The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-13 A beautiful girl

Jaina slowly rose to her feet as she stared at the gorlock that was still sniffing the air. It had already taken a few steps her way but hadn't noticed her yet. Her body trembled as a moment that had long been teased and pretended in other games had finally come. Behind her, Roric and Evalynn took cover about thirty paces back to wait until she was done.

The tension inside had never been so great as she considered what that beast would do with her. With one final glance at the others, she steadied her nerves and stepped closer to being her task.

“You're going to let that thing fuck her?” Evalynn asked as she panted in excitement to watch Jaina get closer.

“It's a long-standing fantasy of Jaina's and why she picked the seductress class in the first place,” Roric replied as they watched from behind some brush. “We played a couple of other MMOs together, and she was always my slave girl in them. We played in one called the gardens of Zenobia, where you could play as a sex slave. I think that's where the visitors got the whole slave system from because it's very similar. But in that game, Jaina and I would tackle dangers just like this. Jaina would use her charms to get the monsters busy with her if there were too many. Then, while they were busy fucking, I looted the treasure or killed them off one by one.”

“So she knew this was coming,” Evalynn said as she felt excited for Jaina.

“It was something we talked about all the time,” Roric said. “How we would put our strategy to use for real once we got to New Eden.”

“And she picked the seductress class specifically to do this?” Evalynn whispered.

“Yes, because it had so many ways to arouse and seduce monsters. She even has debuffs she can apply to them while they take her. By the time she's done with that thing, it will have half stamina and strength.”

“If I had known she could do such a thing, I would have recommended bigger targets,” Evalynn said as she considered an option. “I know of some elite mobs with excellent treasure, but they are hard to kill because elites have so much stamina and hit very hard. If she could cut stamina and strength in half, it would make them no harder than a normal mob.”

“Let her practice on a few easy targets,” Roric said. “Then can we think about putting her skills to use the way she always dreamed.” He paused a moment, then turned to Evalynn with a grave expression. “This situation brings up another point. I own you now, and I demand you tell me what your fantasies are so I can bring them about.”

“You want to know my fantasies?” Evalynn asked as she started to get nervous.

“I already know you like to be dominated by beast races,” Roric said as he put a hand to her face. “And when I have my camp, you will live that one out night and day, but I am sure you have more.”

“I have a few more,” Evalynn admitted and took a deep breath before whispering in his ear.

Jaina felt like running as she stepped clear of the tree line. The creature was no more than fifty steps away, making an odd growling sound as it sniffed the air. Finally, it looked up, and its three dark eyes fixated on her naked flesh as she used a seductive smile.

[lvl 1 Seductress skill: Seductive smile] [boosted 5] Smile at a chosen target to cause them to feel great arousal for you. The target becomes amorous and will follow and attempt to mate you for up to 1 hour.

The creature shook for a second and sniffed with its slits for a nose, unsure what to do. Then it took five sudden steps her way, its long claws dragging in the dirt before stopping to consider her again.

Jaina was frozen in panic, yet her heart was racing with adrenaline. All her senses told her to run, but she struggled against it with her desire to obey her master. They must have talked about this moment a hundred times, with him always saying she would chicken out. Now she stared down a savage monster as its knobby cock began to grow with arousal.

“It’s working,” Evalynn whispered from their hiding spot. “They never hesitate to attack like this.”

“We just have to wait for Jaina to do her thing, but if she looks like she has changed her mind, we rush in,” Roric said.

The gorlock made a warbling cry as it shuffled a dozen steps closer, its cock now fully erect. Jaina looked at that leathery shaft covered in what appeared to be lumps as it throbbed, ready to be used. Then it simply walked right to her as she gasped with wide eyes and looked into that savage face. Her senses were drowned with its unwashed scent, and the heat of its breath beat on her skin. On reflex, her hands came up as if to push it away, but the Gorlock was stronger. Those massive hands wrapped around her waist, and she was hoisted from the ground. The monster then tried to clumsily push onto himself, missing the mark a dozen times.

Jaina felt such a sense of panic and arousal that she was almost faint. The creature was fully ensnared and doing its best to breed her, but it needed a little help. With trembling hands, she reached down and managed to get hold of the end, then even as it mashed her done, she guided him in.

There was no smooth transition from gently to a mad wild fuck. It was wild from the start, as the beast held her steady while it thrust from below. Jaina's head went back as she grabbed hold of its arms while the monster forced its way in. Her voice went out in rapid cries as the monster wasted no time taking what it wanted. Jaina could feel that knobby cock sliding through every inch of her body, stimulating her in ways she never thought possible. The sense of taboo this situation provoked sent her arousal into overload. She spread her legs wide and tried to wrap them around its waist, offering the beast easier access to her body.

She shook with every impact as they drove her body to the very edge. Then, with an unmistakable cry of joy, she smiled in pleasure as she came for the monster. The sudden flush of her orgasm drove the beast wild, and it suddenly turned her around to face the others. It grabbed one leg with each hand and pulled her up so that her back was on its chest. Then, holding her legs out, it continued to thrust into her flesh as Roric and Evelynn watched everything.

A second orgasm made her head roll, and she almost forgot there was more to do than just enjoy the ride.

[lvl 6 Seductress skill: Drain Stamina] You siphon away a portion of the targets stamina during sex, adding it to your pool. Cannot exceed 200% Target cannot be reduced below 50%

Purple light flashed along the beast's body as Jaina began to drain away. She used the power several times, weakening it and depriving it of its combat pool. She orgasmed a third time, her sexual escalation driving her insane as she leaned into the chest of her captor for support.

[lvl 13 Seductress skill: Drain strength] You siphon away a portion of the targets strength, adding it to your own. Your strength cannot exceed 150%. Target cannot be reduced below 50%

This time the flash of light was red and made a bubbling effect. The beast was panting in a low growl as it was driven mad to keep thrusting, but its strength was now waining. It shoved deep into Jaina's body with a primal roar, and she screamed in the shared orgasm. The beast wobbled as it held her until its seed ran down her legs. Then it let her go, allowing her to fall off, its cock suddenly pulling away. She landed on hands and knees as the beast stumbled to one side and was quickly impaled by a spear as Roric launched his ambush.

As expected, the dazed monster hardly put up a fight and was quickly dispatched. Jaina stayed on her hands and knees, trembling with what had just happened. She had finally done what they always teased they would do. She had seduced and fucked her first monster.

“That does work well,” Evalynn said as the beast lay dead under her spear.

“It's a waste on these trash mobs,” Roric said as he looked at the caves. But if we get too many, we can always use Jaina to keep some busy.”

Jaina felt his warm hand on her back as he began to stroke her gently, soothing her body as she shook from the aftershocks of such forceful sex.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“I am fine,” Jaina replied, still panting. “I actually feel great after draining all that stamina.”

“And I can now leech that extra stamina from you,” Roric said as he pulled her up to hold her. “I just hope the fantasy was as good as you always envisioned it.”

“It was better,” Jaina panted. “I can’t believe I went through with it.”

“I can,” Roric said as he started to rub her shoulders. “You always got so aroused when we talked about it. It was usually some of our best sex.”

Jaina laughed and turned in his arms to hug him firmly. She knew this life was only possible because of him. He had the strength to keep her as a slave and use her talents where others would not be able to. With a smile, she triggered cleanse and wiped the monster's presence from her body, leaving her fully refreshed.

“Want to practice on a few more?” Roric asked.

“Am I a sex slave?” she replied as if his question was ridiculous.

They spent the next hour working to lure beasts from the cave one by one. Jiana did most of the pulling, using allure and then seductive smile before leading them out. Roric and Evalynn quickly learned that once the monsters were fixated on Jaina, they paid them no mind. They could walk right by them and explore the tunnels while Jaina was moaning in orgasms. They resumed killing when the numbers were thinned and gave Jaina a break even though she insisted she didn't need them.

“I think this is the end of the cave,” Roric said as they entered a large chamber full of bones and torn animal skins. He had to hold a torch to light his way as neither he nor Jaina could see in the dark.

“You should get a glow of light spell put on your spear,” Evalynn said. “Then you can shed light when you need it and still be able to fight.”

“I will look into that when we get back down,” Roric replied as he used a foot to tumble some bones. “I wonder where they would keep it?”

Jaina had to stay close to the light in order to see in the gloom, but Evalynn had elven sight, and she wandered off to explore behind some rocks. Roric used the end of his spear to topple a pile of gnawed animal bones as something glinted in the light.

“I think I found it,” Roric called and used his spear to begin digging as a small pile of coins and a cheap gold ring spilled out.

“Not very much,” Jaina said in disappointment. “I make more than that just from taking my bra off.”

Evalynn arrived to look over the pile and explained that wild beasts tended to have little. Intelligent monsters like wild goblins or spriggans would have a lot more. She knew where there was a spriggan grove about a half-hour away if they wanted to check.

“Why not?” Roric said and asked her to lead the way.

They found a grove and took a minute to appreciate the beauty. It was almost a tended garden around a single large tree with spread branches. A dozen types of flowers grew all around as if planted with great care. Sunlight came down in visible rays through the leaves, dancing across grass so green it seemed almost unreal.

“This place is beautiful,” Jaina said as she took in the sight. “But where are the spriggans?”

“In the central tree,” Evalynn said as she pointed with her spear.

“And where is the treasure?” Roric asked.

“Usually in a chest buried beside the tree,” Evalynn said.

“Well, let’s find out,” Roric said and turned to Jain. “See if you can lure them out?”

Jaina nodded and stepped into the glad as a strange wind chime-like noise played in the air.

“That chime is an alarm,” Evalynn said and readied her spear. “They will be coming.”

From the side of the tree, ahead looked out. It had solid green eyes shaped like almonds and a face that was yellow with green stripes. It looked almost human except for the hair that resembled long pine needles. As it stepped out, they could see the rest of the body appeared to be made of wood and twisting vines.

“Oh, pooh,” Jaina pouted to see it had full breasts. “It’s a girl.”

“Sorry, you won’t be keeping this one busy,” Roric laughed as two more suddenly stepped out of the tree.

“Maybe she will,” Evalynn said as the creatures stared at Jaina.

Jaina didn't wait for them to react, she immediately used a seductive smile, and the three women locked eyes on her and started to talk in a voice like airy bells. Two of them approached, but one seemed confused, still looking at Roric and Evalynn as if concerned.

“That one resisted the attack,” Roric said as he nodded to Evalynn. “We kill that one first.”

Evalynn started the battle with a charge, racing across the field to gouge a wound into the creature's woody hide. Roric followed a moment later with a swipe that cut a long wound down its side. The spriggan responded by causing roots to shoot out of the ground and tangle their legs as it moved away. Evalynn used a surge of strength to break free and followed with a series of stabs as the monster held up a hand. Vines covered in long thorns raced out and battered the poor woman. Roric used his spear to cut himself free and went into his dance of stabs and thrusts. The monster lashed at him with hands now covered in thorns while tangling his legs yet again.

Jaina watched the fight out of the corner of her eye as the two spriggans descended on her. They both looked like beautiful women on their faces, with leaves or grass for hair. But the rest of their bodies looked like branches and vines carefully woven to resemble a human form. Both had large, firm breasts that they pressed into her arms as each of the spriggans took one.

Then one of them pressed her lips to Jaina, kissing her with a feral passion. The other began to rub at Jaina's rear with a surprisingly gentle hand. Vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped around her legs, climbing upward until they ran along her arms. Slowly they lifted her off her feet and leaned he back gently. Then Jaina groaned in alarm as the vines suddenly pulled and pried her legs apart while pinning her arms to her back.

The two spriggans smiled at one another before the one resumed kissing her. The other moved between Jaina's legs and slowly went to her knees. Jaina closed her eyes as a soft tongue slid into her body and began to taste her nectar. The one at her lips used a free handle to fondle Jaina's chest, squeezing at her nipples to make them erect.

Jaian was lost to what was happening outside of her bondage session as her two captors tormented her body. She shook as the pleasure between her legs continued to climb the spriggan, eagerly licking every inch of her folds. Her breath started to come in pants as she struggled to breathe through those tender lips. Then she shook as she had an orgasm for her spriggan lovers.

The vines tightened around her body, and one wrapped around a breast, squeezing it firmly. The spriggan at her lips moved to her chest and began to suckle as she rolled the other nipple between woody fingers.

Down below, that warm tongue was still feasting on Jaina's body. She moaned and rolled her hips as the spriggan began to exclusively focus on her clit. She almost didn't notice the second vine crawling up her leg, but she let out a tremendous groan when it plunged into her ass. Jaina twisted and pulled as hard as she could, but her limbs were held tight. Below her ass began to feel full as the vine continued to grow, getting thicker as it reached further into her body.

The vines pulled her over until she was lying on her back, suspended in the air. Her breasts were still being tormented, but the one between her legs stood up and put two fingers in its mouth. It sucked them until they were wet, then slid them into Jaina's body.

Jaina moaned as she was penetrated in both holes, the vine in her ass writhing and pushing in. She struggled against her binds as a powerful orgasm shook her body. Something about this was so much more intense, and she melted in her desire for it to go on. It wasn't until orgasm three that she remembered the collar and the level 10 sex slave skill.

[lvl 10 Sex Slave Skill: Bound and serving] Passive skill that increases sexual pleasure while bound. The more restricted your movements, the more intense the pleasure will be.

“Why doesn't everybody play this class?” Jaina cried as her body was alive with sexual tension. She moaned and cried as the torment went on, and when orgasm four rolled out, her sexual escalation coupled with bound and serving made her beg for more. And more is what she got as the two sprites continued their attack, switching places at one point so they could both taste her body. After what might have been her tenth orgasm, they two finally stepped back, each giving her a kiss before returning to the tree.

Jaina was still suspended in the air, panting from the terrible pleasure she had just endured. It was minutes later when she finally remembered the others and looked around to see where they were. Roric and Evalynn were outside the little glade, naked and sharing a kiss with a small wooden chest beside them.

“What are you two doing?” Jaina panted.

“We were making love,” Roric said as Evalynn lay into his chest. “You seemed like you were having so much fun, we decided to just look for the chest while you had them distracted. We found it and carried it out, but they weren't done with you, so we entertained ourselves while we waited.”

“You left me to keep them busy?” Jaina groaned and shifted her hips to realize the vine was still deep inside her ass.

“You look very comfortable,” Roric laughed and pointed to Jaina. “Evalynn, my slave. Would you be so kind as to remove her collar?”

Evalynn nodded and got up, walking to Jaina in her bare feet. She leaned over her body and ran a hand along her stomach first, then firmly cupped both breasts.

“That’s not the collar,” Jaina groaned.

“Oh, I know,” Evalynn replied. “But watching them torment you was quite possibly the most arousing thing I have ever seen.”

“You should try it sometimes,” Jaina moaned as Evalynn pulled at a nipple.

“I like seeing you so helpless,” Evalynn said as she let go and ran her hand down. “Your body is defenseless, and I can have anything I want.” With that, she pushed a finger between Jaina's legs and started to rub, causing Jaina to buck her hips. The motion made the vine in her ass rock back and forth, so she started to grind her ass intentionally.

“One more before we go,” Evalynn said and kept rubbing until Jaina cried out and pulled tight on her binds. She removed the collar as Jaina panted to recover, then turned to Roric, wondering why this was important.

“She can use her absorb skill to free herself,” Roric said as he started to put his armor back on. “Especially that vine in her ass. I don’t want to know how deep that is.”

“I kinda do,” Evalynn said with a smile.

Jaina shot her a smirk and then focused on using her absorb skill. Right away, she could feel the pressure inside diminishing as the vine was eaten away. The ones around her body began to crumble, and Evalynn helped her stand when they were loose enough to pull off.

“So you left me being molested by plant women because you thought it was hot?” Jaina asked as she looked at Roric.

“It was very hot,” Roric replied. “I might bring you back here so I can watch that again.”

“I hope the chest was worth it,” she said and looked at the small box.

Roric tossed the lid open to reveal a nice amount of gold, some silver, and a few green gemstones.

“Oh, it has gems!” Jaina cried and went to the box to pick one up. It was the size of a pea but perfectly cut so that the light glistened as it passed through. There were three in all and a long gold chain that clasped at a single golden disk.

“What is this for?” Jaina asked as she held up the chain.

“I am surprised you don’t know what that is,” Evalynn laughed.

Jaina tried to put it around her neck, but it was far too long to be a necklace. Evalynn took it from her hand and wrapped it around Jaina's waist before clasping it at the side.

“Oh, it’s a belly chain,” Jaina said.

“And it looks good on you,” Roric said approvingly. “I think we will leave it where it is.”

Evalynn wrapped the collar around Jaina's neck, and the two shared a kiss as Evalynn recounted how hot it was to watch Jaina bound and helpless.

“You seem to like that sort of thing,” Jaina said.

“It’s one of her fantasies,” Roric replied as he helped Evalynn with her armor. “One I intend to see she lives out as often as I can.”

Evalynn blushed, and they continued to dress, then set off with the chest for camp. For the rest of the day and night, they stayed in the tent and put the new bed to use. Roric took both women several times and put Evalynn's silken lips to use, savoring her tender caress. Finally, they fell asleep just before midnight, and together in bed, they slept soundly.

Jaina opened her eyes to gaze out the tent's door at a dark forest full of mystery. She guessed it was around two or three in the morning and slowly climbed out of bed. A cool breeze was rustling the trees, so she wanted to stand in the doorway to enjoy its caress. It felt wonderful across her naked body, and for just a moment, she let her hands wander. It had been a wonderful experience being bound by those two spriggans, and she hoped Roric really did mean to take her back.

With a deep breath, she listened to the wind but heard something soft and strange. It danced on the wind like a song sung by an angel and seemed strangely familiar. Something tugged at her heart and urged her to seek out this singer, but her mind was filled with doubt. She wondered if it was some kind of monster like a siren who sang to men to lure them to their doom. Or maybe it was Alexandria, working at another ploy to get Jaina alone so she could trap her.

The song continued in distant airy tones, and Jaina looked back to the others as she considered waking them up.

“No, they need their sleep,” Jaina said and leaned out of the tent to look around. “I will just go as far as the stream,” she assured herself and crept into the open under a gloriously full blue moon. The whole of the forest appeared magical under this light, and Jaina felt almost immediately at ease. She listened for the sound on the wind and began to creep along to find the source.

She reached the stream and looked about to see the moonlight rippling on the water. All through the forest, beams of moonlight through the leaves creating sparkling rays. Jaina was so overcome by the beauty of this moment she hadn't realized she was following the stream.

She had no idea how far she walked, but the singing was becoming louder. It wasn’t a song of words but more a harmony of emotion. It tugged at her heart and made her desire to meet this enchanting creature that could sing like a choir of angels.

The stream opened up into a vast pool ringed by cut stones with an arch at one end where the water flowed out. The moonlight lit up the whole space, bathing the scene in star-filled magic. Jaina crept up to a tree near the edge and looked out to see the beautiful singer.

She was barefoot and wearing only a thin cord at her waist, holding up a silver cloth that reached to her knees. Her ample breasts were bare as her purple skin glistened in the moonlight. She had long curly hair that almost looked pink in the blue light of the moon. Her face was so perfectly sculpted with a youthful innocence that Jain felt a longing to kiss the woman. But what really got her heart racing was the pair of magical butterfly wings. She fluttered over the water's surface on wings full of black and blue swirls over a rich royal purple backdrop. Everywhere she went, she trailed a silver glitter from her wings that drifted in the wind in playful spirals. The beats of those wings were a song of their own, but the one she was actually singing was powerfully beautiful.

Jaina gaped in awe at the beautiful sight as she realized who this was.

“Gisley!” Jaina cried in shock, startling the fluttering singer.

“Jaina!” Gisley cried and covered her mouth. “What are you doing here?”

“Roric is camping in the woods,” Jaina said. “I heard your song, and I had to come to see who it was.”

“Jaina, you shouldn’t be here,” Gisley said with an upset voice as she fluttered closer.

“You are so beautiful,” Jaina said as she looked at the woman whose eyes were sparkling in the moonlight. Her little antenna were completely unfurled and twitching in nervousness as Gisley came close enough to touch.

“Please don’t tell anyone,” Gisley begged.

“Don’t tell them what?” Jaina asked.

“About my wings,” Gisley replied. “I come here to be alone and sing to the moonlight.”

“Why would you do that?” Jaina asked as she fought the urge to reach out and touch her.

“Jaina, I am a lunar fairy. I am most powerful under the moonlight. But nobody knows what I am for sure, and it has to stay that way. People can't know what I am, especially Alexandria.” Gisley's voice sounded desperate, so Jaina asked why it had to be a secret.

“Lunar fairies are emissaries of love,” Gisley said. “When the moonlight strikes my wings, it produces magic dust that can be used to craft love potions or other items. If people knew what I was or that I even had wings, they would be after me night and day for the glitter. Please, you must promise me you won't tell anyone.”

“How have you kept this a secret this long?” Jaina asked, amazed that nobody knew.

“Lunar fairies don't need to sleep, so I sneak out well after dark to sing and dance,” Gisley said. “I go deep into the forest where people won't see me, well, at least not until today.”

“But surely people wonder what you are?” Jaina insisted. “You're the only person with skin like yours and antenna on her head.”

“There are lots of fairies,” Gisley said with a smile. “Most of them are tricksters or do simple things like cause a frost. But Lunar fairies send people to sleep and fill their dreams with love and warmth. Anyone who hears my song while sleeping will dream of somebody they love. We are all about soothing the heart, bringing rest, and filling people's souls with beauty.

“I picked the wrong race,” Jaina said with some disappointment.

“No, you didn't,” Gisley said and made a light giggle that was so cute Jaina wanted to hug the delicate creature. “I love your race and how you can change appearance. I so admire the things you do and how you do them so happily. I wish I could be happy like you.”

“Why can't you be happy?” Jaina asked, unable to believe such a lovely thing could have a worry in the world.

“I made a mistake,” Gisley said and looked away shyly. “But please promise me you won't tell anyone about me or my hiding place?”

Jaina sighed to see how important this secret was to the girl. She wanted to question her about the mistake, but the pleading look in her eyes melted her heart.

“I have to tell Roric,” Jaina said.

“Jaina, please no!” Gisley begged.

“Hear me out,” Jaina replied. “He is my master, and I can't keep secrets from him. However, I will tell him how important it is to you that this is kept a secret. I am sure he will keep it for you.”

“You love having a master?” Gisley asked as she fluttered closer.

“I honestly do,” Jaina replied.

“And you like being a prostitute?” she pressed.

“Why do you keep asking me that?” Jaina asked. “Gisley, what aren’t you telling me?”

“I can't,” Gisley said as she fluttered a few steps away. “Please, Jaina, keep my secret, and one day I may sing for you.”

Jaina went to respond, but she was suddenly bathed in Gisley's silver glitter. Her eyes felt heavy, and the world seemed to be one vast ocean where she gently rolled on the waves.

“Jaina?” Roric said with alarm in his voice as she opened her eyes to look up into his worried face. The morning sun was out, and the sky was a rich blue. Evalynn was standing by with a worried expression as well as Jaina slowly sat up.

“What happened?” Jaina asked.

“I was going to ask you that,” Roric said. “We woke up, and you were gone. So I tracked you by sent. We found you lying here a half-mile from the camp.

Jaina looked around to see the little pond in her clearing and suddenly remembered.

“Gisley!” she cried and looked around. “Have you seen her?”

“The barmaid?” Roric asked in confusion.

“She was here last night,” Jaina said as she struggled to make her memory work. “She was dancing on the water and singing such a lovely song. We spoke for a little bit then….” Jaina paused to try and remember what happened. “I think she put me to sleep.”

“Gisley is the purple girl from the inn?” Evalynn asked.

“That's her,” Jaina replied as she stood and felt a little wobbly. “I wish you had heard her song. It was so beautiful I wanted to cry.” She stopped as her memories started to clear, and she remembered the butterfly wings making silver dust in the moonlight. She also remembered Gisley's plea not to tell anyone, and let out a deep sigh.

“Roric, there is something I need to tell you about Gisley, but she pleaded with me not to tell anyone. As my master and the holder of my heart, will you please keep this secret with me?”

“If it's that important, I will never utter it to anyone,” he said and looked at Evalynn. “You will keep it too. Whatever it is, you will never share it.”

“I swear on my heart I won’t,” Evalynn replied. “But can it really be that important?”

“I didn’t think so,” Jaina said and looked between them. “But it was to Gisley, and if it means that much to her, I wish to honor that.” She then recounted the tale of the wings and the power they held under the moonlight. She told it with all the heart and emotion she could muster so they might glimpse the beauty she had seen last night. It was a tale full of songs and love and beautiful things. By the time Jaina was done, she longed to see that fluttering dance one more time.

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