The Adventurer’s Academy

A Hopeful Sprite’s Journey, Part Fourteen


"A place where people use their voice to make others feel better? That does sound incredibly strange, but, interesting!" Saria exclaimed as she and Vortell sat opposite Rin and Xhez at the pond. The sun was just beginning to make its way to the center of the sky as Xhez told her parents about the things she'd seen in human society.

Dren, Libera, Cradle. Names that meant little to Saria and Vortell, but they listened intently all the same as their daughter spoke.

"I would like to participate in that one day," Xhez told them. "Rin says I need to work on my voice, though."

"Is that true?" Vortell asked the human. "I always thought Xhez had long since mastered her voice."

"Um, well, singing for entertainment is different from how Xhez normally sings... It's sort of hard to explain."

"Can you give us an example?" Saria asked.

"Nope," Rin shook her head fervently. "I don't think I should."


"I'm not the best singer..." She responded, chuckling nervously.

"Well, apparently, neither is Xhez," Saria replied with some parental passive-aggressiveness in her tone. "Surely, you can put on a minor display, right?"

It took quite a bit of prodding, but, eventually, they convinced Rin to show them something. She only hummed out a little tune, not bothering to use any of the lyrics that Xhez had heard from the radio in her room or the concert June had put on display. By the end of it, however, Saria and Vortell seemed even more interested.

"So, uh, yeah," Rin stated with flushed cheeks. "That's what it is like."

"I... believe I see what you mean now," Vortell murmured before turning toward Xhez. "Is this what you wish to do in human society?"

It was a heavy question that was thrust upon Xhez all of a sudden. She shifted her position, laying her head on Rin's lap casually, staring up at the sky.

"It is one of the things I would like to do," Xhez replied quietly. "I... One of my goals, from the start, has been to understand humanity. Why they are the way that they are, and to see if sprites could ever coexist with them. I have not yet come to any conclusions. I believe I need more time."

There was a brief moment of silence as her mothers contemplated what she said.

"So you really are going to head back with Rin?"

"As I said already, yes. I will."

Despite what her words would have her mothers believe, the reason Xhez was going back to Libera was not just because of her goal of understanding humanity. To put it simply, being by Rin's side was... comfortable. The warmth her spirit carried was too alluring. That sensation was something Xhez was in desperate need of given what had transpired over the course of the night.

"Mothers," Xhez said, "could I ask you something?"

"Of course," Vortell replied. "What is it?"

"Have... Have you ever seen a sprite that is... feral?"

Instantly, both Vortell and Saria's brows went up.

"Feral?" Vortell asked, confused. "In what sense?"

"Animalistic," Xhez quickly replied. "Mindless. Dark. Have you ever seen a sprite like that?"

Knowing what she was asking about, Rin turned toward Vortell and Saria, just as interested in hearing their answer.

"I... I cannot say I have met a sprite exactly like that. However, every now and then, we have run into sprites who act strange. Quick to anger, easily frustrated, that sort of thing. I cannot say I have seen any I would describe as 'feral' however. What about you, Saria?" Vortell asked.

"I have not seen such a sprite either. Then again," Saria quickly added, "we have not run into too many of our sisters since leaving our home river. At least, not many that were alive when we found them."

"Home... river?" Rin asked.

"We used to live in a river located far to the west," Vortell explained. "It was massive. I suppose you could consider it a sprite version of what Xhez says your human cities are like. Many sprites lived there, but, as time passed, sprites would leave to find new waters. Saria and I left soon after we became bonded to do just that."

"Huh... Are there still sprites living in this river?"

"Maybe," Vortell replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, it might be worth it to go there. Maybe a sprite from there could give you some answers. What do you think?" Rin asked the girl using her lap as a pillow right now.

"It is worth a try," Xhez replied. "We will have to do it later, though. You have your adventurer responsibilities to tend to, right?"

"Right, but, I don't mind-"

"No," Xhez cut her off. "My questions can wait. For now, anyway. You should continue your training."

[If someday, I might become something... different, I would like it if you were strong enough to stop me.]

Just thinking about that possibility was enough to make Xhez's heart feel like it was being stabbed.

[Maybe being around Rin more will prevent that from happening, however. If so, I would like to remain by her side for as long as I can. If I could, I would even...]

Xhez's eyes widened.

"Hm?" Rin looked down at her. "Are you okay?"

She took a second to respond. An idea had come to her. One that she was surprised she hadn't thought of earlier, but one that she would need to think about more before it was a real possibility.

It was certainly worth considering, but it was too dangerous at the moment. She would need to let it sit in her thoughts for a while.

"I, yes, I am fine."

Eventually, hours passed and Xhez figured it was time for them to head back. They would need to return to the city before Rin's next semester at the academy began. Funnily enough, it was Rin herself who was worried Xhez was leaving too early.

"Are you sure you want to go?" She asked. "Might be a while before we can visit your parents again."

"I am sure," Xhez replied with a nod. "I do not want to hinder your training."

The two of them shared a look as Xhez said that. One that made Vortell sigh to herself before saying:

"I am glad to see you have found something... and someone, you believe in, Xhez. Do not lose sight of your objectives."

"I will not," Xhez promised. "You will go see the Bright Ones now, right?"

"Indeed. Traveling during the night, of course," Vortell said before Xhez could tell her parents that they should make sure to do so. "If they do not give us a home, we will simply return here. But, I do not believe they would be so cold."

"I see..."

Saria then walked forward suddenly, wrapping her arms around her daughter.

"Take care, my child. We love you."

Reinforcing that idea, Vortell joined the embrace.

As the three of them hugged it out, Saria gestured for Rin to join in.

"W-What?" Rin asked, caught off-guard.

"You may as well," Saria replied. "You are basically like a daughter to us already."

Both Rin and Xhez were stunned to hear that. Rin's mouth opened but no words came out. Eventually, however, she caved in under the pressure of Vortell and Saria's gazes and came in, hugging Xhez from behind.

Xhez could easily say there were not too many moments in her life when she felt better.

The two of them departed soon after that. As they walked through the woods, keeping their eyes peeled for any monsters, bandits, or adventurers, Xhez thought back to what she'd done to those adventurers.

The darkness within her was subsiding somewhat. For now, anyway.

She looked up at Rin. The adventurer was scanning their surroundings. She looked beautiful, with her skin being kissed by the sun poking through the trees.



"Can we- can you..." Xhez inhaled sharply. "Can you hold my hand?"

"Oh." Rin blinked. Her cheeks turned red but she quickly closed the distance between them and reached out. It was nearly automatic, despite the initial reaction she had. "Sure... Might make fighting off monsters or whatever a little harder, though," she muttered.

"I trust you will perform spectacularly regardless," Xhez replied with a little smile. "My wonderful partner..."

Rin looked back at her as Xhez made that comment. She did not say anything, but it looked as though she wanted to.

Xhez did not prod her, though. They were going to spend more time together, after all. She could speak her mind whenever she wished.

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