center of her eyebrows habitually, and washed her face again.

She seemed to recall something, but it was confused.

After a long time, Xia Shutong pushed open the toilet door, looked at Qian Lingling who was guarding outside, and said softly, “I seem to… have lost my memory. Can you tell me what happened?”

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