The Adventurer’s Academy

The Spark of Ambition, Part Seven

By the time Monday came around, Rin still hadn't opened that box. She couldn't help it, honestly. Every time her eyes fell on those things, she remembered days that had gone by far too quickly, and no matter how well she was doing, she'd instantly feel a wave of depression wash over her.

So, they remained near her drawers for the time being, while Rin put the act of opening them off till later. For now, she just wanted to focus on her studies, and thus, she was heading to class now, about half an hour before 8. On her way, though, she noticed that the students, and some of the teachers, were outside.

[Huh?] Confused, Rin paused, turned, and went down the stairs, exiting the building to see what was going on. She approached Eve, who was floating at the back of the group, looking over everyone's heads.

"What's going on?" Rin asked.

"Uh, I don't really know. We all only just got here," Eve gestured at the others. "But, I think some more adventurers just came to the Academy," the fairy replied. "It doesn't look like they're here for interviews, though."

[Hm. So, what do they want?] Rin asked in her mind as she walked up a little further and listened in.

"Is that right?" Maria asked one of them.

There were two adventurers here, dressed in some pretty flashy armor. One was carrying a huge ax on his back, while the other had a pair of small blades at his waist.

"Yes, she thinks it's a good opportunity," one of them stated.

"... This is quite the dangerous task you're proposing here," Maria replied. "These are beginners, after all."

The ax wielder nodded and said:

"We understand that. The grandmaster just wants to see what the new talent is like. They wouldn't be on the frontlines or anything. They'd just be in the back, watching, taking notes, and maybe they'd get their blades wet a few times. But, generally, it's so that they can learn, and we can see how they stack up."

"Hm... Very well," Maria sighed. "We'll get back to you on this."

"Alright, thank you," he bowed, before walking away, and Maria looked back at the students.

"Uh, what did they want?" Rin asked, raising her hand behind everyone.

"Let's head into your first classroom," Maria replied. "I'll explain there."

The students did just that. Soon, they were all in Harriton's classroom. Only, instead of the mage, it was Maria who was standing at the front.

"So," she said, with her hands behind her back. "I suppose I should just be straightforward with this."

She looked up at the students with a serious expression and said:

"Those were Rank C adventurers," she began. "They came here at the request of the Adventurer Guild's grandmaster. Some of you may not be too familiar with that title, so I'll explain. The grandmaster is basically the overseer of the Guild," she said. "Not necessarily the strongest of us, but the one who manages everything, though she is very powerful."

[Oh...] Rin nodded slowly. Indeed, she hadn't heard of this person before.

"Now, what she had those adventurers come here for was to extend an offer to you, the students," Maria continued. "Long story short, the Guild is planning a Rank C raid, and they think it would be wise to have some of you attend it if only to see how it's done."

"A raid?" Elisa, sitting near Rin, asked aloud.

Just hearing her voice put Rin right back at the train station, and she recalled the feeling of having Elisa's lips pressed against hers. However, she tried to push that all out of her mind for now, and focus on the apparent offer being made.

"Yes," Maria nodded. "Sometimes, a few of the more intelligent monsters out there, such as kobolds, orcs, trolls, etc. will take over an Old World fortress. This allows them to set up what are essentially bases of operation, from which they can rest, store food and supplies, and also bring back captured humans to torture them."

She added that last sentence in so casually that it made Rin's brows raise up.

[How often does that happen?]

"For obvious reasons, anytime this happens it means that these bases need to be cleared out. As such, a group of volunteers is to go and do so."

"Can anyone go on these missions?" Varyn, the beastborn student, asked.

"Indeed, though, as I'm sure it has been explained already, depending on the mission, for higher-rank adventurers this sort of thing is a waste of time. In this case, the fortress in question is full of kobolds, enemies you all know well at this point," Maria said. "Which, of course, as we report all of the missions you go on, they are aware of. And so, they figured this might be a good opportunity for you all."

"So, wait, this is a mission?" Alea asked, and for the first time in a while, that Rin could think of anyway, she genuinely looked excited. "Could we get paid for this?"

"No, no, hold your horses," Maria raised her hands and that excitement faded as quickly as it had come. "They only want you to watch and see how it's done. Most likely, if you choose to go, you'll only get to kill a handful of monsters."

"Ugh," Alea groaned and Maria smiled a little at that.

"This does seem like a nice opportunity, though, for you all to see what a real mission is like. So, I leave the offer open to you. If you wish to go, let me know, and I'll mark your name down and send you on your way. If you don't, then you'll take classes here, as per usual."

On that note, Maria left, leaving Harriton to start his class, while the offer marinated in the students' heads.

The entire day, the students all kept their heads and eyes low, as they were seemingly all contemplating it. As for Rin, however, she found her answer as soon as Maria left.

Of course, she wanted to go. There was no reason not to, as far as she was concerned. That said, she did want to consult Maria privately about it, just in case the Rank S adventurer had any reservations about her going.

So, the day went through and in the afternoon, while the rest of the students were in the cafeteria just after finishing Maria's class, Rin remained there, body sore and all, to speak to her teacher.

"You aren't going to have lunch yet?" Maria asked.

"Nah, I wanted to talk to you," Rin said.

"I assume this is about the offer?" Maria raised a brow.


"Ah. May as well sit for this, then," Maria said, before crouching down and crossing her legs. Awkwardly, Rin did the same. "So, what's on your mind?"

"Well... What do you think?" Rin asked. "Should I go? I mean, I'll be heading over there with no weapons. Is it too dangerous or something?"

"Eh, it's tough to say," Maria replied. "It's a Rank C mission, so the monsters present will certainly be above your current level, but you won't be fighting. As long as you stay back far enough, I suppose it's alright. Still, remember, Rin," she said. "The world can be... very creative in terms of how it can make things go wrong. One stray arrow, one kobold setting its eyes on you, these things are not impossible. Well," Maria smiled at her sadly, "I'm sure you understand how unfortunate people's circumstances can be outside the safety of Libera's walls. So, I would say that, if you want to head out, you should. Only, do try to be careful, because..."

She paused, looking away for a moment.

"It's bad for a teacher to pick favorites, but I... Well," she smiled, a little sadly.

Maria then winked at Rin, lifted a finger, and put it in front of her own lips, as though telling Rin to keep quiet.

"It would be depressing to hear that any student got hurt there, but let's just say I would be especially heartbroken to hear that something happened to you."

And, with that being said, the choice was left up to Rin's judgment.

Ultimately, though, Rin's mind was made up soon after that.

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