The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 31

Chapter 30

Jiang Feng swore that she had no intention of spying on Mr. Xia’s privacy at all.

She just saw that Yun Feiwu hadn’t come down after going upstairs for so long, and she was a little worried, so she just mentioned something casually, but Qian Lingling asked her to go and say hello to Mr. Xia, and she went upstairs.

In fact, Jiang Feng was very reluctant.

Boss Xia looked so fierce that Jiang Feng broke out in a cold sweat when he stared at him twice in both auditions.

Moreover, Yun Feiwu is Wutong’s artiste, and Xia Shutong is the president. What can Yun Feiwu do after staying in her room for so long? It must be training!

So Jiang Feng was extremely reluctant and tremblingly moved to the door of Mr. Xia’s room. As a result, he heard voices inside…

Then she stayed at the door.

The development of things is a little different from what she imagined…no, very different.

What did she hear?

feeding play?

Flower kiss therapy?

Jiang Feng did look like a real girl, and there were quite a few classmates who praised her as a goddess in school, but in fact…she was an out-and-out nerd, the kind who loved the Lily culture.

The few words Yun Feiwu and Xia Shutong said alone were enough for her to make up a lot of things in her head.

At first, Jiang Feng just covered his mouth to prevent himself from making a sound. A few seconds later, after Mr. Xia’s pitiful sobs came from the room, Jiang Fengsheng covered his ears helplessly, turned stiffly and walked towards the toilet.

At this time, Jiang Feng had only one thought in his mind:

It’s over, it’s going to be silenced… I didn’t hear anything, nothing, nothing…

The situation in the room was far from as bad as Jiang Feng imagined.

It was just because the medicine was too bitter, and Xia Shutong was so frightened by Yun Feiwu that he drank it in one gulp, and was caught off guard by the bitterness.

Looking at Xia Shutong’s aggrieved expression, Yun Feiwu couldn’t help smiling, and then used a toothpick to string an apple: “Ah—”

Xia Shutong glared at Yun Feiwu angrily, and couldn’t bear the bitterness between her lips and teeth. She grabbed the toothpick from Yun Feiwu’s hand and fed the apple into her mouth herself.

Xia Shutong herself didn’t even notice that she stared at Yun Feiwu with a little resentment naturally.

Yun Feiwu was stunned.

So much so that even after the medicine bowl in his hand was snatched away, he didn’t notice it.

Xia Shutong drank the whole bowl of medicine sullenly, only to belatedly realize that Yun Feiwu had been staring at her blankly for an unknown amount of time.

Yun Feiwu tilted his head, his cherry lips parted slightly, and his gray eyes, which were always as deep as the starry sky, were also stunned at this moment.

Kind of like a puppy again.

Xia Shutong ate another bite of the apple in doubt, but Yun Feiwu still didn’t respond.

So Xia Shutong continued to eat.

Until the last tooth was left on a small plate of apples, Yun Feiwu was still in the same dazed state as before.

Not to mention, it’s still… quite cute.

Xia Shutong hesitated for a moment, then stuffed the last tooth of apple into Yun Feiwu’s mouth, and then said, “I’ve finished eating the apple, and I’ve finished drinking the medicine. You can go down, I want to rest for a while.”

Yun Feiwu chewed the apple slowly, his pupils regained their spirits little by little.

There was an ambiguous smile in his eyes again.

Xia Shutong straightened her body immediately, and wrapped the thick quilt around her body.

Every time Yun Feiwu showed such a smile, nothing good would happen.

Sure enough, the next second, Yun Feiwu leaned towards the bedside table, opened the drawer with one hand, and skillfully took out a bunch of keys from it.

Xia Shutong:! !

Xia Shutong stretched out her hand: “…The Cloud Shadow Queen!”

Then he was pushed back immediately.

So she could only watch helplessly as Yun Feiwu slowly took the key to open the second drawer, and gracefully took out a red book with her fingers.

“Empress Yunying, you…! I…” Xia Shutong was so anxious that he could not speak coherently.

Yun Feiwu glanced at her, then lowered his head, and gently opened the marriage certificate with a smile on his lips.

“Is it still called Yunyinghou?” Yun Feiwu put the opened page on the cabinet, and looked up at Xia Shutong again, his eyes flickering, “Sister?”

After that, Yun Feiwu lowered his eyes again, his eyes fell quietly on the marriage certificate, and his slender white fingers gently stroked it.

For a while, the room fell silent.

The air seemed to freeze.

Yun Feiwu’s charming and coquettish “sister” kept echoing in Xia Shutong’s mind.

It was obviously not the first time he was called like this, but he still felt numb all over his body, and even wanted to hug Yun Feiwu into his arms uncontrollably.

But in the end Xia Shutong just lowered his head, didn’t do anything, and didn’t say anything.

Her lowered eyes moved slowly to the side until she saw Yun Feiwu’s finger on the marriage certificate.

Yun Feiwu’s hands are beautiful, with slender fingers and well-defined joints, elegant and noble. But at this moment, he was standing helplessly, exuding a sense of dejection.

Xia Shutong didn’t dare to look up at Yun Feiwu, but just looking at her hands, she could imagine what she looked like now.

Probably… just like the lonely wolf king who is used to being arrogant, but because he was rejected by his lover, he was lying on the ground in a prostrate and tame posture, with all the hair on his body drooping.

Poor and distressing.

Xia Shutong’s heart tightened.

After a long silence, she whispered, “Yun… Yun Feiwu, I saw the marriage certificate. I… I’m sorry.”

Yun Feiwu gave a soft “hmm”.

Xia Shutong continued: “I’ve been in a mess for the past few days. I think…after the filming of “Follow the Light” is over, let’s talk about it, okay?”

“Mr. Xia,” Yun Feiwu said calmly, “Do you want a divorce without affecting my filming? If that’s the case, you don’t have to worry…”

Xia Shutong suddenly raised her head and shook her head subconsciously: “No! It’s not a divorce!”

Yun Feiwu’s eyes lit up.

Xia Shutong pursed her lips and rubbed her fingers together: “I can’t tell… I really don’t want to affect your mood when shooting, but I, I…”

Xia Shutong clearly wanted to say a lot, but when it came to his mouth, he felt his throat was so astringent that he couldn’t say a word.

She opened her lips in panic, two lines of tears slid down her cheeks.

The eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, and even the cloudy figure in front of him became foggy, making it hard to see clearly.

What needs a buffer period is not Yun Wuwu, but she who has lost her memory and knows nothing.

Suddenly, Yun Feiwu leaned forward and embraced her in his arms.

Very tight very tight.

Xia Shutong’s chin was pressed tightly against Yun Feiwu’s shoulder, her slender neck was seen when she turned her head, her breath was surrounded by the tip of her nose, and her body was wrapped in her warm embrace.

Xia Shutong’s anxious expression gradually faded away.

She heard Yun Feiwu’s gentle voice: “It’s okay. You need time to think, so wait until “Chasing the Light” is finished. It’s okay, it won’t affect me. You…don’t cry.”

Yun Feiwu’s voice was very low, gentle to the bone.

Xia Shutong could hear a faint cry.

Xia Shutong raised one hand trembling involuntarily, and hugged Yun Feiwu from behind, while the other hand patted her back soothingly.

She closed her eyes and buried her head on Yun Feiwu’s shoulder.

The two embraced for a long time before slowly letting go of each other.

Yun Feiwu turned his head to the side, put the marriage certificate back in the drawer, and after a moment of silence, asked, “Then… shall I go down first?”

“Yeah.” Xia Shutong sat on the bed, nodded, and suddenly grabbed Yun Feiwu’s sleeve, muttering in a low voice, “Wait…I have a few questions I want to ask you.”

Yun Feiwu nodded.

Xia Shutong: “Why… didn’t you tell me about our relationship from the very beginning?”

“I’m afraid I’ll scare you.” Yun Feiwu squatted down and said seriously, “But we really only meet once in a few months, and I really like you very much.”

Rather, I love you.

Yun Feiwu didn’t say it, but the affection in his eyes couldn’t be stopped.

Xia Shutong touched his heart unconsciously, feeling the heart beating so fast inside.

“One more question…” Xia Shutong bit her lip, not daring to look into Yun Feiwu’s eyes, “Did we have that kind of relationship before?”

“What kind?”

Xia Shutong’s ears were slightly red, she opened her mouth and said two words silently:


Yun Feiwu was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly and said, “No.”

Xia Shutong suddenly relaxed a little.

After that, Yun Feiwu didn’t stay in the room for a while, and went downstairs with a bowl and fruit plate.

Xia Shutong lay in a daze for a while, recalling the warm hug just now, and suddenly felt extremely at ease.

In fact, since she recalled some of her previous memories yesterday, she couldn’t help feeling a little anxious.

Xia Shutong wanted to pick up her old memories, and wanted to know what she had experienced in these years, but when she really remembered some of them, she began to feel scared and resisted.

As if holding a Pandora’s box in her arms, Xia Shutong didn’t know whether to open it, and couldn’t discuss it with others, so she was confused and helpless.

But after that hug, Xia Shutong’s heart suddenly settled down.

After that, Yun Feiwu obediently never approached her again. Both of them tacitly worked **** their own, waiting for the finale.

But every time on the set, the moment Dai Su called “Cut”, as long as Xia Shutong was present, Yun Feiwu would look at her immediately.

Over time, Xia Shutong got used to it.

However, without Yun Feiwu’s “harassment”, Xia Shutong did relax for a while, but felt a little lost for no reason.

But after Bian Xin left, the filming of the crew went very smoothly.

Jiang Feng, a newcomer, has no experience in filming. Although she often made mistakes at the beginning, and even provoked Dai Su to scold others several times, she has a good personality. Basically, Dai Su forgot after scolding, and was occasionally forced to rush. He can also point at Dai Su and scold each other, which adds a lot of joy to the crew.

Moreover, Jiang Feng’s savvy is not low. In the middle and late stages, even Dai Su couldn’t find any faults, and he was basically praising her. Not to mention Yun Feiwu, almost all the shots were taken in one shot, and even if there was a place where the emotion was not in place, Dai Su could tap it a little, and she would be able to understand it immediately.

As a result, there were basically no problems during the whole filming process. With the completion of several leading actors, “Follow the Light” was officially completed in early January.

The staff and actors of the crew have been together for two or three months, and they are already familiar with each other, and the atmosphere of the finale banquet is much more lively than when it was started.

Except when Xia Shutong came on stage to speak, no one dared to boo. Afterwards, almost every actor came to the stage, and there was a lot of noise below, and some even went up to toast directly.

Finally, when it was director Dai Su’s turn, before he could speak, he was poured several glasses of wine, his cheeks were very red.

After finally no one came up to toast with him, Dai Su picked up a glass of Erguotou himself, and killed it to the crowd, excitedly said: “”Chasing the Light” is my girlfriend’s painstaking effort, and it is also my dream, and now its shooting has come to a successful conclusion , I would like to thank all the actors for their cooperation and the staff of the crew for their dedication. During the past few months on the crew, everyone has worked hard…”

When Dai Su spoke later, his voice was almost choked up, and tears even welled up in the corners of his eyes.

It’s hard to imagine that this stupid director with negative emotional intelligence can have such rich emotions.

Dai Su talked a lot passionately, and finally he walked towards Xia Shutong with the wine.

“Among all the people, I am most grateful to Mr. Xia. If Mr. Xia hadn’t discovered me and was willing to provide me with this opportunity, I might still be sitting at home doing nothing, drinking away my worries every day. Mr. Xia, I You know who I am, not to mention likable, it would be nice if people don’t hate me, but you have never had any prejudice against me… I, although I don’t say it on the surface, I am actually very moved in my heart.”

Dai Su actually wiped away tears in front of everyone.

“Come on, Mr. Xia, I respect you with this cup!”

Xia Shutong didn’t expect that Dai Su would thank her so sincerely, so she couldn’t help being stunned. She heard from Qian Lingling that when she was sick, it was Dai Su who proposed to visit her, and she was surprised at that time.

Xia Shutong hesitated for a moment, then picked up the white wine on the table and clinked glasses with Dai Su.

When the atmosphere is here, you will indeed want to drink some wine, and now that Qian Lingling is by your side, nothing will happen.

Watching Dai Su finish a full glass of wine, Xia Shutong also drank a small half of the glass in one gulp.

Throat hurts immediately.

With Dai Su making the head start, many people came to Xia Shutong’s side to toast. Xia Shutong only took a sip afterwards, but she was still a little drunk.

The head also seems a little dizzy.

Even the figures around him seem to have become several.

Xia Shutong blinked in confusion, looked around, and finally settled on Yun Feiwu.

Yun Feiwu was obviously the lead actor in “Chasing the Light”, but she sat on the sidelines coldly. Even if someone came to chat with her, she would leave without saying a few words.

She just sat quietly like that, as if she was not interested in anything.

It’s a little pathetic.

Suddenly, she felt Xia Shutong’s gaze, and raised her eyes to look at Xia Shutong.

Xia Shutong was startled, and subconsciously hooked her finger: “Cat… Cloud Shadow Queen, come here.”

She almost slipped the tongue, but fortunately she still remembered that she had to pretend that they didn’t know each other outside.

Wait, why? Are they familiar? Hmm…it seems to be.

Xia Shutong’s head was dizzy, he couldn’t remember anything clearly, and he seemed to remember everything.

Almost the moment Yun Feiwu walked over, she leaned against her familiarly, but she still remembered that she was not too intimate because of the crowds around her.

Yun Yinghou hugged Xia Shutong’s shoulders, supported her steady, and then turned to Qian Lingling: “Mr. Xia, is she drunk?”

“Hmm…” Qian Lingling also drank some wine, and her whole body was erratic.

Yun Feiwu sighed softly, held down Xia Shutong’s hand that was going to get the wine, and switched to a drink on the side.

Looking at this scene, Qian Lingling always felt that something was wrong, but her drunken mind prevented her from thinking too much, and she forgot it in the next second.

The hall is very lively, people are constantly speaking on stage, even singing and dancing, and there is also a lot of noise downstairs, there are always a few people who love to be lively running around to toast.

Jiang Feng drank for a while, finally returned to his table, and was immediately stopped again.

Except for Jiang Feng, this table is basically an old actor who has been in the entertainment industry for many years. In “Chasing the Light”, they played roles like the heroine’s parents.

“Xiao Jiang, you haven’t toasted Mr. Xia yet? Come on, let’s go together.”

Jiang Feng waved his hand subconsciously: “I, I won’t go…”

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that Mr. Xia was hugging Yun Feiwu now, give her a hundred courage, and she wouldn’t dare to disturb her, okay?

The old actor misunderstood that she was afraid of Xia Shutong, and said with a smile, “It’s okay, Mr. Xia is usually strict, but he treats us very well. Besides, she is also happy to finish the filming today, so she won’t hurt you.”

Another actor also smiled and patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder: “That’s right, isn’t Xiaoyun there too? Xiaoyun is indifferent, and she has already gone to say hello to Mr. Xia, why don’t you go?”

Jiang Feng trembled: It was because Yun Feiwu was there that she didn’t dare to go!

But Jiang Feng was too embarrassed to refuse the kindness of the old drama players, so he shrank behind them and walked over with the wine tremblingly.

Although Xia Shutong was half leaning in Yun Feiwu’s arms, outside, she still habitually maintained a cold and arrogant expression, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her lips, which looked a little scary.

Jiang Feng only took one look and didn’t dare to look again.

Who would have thought that Mr. Xia, who is so terrifying outside, would cry like a weakling in private?

Jiang Feng shook his hand, no, I can’t think about it anymore, if I think about it again, I will be silenced.

“I can’t tell, Xiaoyun and Mr. Xia have a really good relationship.”

At this time, Jiang Feng just heard the voice of an actor teasing, and couldn’t help but lower his head even lower.

That’s right, it’s so good that you can’t imagine, hehe…hehe.

It was nearly eleven o’clock when the dinner party ended.

Because Qian Lingling and Xia Shutong were a little drunk, they still stayed in a hotel tonight and flew back to Haicheng tomorrow morning.

After Yun Feiwu helped Xia Shutong back to the room, that familiar feeling came over him.

Xia Shutong entangled her body like an octopus, and poked her cheek with a pouted mouth: “Maomao, you are so bad.”

As early as in the banquet hall, Yun Feiwu noticed that the drunk Xia Shutong was like last time again, so now she didn’t respond, and picked Xia Shutong skillfully and walked to the bed: “What’s wrong?”

“It’s just bad!” Xia Shutong sat on the bed, tilted his head thinking while taking off his clothes, and said after a while, “You ignored me all this time.”

Yun Feiwu: “…”

Yun Feiwu handed the pajamas to Xia Shutong, and also sat aside to change: “Obviously you asked me to do this.”

“Eh, is it?” Xia Shutong thought back for a while, and managed to remember, it seemed that she had indeed said such a thing, and she also asked Yun Feiwu to give herself some time to think about it.

What are you thinking about? My mind is in a mess and I don’t remember at all.

However, Xia Shutong turned sideways and rubbed Yun Feiwu’s head happily: “Then…the cat is really obedient!”

Yun Feiwu nodded helplessly.

I always feel that Xia Shutong who is drunk…has lost his wits.

Although Xia Shutong used to be dumbfounded when he was drunk, he was never as stupid as he is now. Was it because of a car accident that hit his head?

Yun Feiwu couldn’t help but glanced at Xia Shutong worriedly.

Xia Shutong smiled inexplicably, his brows and eyes curved: “Maomao, take a bath?”

“Well, take a shower.”

Yun Feiwu followed her into the bathroom.

Today Xia Shutong is not very drunk, at least he can walk by himself, but he is a little wobbly.

After taking a shower and returning to the bed, Yun Feiwu was about to lean over to turn off the light when Xia Shutong threw him on the bed.

Xia Shutong still smiled innocently, cutely and silly, but somehow it gave Yun Feiwu a bad feeling.

Speaking of which, when they were doing it before, Xia Shutong was usually the one at the bottom…unless she was drunk. Xia Shutong who was drunk at that time was obviously also dumbfounded, but he was much more courageous than when he was sober, and his attack power was also much stronger.

“Ruan Ruan…” Yun Feiwu gently pushed Xia Shutong’s shoulder.

Xia Shutong lay on top of her, not moving, but her almond eyes were very bright, as if they were shining.

Seeing Yun Feiwu was in a daze.

So much so that before he could react, his collarbone was bitten.

Nibbling and licking very lightly.

Soft, but itchy.


Yun Feiwu’s body softened in an instant, his feet were unconsciously clenched, and his calves were entangled with Xia Shutong’s.

After finally waiting for Xia Shutong’s small movements to stop, Yun Feiwu pushed her again: “Ruan Ruan… no.”

Xia Shutong: “?”

Xia Shutong looked up at her, puzzled.

“Why? Don’t you love me, cat?”

“No… Ruan Ruan, I love…”

Before Yun Feiwu finished speaking, Xia Shutong pressed her lips to her.

Yun Feiwu raised her head slightly, covered her lips, “Ruan Ruan, listen to me first.”

Now Xia Shutong is like a child who doesn’t understand anything, if something really happened, Yun Feiwu would feel very guilty.

But Xia Shutong didn’t intend to listen to what she said, just stared at her for a few seconds, and his face immediately collapsed.

“Maomao, you really don’t love me anymore.” Xia Shutong said aggrievedly, “You ignore me, don’t call me, and don’t even kiss me…”

Speaking of the latter, Xia Shutong’s voice almost trembled, which was very pitiful.

“I don’t.” Yun Feiwu put his arms around the back of Xia Shutong’s neck, sat up slightly, and gently rubbed his cheek against the side of Xia Shutong’s face, like a coquettish little beast.

“Ruan Ruan, you forgot again. It was you who said to think about it for a while, that’s why I haven’t bothered you for the past two months.” Yun Feiwu comforted, “As for not calling… since your car accident, your The mobile phone can’t be dialed, don’t you remember? We don’t have any other contact methods for the time being.”

“Huh?” Xia Shutong blinked in confusion.

After Yun Feiwu said so much, she couldn’t hold it in her dizzy head, and she only vaguely felt that Yun Feiwu was right.

So she reached out and took the phone, unlocked it and handed it to Yun Feiwu.

“Then Maomao, save your phone number and add your WeChat friends, um…let’s take another fingerprint!”

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