The Adventurer’s Academy

Rin, The Adventurer, Part Six


The sun cast a warm glow over the sprawling landscape as the convoy pressed forward, leaving Libera behind.

Dust trailed behind the vehicles, carrying with it a sense of anticipation and a hint of trepidation.

Rin walked alongside Sara and Eve who flew by her shoulder, the crunch of gravel under their boots harmonizing with the steady hum of the convoy's engines.

The expansive wilderness stretched out before them, a mosaic of unexplored challenges waiting to be conquered.

Sara, as usual, remained a quiet presence, her focus on the path ahead. Rin nudged her gently.

"Varol for your thoughts?" 

Sara offered a small smile, her eyes scanning the horizon.

"Just contemplating things." 

Rin grinned.

"Like what?" 

"Our path," Sara replied quickly. "And... Where we're going next." 

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" 

Sara nodded.


"You, uh, got any places in mind?" 

"As long as you are there, any place is fine." 

"..." Rin blinked. 

Sara just kept walking, as though she hadn't said something incredibly sappy just now. 

[Wow. Uh, I'm flattered, I guess!] Rin laughed slightly awkwardly as she kept pace with the girl. 

A group of workers up ahead engaged in a lively discussion about the construction plans and the challenges they might face. 

Lisa, the healer, spoke earnestly with Carla, discussing potential strategies for dealing with injuries during the mission. The camaraderie among everyone was palpable.

It really did feel like a field trip, despite the scale of the project. 

As they walked, Rin couldn't help but notice the way Sara's jaw tightened as she looked out. 

"Something bothering you?" Rin asked.

Sara hesitated before responding.

".... I don't know. Just a gut feeling." 

Rin sighed, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

[Yeah... I get it.] 

"I asked Elisa to dig into this. Let's wait to hear from her." 

"Sounds reasonable... I suppose." 

As they continued walking, Rin couldn't shake the feeling that their journey was about to unfold into uncharted territory, both literally and figuratively.

The convoy trudged along the rugged path, surrounded by an eerie stillness that hung in the air like a thick fog. The once vibrant sounds of nature were soon replaced by a haunting silence, broken only by the rhythmic thud of footsteps and the distant creaking of the convoy's vehicles.

As they continued their journey, the landscape transformed.

Dark, gnarled trees loomed overhead, their twisted branches casting unsettling shadows on the forest floor. The atmosphere grew heavier, burdened by a tension that seeped into the very essence of the expedition.

Rin walked alongside Sara, their senses heightened by the palpable unease that clung to the surroundings. 

Maria, always the vigilant leader, raised a hand, signaling for the convoy to halt. The abrupt stop echoed through the forest, leaving an oppressive silence in its wake.

"What is it?" whispered Alea, who'd been standing near the teacher the whole time, her eyes scanning the eerie surroundings.

Maria's gaze swept over the landscape, her expression tightening.

"Something's not right."

The group stepped cautiously into a clearing, revealing a disturbing scene.

The ground was littered with the corpses of monsters, their lifeless forms arranged in a gruesome mosaic of war. The air carried the metallic tang of blood, a scent that mingled with the damp earth.

All of them were draconic in some form or fashion. Mostly kobolds, but a couple of drakes were laid out in the sun. 

Rin's breath caught in her throat as she surveyed the scene. The eerie stillness seemed to intensify in the face of this grim spectacle.

Maria, her keen eyes assessing the situation, crouched beside one of the fallen beasts. The wounds told a tale of a fierce battle, a clash between creatures and something else. Claw marks and bite wounds were evident, but interspersed were slashes and punctures that bore the distinct signature of man-made weapons.

A few of the workers puked. Rin walked up just as Maria spoke. 

"This was no regular skirmish between monsters," Maria murmured, her voice low and grim.

Rin exchanged a troubled glance with Sara. 

"Could be bandits," suggested Seth, his hand gripping the hilt of his greatsword."Or hunters."

Maria shook her head.

"Only reason they'd have to kill such monsters is food and parts to sell off. And, look how many of them they left completely intact. Most of these things have their horns still, the most valuable part of them." 

The tension in the air thickened as the group absorbed Maria's words. 

Jim Thornton, the construction company's manager, stepped forward, his expression a mix of concern and determination.

"What do you suggest, Maria?"

Maria rose, her eyes scanning the perimeter.

"We can press on, but with caution. Whatever happened here, we need to be prepared for the unexpected. Rin, Sara, keep your eyes sharp and stay behind everyone. Alea, Seth, take point."

The group fell into a heightened state of vigilance as they resumed their journey. The once-sturdy path now felt like a precarious thread, suspended over the abyss of the unknown.

As they marched forward, Rin couldn't shake the feeling that unseen eyes observed their every move. The twisted branches overhead seemed to clutch at the edges of her awareness.

Maria approached Jim Thornton, her voice measured.

"Do you want to reconsider? This journey may be more dangerous than we initially thought."

Jim's gaze flickered over the remnants of the battle, the weight of responsibility etched across his face.

"We've invested too much in this endeavor to turn back now. We press on."

Maria nodded, a silent acknowledgment of the decision. The construction company, with its machinery and supplies, rumbled forward, the echo of their determination reverberating through the desolate landscape.

Rin walked at the rear of the group, her senses on high alert. Sara, a stoic presence beside her, mirrored the heightened awareness. The forest, shrouded in an unsettling quiet, seemed to hold its breath as if bracing for the impending storm.

As the convoy ventured deeper into the heart of the unknown, Rin couldn't escape the feeling that the shadows, once dormant, were now awake and watching. 

[Yeah... Really hoping I hear back from Elisa soon.] 

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