The Adventurer’s Academy

Closure, Part Two

"Hm... You're sure they're not just gonna turn you away like they did last time?" Eve asked. Rin briefly took her eyes off the landscape she'd been watching and smiled at the fairy. 

"Maybe they will." 

"Uh..." Eve raised a brow. "So, we might just be wasting our time, then?" 

"Maybe. Eh, if they do just tell me 'no' again, you could just think of this as another mini-vacation we're going on." 

"Look, I don't mind hanging out with you and all, but... You sure you wanna go on another of those? It's been a while since you've been attending classes consistently." 

"I-I know, but, I can't help it," Rin replied with a very dramatic shrug. "Lots of stuff has been happening lately. I just can't catch a break." 

Eve gave her an intense pout, flying up to her. 

"We haven't even gotten to hang out, like, at all! I thought I'd gotten a new drinking buddy when we started studying, but I've been having to go drink on my own..." 

Giving her a reassuring smile, Rin replied: 

"How tragic." She giggled. "I'll do my best to go along with you, these days, after we're done with this." 

"You better! I swear, once this is done, we're gonna make up for all that lost time! Hell, if these assholes at the Guild end up turning you away like last time, we're going to make this an *actual* vacation!" 

Eve said this approximately five minutes before falling asleep, even though it was still rather early. 

Hearing her fairy friend snoring lightly, Rin shook her head as she went to look back at the landscape. 

Only to be interrupted once again, by another of her friends. 


The voice was quiet, but Rin still heard it cut through the rumbling of the train. 

"Yeah?" She asked Sara. 

The other raven-haired girl was sitting to her right. As Rin turned toward her, their faces ended up just a little too close. 

"May I speak with you?" 

The "in private" part of the request went unsaid but Rin guessed that was what she meant and nodded, standing up. 

The two of them made their way to the back of the train. Closing the door leading out here behind them, Sara went and walked over to the railing. Her black skirt fought against the wind just like her hair did, but Sara stood firm regardless. 

[... By the Divine, she looks good. This goth outfit she picked out really suits her.] 

The sight of Sara outside of her armor was as rare as it was gorgeous. 

It didn't take long for the girl to get to the point, though. 

"You never told me how Xhez got to the wreckage site," Sara stated. "You told those other people she drove with us. That certainly didn't happen, though." Sara crossed her arms. "Care to explain?" 

[Yeah, I guessed this was probably about that.] 

Rin had been expecting this to come up well before this day, but Sara had waited patiently to say this. Or, maybe she'd been waiting for Rin to pull her aside at the academy and explain this to her there, but she gave up since Rin never did. 

Regardless, she was going to get this explanation out of the way now. 

And, after Sara had helped her not once but twice now, without even asking any questions until this specific point, Rin felt she'd earned enough trust to get at least most of the truth. 

Rin didn't want to dump everything on her right now, but she could get the important parts out of the way. 

"... Xhez isn't human," Rin stated. 

Sara remained silent. Her eyes almost burned a hole through Rin's forehead. 

The adventurer waited. Sara inhaled sharply, her eyes still lingering on Rin. 

[Uh... I guess I'll keep going.] 

"I met Xhez when I got teleported," Rin told her slowly, trying to let every word sink in. "We talked and... We came to an agreement. I'd show her as much of the world as I could in return for her helping me get back home. We've been living together since." 

Sara tapped her foot against the ground. She looked away. 

"So, Xhez is a monster?" Sara asked quietly. 

"Does it feel like she's a monster?" Rin asked in turn, somewhat offended. "She can communicate. She-" 

"The wolves we killed," Sara cut her off. "They communicated. Were they not monsters?" 

"I don't know what was going on with them, but those things were attacking innocent people. I've stood next to Xhez during most of her interactions with humanity. She's never done anything like that. No, she fought with us to protect innocents, so, actually, she's done the opposite." 


Sara considered what Rin was saying. The adventurer knew she had a point. Sure, Xhez's spells had been scary to witness,  but without her, winning may have been impossible. 

"I do not appreciate being made to work with creatures I do not understand." 

Hearing that, Rin walked in front of Sara. 

Placing her hands on the girl's shoulders, Rin softened her tone. 

"I'm sorry about that," Rin told her. "I, uh, probably should have told you earlier. So, yeah. I apologize. But," she added, "I'm sure you understand why I'm hesitant to talk about this kinda stuff... Given our career path." 

Sara's eyes remained locked with Rin's. The golden-eyed girl could see the gears turning in her head. Eventually, Sara finally said: 

"I do understand." 

Rin gave her a smile. Finally, Sara looked away. 

"Thanks again, by the way, for helping me back there. I owe you one." 

"You do not owe me anything," Sara quickly replied. "I helped, and I am helping now, because..." She trailed off. Sara almost seemed surprised by her own words, which she hadn't let escape her mouth. "I wanted to," she finally said.

"And, I appreciate it." 

There was a brief silence. Sara tore her eyes away from Rin and stared out at the moving landscape. 

"I suppose my own reaction just now is evidence as to why you should hesitate to tell people about Xhez," Sara muttered. "Yes... I understand." 

"So, are we good?" 

"... Yes. Let's get back to our seats. Thank you for the honesty, even if it did come late," Sara finally said, bringing this moment to a close. 

The rest of the trip went by in the blink of an eye. 

Before she knew it, she was back at Cradle. 

Hoping things would be slightly more enlightening this time around. 

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