The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 26

Chapter 25

“I vaguely remember that I lived in Yuncheng when I was young, and my mother’s name was Wang Xiaoning. But other things… I can’t remember clearly.” Xia Shutong lowered her head and looked at her toes, “I don’t remember why I was in Xia I don’t remember when I appeared here, nor what happened in these years.”

“Grandpa…” Xia Shutong grabbed the hem of her clothes bit by bit, she raised her head and looked straight into Xia Cha’s eyes, “Can you tell me?”

“Hahaha…” Xia Cha’s reaction was beyond her expectation.

Xia Cha bent down with difficulty, laughed heartily for a while, and then straightened up: “It really is my Tongtong, she is so scared, but she still dares to ask, it’s not bad.”

Xia Shutong’s hanging heart slowly fell to the ground.

But Xia Cha didn’t answer what she meant, and after a while, he said slowly: “Tongtong, you should also know that Grandpa, I have worked hard all my life, calling me cold-blooded or ruthless, but I really don’t care much about blood relationship. I only value ability. Among the juniors in the Xia family, you are the most capable, and the company will be taken care of by you.”

“Yes… I know.” Xia Shutong nodded.

Xia Cha waved his hand and continued: “But I admit, I am indeed partial to you… Firstly, I am sorry for your mother, because I didn’t have time to educate your father, let him grow crooked, behind your mother’s back A cub was born outside. Second, among all the juniors, you are the one who has the most similar personality to me. Xia Hongtao is my only son, but I can’t stand him being stupid. You are the only one who has a good brain and a strong personality. This is exactly the same as mine.”

Speaking of this, Xia Cha laughed again, and the wrinkles on his forehead were crowded together: “So Tongtong, tell me, how can I not favor you?”

Xia Shutong couldn’t figure out what he meant, so she just pursed her lips and nodded.

“So, after knowing that you lost your memory, I actually thought about letting you go home and stay with me to recuperate. I don’t care if other people in the family are sick, but I still feel uncomfortable when you are sick.” Xia Cha He squinted his eyes, with a smile in his eyes, “Who knows, if you are a good kid, even if you lose your memory, the company will not miss anything.”

“Grandpa…” Xia Shu asked in a low voice, “What do you mean?”

“Forget it, forget it, I won’t play around with you anymore.” Xia Cha waved his hand, “Grandpa’s meaning is very simple. If you can’t manage the company because of amnesia, come to Grandpa. Grandpa will protect you for the rest of your life. If you manage well , then work hard outside. Tongtong, tell me, what do you think?”

Xia Shutong didn’t hesitate: “I can manage the company well…I want to work hard.”

Xia Cha rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: “But Tongtong, how can you prove it to me? You have only lost your memory for a month. During this month, the company has not made any mistakes. What if something happens later?”

How can we tell what will happen next?

Xia Shutong clenched her fists, and was about to refute, but Xia Cha said again: “Tongtong, I believe Grandpa, your previous experience is not a good thing, I am afraid that telling you now will affect your state, What can the company do? So listen to grandpa, wait for a while, and grandpa will tell you when your state is completely stable. No, maybe you will remember it by yourself at that time. “

Xia Shutong smiled embarrassingly.

It turned out that Xia Cha said so much because of these last few words. Under the layers of foreshadowing, she has no room to refuse.

It really is the old fox of the Xia family.

Xia Shutong nodded: “Listen to Grandpa.”

The Xia family’s old villa is very large, and it is empty at night, with an indescribably weird feeling.

Xia Shutong vaguely remembered that she had indeed lived in this house for a period of time, but after she lay down on the bed, an uncontrollable feeling of loneliness and discomfort surged in her heart.

It’s as if… She cried alone in this room and on this bed so many times that her body had memories.

At two o’clock in the morning, Xia Shutong hadn’t fallen asleep yet, so she simply opened the door and went downstairs to get a glass of ice water in the kitchen.

However, when he reached the corner of the stairs on the second floor, Xia Shutong unconsciously slowed down a bit.

The wall lamp in the living room downstairs was not turned off, and the warm yellow light shone on the wall, casting a vague shadow. Coupled with the rustling sound, it was a bit scary.

A thief? Impossible, the Xia family’s security has always been very strict.

Xia Shutong unconsciously held her breath, walked downstairs softly, and glanced in the direction of the living room with her head.

The TV in the living room was on, and Xia Hongye was lazily lying on the sofa, holding a red and blue handle in his hand, as if he was playing a game.

Xia Shutong’s tense nerves instantly relaxed, she lifted her chin slightly, resumed her usual demeanor towards outsiders, and walked straight to the kitchen without even looking at the living room.

Xia Shutong didn’t intend to provoke Xia Hongye, but after she came out of the kitchen, Xia Hongye stopped her.

“Hey, why are we Tongtong out in the middle of the night? Can’t sleep and want to find a quiet place to cry?”

Xia Hongye shook the handle in her hand, yawned, with a frivolous expression. Coupled with a pair of pajamas that were casually hung on her body, she looked like a female hooligan.

Xia Shutong stopped in her tracks.


She opened the can in her hand, raised her eyebrows, strode up to Xia Hongye, and looked down at her.

Xia Hongye hid aside in disgust: “Why, Xiao Tongtong, you want to pour water on me before I scold you? Why are you getting more and more bad-tempered, and your menopause is coming early? It shouldn’t be that way .”

Xia Shutong still didn’t speak.

Under Xia Shutong’s icy gaze, Xia Hongye casually took another pillow in front of her face, resigned and said, “Well, anyway, my father doesn’t love me, so you can splash it on.”

Somewhat unwillingly, she cursed one more sentence: “Smelly sister.”

Xia Shutong held back her laughter, pushed the drink in front of Xia Hongye, and went back to the kitchen without saying a word to take another can.

This time she didn’t rush back, but stood in the kitchen, looking at Xia Hongye through the hollowed-out screen.

Xia Hongye seems to have forgotten the little episode just now, and played the game with great interest, and took a sip of the drink from time to time, making a heartless dead house.

Xia Shutong remembered that it was written in the information about her that since Xia Hongye was kicked out of the company by her, she only did two things all day long. The second is to target her with Xia Yuansi.

But unlike Xia Yuansi, Xia Hongye was never afraid of Xia Shutong.

Just like just now, if it was Xia Yuansi, he would have been trembling with fright and knelt down to beg for mercy. Xia Hongye just shrank his neck and cursed hard.

Xia Shutong was not very angry, but felt that her sister was a little silly and cute.

After walking out of the kitchen, Xia Shutong originally planned to go upstairs, but was stopped by the dead house sister again.

“Xia Shutong, come here, I’ll tell you something.”

This time, Xia Hongye looked more serious.

“Speak.” Xia Shutong sat on the armrest of the sofa and tapped her fingers twice.

“Xia Shutong, about your car accident…”

Xia Shutong’s fingers stopped suddenly.

Could it be that even Xia Hongye could see that she had lost her memory?

Xia Hongye didn’t notice Xia Shutong’s nervousness at all, and continued: “Your car accident was planned by Xia Yuansi.”

Xia Shutong’s pupils suddenly dilated.

Xia Yuansi was the mastermind behind the car accident? Is it her stupid brother? how come…!

Moreover, why did Xia Hongye suddenly tell her this? it is true? Or did Xia Hongye deliberately provoke their relationship?

Xia Shutong shrank her hands back, supporting herself behind her, preventing Xia Hongye from noticing the trembling of her body.

She licked her lips, looked straight into Xia Hongye’s eyes, and sneered, “I’ll believe whatever you say, then I’d be too stupid.”

“Tch, believe it or not.” Xia Hongye returned her attention to the TV screen, almost talking to herself, “I have no evidence, but Xia Yuansi did discuss this matter with me before, anyway, I have already told you Now, go and check the evidence yourself.”

Xia Shutong sat where she was, raised her head and drank a can of drink, threw the bottle into the trash can, and then walked back upstairs.

After going back to the room and washing up, Xia Shutong lay down on the bed and rubbed the space between her eyebrows impatiently.

Logically speaking, Xia Hongye should have always been on the same front as Xia Yuansi, and there was no need for her to provoke the relationship between Xia Yuansi and Xia Shutong.

Similarly, she didn’t need to lie to Xia Shutong, unless she was the mastermind behind it, otherwise framing Xia Yuansi would not do her any good.

But… after seeing Xia Hongye for real today, Xia Shutong realized that there was still some discrepancy between this sister and her imagination.

Xia Hongye was adopted by Xia’s family. Before Xia Shutong returned to Xia’s family, she had been enjoying everything from the daughter of Xia’s family. After taking away her mother’s love, even Wutong Pictures was snatched away by Xia Shutong.

So Xia Shutong always thought that Xia Hongye should hate herself to death. Coupled with the various descriptions of Xia Hongye in the materials, Xia Shutong’s impression of her is only four words: stupid and bad.

But we just met…

Well, this sister is indeed silly, but she is cute.

Of course, this does not mean that Xia Shutong will listen to Xia Hongye’s one-sided words. She is still planning to investigate the car accident herself after the filming of “Follow the Light”. But this time with a clear direction of investigation, we started to investigate from Xia Yuansi.

“Actors, get ready, action!”

As Dai Su’s voice sounded, everyone on the set immediately got into the mood and started a new day of filming.

In the following content, in order to help the bullied heroine get justice, Zhou Lingxue, played by Bian Xin, goes to her roommate alone to argue. But Du Xian overheard their quarrel, hid in the corner to watch their quarrel, felt guilty and uneasy, and didn’t know what to do for a while.

However, seeing the people getting louder and fiercer, almost fighting, Du Xian finally mustered up the courage to rush out from the corner and stand in front of Zhou Lingxue.

But her appearance not only didn’t scare her roommates, but she was even more excited to do it. Finally, a roommate accidentally pushed her into a small pit under construction.

Unsurprisingly, Du Xian’s calf was broken, and the school knew about the school bullying.

But on one side is Du Xian, a borderline person who can’t even speak clearly, and on the other side are a few roommates who are at least superficially sunny and lively, and the school is no accident. For the sake of Du Xian’s future” persuaded her to quit.

Now I’m filming a rivalry scene between Bian Xin and her roommate, and it’s Yun Feiwu’s turn to play after this one.

Yun Feiwu was sitting by the monitor, looking down at the script, with a rare expression of indifference in her eyes, she felt sorry for Du Xian.

In Du Xian… she saw shadows of herself and Xia Ruan in her childhood.

Xia Ruan was so good when she was a child. Although she didn’t read a book, she knew a lot of things, could explain a lot of truths, and taught her a lot of things.

But except for her, no one else can see how good Xia Ruan is.

They only know that Xia Ruan is timid and weak, so they can bully Xia Ruan vigorously. Every time, she stood in front of Xia Ruan and drove those children away.

But Yun Feiwu was able to drive away the children who bullied Xia Ruan, but he couldn’t do anything to those adults. Not only did they laugh at Xia Ruan’s death of her mother, but they also talked about Yun Feiwu’s family affairs, saying that her father had cheated and that she was raised by her stepmother. The classmates in the school would also taunt her in groups.

When Yun Feiwu was at home, her younger brother always bullied her. She could beat her younger brother, but she couldn’t beat her stepmother and her eccentric father.

Obviously she and Xia Ruan didn’t do anything, but they seemed to be targeted by the whole world.

When she was a child, she didn’t understand anything, she only thought that this world was too unfair to them.

“Little Bian? What’s the matter with you! Why are you so dazed on the set! What’s the number 1 of this tm?”

Dai Su slammed the script in his hand and roared angrily.

Yun Feiwu woke up from the memories and turned around to look at the set.

Bian Xin has heavy dark circles under her eyes, which can’t be covered by makeup. It seems that she stayed up late last night.

Yun Feiwu vaguely remembered that Bian Xin was like this when he was a child. If he didn’t get enough sleep, he would easily be in a daze on the set. I don’t know what she did last night.

Seeing Dai Su angrily walking towards the center of the field, Bian Xin hastily lowered his head to admit his mistake, but his fingers were tightly pinched together.

After Dai Su cursed a few words, he gave them some time to adjust, and soon started the next shoot.

After three times, this one finally passed.

Dai Su sighed heavily, pointed to Bian Xin and said a few words, then turned to Yun Feiwu, his tone softened immediately: “Xiao Yun, you are ready too, the next one is up to you.”

“En.” Yun Feiwu nodded slightly.

In front of the camera, Yun Feiwu still entered the state within a second.

She hid at the corner, bent slightly, and secretly looked in the direction of Zhou Lingxue and her roommate. They quarreled fiercely, Du Yuan wanted to go over to dissuade them, but because of fear, the hands clasped beside her kept trembling, her lower lip was bitten, and blood came out, her eyes were full of timidity.

There were no mistakes in Yun Feiwu’s performance, but there was something wrong with Bian Xin again. This time it was not because of Bian Xin, but because the little girl who played the roommate somehow forgot the words.

Dai Su was already on the verge of an outburst of anger, this time he walked over directly and scolded those people together indiscriminately.

I took another shot, and finally passed without any accidents.

The content of the next article is that the heroine Du Yuan went to persuade the fight, but was pushed into the pit instead.

Dai Su looked at the time and found that it was almost noon, so he simply asked the actors to rest and have lunch first, and the prop team also prepared a little bit, and continued shooting in the afternoon.

Dai Su was talking to Yun Feiwu excitedly, but Yun Feiwu still had that indifferent expression. In Bian Xin’s eyes, she became a dog licking dog and a cold goddess whore.

Bian Xin made a “cut” with a dark face, and seeing Yun Feiwu walking away, she walked over with a smile: “Director Dai, are you going to eat?”

“Yeah, why don’t you eat at noon? Do you want to continue filming?” After Dai Su saw Bian Xin, his attitude became obviously cold, and his face became serious, “Xiao Bian, there is another scene between you and Xiao Yun in the afternoon, you finish eating Come over here early, think **** the set, don’t pull your hips anymore.”

“Don’t worry, Director Dai, I won’t…” Bian Xin pursed her lips, trying not to let the resentment in her eyes leak out.

Obviously, she performed well in those two items just now, but Dai Su still couldn’t see it, so she knew that she kept licking in front of Yun Feiwu, and didn’t look at whether he ignored you?

Bian Xin took a deep breath, but still couldn’t suppress the resentment in his heart.

Yes, she was in a bad mood this morning, but was it because Dai Su dragged her to talk about the script all night last night? She was wearing pajamas and only a thin windbreaker, and sat in the corridor all night. It was fine if she didn’t catch a cold. Dai Su still had the face to blame her for being distracted?

Everyone could tell that Dai Su looked the same in front of her, but he looked different in front of Yun Feiwu. Does this mean he wants to lick other goddesses?

Thinking of Yun Feiwu, Bian Xin lowered his head, and his expression finally turned ferocious uncontrollably.

She has been overwhelmed by Yun Feiwu since she was a child.

When “Darkness” was casting, she was originally the heroine, but Yun Feiwu suddenly appeared in the middle, directly turning her from the heroine into a vicious female supporting role who didn’t show her face much.

In the crew, it seemed that everyone liked Yun Feiwu, even the dumb, good-for-nothing sister next to her was loved by the adults.

Why? !

Bian Xin didn’t understand why, she just felt jealous at that time.

After the filming of “Darkness” started, Xingyao, the largest company in the industry, immediately came to the door, hoping to sign a contract with Yun Feiwu. Bian Xin was so sad that he didn’t expect that later, Yun Feiwu didn’t sign Xingyao for some reason, but went to the small workshop Xinghui instead, so Bian Xin took a chance to join Xingyao.

Bian Xin originally thought that in a big company, her development would be better than that of Yun Feiwu in a small workshop. However, after that, Yun Feiwu’s film resources continued to flow, and she could only appear on variety shows and film TV. It’s not as good as clouds and fog.

At that time, Bian Xin couldn’t help scolding Yun Feiwu every time he saw it on TV. However, the two never met again, and there was no deeper conflict.

It wasn’t until two years later, at the age of fifteen, that Bian Xin finally received a film source, the number one female audition. Unfortunately, Yun Feiwu was also on the audition list. In the end, the female number one ended up in Yun Feiwu’s hands without accident. If Bian Xin still wants to act in this movie, she can only try the female number two.

But if the filming goes well, maybe Bian Xin can seize this opportunity and re-enter the film industry, so in the end, she still accepted the position of the second female lead.

But no one expected that everything was well prepared, and one week before the filming, Yun Feiwu smashed the investor’s head because he didn’t want to drink with the capital. Later, the investor went to prison inexplicably, and the crew’s capital chain was cut off, and finally had to be disbanded.

At that time, Bian Xin was so angry that he wanted to kill Yun Feiwu.

Isn’t it just to have a meal with you? Drinking at most! Everyone has been in the circle for two years, how can you not know what the circle is like? What are you pretending to be?

But because of this incident, Yun Feiwu also had to stop acting and fade out of the entertainment industry. And Bian Xin can still enjoy the eyes and bragging in front of the camera.

However, it has only been two years since Yun Feiwu, who declared that he would take a break from the film but was actually hidden by snow, has once again airborne into the showbiz circle. Since then, his journey has been invincible, and the resources in his hands are getting better than the other, and he has come to the present smoothly.

While Bian Xin seems to have been prosperous these years, in fact, he has never done any dirty things with drinking or sleeping with him, and it can be said that he has been extremely sad along the way.

So she hates.

“By the way, shall we go back to the car for dinner?” At this moment, the little assistant came over to hold up the umbrella for Bian Xin.

“En.” Bian Xin came back to his senses, and when he looked up, he happened to see the prop teacher who was sorting out the wire not far away.

In the scene where Yun Feiwu fell into the pit in the afternoon, the pit was not high, only more than two meters, but to be on the safe side, we still used Wia…

Bian Xin’s eyes gradually darkened, she lowered her head, thoughtful.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Xia Shutong finally settled the order from Tianjun and signed the contract.

Xia Shutong didn’t sleep much last night, and now she was too tired to hold on, so she asked Qian Lingling to drive her back to her house in Haicheng, rest for a night and then return to Guicheng tomorrow morning.

However, just after entering the house, Qian Lingling received a phone call.

After hearing what was said on the phone, Qian Lingling immediately became serious: “Miss Yun is injured? What’s the matter?”

“What’s wrong with Wia?”

“Is it badly hurt?”

“Okay, I’ll tell Mr. Xia right away.”

Hearing Qian Lingling’s words, Xia Shutong’s fingers that were changing shoes stopped abruptly, and all sleepiness disappeared in his mind.

She stood up, half-chaired on the shoe cabinet, and looked down at Qian Lingling: “What’s wrong with Queen Yunying?”

Qian Lingling sighed: “There is something wrong with the props group, the wire is broken, and Ms. Yun seems to be injured, and she is in the hospital now, but it doesn’t seem very…”

Qian Lingling hadn’t finished speaking when Xia Shutong suddenly tapped **** the shoe cabinet with her knuckles.

“Book a flight back to Guicheng.” Xia Shutong walked outside the door, “Now.”

Qian Lingling was stunned for a moment, then responded, “Okay.”

Xia Shutong couldn’t recover until she got on the plane.

She felt that from the moment she heard about Yun Feiwu’s accident, she was like a tight string that might break at any time.

The brain has not reacted yet, but the body has already made a choice.

I want to go back to Guicheng immediately, I want to see Yun Feiwu intact, even… my nose is sore, I feel like crying.

“Mr. Xia, please rest for a while.” Qian Lingling sat beside her and said in a low voice, and then handed over a blindfold.

“No need.” Xia Shutong shook his head.

can’t sleep.

Not only was she worried about Yun Feiwu, but she was also eager to know what happened, whether it was an accident or man-made.

If it is man-made…

Xia Shutong opened her lips slightly, the tip of her tongue touched the slightly raised corners of her lips, and there was a strong smile in her eyes.

There was a hostility all over his body.

Even Qian Lingling’s hand holding the blindfold trembled unconsciously. She turned her head and didn’t dare to look at Mr. Xia again. Then, taking advantage of the fact that the plane hadn’t taken off, she sent a message to the crew, urging them to investigate as soon as possible. .

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