The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 20

Chapter 19

Seeing Xia Shutong get off the car, the paparazzi reporters’ eyes lit up, and they snapped violently without seeing the person coming.

Xia Shutong gently raised her hand to block the annoying flashing lights, but the corners of her lips were always raised.

“Have you taken enough shots?” After the sound of the shutter gradually subsided, Xia Shutong put down his hands, with a persuasive smile in his eyes.

The reporters were quiet for a while, and then someone responded: “It’s Mr. Xia from Wutong!”

“Fuck, Devil Xia, why is she here?”

A few reporters turned pale with fright in an instant, but most of them had been working at the bottom all the time, and had no contact with people of Xia Shutong’s class. Not only did they not feel scared, but excitedly took the microphone forward rush.

“Ms. Xia, may I ask why your company signed a contract with Yun Feiwu? Is Yun Feiwu being taken care of by your senior management?”

“Yes! Answer us positively, we need the truth!”

“The truth? Do you think you are the host of the legal column?” Xia Shutong chuckled, “A group of vile paparazzi who have used too many harmful tricks, do you really think you are something?”

Xia Shutong was obviously smiling, but it made everyone feel a chill.

The reporter in the front row silenced for a moment, but someone immediately shook the camera in his hand: “Ms. Xia! We recorded everything you said just now…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xia Shutong’s voice.

“Record it? And then? Buy the draft and go on the hot search? You guys are too funny.” Xia Shutong almost bent down with a smile, “I’m not in the entertainment circle, I’m afraid of your tricks?”

The crowd became noisy, and there was another shutter sound.

Xia Shutong restrained her smile at this moment, she stood up straight, her eyes became cold all of a sudden.

“You guys know how to take pictures and record videos, but I can’t? Here, Xiaoqian, have you recorded them all?” Xia Shutong asked.

Qian Lingling nodded seriously: “Yes, Mr. Xia, everyone’s faces have been clearly photographed.”

Qian Lingling’s voice was not loud, but it was enough for the reporters to hear clearly.

The reporters behind who knew Xia Shutong’s style turned around and ran almost immediately, but were quickly stopped by the bodyguards.

Others who didn’t know the truth, although they also panicked, still insisted on confronting Xia Shutong.

Didn’t it just capture their faces? What else could Xia Shutong do to them? They are not stars.

But what Xia Shutong said next made them feel cold all over.

“It’s so easy for me to find out about your employing company, your studio, and even your family, your family’s work.”

Xia Shutong walked forward step by step, and tapped lightly on the camera of the reporter at the front. The person’s hand was frightened, and the camera fell to the ground, with several cracks on the lens.

“So, I don’t care if you take photos or record videos. But if you dare to post the things you took today on the Internet…” Xia Shutong licked her lips and lowered her voice, “Then, you guys For the rest of your life, don’t even think about getting another penny in this circle.”

Xia Shutong walked a few more steps, and stopped in front of a reporter in his forties with wrinkles around his eyes.

“At this age, I still rely on being a paparazzi. I think there must be some difficulties at home? Let me guess, is the elder sick in the hospital, or is the child waiting to go to school?”

After finishing speaking, Xia Shutong turned around and walked into the car.

The reporter in his forties just now had cold sweat on his forehead.

Xia Shutong was clearly threatening them.

Xia Shutong was right, if it wasn’t for the family, who would be a paparazzi reporter with no conscience?

Yes, they may not be afraid of unemployment. After all, even if they can’t hang out in the circle, they can still make money even if they don’t need to move bricks on the construction site. But what about their families? What should I do if the old man’s illness cannot be cured? What should I do if my child is bullied and isolated at school?

Xia Shutong didn’t say it explicitly, but they believed that she was the one who could do such a thing.

Her demeanor and expression just now were not like normal human beings at all.

Like a crazy lunatic who seems calm but can do anything.

To Xia Shutong, they are like struggling prey, like ants that can be trampled to death.

They thought that they were not afraid of people wearing shoes with bare feet, but they were wrong, Xia Shutong was more like that barefoot person.

They can definitely send out this video and start a storm of public opinion against Xia Shutong.

But they dare not gamble.

After getting in the car, Xia Shutong sighed softly, and said to Qian Lingling: “Little Qian, ask the bodyguards to collect their SD cards later, and watch them delete the videos on the phone. Then… I accidentally The broken video camera will be compensated to them at the same price as the SD card.”

Qian Lingling frowned: “Okay, Mr. Xia.”

After Qian Lingling finished explaining to the bodyguards and got into the car, Xia Shutong couldn’t help but ask her: “Xiaoqian, what happened just now… is my previous style of doing things?”

“Yes.” Qian Lingling nodded and added, “But you used to be more ruthless and won’t compensate them.”

Xia Shutong: “…”

No wonder someone hated her enough to plan a car accident to murder her.

Speaking of the car accident, after being discharged from the hospital, Qian Lingling has been investigating the person behind it, but until now, she has not found any clues.

Xia Shutong, who had just been discharged from the hospital, didn’t understand anything, and later she buried herself in work, and didn’t have time to check it out herself.

Hmm… After the filming of “Follow the Light”, Tianjun’s side has almost stabilized, and she will then focus on investigating the mastermind of the car accident.

“Mr. Xia.” Qian Lingling suddenly suggested, “Miss Yun hasn’t gotten out of the car, is she scared? Do you want to go and see?”

After all, Xia Shutong came to pick him up without saying a word, wasn’t it just for Yun Feiwu?

However, Xia Shutong was shocked and shook his head vigorously: “No!”

He turned back to that soft Mr. Xia again.

“…Okay, then let me tell Sister Tao, shall we go back together?” Qian Lingling asked.

Xia Shutong nodded.

Qian Lingling dialed Taowei’s phone number, and after a few words, the two cars drove towards the crew one after the other.

Before hanging up, Qian Lingling handed the phone to Xia Shutong again: “President Xia, Miss Yun said that she wants to thank you.”

Xia Shutong subconsciously wanted to refuse, but on second thought, it was just a phone call, there was nothing to be nervous about, and it was not about being alone with her.

So she pretended to be calm and answered the phone: “Hello? Cloud Shadow Queen?”

“Yeah.” Yun Feiwu’s voice was faint, with a little bubbly sound, which made people’s ears tingle, “Thank you, Mr. Xia, today.”

“It’s okay.” Xia Shutong tried his best to speak politely calmly, “After all, I hired you to our company, and this is what I should do.”

There was silence on the phone.

After a long time, Xia Shutong heard a faint smile.

After Yun Feiwu finished laughing, he stopped talking.

Xia Shutong didn’t know what to say, so the two remained in a stalemate, and the atmosphere on the phone became obviously awkward.

Xia Shutong’s palms were also sweaty.

“Mr. Xia, I’ll hang up first. I’ll see you later.”

In the end, Yun Feiwu was the first to hang up the phone.

“see you later.”

After handing the phone back to Qian Lingling, Xia Shutong’s whole body softened a bit, and she rested weakly on the pillow with her eyes closed, as if she was extremely tired.

Qian Lingling looked at Mr. Xiao Xia’s side face in confusion. How did she feel… When Mr. Xia was talking to Yun Feiwu, he was obviously trying hard to pretend to be fierce, but how could he not act like it?

After the two cars arrived at the crew, other staff members surrounded them almost in a swarm.

Except for Dai Su, no one dared to come to Xia Shutong’s side, so when Yun Feiwu got out of the car, he was surrounded by enthusiastic colleagues.

“Is Cloud Shadow Queen alright?”

“Yunyun, I have lemonade here, do you want to drink some to suppress the shock?”


Bian Xin watched this scene from a distance, almost unable to hide his black and blue face.

Those people were still around her just now, but when Yun Feiwu came back, everyone cared about Yun Feiwu!

It’s been like this every time since I was a child.

When she was a child, Yun Feiwu was lively and outgoing, so Bian Xin tried her best to imitate her appearance, trying to please others with a smile; later Yun Feiwu’s personality changed drastically, and she kept a cold face all day long, but everyone still only saw it she.

Bian Xin didn’t understand why.

She just felt that she was terribly jealous.

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