The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-122 A butterfly in a trap

Jaina sat on a lovely marble bench tucked away down a hidden trail in the Love Wood. She was lost in thought as she pondered what happened the day before and the fiasco with Hannah. Thankfully it ended surprisingly well, with Hannah embracing her seductive skills to enthrall the entire rogues guild. She escaped unharmed, but Frank was unhappy that she enticed the men with sex and decided to ground her. Jaina still smiled at that outcome, but Frank was still learning how to play the role of master, and he couldn't be faulted for a lack of imagination.

However, this morning Frank called them together for a private discussion about what Hannah had learned. Jaina was surprised to discover that Hannah had a long and very revealing debate with Alexandria that ended in Hannah helping her escape.

Heather believed that Alexandria was a lot like the woman known as Moon, an opportunist looking to rule her own land. She saw a means to accomplish that goal in Jaina but had a rather lofty plan. Hannah then brought up the silk princes and their contest to see who could build the most interesting harem. Alexandria told Hannah that she believed that Jaina would ensure the victory and that man would prize Jaina over all his girls. She would be on the arm of one of the most powerful men in the world, a rival to even the empire ruled by King Kevin. Hannah went on to explain that Alexandria began to tear up when she explained how much she had lost in her reckless pursuit. She was in too deep now, owing money to powerful people who were determined to see her in chains for it. She was now on the run, unable to settle down or reopen her brothel. She was surviving by making more and more promises to rogues and other players she knew she couldn't pay. Sooner or later, this storm was going to catch up with her, and when it did, Alexandria was going to end up a slave in somebody else harem.

Jaina found it hard to feel any sympathy for Alexandria, but of course, Gisley did. The fairy woman thought it was terrible that Alexandria couldn't start over. She reminded them that Alexandria did take good care of her girls and treated them with love. Chandice, however, wasn't so agreeable. She felt Alexandria was close to the spawn, so she could prey on low-level women, probably using her deceptions to entice them. Then when they were good and trained, she sold them on, turning a huge profit in the process. Jaina had been her great prize, but she was immune to Alexandria's charms because she was a seductress. Gisley tried to argue that Alexandria couldn’t be that mean, but then Chandice made the fairy woman cower. She told Gisley that if Alexandria had known Gisley was a prostitute, she would have stopped at nothing to acquire her.

Roric agreed that if Gisley's secret had gotten out, Alexandria would likely have been after Gisley too. Heather was the only voice defending the woman, trying to paint a picture of Alexandria's desperation.

“You should have seen her,” Hannah said. “She begged me to let her sell me, hoping it would buy her time to fix her problems. She’s terrified of becoming a slave herself.”

Roric felt terrible that Hannah had been in that situation, but Frank was more concerned with who this Alexandria was. Roric had to explain their past dealings with the woman and why she was obsessed with Jaina. Frank didn't seem too bothered, but he asked the logical question. Now that this woman knew Hannah was a shape-shifting seduction class, would she be just as anxious to acquire her?

“No,” Hannah said flatly. “I told her I was already the slave girl of a king, and that made her sour. She wanted to entice me with the promise of selling me into power, but I was already the slave of a powerful man.”

“We are not powerful,” Frank argued. “In fact, we are low level for rulers.”

“Nobody knows that,” Hannah countered. “And it can stay that way. All that matters is that she believed it and let it drop.”

The meeting went back and forth until Frank asked how locating Idris had gone. Roric took over, explaining how Idris had been seen, but they were unable to discover where she went. They did suspect the red-haired woman was associated with her, but she also vanished without a trace. Frank then discussed what they learned about Moon and her strange disappearance. They raided his hideout and discovered it empty, except for a crumpled letter left in the corner. It was a reply from a party unknown that didn't believe Moon's claim that Hannah was a necromancer. It stated clearly that the local kings had tested the woman and found that not only was she, not a necromancer, but she wasn't even chosen. They demanded Moon stop wasting their time with her ridiculous claims, and unless she could produce solid proof, they didn't want to hear from her again.

“You were tested by the local lords?” Roric asked with a hint of worry. Jaina shared the sentiment as the scrutiny of nearby kingdoms could bring ruin on their heads. Frank explained that they were brought before a group of local rulers and presented to them. These people wanted to see Heather in person and inspect her for any of the telltale signs that she was chosen. All chosen had some kind of tattoo, magical jewelry, or tool that marked them and activated their unique panel that acted as their interface. Heather had a flowery tattoo on her wrist, and Gisley wanted to know how she managed to hide it.

Frank reached into his pocket and placed a small white figurine on the table. They all scrutinized the device to see it was a statue of a ghoul. Frank then explained that this magical figurine allowed a person to take the form of the statue by uttering the command word. The statue would take on the form the player was giving up, but this created a strange problem. Another player could use the statue to take the new form. Currently, it was in Frank's ghoul form, but Gisley could easily pick it up and become a ghoul, while the statue became a fairy. Then Chandice could become a fairy, while the statue became a human woman. Frank and Hannah had accidentally used the figurine to trade bodies, and when they tested Hannah, they were actually testing Frank. The tattoo that marked her as a chosen didn't transfer over, so she simply waited quietly in the background until they were satisfied she wasn't chosen.

“That was lucky,” Roric said when the story was over.

Frank then explained that as far as they knew, Moon had gone, but they had the rogues looking anyway. He brought up his kingdom heart and pulled open the player interface, showing them he could not locate her inside his kingdom.

“Did she leave on her own, or did her past catch up to her?” Breanne asked.

“Yeah, I wonder if some of the people she betrayed found her,” Quinny added.

“We have no way of knowing,” Frank said, looking at the others. “But I would appreciate being told if anyone notices something strange.”

Jaina understood his worry, and they promised to let him know the moment they knew anything. Then he took the meeting on to what they planned to do tonight. They were finally going to enter this dream Hannah wanted to show them. Roric agreed that Gisley would take them in, and if Frank didn't object, Jaina and Chandice would go with them. Frank thanked him for his help and agreed to let the two girls join but voiced a concern that there might be danger. Gisley waved a hand and told him it would be perfectly safe but did bring up a strange point. She had already gone into some of Hannah's dreams, and she always felt pressure while doing so. She described it as resistance as if something were trying to keep her out. Whatever it was, it wasn't strong enough to stop her, but she felt it was important to mention.

Frank thanked them and took his girls away, leaving the group to mull over what they had learned. Roric and Rajeen debated why Hannah was pursuing this course of action. They both thought she would be better suited to leaving this mystery in the past where it belonged. Chandice was once again the voice of reason, stating that Hannah would never be at peace until she understood it. She also reminded them that she felt Hannah was only embracing the slave lifestyle to hide from this past. It was never going to go away, and the sooner she faced it, the better.

They decided to play in the forest for a bit to take their mind off their worries, so now Jaina sat on her bench. A few yards away, Evalynn stood with arms behind her back as Roric gave her a good firm fucking. Chandice was playing with Gisley, forcing the fairy down on all fours before summoning a first-level demon. It was a dog-like beast with muddy red skin and small black spikes. Its long tail ended in a barb, and its head was like one big jaw full of jagged teeth. Gisley yelped as Chandice commanded the beast to mount the fairy and breed her hard.

Jaina now smiled as the sweet little fairy was turned into a breeding bitch for a demon beast. The creature wrapped its forelimbs around the woman’s waist and began to thrust at a rapid pace causing her body to bounce. Gisley’s voice cried out as her breasts swayed in rhythm to her sire’s fucking as she was bred like an animal.

Chandice sat beside Jaina and put her arm around her as they watched Gisley take her pounding. They could hear the wet slaps of the beast's cock as it ransacked the fairy woman's pussy. They began to make out as the sounds of sex filled the air and set a decadent mood. Jaina was well into her kisses, dancing with Chandice's tongue, when a soft voice interrupted their play.

“Oh, my,” came a musical voice drawing everyone but Gisley from what they were doing. They looked up to see a strange green woman with pinkish hair adorned with small flowers. She was naked from the waist up, with large breasts exposed to the air and damp with dew as if she had just run through the rain. Her eyes were dark blue and framed a little nose that was deceptively cute. Her appearance was innocent and charming as she smiled at the group.

“Goodness,” Jaina said as she stood up, her body just as naked as the newcomer. “We didn't know anyone was there.”

“Oh, please, don't stop on my account,” the woman said with a smile. “In fact, this is why I came to this forest. I heard rumors that girls ran wild and had sexual adventures.” Her gaze fell on Gisley, who was being pounded mercilessly by the demon dog. “Oh, that looks fun.”

“That doesn't put you off?” Jaina asked as she motioned to Gisley.

“Absolutely not,” the woman replied. “I kind of wish I was her.”

“Ha, our forest attracts whores,” Chandice laughed.

“Your forest!” the woman said in delight. “Are you the people who created this place?”

Roric felt odd talking to a stranger while deeply rooted in Evalynn. He kept up a slow motion as he told the strange woman their names and that he was the ruler of the forest and the girls his harem.

“You're Lord Roric,” the woman said with a big smile. “Oh, I have so wanted to meet you! My name is Rosemary, and I want to know if I can make a home in your forest. So, please, can I?”

“Hold on a sec,” Jaina laughed at the woman's enthusiasm. “You want to make a home here?”

“Uh huh,” Rosemary said with a nod of her delicate face. “I am a plant spirit evolved into a flower focus. I originally learned about this kingdom when I heard a story about Princess Hannah, the flower singer. I thought she sounded wonderful, so I came to see if I could make a home in her kingdom. Then when I got here, I learned about this forest, and I knew I wanted my home to be inside it.”

“Did you travel far?” Roric asked as Evalynn brought him dangerously close to finishing.

“I paid a wizard to portal me here,” she said, indicating it only took her a couple of days to locate a person who could open the door. “But I was far to the east, near the bandit kingdoms. They are fighting some war with a fledgling kingdom based on orcs, ogres, and goblins races, and players were becoming very intolerant of green people.”

“Well, that’s terrible,” Jaina replied. “But I am glad you escaped.”

“I am, too,” Rosemary said. “The land was beautiful, but the people were competitive and aggressive. Nobody likes to build kingdoms for players to have fun and enjoy being at peace anymore.”

Jaina nodded in agreement as Rosemary turned her gaze to Evalynn, who began to moan as an orgasm shook her body. Roric let out a low growl as he came deep inside her, filling her body with his gift.

“Oh, I love watching women be taken,” Rosemary cooed. “I love that look in their eyes and the sound they make as they feel the man complete his conquest.”

“Do we attract girls like this?” Chandice laughed. “I swear we give off a pheromone or something.”

Roric held Evalynn still as the elf woman breathed deeply to catch her breath. He turned his gaze to Rosemary and asked her what kind of house she wanted to build.

“Oh, it isn’t a house,” Rosemary countered. “I am a flower spirit now, so I live in a flower. I just need to plant myself and grow my house around me.”

“You live in a flower?” Jaina asked as Gisley cried out, the slaps of sex growing louder as her demon lover filled her full of hot cum.

“It's a big flower,” Rosemary replied as she smiled at Gisley. “Think of a giant water lily with a central bulb filled with nectar. I live and sleep in the central bulb while a delightful garden spreads around me.”

“I want to see your garden,” Gisley moaned as her pounding went on, her pussy leaking as the beast kept going.

“Um, give us a sec,” Chandice said and went to the fairy woman's side. “Down,” she commanded the demon, causing it to dismount the fairy. Gisley's pussy poured with cum as the beast stepped away and was dismissed by Chandice. “Come on, get up and meet her properly,” Chandice said as she helped Gisley up. Rosemary smiled as the fairy woman swayed in the bliss of sex as she was properly introduced.

“I am glad to meet you,” Rosemary said as she looked at Gisley's crystal-like eyes. “Are you a fairy?”

“A lunar fairy,” Gisley replied softly as she slowly began to recover.

“Oh, this place is so perfect,” Rosemary cried. “Please, can I build my home here?”

They all looked to Roric, who still felt odd about the unusual situation. However, Rosemary was beautiful, and she clearly had the kind of heart that would make her a wonderful addition to the forest. He asked how much room the woman needed, and she indicated that she would need maybe half the space of the clearing.

“Hmm, should she build here?” Jaina asked. “Maybe we should consider another location.”

“Why not here?” Chandice said. “We picked this spot to make love because it was super secluded and hard to find.”

“I only found it because I was looking for someplace to build my home,” Rosemary insisted and pointed to the left. “And there is a small stream just over there where I can get water to feed my roots. I was following it when I heard your lovemaking.”

“Let’s not forget that Sandris and her master Drellis are also coming to the forest,” Roric reminded.

“Oh my gosh, I forgot all about that,” Jaina said excitedly.

“And Idris will be here eventually,” Chandice reminded. “It might start to get crowded.”

“We have plenty of room,” Evalynn said as she recovered. “The forest stretches for nearly thirty miles around the rim, and we have permission to expand over the mountains to the other side. We could hide a dozen more players in what we had now, and it would take weeks to find them all.”

“Alright,” Roric said with a raised hand. “Then let's discuss the nature of the forest.” He locked eyes with Rosemary and described the purpose of the forest and how the sex flowed freely. He would not be happy to find out she was attacking players or turning them away in anger if they approached her for sex. She assured him that wouldn't be the case, as she needed the sex to enchant her garden. The more men and particularly women she could entice into her flowers, the better.

“You need them to enchant your garden?” Gisley asked.

“Yes,” Rosemary replied as she stepped closer to Gisley. They all looked on in wonder as little purple flowers bloomed in Rosemary's hair as if responding to the fairy woman's presence. “I take them into my flower and make love to them as only I can. The men help pollinate my garden, but the women are special.”

“Special, how?” Gisley asked.

“I can use them to germinate a seed that becomes part of my garden. Then, flowers will bloom from their essence, granting magical powers based on the woman in question,” Rosemary said.

“This is fascinating,” Chandice said with a studious look. “Can these flowers be used for magical items?”

“Oh, definitely,” Rosemary said. “But it's tricky to do. I would need a woman with strong magical qualities to feed my plants. She would have to be willing to enter my home and be pollinated so my plants could use her womb.”

Everyone turned their gaze on Gisley, who began to twist nervously under their stares.

“What happens exactly?” Roric asked, so Rosemary explained how her flower would extend pseudopod covered with sticky pollen nodules into Gisley's body. It would then attach to her womb, stimulating it to begin feeding the flower. Gisley would then be brought to orgasm repeatedly as the flower sucked up her nectar to use. Even her breasts would swell and fill with milk the plant collected and used to fertilize the coming seed. Then the plant would grow a seed pod in her womb, and when it was ready, it would withdraw, finally freeing Gisley. Rosemary would then gather and plant the seeds to grow magical plants based on Gisley. What those plants looked like or did would be anyone's guess, but there was only one way to find out.

“How long does this take?” Chandice asked.

“From pollination to seed, about four hours,” Rosemary replied.

“Hmm, we have plenty of time before the dream tonight,” Jaina said as she smiled at Roric.

Roric nodded in agreement as Gisley went wide-eyed.

“Show us how it works,” he said and pointed to Gisley. “Pollinate her.”

“Oh, this is wonderful,” Rosemary said in excitement. “I promise it won’t hurt her at all, and she will be safe in my arms the entire time.”

Gisley looked nervous as Jaina came to her side and offered to take her place if she was afraid. Rosemary took a few steps away and raised her hands high as a strange transformation began to take place. Her feet grew what appeared to be roots that burrowed into the ground as her skin took on a leafy texture. Before their eyes, it began peeling up in great green leaves as her body slowly transformed into a plant. It grew into a bulbous mass, ringed by long green leaves large enough to sleep on. The central pod grew until it was as large as a small car. It then split and came open as a sweet scent filled the air.

They all produced a gasp as the white petals of a giant flower unfurled inside, then a translucent blue flower rose in the middle with something inside. Vines and roots spread around the mass, occasionally making smaller versions of the exotic flower. Finally, the central blue petals parted on one side, revealing an inner chamber inside of which stood Rosemary. She was a part of the flower's wall, having no legs below the knees and her back firmly rooted to the wall. She opened her arms and beckoned Gisley to enter her flower home that resembled a giant tulip.

“Oh, she’s pretty,” Gisley said as the group looked on in wonder.

“Go inside and make love to her,” Jaina urged. “Or, I will do it if you are afraid.”

“No, I can do it,” Gisley insisted and took a cautious step forward. She slowly climbed over the vines and into the inner leaves that were layered to form a convenient walkway.

“This is my honey trap,” Rosemary teased. “I need people to come inside and make love so I can grow and spread to build my garden.”

“It smells wonderful,” Evalynn commented as they enjoyed the sweet flowery scent.

“That’s part of the trap,” Rosemary admitted. “I can taint that scent with a smell that makes people aroused and hungry to find where it is coming from. It’s to help lure them into my home so I can have my fun.”

“And this won’t hurt?” Gisley asked as she put a hand on the blue translucent wall of the flower bulb.

“Oh, not at all,” Rosemary insisted. “I wouldn’t have played the class if it hurt. I am hoping people love the experience and are eager to share it.”

“You’re kind of like a big pitcher plant,” Chandice commented. “Using the scent inside to lure flies to their doom.”

“Well, I hope it's the fun kind of doom,” Rosemary replied, holding a hand out to help Gisley step inside.

“The floor is sticky,” Gisley said as her bare feet sank into a honey-like goo.

“That’s part of the trap as well,” Rosemary said as the flower walls closed the doorway, trapping her inside. “See, now you can’t escape until I am done with you.”

“Ummm,” Gisley said as she struggled to pull her feet free. The gesture was pointless as the flower bulb closed around her preventing any escape. Gisley twisted around, searching for a way out as her eyes widened.

“Relax,” Rosemary urged. “I will let you go if you are frightened.” She reached out to stroke Gisley's cheek and smiled as the fairy woman struggled to remain calm.

“It's a little scary,” Gisley admitted. “When we were traveling north, I was attacked by a carnivorous plant that used sticky sap to immobilize me. It was the first time I ever felt helpless, and I was terrified.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” Rosemary cried with hands on her cheeks. “No wonder you're having doubts. Oh, please, do you want out?” she asked, opening the door in her petals for Gisley to escape.”

“I had forgotten about that,” Jaina said, looking at Roric. “Maybe asking Gisley to do this was a bad idea.”

“She told me she has nightmares about that,” Evalynn said. “She was very frightened by that experience.”

“Gisley, please come out,” Roric urged as he stepped in to help her. “I didn't mean to make you face a fear like this.” He, too, had forgotten about the plant that snatched Gisley from the air and began to digest her inside its flowery head. No wonder Gisley was being so skittish about doing this; he was literally asking her to repeat the experience.

“No, it's ok,” Gisley insisted. “Rosemary is nice, and I know she doesn't want to eat me. I just need a minute to accept that I am safe.”

“So long as you want to continue,” Roric replied and stepped back. “There is no shame in letting Jaina or Evalynn go first to prove it is safe.”

“I will go very slowly and explain everything as it happens,” Rosemary insisted. “If at any point you panic, I will stop and eject you back to your family.”

Gisley nodded, so Roric relented and stepped back, praying this wasn't pushing her too far. They watched as the walls folded closed, trapping the woman inside. They could still see her as a silhouette as the translucent walls acted like thick blue-tinted glass. Rosemary beckoned Gisley forward, and tendrils grew from the flower's center to wrap around Gisley's legs. She was lifted as her legs were spread and pressed to Rosemary's body. Her legs were firmly held as new tendrils wrapped around her arms and pulled them out. Gisley pulled but to no avail, as she was held still, helpless to the flower woman.

“Now, this is only to keep you in place,” Rosemary explained. “It isn't meant to hurt, so if it pulls anywhere, you tell me.” Gisley nodded, and the woman used her hands to cup Gisley's pert breasts. Two long arms grew from the sticky sap below, ending in dark blue bell-shaped caps. Rosemary took one and guided it to a breast, causing it to suck the tender flesh into the bell shape. Gisley moaned and said she could feel it sucking at her nipple as Rosemary put the other bell in place.

“That's so it can get the milk,” Rosemary explained. “Now, the next part will feel a little strange, but I promise it won't hurt or cause you any harm.” Gisley nodded as Rosemary reached around her and grabbed her rear. She spread Gisley's little cheeks and giggled when she discovered the plug. “This has to come out,” Rosemary said, gently pulling the plug free.

Gisley stared into her eyes as her little hole was probed by a finger dripping with sticky sap. Rosemary spread the sap deep into her body with long gentle strokes, lubricating her passage. Then something pressed at it, and Gisley moaned as it slid inside.

“Just relax,” Rosemary said as Gisley’s back arched.

“It’s going so deep!” Gisley cried.

“All the way to your stomach,” Rosemary said. “It has to in order to feed you properly.”

“Feed me?” Gisley gasped as she felt her belly filling with something growing from beneath her.

“Yes. It will secrete a honey-like nectar that your body will digest. This will cause your breasts to make milk and enrich it so it can be used to fertilize the seeds and help them grow,” Rosemary explained.

“Are you getting me pregnant?” Gisley gasped as the invader reached deeper and deeper into her body.

“In a way, I suppose I am,” Rosemary replied. “Your womb will produce the seed, and your milk will nourish the plants. The flowers that bloom will be infused with your essence, so in some way, they will be like your children.”

Gisley cried out as she was filled like never before, feeling as if she was a part of the flower around her. Her mind swam with images of being used as an incubator for this woman's offspring sending her to a new level of excitement. She pulled on her binds but found she was hopelessly snared in the lair of the flower woman.

“Now, it's time to pollinate you,” Rosemary said as a new stem grew from below. This tendril was dark purple and crowned with a head of red and yellow bulbs about the size of an egg. There were half a dozen of the shapes, dripping with sticky sap as Rosemary guided it between Gisley's legs. Gisley thrashed as the woman rubbed her pussy with the bulbs coating her skin with the goo. Then Rosemary guided it in place before using her hands to pull Gisley's pussy wide.

“Oooooh!” Gisley cried out as the mass began to slip into her body. It was the largest thing that had ever invaded her pussy, and she could feel everything stretch to allow it inside. A pressure mounted in her stomach, and then, with a sudden pop, she felt her belly swell as the pods entered her womb.

“Now, we begin,” Rosemary said as a new vine wrapped around Gisley's waist. It pulled her to Rosemary, pressing them chest to chest, their bodies so tightly together they felt as if they were one. A warm sensation began to fill her stomach, and a golden honey dripped from her stretched rear.

“You are being fed with ambrosia,” Rosemary said as she wrapped her arms around the helpless fairy's back. “Your milk will begin flowing soon.”

Gisley trembled as she felt the change, her breasts swelling so much the blue flowers tightly suckled to them bulged. Then it started to flow as the plant milked her with a gentle sucking pull. She was immobile, pressed to Rosemary with legs and arms spread wide. She was trying to get her fear under control when something warm and sticky touched her rear. To her surprise, the flower was slowly filling with golden nectar, threatening to drown Gisley inside as it flowed up her waist.

“Rosemary!” Gisley cried. “Am I going to drown?”

“What? Oh no, sweetheart,” Rosemary said as the nectar reached their breasts. “I can breathe through the leaves of the plant.”

“But what about me?” Gisley asked.

“I will breath for you,” Rosemary said and leaned in with her lips parted. Gisley was taken into a kiss as the nectar reached her chin. She relaxed as Rosemary exhaled, and Gisley breathed deeply of a sweet breath that instantly relaxed her body. She closed her eyes as the fluid engulfed her head, leaving her floating in the amber liquid. For a moment, she felt like a baby, floating in the warmth of her mother's womb. Everything felt relaxed and at peace as Rosemary absorbed her body. Then the stem in her pussy suddenly convulsed, and Gisley groaned into Rosemary as she had a powerful orgasm. Her body was a part of the plant's reproductive system now, and she could do nothing but let it take its course. Every few moments, the pods inside convulsed, and every time it did, she had another powerful orgasm. What was worse, her slave collar was magnifying them, making each orgasm more powerful than the last. She was helpless to stop the rapid buildup as she trashed in the flower woman's embrace cumming like she had never cum before.

“Oh, wow,” Jaina said from outside the flower as they watched Gisley orgasm nonstop for several minutes. “Is that going to happen for four hours?”

“We are about to find out,” Chandice said as she folded her arms with a smile. They sat around and watched the fairy in constant motion, her body twisting as the orgasms rolled on. After an hour, she seemed to settle into a rhythm, her mouth never parting from Rosemary. Hour two saw Gisley relax as the orgasms became a part of her existence. She was the reproductive pod of the flower, her body protecting the forming seeds. Three hours in, Gisley looked at peace, her twitching gone as she floated in the gooey fluid. When at last, the petals began to part, Gisley appeared to be asleep. The nectar ran out when the seam opened, draining the interior as Gisley was held up in Rosemary’s arms.

Gisley finally parted from her four-hour-long kiss and groaned as the cups came away from her sore breasts. A long vine-like rope began to pour from her rear as she groaned in delight from the sudden release. It took over a minute to spill out, spooling at the bottom in a glistening pile.

“Oof, that had to feel strange to have all that inside,” Evalynn said as the end finally dropped out. The vines around her legs and arms came away, leaving Rosemary her main support. Finally, Rosemary guided Gisley to her feet, the thick stem of the pant still deep inside her pussy.

“Just breathe,” Rosemary encouraged as Gisley's sticky body was laid to rest on a leaf just outside the flower. They could see her stomach was inflated from the pod inside, and Rosemary seemed pleased by the appearance. “She was good and fertile,” Rosemary said. “There will be a lot of seeds.” Then, with a wet tearing sound, she tore free of the flower wall, her body becoming independent again as she stood on two legs.

“She’s going to need a bath,” Chandice laughed. “Or will cleanse work on that goo?”

“I can help her with that,” Jaina offered and stepped forward to take Gisley’s hand.

“Jaina?” Gisley called as she finally opened her eyes.

“I’m right here, sweetheart,” Jaina replied and ran a hand over Gisley’s stomach, feeling the mass inside. “But goodness you’re pregnant.”

“What?” Gisley said and looked up. “Why am I so big?”

“It will come out in a moment,” Rosemary assured them. “The pod will shrivel up, and the seeds will come loose, making them easy to pass.”

“Just lay still,” Jaina urged as she activated her absorption power. “I am going to eat all this sticky stuff off you.” Gisley nodded as Jaina used her hand to glide over Gisley's skin. Her absorption power dissolved the nectar, leaving behind pristine dry skin. Gisley insisted it tickled and wiggled when Jaina's hands crossed her breasts. Then she groaned when the stem inside suddenly pulled back as it withered.

“Almost done,” Rosemary said with a big smile. “I can’t wait to see what your flowers look like.”

“So all of this was to produce seeds?” Chandice asked as Jaina carefully cleaned Gisley’s hair.

“Yes,” Rosemary replied. “I provide the plant base, but she provided the unique magic that will bloom the flowers. So, in a way, she and I reproduced together.”

“I am sure Gisley will be a good flower mommy,” Jaina teased.

Gisley tensed as the stem fell away, and her stomach churned. Suddenly her pussy stretched and out dropped a black egg-sized object. It was followed by another a second later and then more as her body expelled the magical seeds that had grown inside.

“This looks hot,” Jaina insisted as Rosemary cupped her hands to catch the seeds.

“You are welcome to try it,” Rosemary replied. “The more seeds I have, the bigger a garden I can grow. Oh, and if you know Princess Hannah, I would love to get her into my pod.”

“I would love to see that,” Jaina replied with a smile as Gisley birthed her last seed and ran a hand over her flattened stomach.

“There, all done,” Rosemary said as she stood up with an armful of seeds. “I will plant these and water them with her milk. They will take about a day to grow before we can see what the flowers look like.”

“Good, she should be recovered by then,” Jaina laughed.

“Is she going to be recovered enough for tonight?” Evalynn asked. “She has a very important task to do.”

“I will be fine,” Gisley replied as she sat up. “But that was amazing. I couldn't stop orgasming, and it eventually became so good I just melted and fell asleep.”

“I am going to have to try it,” Jaina laughed.

“I would love to let all of you do it,” Rosemary said. “But I need a few days to get these seeds established. The plant only holds so much milk, and it isn't good to mix it with multiple women.”

“So we come back tomorrow to see what grew from the seeds,” Chandice said.

“Yes,” Roric replied. “We come back and see what Gisley’s magic blended with the power of Rosemary’s flowers produce. In the meantime, welcome to the Love Wood. I hope you find the happiness you seek here.”

“Oh, I am sure I will. Thank you again for letting me build my garden here,” Rosemary said as she cradled her seeds. “And remember, I am always willing to play the normal way.”

“Ha, I am sure we will be back for that frequently,” Jaina said with a smile. They waved and headed off with Roric carrying Gisley in his arms. She needed time to rest to be ready for tonight and face the mystery that was Hannah's dream.

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