The Adventurer’s Academy

A True Adventurer, Part Eighteen

Note: Hello! I just wanted to say something about this story. Every now and then, there will be a chapter that is like 99% sex.

This is one of them.

In those chapters, I usually like to leave a warning at the top like this, because... Well, I get that some of you read these chapters at work or during breakfast or whatever. I don't want my chapters to come in and ruin your whole mood. I also know that some of you don't care for sex scenes and just want the raw story, and yeah, chapters like these are going to happen every now and then. 

Anyway, nothing but sex ahead. You've been warned!



As the sprite slept the day away, she felt her bag shake a little and the girl opened her eyes. Looking up, she found Rin's amber eyes on her.

"Hey," Rin said, and her voice sounded a little strange.

"Hello," Xhez said, before yawning. "What time is it?"

"Evening," Rin replied. "Sun's just started going down. I wanted to check in on you, see if you wanted to stretch your legs a little."

"Yes," Xhez quickly answered. "I would like that."

"Okay. Come out, then."

Hearing that, she felt her bag be moved and Xhez briefly swam up to the top so she could get a feel for the area around her. Then, as Rin stepped back, she jumped up and grew into her normal size as she usually did.

"Ah," she yawned again. "What do you have in mind?"

"Um..." Rin looked away, as her cheeks turned red. "I'm going to be doing something in a moment, so, I can't take you anywhere tonight. I just wanted to hang out with you, for a little bit before then."

"Oh, I see," Xhez nodded. Then, she noticed something, and she chuckled a little. "It is weird. Ever since I started wearing your clothes, I've noticed how cold the air is."

"Really?" You want to put something on?" Rin offered and Xhez thought about it for a second, before agreeing. She was given a sleeveless black shirt and some shorts, and the sensation of these clothes on her skin made her giggle.

A moment later, the two were sitting side-by-side on Rin's bed. Xhez got curious, so she spoke up.

"Rin, what will you be doing?" She asked.

"I... It's..." Rin cleared her throat. "Nothing too big, just... Might take me a couple of hours, maybe."

"Ohhh, could you show me?"

Hearing that, for some reason, Rin laughed.

She looked over at Xhez, grinned a little, and looked away.

"Maybe some other time."

A little confused, Xhez raised a brow, but she didn't press more on that. Instead, Rin turned toward her and put a hand on the sprite's thigh. Xhez put her left hand over it.

"I also, uh, wanted to say, that... I know I haven't been showing you too much of the city, lately, but how about one of these days we go in and really explore the place, together. I'm new here too, so, there's a lot I haven't seen either. How does that sound?"

"Rin," Xhez said, before laughing a little, "as long as you are there, I will enjoy myself. Learning, enjoying your company, I could not ask for much more."

All she did was say how she felt, and yet, Rin's eyes gleamed.

"Thanks. I-I wish you would have found someone better than me, to show you around, but... Thanks."

"I do not need anyone else, Rin. You are more than enough."



Sometime later, after letting Eve know that she was heading out to see Sye, just so that if anything went wrong the fairy could tell the others, Xhez was back in her bag and Rin was trying to see what she had that could serve as good clothes to go out in.

"Uh, maybe this?" She wondered as she picked up the same black shirt she'd given to Xhez. "Hm... I don't have many options."

A part of her felt stupid since most of these clothes weren't going to be on her for too long, but, she still wanted to look good, for some reason. Even though this was, in all honesty, just sex she wanted to have for the sake of it, and she didn't really care about Sye on any deep level, she still had some small amount of pride to maintain.

In the end, she went with the sleeveless black shirt, smooth, and soft black pants, but she didn't really have any shoes worth this occasion. All she had were some sandals, the boots she wore on her missions and training, and some work-suited shoes.

[Hm...] She sighed. [Guess the shoes will have to do. I need a wardrobe upgrade desperately though.]

For a moment, Rin's mind wandered back to the early mornings she'd spend at the Silver Rose, getting ready for a day's work, looking at herself in the mirror, and hoping she looked attractive enough to help the establishment make some money.

[... It really has been a while,] she told herself. [I wonder if I've still got it.]

Rin couldn't get a girlfriend to save her life, since most of her time was spent at her job, but, as far as no-strings-attached sex was concerned, she had been fairly good at it. She hoped she still was.

As soon as she put them on, someone knocked on the door. Rin took a deep breath and walked over to it.

When she opened the door, Sye was standing in the hall, with her hands behind her back, and Rin's jaw hit the floor. The woman was in a sleek purple dress that looked like something Rin could imagine Elisa wearing.

[Mages love that color, huh? Or, is it just her?]

"Oh, my~" Sye spoke with a smooth tone, as she looked Rin up and down. "Simple, but effective. I like it. Black goes very well with your eyes."

"Thanks... So," Rin took a deep breath. "Wanna get going?"

"Of course," Sye replied. "No need to stall, I suppose. Come, darling, I live rather close to this place."

With that, the two of them walked out into the hallway. Coincidentally, Elisa was returning to her and Rin's room when she saw the brunette emerge, with Sye by her side. She looked surprised, but as the two of them passed her by, she smiled and gave Rin a wink.

[Ugh,] Rin groaned. [I really don't need to be running into people in the middle of a glorified booty call.]

However, with no other incidents like that, the two of them exited the Academy, and Sye led Rin to a small, expensive-looking hotel just a couple of streets away. The two walked into the lobby where Sye all but dragged her to an elevator, that took them up to the hotel's third floor.

The entire way, Rin felt a mix of anxiety and excitement in her gut. For one, she hadn't gotten laid in a while. Second, though, although she was fairly certain Sye didn't want her dead, she still wasn't comfortable around the woman. That tempestuous feeling almost made her shake with every step.

Here, Rin followed Sye to the first room on the left, where Sye opened a door and revealed...

A boring bedroom.

Rin felt both relieved and disappointed. 

"And, here we are, my home. Well, my home for one more day, anyway," Sye shrugged, stepping aside, allowing Rin to walk inside.

As she did, Sye closed the windows at the back of the room, making the room far darker, and then, she quickly lit a few candles casting the room in a dim orange glow. The candles were scented, carrying the smell of vanilla. Finally, she turned on a radio and slow music began to fill the air.

She didn't really know what she had expected to see. However, the fact that there was nothing but a bed, a mirror, and some luggage did make Rin breathe a sigh of relief.

"How much does this place-"

Before Rin could finish her question, a pair of lips pressed against the side of her neck, and she took a sharp breath as what felt like electricity coursed throughout her body.

[... Holy shit.]

"My dear adventurer," Sye whispered in her ear, "we have time, sure, but... I am rather excited about this. Could you forgive me for skipping the twenty questions portion of this occasion?"

"... Yeah," Rin took a deep breath, nodding. "Yeah."

"Good. In that case," she walked around Rin and then drew a spellsign in the air. Then, with a flick of her hand, her dress raised itself off her body, and Sye was naked in front of her.

[Right. Magic. Wow,] Rin thought.

Sye's body was... definitely something impressive. Long legs, small, cute breasts, and although her body wasn't quite as toned as Rin would expect out of her fellow adventurers, the swell of her hips and her smooth, perfect skin still appeared enticing to the point where Rin gulped as she looked at her.

"Are you just gonna stand there all night?" Sye asked and Rin snapped out of this little trance.

"Right, crap, sorry, uh..." She said as she went on to take her clothes off.

[Agh, come on,] she told herself. [You've done this a million times before. No need to be so nervous.]

She couldn't deny that it was different, though. She hadn't done anything like this out of her job in a very long time. 

And so, taking a deep breath, she removed her shirt, pants, underwear, and slipped her shoes off.

Sye looked pleased as her eyes scanned over Rin's body.

"By the Divine..." She muttered as an almost hunger-filled grin came over her. "Are you sure adventuring is the right career path for you? You certainly have a future in art modeling if you'd like it. I personally know quite a few painters who'd kill to have you pose for them."

At that, Rin laughed.

"Thank you," she replied, as Sye walked over to her. She grasped Rin's hands then, which felt soft, but sure, and pulled her over to the bed. Here, she spun around and pinned Rin on her back, putting her hands on the girl's shoulders as she let out a yelp.

"Ehk!" Rin squawked as she looked up at Sye.

"Aw, my apologies, did I surprise you?" Sye asked, amused. "I prefer being on top if you don't mind."

"... No," Rin gulped. "I don't mind."

Part of her job requirement, after all, was the ability to switch. Some clients, whether male or female, wanted someone who would show them a good time while they laid on their back and looked up at the ceiling. Others wanted someone they could dominate for a few beloved minutes in the day. Rin had experience on both sides of the equation.

It was due to that experience that Rin understood that this experience, which many regarded as nothing more than a simple, easy-to-do activity, was, in truth, an art form. However, Rin wondered if her skills were still as sharp as they had been in regard to this.

She wanted to take this moment to test herself, in that regard. Mostly, just for fun.


[Okay, calm down,] she thought, trying to remember what she used to do. Above her, Sye's eyes roamed all over her skin. [For now, all you have to do is let yourself look good. Build up the anticipation.]

Revisiting these skills she'd honed felt strange, but, at the same time, weirdly exciting.

"My..." Sye spoke, sounding thoroughly taken in by what she was seeing. "I apologize," she chuckled. "I hadn't expected you to look like this under those clothes."

"Well..." Rin breathed in, putting her hands on Sye's thighs. "You don't have to settle for looking."

Hearing that, Sye agreed, as was made clear when she placed her hands on Rin's arms and moved them toward her torso slowly. As her hands reached Rin's chest, then, she smiled, leaned down, and Rin closed her eyes as their lips met.

Kissing, in and of itself, was another surprisingly complex act. Some people liked it, some didn't. Some people liked to thrust their tongues down their partner's throats, others were grossed out at the mere touch of the other person's. Some liked kisses soft and romantic, others liked them harsh and passionate.

Rin tried to get a feel for Sye as their lips danced together. Sye moved at a slow pace and Rin did her best to match it. The other woman seemed like she was taking her time, savoring Rin's mouth on hers, before, suddenly, Rin felt a warm tongue poke out and touch her lips. The adventurer stuck her own tongue out and their kiss deepened.

Sye's hands went up and gently landed on Rin's face, while Rin wrapped her arms around Sye's back as their tongues caressed each other. Then, Sye broke the kiss and lifted her head up, looking down at Rin with half-lidded eyes.

"... So soft," Sye whispered. "Aren't you adventurers supposed to be rough?"

"I can be," Rin replied. "Sometimes."

"Hmph," Sye narrowed her eyes at her. Then, she took Rin's hands off of her and placed them up over her head, keeping them there. "I'll take your word on that. I prefer you like this."

Just like that, Rin believed she figured out Sye's "type".

[The candles, the music, the way she kisses, this... She's kind of a soft top,] Rin assessed. [Likes control, but wants this sort of thing to be more on the gentle side. At least, for now. Okay, I can work with that.]

Their make-out resumed then, and Rin let Sye take full control of how they went about this. Eventually, Sye's lips drifted away and started peppering kisses down Rin's chin, then down to her neck, and then between her tits.

Rin closed her eyes, biting her lip as she enjoyed the feeling.

[Holy crap, it's been a while.]

She nearly laughed as the thought popped up in her head, while Sye let her hands fall on Rin's chest. With her thumbs, she traced circles over Rin's nipples and the adventurer grinned a little.

This was the first time she was doing this of her own accord in a very, *very*, long time, and, simply put, she hadn't known she needed this so badly. Sye sucked on Rin's right nipple and she bit down lightly, earning a low moan from the adventurer.

She could feel herself getting into it and the sensation was like meeting an old friend after many years spent apart. 

Without a word, as the music from the radio continued to play in the background, Sye reached down between Rin's legs, letting go of Rin's arms, and her hand landed on Rin's pussy, out of nowhere.

"Oh!" Rin said as shivers went through her body.

"You are just dripping down there," Sye told her, looking into Rin's eyes.

[... You did that a little too fast,] Rin told her in her thoughts, holding back a chuckle. She couldn't help but be a little bit of a critic. [You have to ease the person into it if you're gonna take things so slowly.]

Outside of her thoughts, however, she arched her back and Sye kept her hand there. Two fingers of hers drew a line up and down Rin's lower lips while her mouth went back to teasing Rin's chest.

Rin placed her hands behind Sye's back, pulling her closer. The way Sye's body felt, pressed against her own like this, almost burned her.

Sye's hand found Rin's clit and began to toy with it, as Rin let out a high moan, and Sye smiled. Rin thought she'd like that.

"... What a lewd woman," Sye muttered and Rin nearly laughed.

[You don't know the half of it.]

Sye's hands then found their way inside of Rin, and she inhaled deeply as Sye went slowly, at first. Sye's lips went back up and she kissed Rin again as her hand started to push in even deeper. Rin made an appreciative sound, coming out like a muffled whisper, and Sye started fingering her properly then.

As their lips separated for a second, Sye asked:

"Want to see something?"

"... Huh?" Rin raised a brow.

"I am a mage, Rin," Sye stated then. "And, a rather good one. Would you like me to show you a little bit of that?"

Well, there it was. This had been one of the things Rin was curious about, so, she nodded.


Then, Sye cast a spellsign and, suddenly, the hands that were inside of Rin felt far more visceral.

"Oh!?" Rin looked down, and as Sye pushed into her, Rin nearly screamed.

It felt so good it was almost painful.

"W-What are you doing?" Rin asked, shocked.

"l simply used a spell that heightened your senses," Sye explained. "How does it feel?"

"I feel... Holy fuck!" Rin yelled out as her pussy burned in the best way. and Sye laughed.

"I am glad you enjoy it. I wanted to give you a little reward for coming out to my hotel and trusting me, after all. Take it in."

Of course, Rin knew this sort of thing existed, specifically in the form of potions, but it was always her clients who would drink them. She hadn't known that this was what she'd been missing out on.

[Oh, fuck, fuck. Keep it together, keep it... Ah...]

She was nearly crying.

Then, Sye's lips found hers again and Rin's moans were muffled by the other woman's mouth, as they kissed. The mage's hands began fucking her again, but with this spell affecting her, the combined feeling of her tongue and her hand were more than Rin could handle.

And, she was pushed over the top.

"Mmmnnn!" Rin's body clenched up and an orgasm surged through her.

An explosion of pleasure happened, so intense that Rin pushed her hips up as she came. It rippled throughout her, and it took a solid minute before Rin felt her body calming down.

It felt like her body had become four times lighter.

[Holy sh...] Rin took deep breaths, as Sye kissed her forehead.

"Well," Sye, said, "it seems you enjoyed that," she said as she brought up her hands and Rin found that it was absolutely covered in her juices.

"... Sorry," Rin said.

"Oh, no, don't worry. I take it you haven't been affected like that before. This is just what happens when you introduce magic into this. However..."

Sye mounted Rin.

"It's my turn, wouldn't you say?"

Rin nodded, trying to regain her senses.

[Right, right. Let's do this.]

At this point, Rin was embarrassed enough. She wouldn't live this down if she didn't at least get to return the favor.

"... Bring your pussy up," Rin told her and Sye looked surprised.

"Oh?" She asked, amused. "If you insist."

And, so, the mage's legs came up, leaving Rin's head between them.

[Okay... How did this go, again?] Rin thought. Then, she stuck out her tongue as Sye cast the same spell on herself this time, and she touched Sye's lower lips with it.

"Ah..." Sye let out a satisfied noise, and Rin moved her tongue up, just to get a sense of what it was like to taste another woman again for the first time in a while. Some people didn't like going down on others, but Rin certainly wasn't one of them.

Bringing her hands up and gently squeezing Sye's ass, she started letting her tongue run up and down the mage's pussy. Sye put her hands on Rin's head, pulling her deeper in.

"Ohh, nice..." Sye giggled as Rin kept going. This wasn't all she had in mind, however.

Some of her strength returned to her, and Rin sped up. She didn't move too quickly, understanding that Sye preferred things on the slower side. Indeed, she looked up and found the woman grinning as Rin kept going.

"Goodness," Sye started grinding on Rin's face. "Yes, just like that~"

She did exactly as the woman asked, and maintained that pace. Considering how well she was taking this, Rin guessed that Sye used magic like this often. However, as the minutes dragged on, Sye was practically humping against Rin's mouth until, soon, her moans grew louder.

Louder, and louder, until, finally, Rin could feel that she was close.

"Ah, don't stop, don't stop, don't... Ahhh," Sye hunched over, her hands buried in Rin's hair, and soon, she was reaching the same point Rin had just a bit ago.

She sped up, just a little as Sye's moans increased in intensity. Sye's hands clutched Rin's head so tightly that it almost hurt, and Rin gripped her ass just as tightly, but soon, Sye came on Rin's tongue.

"AH!" She cried out, and Rin felt her body shaking as she kept her tongue digging deep inside of her.

A minute passed and Sye started giggling, as she lowered down and laid next to Rin.

"This trip was officially worth it," Sye stated.

"..." Rin just stared up at the ceiling for a while.

"You are very good at this. Nowhere near as innocent as you seemed."

[Good to hear that.]

"That said," Sye continued, placing a hand on Rin's chest. "The night is still young, is it not?"

"... Yeah," Rin nodded. "Just... Give me a second."

And, soon enough, they went right back to it.

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