The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 35

Chapter 34

Line skills are one of the basic skills that actors must master.

And Yun Feiwu has always done a good job in this regard, with clear words and strong emotional rendering. Often a simple syllable can arouse the emotions of the audience.

This is true in the camera, and it is also out of the camera.

On the other end of the phone, when Xia Shutong heard Yun Feiwu’s voice, his whole heart was almost pulled together.

She could even imagine what kind of expression Yun Feiwu used to say those two sentences.

Anyone will feel sorry for her voice.

Not to mention Xia Shutong.

Xia Shutong said without any hesitation, “Okay.”

After rushing to where Yun Feiwu was, Xia Shutong saw her from afar.

Yun Feiwu squatted in the corner by himself, obviously in a distressed and pitiful posture, but it gave people a sense of aloofness that rejected others thousands of miles away.

When I got closer, I saw that she was wearing a mask, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

All emotions are also written in those eyes.

Xia Shutong walked up to her, hesitated for a moment, and stretched out his hand to her: “Yun Feiwu.”

Only then did Yun Feiwu raise his head, and the moment he saw Xia Shutong, his eyes immediately turned red.

She first put away the earphones, then took Xia Shutong’s hand and got up, her pupils did not move, she looked at Xia Shutong pitifully.

The arrogance just now was completely removed, leaving only endless grievances and obedience.

Xia Shutong didn’t know what happened to her, but felt that she was also very uncomfortable, subconsciously took her hand, and hugged her into his arms.

“…Don’t cry.” She coaxed softly.

“Yeah.” Yun Feiwu nodded, suppressing his nasal voice.

Xia Shutong’s hand slowly went up, and finally touched the back of Yun Feiwu’s head, and rubbed it vigorously.

She felt that Yun Feiwu buried his face in the hollow of her shoulder, obediently in a mess.

Yun Feiwu didn’t seem to be wearing perfume today, and her body smelled of sweet shower gel. Xia Shutong couldn’t help sniffing a few more times.

After a long time, Xia Shutong let go of his hands and stepped back in small steps.

His face also turned red.

“Yun Feiwu… Are you alone? Where’s the assistant?”

“It’s a holiday.” Yun Feiwu replied simply.

Xia Shutong asked again: “Walking on the street like this, aren’t you afraid of encountering illegitimate fans and paparazzi? It’s not safe.”

Yun Feiwu pointed to the mask: “They can’t tell, and I don’t wear makeup.”

It was only then that Xia Shutong discovered that Yun Feiwu was indeed facing the sky without a trace of makeup around his eyes, but he was still unbelievably beautiful.

“Dangerous, don’t allow it next time.” Xia Shutong said mercilessly.

If something goes wrong with Yun Feiwu, the consequences will be disastrous.

And Xia Shutong is very sure that although her feelings for Yun Feiwu are still unclear, she will definitely feel heartbroken.

Yun Feiwu nodded obediently: “Okay.”

After saying these words, the two fell into silence again.

Xia Shutong didn’t even know why she came here, because she heard Yun Feiwu said that she was sad, so she wanted to come to comfort her?

Now that the consolation is over, what should I do? go home directly?

When Xia Shutong was struggling, Yun Feiwu took the initiative to hold her hand again, and said coquettishly, “Mr. Xia, I didn’t have dinner.”

Xia Shutong: “Huh?”

“Take me to eat.” Yun Feiwu pinched her fingers and shook them, “OK?”

Feeling the temperature from the fingertips, Xia Shutong hesitated for a moment, then nodded: “What do you want to eat?”

“It will be all right.”

Finally, Xia Shutong took her to a private restaurant.

There were only the two of them in the box. After Yun Feiwu sat down, he took off his mask and obediently watched Xia Shutong order.

On the way, Xia Shutong asked her what she wanted to eat, and she would say “anything is fine”, “listen to Mr. Xia”, and “I don’t choose”.

And today Yun Feiwu didn’t have any makeup on, and she was dressed very simply. Half of her face was buried in a black scarf, like a student who didn’t know much about the world.

So good that you want to rub your head.

The waiter who ordered the food couldn’t help but look at Yun Feiwu a few more times, and looked away in a very professional manner.

There are quite a few celebrities who come to this private restaurant to eat. It stands to reason that the staff are almost familiar with it, but Yun Feiwu…

The waiter really didn’t expect that there was such a big contrast between her and the TV. Even without makeup, she looks so good that she can’t pick out any flaws, and her demeanor and tone are so obedient. Let me ask, who wouldn’t want to have such a daughter… No, girlfriend!

As soon as the waiter left, there were only the two of them left in the box.

When Xia Shutong looked at Yun Feiwu, she raised her eyes and looked back with clear eyes.

So good.

She didn’t have the strong…and a little nasty feeling when she was alone with Xia Shutong a few times ago.

It made Xia Shutong a little uncomfortable.

Is it because you are in a bad mood today?

“Yun Feiwu,” Xia Shutong thought for a while before asking, “What’s wrong with you today?”

Just as she was about to add, “It’s okay if you don’t want to say it,” Yun Feiwu spoke up.

“President Xiao Xia, someone scolded me, so I’m a little unhappy.”

The voice could no longer hear much grievance, but Xia Shutong still felt a little distressed.

“Is it those black fans on the Internet? You don’t have to care what they think, most of them are trolls bought by the opposite company.”

Having said that, Xia Shutong didn’t think that Yun Feiwu would be so sad because of Heizi.

Although Yun Feiwu is still young, she has been in the entertainment industry for so many years alone, and her heart has long been honed and strengthened. She is definitely not the kind of person who will deny herself because of external voices.

Sure enough, after a few seconds of silence, Yun Feiwu lowered his head slightly and said, “It’s not black fans. It’s my family.”


Xia Shutong’s eyes immediately sank. The outside world didn’t know about the relationship between Yun Feiwu and her family, but she knew about it when she signed the contract with Yun Feiwu. After Yun Feiwu debuted, she basically cut off contact with her family. These years have never seen each other.

It is said that it was because of Yun Feiwu’s bad relationship with his family.

“It’s nothing.” Yun Feiwu took the initiative to explain, “It’s just that they came to me to ask for money, and if I didn’t give it, I was scolded.”

When Yun Feiwu said this, his voice had returned to its usual indifference.

In fact, she didn’t know what she was sad about.

Mingming had already lost her feelings for her family, but the moment she walked out of the community, she still felt terribly lonely, and a sense of emptiness surged from the bottom of her heart and spread to every corner of her body.

All he wanted was to see Xia Shutong soon.

Xia Shutong frowned, and a trace of hostility flashed in his pupils.

In the circle, there are quite a few female artists who have been sucked blood by parasite family members, even a young trainee in Wutong, who was regarded as a tool to make money by her family at a young age, and finally was “rescued” by Wutong’s legal department .

Although Yun Feiwu didn’t say what happened specifically, when Xia Shutong heard the word asking for money, Xia Shutong thought of his family sucking blood.

“Yun Feiwu, what are you going to do?” Xia Shutong’s voice was a little cold.

In order to show that she was not targeting Yun Feiwu, she subconsciously stretched out her hand, and put her palm on the back of Yun Feiwu’s hand, rubbing it lightly.

“Change the phone number and stop contacting them.” Yun Feiwu looked at the hand held by Xia Shutong, with a smile on his lips, “Mr. Xia, this matter may have to trouble the company.”


“I’ve changed my number several times in the past few years. It stands to reason that they shouldn’t know my contact information. And…they are not very short of money, so there is no reason to suddenly find me.”

Xia Shutong immediately reacted: “You mean, someone gave them your mobile phone number on purpose and instigated them to come to you and ask for money?”

“Yeah.” Yun Feiwu nodded, “I suspect it’s those who compete with our company.”

Xia Shutong lowered her head, thinking about this possibility.

In the circle, Yun Feiwu is considered to have a more Buddhist personality, but along the way, she has also provoked many actors who compete with her. It is true that the whole internet was paralyzed on the day she won the Best Actress, but there were also many articles slandering her secretly.

As for the people in the circle who don’t like Wutong, there are even more people. Since Xia Shutong took over Wutong, she has made countless enemies, and I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at her. Those people did not dare to touch Xia Shutong, so it was not impossible to shift their target to Yun Feiwu.

Xia Shutong thought about it for a while, and decided that besides investigating the matter seriously, it is better to assign Yun Feiwu a few more bodyguards.

When the food was served, the waiter saw the hands of the two people holding each other, and couldn’t control it, so he took a few more glances.

Xia Shutong is also very beautiful, she is the type that is hard to forget after seeing her, but the waiter has no impression of her, that is to say, she should not be a talent in the entertainment circle.

Then… Yun Feiwu’s outsider friend?

Looking at Yun Feiwu’s obedient and soft appearance, the waiter instantly realized.

She felt like she had drunk something terrible.

Xia Shutong had already had dinner, so this meal was just a simple snack, mainly to watch Yun Feiwu eat.

After a meal, it was almost ten o’clock in the evening.

“Yun Feiwu, shall I take you home?” After getting back in the car, Xia Shutong looked at Yun Feiwu, the co-pilot, inquiringly, but happened to meet her pair of watery gray eyes.

Very poor.

Xia Shutong pursed her lips, and her voice weakened: “You…do you still feel uncomfortable?”

Yun Feiwu nodded.

She didn’t speak, but it was clearly written in her eyes that she wanted Xia Shutong to accompany her.

They looked at each other for a long time.

Finally Xia Shutong let out a long breath, turned to start the engine, bit his lip and asked, “…to your house or mine?”

As soon as the words came out, Xia Shutong realized belatedly that the words seemed a bit ambiguous.

My face was very hot.

…and the shame of being tricked by this wolf cub.

Yun Feiwu still didn’t answer.

Xia Shutong gritted her teeth and drove the car towards her home.

After a long time, the car almost drove downstairs to Xia Shutong’s house, when Yun Feiwu suddenly remembered something, and said embarrassedly: “Isn’t it good to go to Xiao Xia’s house?”

It’s all here, and you now know that it’s not good?

Xia Shutong took a deep breath and ignored her.

Sure enough, being cute is only temporary, and the little wolf cub is now showing his true colors.

After finally parking the car, Xia Shutong unbuckled his seat belt and was about to get out of the car when he saw Yun Feiwu sitting motionless on the seat, looking at her with bright eyes.

Xia Shutong’s breath stagnated for no reason: “?”

Yun Feiwu pointed to the seat belt, and said softly, “Sister, help me untie it.”

If anyone else made such an ambiguous and unreasonable request to Xia Shutong in such a coquettish tone, Xia Shutong would only find it unreasonable.

It’s okay not to slap that person.

But the person in front of him is not a cloud.

Just her “sister” made Xia Shutong feel her throat dry up.

Xia Shutong looked at her, watching her gray eyes flicker, as if her whole heart was about to be sucked in.

Xia Shutong bent over a little bit, approached slowly, supported his body with one hand, and groped to find the position of the seat belt with the other. At the same time, the cheeks are getting closer and closer to Yun Feiwu, it seems that a little closer, even the breath can be entangled.

Yun Feiwu’s lips parted slightly, as if tempting, he lightly stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked the corners of his lips.

The light inside the car was very dark, Xia Shutong could only vaguely see, Yun Feiwu’s unpainted lips were a natural cherry red, and there were a little water stains on the lips, which made people couldn’t help but want to get close to taste it , lick it.

Eat clean.

“Crack.” The sudden sound of the seat belt being undone broke the ambiguous atmosphere in the car.

Xia Shutong backed away: “Okay, get out of the car.”

He added: “The security in the community is very good, so you don’t need to wear a mask.”

Both of their faces were a little red.

So after getting off the car, Yun Feiwu bowed his head without saying a word, obediently followed behind Xia Shutong, and returned to his previous obedient appearance.

“Have you ever been to my house before?” Xia Shutong asked after entering the door.

Yun Feiwu shook his head: “No.”

“Oh…” Xia Shutong took her around the room and introduced, “That is my room. The guest room opposite is usually lived by Qian Lingling. She has returned to her hometown on vacation these two days. The guest room next to her Nobody but the nanny keeps cleaning and you…”

Before he finished speaking, his hand was held by Yun Feiwu.

“Xiao Xia always wants me to sleep alone?” Yun Feiwu lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Xia Shutong: “…”

Of course she knew that Yun Feiwu wanted to sleep with her.

And she, as an upright president, of course wanted to refuse the naked express of her own artist.

… Well, the main reason is that the marks on Yun Feiwu’s body last time frightened her too much.

Xia Shutong felt that before it was officially confirmed that they liked each other, it would be better not to have anything else happen.

But Yun Feiwu just lowered her head like that, pinching her fingers, biting her lip pitifully, as if a low and pitiful whimper would come out of her nasal cavity in the next second.

Xia Shutong looked at the guest room, then turned to look at her own room, gritted her teeth for the last time, and led Yun Feiwu into her bedroom.

Forget it, just sleep together purely and cleanly.

Yun Feiwu still lowered his head, but he couldn’t restrain a sly smile on his face.

After helping Yun Feiwu pick out a new pajamas, Xia Shutong pointed to the bathroom: “Go take a bath by yourself, and go to sleep if you are sleepy. I still have some things to deal with in the study, so don’t wait for me.”

Yun Feiwu sat on the bed, looked up at her, hesitated to speak: “Tomorrow…”

Xia Shutong: “Let’s go to the aquarium tomorrow.”

Hearing these words, Yun Feiwu raised his eyebrows and nodded emphatically.

Xia Shutong walked into the study, and as usual began to sort out the clues found on Xia Yuansi these days. Thinking of today, Yun Feiwu’s parents suddenly contacted her, so Xia Shutong turned on her phone again and sent a text message to a certain number.

After it was almost done, Xia Shutong turned off the light and went back to his room.

Yun Feiwu was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

Xia Shutong turned off the overhead light, leaving only a warm yellow bedside lamp, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Gently touched the bed again.

Only then did Xia Shutong realize that Yun Feiwu was still wearing headphones while he was asleep.

And the mobile phone was placed on the pillow, as if playing some movie.

Obviously bad for the ears.

So Xia Shutong carefully pulled out the earphones, picked up her mobile phone, and prepared to put it on the bedside table.

However, when Xia Shutong saw the picture on the screen of the mobile phone, Xia Shutong’s movements stopped unconsciously.

In an old middle school classroom, twelve or thirteen-year-old Yun Feiwu was sitting on a stool, wearing a junior high school uniform, smiling and talking to the people next to him. There are a few staff members walking back and forth at the edge of the camera, and the picture is very messy.

Several images flashed through Xia Shutong’s mind, and she immediately remembered that this was the shooting scene of the movie “Darkness”.

But the video played on Yun Feiwu’s phone was not a scene from the movie, but a tidbit.

Xia Shutong blinked and looked at it carefully for a while.

After she watched “Darkness” for the first time, she searched for a lot of tidbits on the Internet, but she didn’t watch this episode.

On the screen, Yun Feiwu is small in stature, with a sweet and bright smile on his face, so cute as hell. And the staff next to her obviously liked her very much, and every time they looked at her, they had a friendly smile on their faces.

The video is recorded vertically with a very low resolution. Compared with movie tidbits, it is more like the daily life of crew members using old-fashioned mobile phones.

The video was only about three minutes long, Xia Shutong stared blankly for a while, and then it started playing again.

This time, Xia Shutong glanced at Yun Feiwu who was sleeping soundly, and inserted the earphones into his ears in a strange way.

The voice in the video immediately became clear.

At the beginning of the video, although the camera is on Yun Feiwu, she has not spoken. Instead, the director Ji Jianjun keeps talking to the screenwriter next to him in Japanese.

Yun Feiwu only occasionally turned her head to talk to the people around her in a low voice.

The voice was soft, completely covered by Ji Jianjun’s loud voice, and she couldn’t hear what she said specifically.

The lens was very narrow, and Xia Shutong couldn’t see who the person next to her was, but it could be seen from Yun Feiwu’s expression that they seemed very close.

It wasn’t until the last minute that Ji Jianjun turned to Yun Feiwu and spoke plastic Chinese: “In the scene just now, Neko-chan’s acting skills have improved a lot. It’s really getting better and better.”

Neko, in Japanese, is the pronunciation of “cat”.

The assistant sister on the side also praised: “Indeed, we Maomao have made a lot of progress during this time.”

cat cat.

In the video, Xiao Yunfeiwu was praised so much that her eyebrows and eyes were crooked, but she shook her head modestly, and looked up at the person next to her: “No, no, sister Ruan Ruan taught me, she taught me well.”


Ji Jianjun laughed a few times, and turned to the person next to him: “Let me tell you, Ruan Ruan is also a good candidate for acting, are you interested in trying?”

The camera also followed his gaze, but it seemed to avoid the man on purpose, and only recorded the girl’s little half of her legs hanging on the chair, slowly swaying.

Immediately, there was a girl’s soft and timid voice: “I…I can’t do it…”

The video ends here.

Xia Shutong seemed to have something in his mind, and it exploded with a bang.

Yun Feiwu used to be from Yuncheng.

Xia Shutong was once trafficked and sold to Yuncheng, where she lived for nineteen years.

And Xia Shutong suddenly remembered that the filming location of “Darkness” was less than a kilometer away from her former home.

Yun Feiwu also said that Xia Shutong got her nickname “Maomao”, and Xia Shutong once thought it was a love affair between their wives and wives. But in the video, it is clear that all the staff members know her nickname, and they all call her that.

At that time, Yun Feiwu was only about thirteen years old…

So, either Yun Feiwu was lying, or Xia Shutong had given her this nickname earlier.

Xia Shutong instinctively believed that it was the latter.

In the video, although “Ruanruan” did not appear on the screen, everyone can see that Yun Feiwu has a very good relationship with her.

Almost every time Yun Feiwu said a word, he raised his eyes and glanced to the side, making no effort to hide the trust and love in his eyes.

Xia Shutong closed her eyes, pressed her **** between her eyebrows, and suddenly had a bold idea.

She remembered that her previous name was not Xia Shutong, but she didn’t know what it was.

But when hearing the word “ruanruan”, Xia Shutong felt that it was extremely kind. It was as if that was her name in the first place.

It was as if Yun Feiwu wasn’t calling Ruan Ruan, but her.

There seems to be something in my heart, ready to come out.

Xia Shutong felt a headache for a long time.

Finally, she let out a long sigh, turned off the light and shrank into the bed, hugging Yun Feiwu from behind. But with his eyes open, he couldn’t fall asleep.

Although he couldn’t remember the past, Xia Shutong already had the answer in his heart.

“Ruan Ruan” is her past.

Xia Shutong could even deduce that she met Yun Feiwu.

Perhaps, when she was in Yuncheng back then, for some reason, she met Yun Feiwu when she was a child, and became good friends with her. Later, after she was taken home by her grandfather, three years had passed, and they met again in Haicheng by accident, so…

It developed into what it was later.

Xia Shutong was able to deduce all of this, but she couldn’t remember it. I can’t remember even the slightest detail of how they got along.

Except for the few nights I lived in the villa in Guicheng, I recalled some traces like fragments, everything else seemed to be buried deep in the bottom of my heart, no matter how I dug, I couldn’t get it out.

A splitting headache.

Yun Feiwu’s breathing was steady, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, she turned over and shrank into Xia Shutong’s arms, then stretched out her hand and hugged Xia Shutong.

very warm.

Xia Shutong lowered her head, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath of Yun Feiwu’s body.

Yun Feiwu didn’t wear perfume today, and just took a bath again. Her whole body was covered with the fragrance of shower gel, mixed with a little bit of the girl’s own milk fragrance, which was sweet but not greasy.

Xia Shutong’s mind suddenly became quiet.

My head doesn’t hurt anymore, I just feel peaceful, relaxed, and drowsy.

So it was like this, thinking about nothing, sleeping with Yun Feiwu in an embrace.

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