The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 61

Chapter 60

Three days later, the rivalry between Yun Feiwu and the supporting role came to an end, and next, it was Xia Shutong’s turn.

Xia Shutong’s first scene is the content of Ke Yu’s first day of marriage in the mountains.

Ke Yu was once a poor person.

Ke Yu was originally a little girl adopted by a wealthy family in the city. She looks juicy, and the family raised her with the idea of a child bride-in-law. Moved a crooked mind.

All of a sudden, the whole family hated Ke Yu extremely, including Ke Yu’s beloved young lady. And when people in the town heard about this, they all pointed fingers at Ke Yu. Ke Yu is not a person who can bear it. She dare not face the gossip in the town or her family. She originally wanted to leave the town secretly, but was forced by her family to marry a farmer in the mountains.

The farmer’s name is Li Wan, who is an orphan without a father and mother, and suffers from heart disease.

Ke Yu was unwilling to marry him, and was even ready to die. Unexpectedly, Li Wan had a heart attack and died in the pigsty before reaching the bridal chamber. As a result, Ke Yu’s mentality changed drastically, gradually becoming dark and distorted.

Hua Zinan said that the reason why she chose this scene as Xia Shutong’s first scene was because Ke Yu was very confused when she married into Dashan. At that time, she was like a rootless duckweed, not knowing what she would Where will it go. And Xia Shutong has no acting experience, and she should be confused when she is under the camera for the first time, so she can easily empathize with Ke Yu at this time.

Of course… Another very important reason is that in today’s shooting, Xia Shutong was wearing a red hijab almost all the time. Except for a few close-ups of her eyes, her expression was never photographed at all. She can spend a day slowly adapt.

In the script, Ke Yu and Li Wan held a Chinese-style wedding, but because the mountain was too poor and the transportation was inconvenient 30 years ago, the wedding process was simplified a lot, and Ke Yu was directly supported up the mountain without even a sedan chair. .

In the early morning, Xia Shutong changed into the big red wedding dress, and waited for the makeup artist to come over in the bungalow. This morning’s scene is very simple, she only needs to walk up the mountain tremblingly under the guidance of the supporting role.

“Ruan Ruan, you look so good in your wedding dress.” Before the makeup artist arrived and the two assistants were guarding the door again, Yun Feiwu sat beside Xia Shutong and poked her face happily.


Xifu is a relatively old style, and she doesn’t wear makeup now, so where can she look better? Xia Shutong blushed slightly, lowered her head uncomfortably to straighten her clothes, and when she looked up, she saw Yun Feiwu’s star-like eyes, shining brightly.

Not a hint of lying.

Xia Shutong couldn’t help but think about it, could it be that Yun Feiwu deliberately praised her for her beautiful wedding dress because she was longing for a formal wedding in her heart? In this case, should I start preparing for the wedding?

Xia Shutong has now fully remembered that they did not formally propose marriage before. Even if it was a marriage, the two of them took time out and sneaked to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and it was settled in less than an hour. Although there was an extra marriage certificate afterwards, it had no effect on them. Even because Yun Feiwu became more and more sensible, the time they met was less than before marriage.

So Xia Shutong coughed twice, and asked tentatively: “Maomao, then do you think… I look good in a wedding dress, or a wedding dress?”

“Huh?” Yun Feiwu was startled, and his eyes immediately overflowed with brilliance, “They all look good!”

“Then cat, which one do you prefer?” Xia Shutong continued weakly.

“I like them all!” Is still the answer without hesitation.

Xia Shutong stopped talking, and turned to rubbing Yun Feiwu’s head… Since she likes both of them, how about holding two weddings in the future? One Chinese style, one Western style. Anyway, they have a lifetime, don’t say it twice, if Yun Feiwu likes it, they can do it as many times as they want.

Yun Feiwu lowered his head and lay quietly on Xia Shutong’s shoulder for a while.

It wasn’t until the makeup artist knocked on the door that Yun Feiwu got up, a sly light flashed in his eyes: “President Xiao Xia, I’ll go out for a while, see you later.”

Xia Shutong nodded, and was reading the script while putting on makeup, but her eyes always casually glanced towards the door, wondering when Yun Feiwu would come back.

Yun Feiwu didn’t come back until the make-up was done, and Xia Shutong’s heart sank a little. She couldn’t explain why, she had only met once a few months ago, and there was no problem. But now, in less than an hour, she couldn’t stand thinking about Yun Feiwu.

He even wanted to keep Yun Feiwu by his side all the time.

At this time, the door was pushed open at once.

Xia Shutong subconsciously looked towards the door, and the corners of her raised mouth immediately collapsed a little.

Qian Lingling walked in and said pleasantly: “Mr. Xia, you look so good in this outfit! And this makeup, Miss Yun, Miss Yun will definitely like it very much.”

Xia Shutong looked at the mirror just now, the woman in the mirror is weak and delicate, indeed… pretty. I don’t know what kind of reaction Yun Feiwu will have when he sees it.

“So what?” Xia Shutong couldn’t help asking expectantly.

“Eh? Miss Yun was still outside the door just now, she seems to have gone to the bathroom… Mr. Xia, the filming is about to start, shall we go out?”

“En.” Xia Shutong was a little distracted, so she didn’t notice that Qian Lingling’s eyes dodged for a moment.

Xia Shutong walked all the way to the foot of the mountain and was about to start filming, but he still didn’t see Yun Feiwu.

Does it take so long to go to the bathroom? Xia Shutong couldn’t help frowning.

“Mr. Xia, are you ready?” Hua Zinan was holding a loudspeaker to greet the on-site staff. When she saw Xia Shutong arriving, she walked over to give some instructions, and the filming began.

And Xia Shutong also put on a red hijab.

Immediately, there was only black and red in front of his eyes, and only by lowering his eyes could he barely see the situation under the hijab.

Cheerful gongs and drums sounded around.

Xia Shutong was startled, her fingers trembling slightly.

She’s getting into the act.

She thought of her Ke Yu, a woman who was tricked into the mountains by her family. And she is about to marry a strange butcher, and everything here makes her feel scared.

But at the same time, Xia Shutong was not able to fully participate in the play.

She was still thinking about Yun Feiwu.

Before putting on the hijab just now, she seemed to have seen Yun Feiwu’s figure in the crowd…but she couldn’t see it clearly. But now she can’t see anything, she doesn’t know where Yun Feiwu is, will she be looking at her from the side, and what kind of eyes are she looking at her?

Will Yun Feiwu be jealous when she sees that she is about to “marry” someone else? Just like she would get jealous when watching Yun Feiwu filming an emotional scene.

So in addition to fear and confusion, Xia Shutong was also a little flustered.

Outside the camera, Hanako Nan looked satisfied.

She thought that Boss Xia would have to get used to it for a while, but she didn’t expect that it was the first time that she had perfectly grasped Ke Yu’s state of mind at this time.

Xia Shutong panicked for a moment, and walked slowly according to the script.

Because she couldn’t see the way, her legs trembled a little, as if she would fall if she was not careful.

At this time, a pair of hands stepped forward in time to support her. In the script, this should be the little maid who helped her up the mountain, but she didn’t even have a straight face in the camera.

But the little girl’s fingers were slender, slender, and warm. Xia Shutong realized almost immediately that this was Yun Feiwu’s hand.

Xia Shutong instantly understood something.

She squeezed forward and held Yun Feiwu’s fingers tightly.

“Not bad.” Outside the monitor, Hua Zinan couldn’t help admiring.

Xia Shutong perfectly performed Ke Yu’s panic, grabbing the hand of the little maid in front of him like he suddenly grabbed a piece of driftwood when he fell into the water. Even if she is covered with a hijab and cannot see her expression, the audience in front of the camera can feel Ke Yu’s panic and confusion at this time.

This section passed smoothly.

After lunch, we started shooting the details of the wedding in the afternoon.

The small courtyard next to the farm was rarely so lively. Apart from the wedding procession, many villagers gathered in the courtyard to see what kind of wife the butcher Li Wan was marrying.

Li Wan is an orphan who grew up eating a lot of food. After he opened a breeding farm to make money, not only did he not leave the village, but he donated a large amount of money to the village school. Therefore, most people in the village have a good impression of him.

At this time, when they saw the welcoming team coming up, the villagers couldn’t help but cheered and looked over there. San Laizi also mixed in the crowd. When he saw Ke Yu in a wedding dress, he rolled his eyes, lowered his head and licked his mouth, suppressing the longing on his face forcefully.

Although she couldn’t see her face, Ke Yu’s figure was delicate and soft, and her fingers exposed outside her clothes were extremely white and tender. Those girls in the village couldn’t compare to her.

Li Wan had been pacing in the room, covering his heart from time to time because of excitement, when he heard the voice outside, he rested holding his heart for a long time, and then looked out the door expectantly.

The woman next to him teased him: “Xiao Wan, what are you looking at, there is something to watch tonight.”

Li Wan smiled blankly, his eyes full of happiness.

Soon, the bride walked into the room with the help of the maid.

Husband and wife worship each other and send them to the bridal chamber.

After shooting the scene of Ke Yu anxiously waiting alone in the bridal chamber, Xia Shutong rested in the room for a while, while Hua Zinan and the others continued to shoot the scene of Li Wan drinking in the lobby.

After hearing Hua Zinan’s “click”, Xia Shutong was about to lift the hijab, but her fingers were held again.

Yun Feiwu sat beside her, resting his head on her shoulder.

So Xia Shutong lowered his head and did not move.

At this time, she was sitting on the bed, unable to see anything under the hijab, only heard a noise around her, and the staff withdrew quickly. Within two minutes, the door was closed, and the room fell silent.

There were only the two of them in the room.

Xia Shutong’s right hand was held by Yun Feiwu, and the little finger of his left hand hanging by his side curled up a little bit. Xia Shutong felt that even the air in the room froze.

Of course Xia Shutong wouldn’t be nervous if the two of them were alone, but the problem is… At this time, she was still wearing wedding clothes and a red hijab. When Yun Feiwu came to hold her hand just now, she guessed what Yun Feiwu wanted to do.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, Yun Feiwu stood up slowly, walked in front of her, and leaned over to lift her hijab.

The first thing Xia Shutong saw was Yun Feiwu’s pale pink lips—in order to play the role of a little maid, she deliberately made her lips a little lighter. Immediately, there were those affectionate gray eyes.

Xia Shutong’s heart skipped a beat.

It’s a bit like… she really married Yun Feiwu, and after that, they are going to have a bridal chamber.

“Miss Ke,” Yun Feiwu’s eyes were sly, and he was addicted to drama, “elope with me, okay?”

Xia Shutong subconsciously wanted to nod, her chin moved, and seeing the smile in Shang Yunfei’s eyes, she immediately retreated to the bed, shook her head and said, “No.”

“Huh?” Yun Feiwu stretched himself onto the bed and pushed Xia Shutong down, his expression hurt, “Is there anything I can’t compare to that Young Master Li?”

“You, you…” Xia Shutong was still shrinking back, obviously very soft, but still insisted, “Yes, you just can’t compare with Young Master Li… You, you are just a little village girl, no one has money, no one else nice.”

In the first half of the sentence, Yun Feiwu still seriously made a sad look, but when she heard the word “good-looking”, she finally couldn’t help it and laughed softly.

“Ruan Ruan, it’s okay to open your eyes and tell nonsense.” Yun Feiwu approached suddenly, gently wrapped his mouth around Xia Shutong’s earlobe, and then backed away.

Xia Shutong trembled, and she was about to fall on the bed in the future, so she had no choice but to hug Yun Feiwu and hang directly on her body.

Yun Feiwu helped her to sit up, and said with a smile, “Ruan Ruan, the shot just now was not good, let’s do it again.”

Xia Shutong touched her numb earlobe and nodded.

The wolf cub suddenly became playful, what else could he do? Let’s play with her. Otherwise, when Hua Zinan and the others come back later, they will probably see Xia Shutong with messy makeup and hair.

Yun Feiwu immediately adjusted his state, and asked again: “How can that Young Master Li compare to me?”

Xia Shutong:?

With changed lines?

But she nodded seriously: “yes, he is not as good-looking as you, as gentle as you, and as nice to me as you are. He is nowhere as good as you. “

After speaking, he looked directly into Yun Feiwu’s eyes, stepped forward a little bit, and kissed her lightly on the lips.

He backed away immediately.

The wolf cub was stunned for a moment, his ears turned red.

Xia Shutong nodded in satisfaction, then chased after the victory and patted his head, then took Yun Feiwu’s hand: “Maomao, let’s go out and watch them filming.”

This is how you deal with wolf cubs, hold the initiative in your own hands, and don’t flirt too much. After teasing, Yun Feiwu endured his shame and wanted to tease him back. If he didn’t tease him, he would just send himself to the wolf’s mouth for nothing.

It is most suitable to run with a slight tease, and it can scare the wolf cubs into a daze every time.

Sure enough, Yun Feiwu had no objection at all, and obediently followed Xia Shutong out the door.

After a few steps, we arrived at the front hall.

The wedding banquet was very lively.

Li Wan has had a bad heart since he was a child, and it hurts after a little strenuous exercise, and even when he is excited. But it doesn’t matter, he has been used to the pain since he was a child. The doctor in the village also prescribed medicine, and he took it on time.

Usually Li Wan also listened to the doctor’s advice, he ate very moderately, never drank or talked, and rarely touched meat. But today is his wedding day, on the one hand, he is excited and can’t help but want to get drunk, and on the other hand, all the blind dates who raised him have come, so he can’t spoil their happiness. So Li Wan toasted one table after another, and after a banquet, he was so drunk that his feet were a little unsteady.

After eating, several elders in the village helped him to the door of the room.

“Xiao Wan, we sent you here.”

After the elder left, Li Wan walked to the door, but didn’t rush in, but hesitated at the door.

The corresponding scene here is when Ke Yu was sitting in the room waiting anxiously, a black shadow flashed by the door, but he did not push the door open for a long time. Xia Shutong had already finished filming just now.

Li Wan hesitated for a long time, but finally did not enter the door. He was drunk, his heart was sick, and he was beating fast. So he wanted to go out to sober up, and when he calmed down, he would come to see his daughter-in-law, so as not to be rejected by others.

Just like that, Li Wan dragged his wobbly body and walked outside step by step.

“Okay! Card!” This section is considered finished.

Hua Zinan waved his hand: “Everyone take a break, the makeup artist will get ready.”

The next thing to be filmed is the scene where Ke Yu found Li Wan’s body in the pigsty. The makeup artist is now applying makeup to the actor who plays Li Wan.

“Mr. Xia, Xiaoyun.” Hua Zinan walked towards Xia Shutong and the two, and smiled, “How is Mr. Xia feeling today?”

“It was uncomfortable at first, but now I’m used to it.” Xia Shutong said truthfully.

“Mr. Xia’s talent in filming is indeed very strong. It’s a pity not to be an actor. The next scene will be more difficult, because this is the turning point of Ke Yu’s mentality. If Mr. Xia has any questions, please feel free to ask me…” Hua Zinan smiled , but unconsciously glanced at Yun Feiwu’s lips.

At the corner of Yun Feiwu’s lips… there was a faint red mark, as if it had been rubbed off by lipstick. At this time, Xia Shutong’s red lips were obviously a little lighter.

Hua Zinan’s eyes sparkled with a smile: “If there’s no problem, I’ll go and see how the content of today’s filming is. Mr. Xia and Yun Xiaomao will continue to chat.”

In the next scene, Ke Yu sipped off some of her lipstick because of nervousness, and her lip color was already lighter, so Hua Zinan didn’t remind her.

“Yun Kitty?” Xia Shutong hooked Yun Feiwu’s fingers, his voice slightly curious.

“Well… Flower Director knows my nickname.” Yun Feiwu nodded, “Because you were always by my side at the beginning, and everyone heard you call me that, so they all followed suit… But after you left, you also Only Sister Huang will continue to call me Maomao.”

Xia Shutong knew before leaving that Yun Feiwu played a small supporting role in Hua Zinan’s movie when he was fourteen years old. At that time, Xia Ruan was still with Yun Feiwu, so she should have met Hua Zinan, but she only had a vague impression in her mind, and they probably didn’t meet many times. After so many years, Hua Zinan probably completely forgot about Xia Ruan.

After chatting casually for a few more words, Xia Shutong turned her head and saw the blush on the corner of Yun Feiwu’s lips.

“Maomao, I…” Xia Shutong blinked nervously, took out a wet tissue from her bag, “Your mouth…I’ll wipe it for you.”

Yun Feiwu gave a soft “um”, closed his eyes obediently, put his hands behind his back, and raised his head to facilitate Xia Shutong’s movements.

Peng An at the side happened to see this scene, and an aunt’s smile could not be restrained from the corner of his mouth.

——He left his other work and came to the crew of “Track” just to watch two beautiful young ladies fall in love. Now it seems that the flower director’s casting is really amazing. The CP of Yun Feiwu and Xia Shutong has only been two days , he was almost fainted by Tian Tian.

By the time Li Wan’s actor put on his makeup, it was already dark, and the shooting location was moved to a nearby pigsty.

As soon as he entered, Xia Shutong immediately smelled an unpleasant smell, and other staff also pinched their noses and coughed. But they just need to stay here for a while, and the worst thing is the actor who plays Li Wan, who has to lie down in the pigsty compartment.

“Mr. Xia, how long Xiao Wang will lie in the pigpen is entirely up to you.” Before the filming started, Hua Zinan patted Xia Shutong’s shoulder jokingly.

Today’s shooting was generally smooth, but there were a few ngs in the middle. Xia Shutong also made a mistake or two when making up shots of Ke Yu’s expression under the hijab.

“En.” Xia Shutong nodded seriously, her eyes were quiet for a moment, and she immediately entered the state.


The night is already very deep.

Most of the guests had already dispersed, and the few scattered people were also asleep in the hall. There was silence in the courtyard, only the humming of the wind, and the crowing of **** and the barking of dogs from time to time in the distance.

And Li Wan hasn’t returned to his room yet.

Hearing the voices outside the window, Ke Yu finally couldn’t sit still, and found the pigsty by touching the wall.

A light-colored lamp hung above the pigsty, and the light was dim.

As soon as she stepped in, the pigs were awakened immediately, and they “groaned” dissatisfiedly, causing Ke Yu to take a few steps back in fright. She trembled and leaned against the wall in a daze for a while, and finally took a step into the pigsty.

For some reason, she felt that Li Wan was in the pigsty.

Ke Yu walked slowly along the edge of the pigsty, when a pig nuzzled her halfway, causing her to withdraw her hand in fright, almost crying in fright, but still there was no sound.

Suddenly, Ke Yu noticed a shadow in front of him—to be precise, a pair of human legs hanging upside down on the door of the pigsty.

Ke Yu’s eyes widened instantly, she covered her mouth, and walked slowly over there.

One step, two steps, three steps…

Until it’s facing that column of compartments.

Ke Yu cautiously looked into the compartment, just in time to meet a pair of bloodshot eyes. Under the light, the owner of the eyes was blue and black, with protruding eyeballs, one hand was tightly covering the heart, the other hand was hanging powerlessly on the ground, and both feet were hanging on the railing.

Not like a human being, but like a life-threatening ghost.

“Hmm—” Ke Yu fell to the ground all of a sudden, almost screaming out.

For several seconds.

The legs in front of her were motionless, and there was no sound except her panting and the snoring of the pigs in the pigsty.

Ke Yu stared blankly for a while, then cautiously, got up while supporting the railing, and looked at the “person” again.

Or rather, the corpse.

Ke Yu was still very scared, but with the courage she didn’t know where she came from, she leaned over the railing little by little, and then looked at the man carefully by the light.

Ke Yu hadn’t seen Li Wan a few times, but she recognized it immediately. The ghostly corpse in front of her was Li Wan.

She was tricked by her family into marrying into a deep mountain. On the first night of their marriage, her husband had a heart attack and died in the pigsty.

Ke Yu watched carefully for a long time.

She thought she would be afraid and want to escape, but she didn’t. She still covered her mouth, but at this moment, she was no longer trying to hold back her screams…

Instead, blocking the uncontrollable smile on his face.

Ke Yu felt that there was something in her heart, and she just woke up.

Ke Yu’s previous life was not free.

Abandoned by her biological parents since she was a child, even if she was later adopted by kind people in the city, she was treated as a child bride-in-law, and only her elder sister at home treated her well. After growing up, Ke Yu found that she didn’t like men, but liked her sister who was always nice to her, so she mustered up the courage to confess to her sister.

But what greeted us in the end was only the scolding of the whole family and the strange eyes of the neighbors in the town.

“That Ke Yu really doesn’t know what’s good and what’s wrong. The Ke family raised her up with good food and drink. What happened? It’s really disgusting.”

“Miss Ke’s family is really unlucky for eight lifetimes!”

“Tsk tsk, white-eyed wolf…”

Ke Yu couldn’t stand the insults and beatings from her family, and couldn’t stand the comments from the people in the town, so in the end she chose to run away from the home that made her sad. But before departure, her beloved sister found her, had a long talk with her, and expressed her willingness to support her.

So Ke Yu gave up his escape plan.

It wasn’t until she was tricked into this deep mountain that she finally realized that she was cheated by her sister.

She will marry a butcher in the mountains, she may not escape for the rest of her life, she will be trapped here.

She would rather… rather die. No, her heart was already dead. After putting on the wedding dress and paying respects to that person, she was completely dead.

But now, her husband Li Wan died in the pigsty because of a heart attack? !

Ke Yu finally couldn’t control his expression, let go of the palm covering his lips, squatted down to breathe for a long time, his expression of ecstasy was terribly distorted.

Ke Yu has never been free in his life. He was abandoned by his parents when he was a child, abandoned by his beloved sister when he grew up, treated as a child bride-in-law, and tricked into the mountains, but now… freedom is in front of him.

Ke Yu stroked the fence of the pigsty with his fingers, and finally couldn’t help chuckling.

Perhaps… this is the chance God gave her.

A life changing opportunity.

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