The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-134 I mark you my sister

Jaina's heart was beating like a drum as she entered a harem abuzz with excitement. The girls were talking and smiling, making a level of noise Jaina had never seen before. The news had spread like wildfire that the princess and her girls were becoming part of the harem tonight. The tension was palpable as Jaina and her sisters made their way across the room. Rajeen's doors were shut, but she had permission to open them whenever she wished. She and her sisters slipped inside and shut the doors firmly before turning to take in the scene. There she was, her naked body glistening as two harem girls rubbed it with oil. Hannah looked like a goddess glowing radiantly with sexual charm. The other girls were getting the same treatment, being made ready for what was about to happen.

“I am dreaming,” Jaina whispered.

“I don’t think I could have given you a dream this good,” Gisley replied.

“Breanne is so beautiful,” Evalynn said as she twisted.

“Hmm, somebody has a thing for elves,” Jaina teased.

“Why do you think I played this race?” Evalynn said. “I find elven women irresistibly attractive. I would love to get my hands on Queen Gwen.”

“I might be able to arrange that for you,” Jaina said, looking to the side to see something that made her heart race faster. Frank was naked and sitting in a throne-like chair. Rajeen was on her knees before him, his long cock buried in her mouth. She leaned in so close that she could reach out with her tongue and lick the bottom of his balls, causing him to groan in delight.

“Frank is going to watch,” Gisley said.

“I bet he doesn’t watch for very long,” Jaina said with a wry smile. “He is going to be so turned on by what he sees he won’t be able to resist the sex on offer.”

“So, he's one of our masters now?” Gisley asked.

“That’s right, little fairy,” Jaina replied. “And you are free to make love to him all you want. Speaking of which, I want to talk to him.”

“He looks busy,” Evalynn pointed out.

“I am sure he won't mind,” Jaina laughed and headed across the room. She arrived behind the tiger woman, her breasts right before Frank's face as she smiled. “Master, may I pleasure you too?” Jaina asked.

Frank replied by reaching up and taking her hand. He pulled her close enough to get his hands on her breasts and knead them gently. Jaina moaned in excitement as Heather's master touched her body and was surprised when Rajeen pulled away and guided her into his lap. She lowered herself slowly as Rajeen held him in place, his cock sliding into her body as she became his.

“I have things I need to see to,” Rajeen said as she kissed Jaina on the cheek. “Take care of your master for me.”

“Oh, Frank,” Jaina panted. “I am so happy you joined the harem as a master.” She began to work her hips and ride, giving Frank every ounce of her passion.

“Am I doing the right thing?” Frank asked as she continued to work.

“Frank?” Jaina panted. “You shouldn't be asking that. Your girls are being prepared, and we are making love. If you have any doubts whatsoever, you need to stop this now.”

“I just want to know they will be happy,” Frank said. “I know I will still love them, but I don't want them to regret this.”

“Oh, you silly boy,” Jaina laughed. “Do you have any idea how much girls love sexual fantasy? It's moments like this where we are doing something so exciting that drive us wild. They will lose themselves tonight and experience a thrill, unlike anything they have ever known. It will sweep them away and leave them hungry for more. Then they will look at you and acknowledge that you made it all possible. You brought this power and sexual fire into their lives, and they will crawl at your feet, worshiping you for more.”

“Girls are strange,” Frank replied as his hands went around her waist. “But I like all of you strange.”

“I bet you do,” Jaina moaned as she ground down to push his cock as far inside as she could. “And I hope I get to serve you often.”

“You will if Heather's plan works,” Frank sighed.

“Oh, are you still worried about that?” Jaina asked, putting her hands on his shoulders to rub them.

“I can't help but worry, not just for her, but for you and Roric,” Frank said. “I promised you a safe home here, and I will do anything I can to ensure it stays that way.”

“Heather is right. You are a hero,” Jaina said as she leaned lower and took him into a kiss. “We know you are doing all you can, and her plan has an excellent chance of working.” She hoped that sounded reassuring, but she wasn't sure herself. Heather had called all of them into a meeting with Gwen and brought Alexandria and Zillix. She then explained her mad scheme to cheat a stone of truth that would reveal lies and cause the local lords to see a false character sheet. It all hinged on Alexandria using her deception power to block the stone while Zillix created an Illusion of the character sheet. Both parties protested, claiming they were too low-level to affect the powerful kings and queens. It was true, but Heather had the solution, she would marry them, and through her marriage, they would gain access to power only she possessed. It was some part of her missing past, but it granted her a power pool known only as essence. Somehow that pool was shared with anyone she married, and with it, both Alexandria and Zillix could boost their powers to a significant level.

“We could have tested it if we had more time,” Frank said. “We could have had Alexandria try to conceal a lie while Gwen was holding the stone.”

Jaina could see his logic and understood why he worried. The stone of truth would reveal any lie, and Heather would have to like mad. It would have put much of their worries at ease if they could have tested it. The problem was that whenever anyone but Heather used essence, they were rendered unconscious for a day or more immediately after.

“But the lords might show up while she was still unconscious,” Jaina agreed.

“If this goes wrong, not only will they find out what she is, but they will know we tried to deceive them,” Frank said.

“We have to pray that won't happen,” Jaina insisted. “I don't understand the first thing about this power of hers, but Heather knows what she's doing. Chandice said that Heather used that power to defeat a necro something monster in the caves by boosting her power to insane levels.”

“She did,” Frank agreed as he started to guide the motion. “She’s proven it can be done. Umtha and I have done it as well to boost our powers well above our level.”

“Then all we can do is trust it will work,” Jaina said as her head went back. The delight of being free to make love to Frank was driving her wild, and his cock had her on the edge. Her fingers clutched at his shoulders as her body lost the fight, and an orgasm rocked her soul.

“I have waited so long for this,” Jaina moaned as her body trembled in aftershocks.

“We made love in the dream,” Frank reminded her.

“Oh, silly. That was just a dream,” Jaina replied. “I want you for real, and I want to know I can have you all the time.”

“You really feel that way?” Frank asked as he looked deep into her eyes.

“Of course I do,” Jaina replied as her body writhed on his cock.

“Can I share something with you?” Frank asked.

“Love, you can tell me anything,” Jaina said.

Frank smiled and leaned in to kiss her before taking a deep breath. “I have wanted to make love to you again since that dream.”

“Oh, did I sink my claws in?” Jaina teased.

“You were so passionate, and it was exciting like I never thought it could be,” Frank replied. “And, of course, you are very beautiful.”

“Oh, you sweet boy,” Jaina cooed as she kept up her pace. “Flattery will get you everything.”

“I already have everything,” Frank said. “And I don’t know how to be any happier.”

Jaina smiled to hear him try to put his gratitude into words and cradled his face. She kissed him gently as he continued to work the pace, and she could feel he was growing near. She focused on driving him closer and felt his hands tighten on her waist. A moment later, his body tensed, and Jaina trembled, knowing what was about to happen. Then she felt him, and a warmth spread inside as her slave collar triggered her shared orgasm. Her head went back, and she drove down hard, determined to take his seed as deeply as she could. She collapsed into his arms as he hugged her tightly, stroking her back soothingly.

“I never thought I would have a life like this,” he said.

“You earned it,” Jaina replied as she panted at his shoulder. “You have to be someone special to have access to this harem, and you are one of only two men who do. You are a prince and a hero to all of us, but the patience and love you showed Heather is the stuff of legends.”

“I just wanted her to be happy,” Frank replied. “I wanted all of them to be happy and protect them from the cruelty people showed me.”

“Yes, and look what happened,” Jaina said as she leaned to the side so he could see Heather being oiled, her coppery skin glistening in the light. “Now she is madly in love with you and has decided she wants to share your dream. She has taken it to a whole new level, creating an entire kingdom where players are protected from that cruelty. You took a broken and frightened woman and turned her into an angel of compassion.”

“Why do you all say I did this?” Frank asked.

“Because you did,” Jaina said. “Think about it, Frank. What would have happened if you hadn't been there to save her? She would have been lost in this world, being eaten by every wild creature she stumbled on and harassed by players. That would have taken its toll on her mental stability, which by all accounts was in danger of breaking at any time. Moon might have found her without you to rescue her, and she would have been beaten, tortured, and reset, only to return to being eaten by low-level trash. What kind of woman would have grown out of that? What would Heather be now?”

Jaina saw tears wet his eyes as he looked at his beautiful Heather and felt the deep pain of her having gone through a life like that. Jaina was sure he was finally beginning to understand just how important he was to her success and how much he must therefore mean to her. She kissed him and assured him that no man had ever done as well as he had, pointing out that she might still have fallen over her past lives without his firm support. She then got up, allowing his cock to slide from her body, and fell to her knees before him. She started the task of cleaning up her mess, sucking at his tender flesh to remove any trace of their sex.

When the task was done, Gisley ran in and asked if she could keep him company. Jaina traded places with the lovely fairy, who was eager to please her new master. Jaina walked across the room and came to stand before Heather, who looked radiant and smiled to see Jaina staring.

“Did you enjoy my husband?” she asked.

“He was wonderful,” Jaina replied. “But he's so in love with you. Even during sex with me, all he wanted to do was talk about you.”

“I will talk to him about it,” Heather said as her breasts were rubbed with a towel to remove the excess oil.

“Oh, don’t you dare,” Jaina cut her off. “I think it’s sweet that you mean so much to him. He loves all of you so much.”

“I know,” Heather sighed and took one of Jaina's hands. “Am I doing the right thing? He's not going to wake up a month from now and regret all this or grow cold because he has so many women around?”

“Please, this is Frank we are talking about,” Jaina stated. “He couldn't grow cold on you if you were frozen in ice. He loves you, and he will never lose an ounce of that desire.”

“I know,” Heather replied and looked at Frank, who had Gisley's head bobbing between his legs. “It's just that so much is changing so fast, and I can't help but worry about where it will go. I don't think we could do this without you and your family. You showed us this could work, but I still worry. I just don't want us to drift apart.”

“Heather,” Jaina said as she played with her fingers. “Listen. Roric has been a master of this harem for weeks, and he still spends the vast majority of his time with us. It will be the same for you and Frank. Honestly, you will hardly notice a change except when he wants to test you or play a game.”

“You’re right,” Heather nodded. “And I really want to do this.”

“Trust me, Nobody want's this to happen more than Rajeen,” Jaina said. “She has wanted you and your beauties for her harem since laying eyes on you.”

“I thought you were the one who wanted us all collared and domesticated,” Heather retorted.

“Oh, no, I want you wild and free so I can be the one who breaks you,” Jaina replied with a smile.

“So now we are horses,” Breanne said from the side as she was adorned with fine golden chains.

“All women are like horses in a way,” Jaina said. “We are wild creatures, running free and looking for adventure until a strong man tames our wild hearts.”

“By throwing a rope around our necks and dragging us off,” Breanne added. “How apt a description.”

Jaina had to suppress a giggle as Breanne made her quip. She returned to comforting Heather, the two sharing smiles as she was given a lovely silver chain around her slender hips. The girls were oiled, scented, and adorned with decorations in the last steps before they were introduced to the harem. Jaina was so excited she could barely contain herself as Quinny joined their side, holding hands with Umtha.

“So, how do we get the marks?” Quinny asked as she turned to look at her cheek.

“Sorry, little girl,” Jaina laughed. “You're not allowed to know that until the moment it happens.” The harem girls giggled and laughed a the coy response before finishing their tasks. Breanne was taken into a long passionate kiss by Evalynn before the two women shared promises of love.

“So what now?” Heather asked.

Jaina nodded to the jade double doors at the far end of the room as they opened wide, and Rajeen stood tall, her body completely naked as she motioned the girls forward.

“It is time you were put where you belong,” Rajeen said. “Come, my pets. Your sisters wish to meet you.”

“Oh, boy,” Heather said nervously, clutching Jaina's hand as they walked forward.

“Just relax and let it sweep over you,” Jaina said. “You will be fine.” Jaina released her hand as the five girls gathered before Rajeen, who smiled at them.

“I want you five to know I will love you with my very soul,” Rajeen said as her eyes glistened with tears. “You will always be a part of my heart now, and I will never fail to care for you.”

The girls bowed their heads to the tiger woman, and Rajeen stepped aside, sweeping her arm wide to a room full of lovely women. Heather took the lead, stepping into the room as the women descended on them, and in moments, they were swept away.

Jaina, Evalynn, and Gisley followed them in as the girls were pulled down in piles of amorous women. Jaina watched as dozens of women kissed Heather while her arms were pulled back and her legs opened wide. She groaned into her kisses as hands crossed her body while hungry lips pulled at her nipples. Fingers found her tender pussy, and in seconds, she was being stimulated. The others had a similar fate, with Breanne pulled down so she sat astride a hungry mouth. The elf woman's hips rocked as the woman below tasted her honey.

“Well, sweety,” Jaina said as she turned to Evalynn. “It’s time you made love to Breanne.”

Evalynn nodded and hurried off to join the fun as the doors closed and Jaina looked back. Frank was sitting on Rajeen's throne with the tiger woman at his feet, clutching a leg as he held a chain attached to her collar. She winked at Jaina, then turned open her mouth, taking Frank's cock in. She did as she had done earlier, going deep to use her firm tongue to lick his balls. Now Frank was watching as masses of women made love while being given the blow job of his life.

Jaina and Gisley smiled and agreed to leave Breanne to Evalynn. They would focus on Quinny and Umtha, who were already crying out for sexual pleasure. Jaina chose Quinny, working her way to the saucy little succubus who had the delight of having a tongue in both holes. Her breasts were squeezed firmly, and her mouth was hungrily eating a pussy with all she had. Jaina made her way to the woman's back, tugging on her tail and stroking it as Quinny trashed. She knew from Rajeen and Blackbast that stroking a tail was a pleasurable delight, and the woman's oiled skin made her hands glide like silk.

Quinny was writhing as her body was caressed by a dozen sets of hands, driving her to the moment of magic. Jaina groaned as her salve collar forced her to share it, swaying in joy as a harm girl reached between her legs to rub. She smiled as all around girls began to play, moans filling the air as sex ran rampant. The woman at Quinny's mouth stepped away, and Jaina was Quick to lean in for a kiss.

“Jaina,” Quinny said with a drunken look in her eyes. “There are so many girls.”

“Shhh,” Jaina urged, running a finger along the sex-drunk woman's lips. “Just let go, and they will take you away.” Quinny nodded but reached up to grab Jaina's rear. She pulled and brought her lips to Jaina's pussy even as the woman behind her thrust two fingers into her body.

Quinny licked and kissed her clit, while the harem girl thrust in deep. Jaina took her own advice and let go, surrendering to the power of the moment as another girl took her into a kiss. They shared another orgasm that Quinny swallowed, her tongue coated with Jaina's bliss. Jaina let her go to be replaced by another girl and turned to see Gisley firmly eating Umtha. The fairy woman looked so happy to be down on all fours, lapping at the woman's tender green folds. Another woman was at Gisley from behind, and orgasms began to flow fast.

Evalynn and Breanne were fully engaged, body to body, as their hands made love to each other. Their lips never parted as they became one, shamelessly making love for all to see. Jaina watched for a moment, then turned back to the prize, the lovely leader of the succubi, the Lilim queen known as Heather.

She was held firmly; legs spread wide as a dozen girls waited for their turn to eat her passionate flower. More were at her body, rubbing, squeezing, and teasing with tongues, leaving no inch of the sultry woman untouched as they consumed her completely. Jaina made her way to Heather's side and joined in the caressing, using her hands to map every inch of the woman's skin. Heather caught a brief glance at Jaina's smiling face, and a hint of happiness passed between them.

Something smooth and gently caressed the small of her back and slid lower. Jaina assumed it was just a harem girl until it reached between her legs and began to rub. She realized it was the broad heart-shaped tip of Heather's tail, reaching for the woman she loved. Jaina leaned low to suckle her breast, presenting her rear to the harem. Heather's tail writhed and rubbed at her pussy as Heather began to orgasm. Every girl at her side shared it, their voices crying out like a choir as their love blossomed. Jaina got a hand between Heather's legs when a girl finally pulled her lips away. She rubbed with all her passion, plying every talent the slave collar offered. She drove Heather to another orgasm that made her body quake. Her skin ran hot as they continued to take her, pressing her on and on.

Heather's tail never left Jaina's pussy as it rubbed through the folds. Jaina was alive with lust and grew frustrated, waiting for her chance to eat that lovely pussy. She was mad with sensation as Heather's tail drove her to orgasm. Once again, they shared it, their bodies arching as they sang in love and power. The harem was alive with the sound of women cumming as they continued their sacred dance.

Jaina ran wet as her hair hung in her face, the orgasms never seeming to stop. Just as she thought it couldn't get any hotter, that lovely tail pressed hard. She felt it slip and then fold a bit before it. She lunged forward with a groan. Heather's lovely fleshy heart tip slid into her pussy, reaching into her body where it began to twist.

She had never felt a sensation quite like it, as that fleshy tail was like a long tongue. It twisted and curled, pulling back and diving in, making love to Jaina even though Heather was buried in women. Jaina reached down to rub her own clit, eager to cum for that lovely tail. Her wait wasn't long, and her body exploded as she cried out in rapid pants of love.

It continued for the next half hour as Heather and her girls made love to dozens of women. Jaina was almost lost the intoxication of the moment when a woman tapped her shoulder and bent over to whisper.

“It's time,” the woman said and pointed around the room to show the girls had all been maneuvered into position. Heather, Quinny, Umtha, and Breanne were gone, their bodies consumed by the power of never-ending sex and overstimulation of their bodies. They hadn't even realized they were all positioned with their rears exposed while extra girls piled on to keep them from moving. Gisley and Evalynn had been pulled aside already, and at their side was a long, smoldering metal canister with four black handles.

Jaina quickly snapped to her sense and looked at Heather’s lovely copper rear. She climbed to her feet and wobbled to get her balance as she made her way to the girls.

“Which one of us will do Quinny?” Gisley asked.

“I will,” a familiar voice said as Blackbast joined their number. “I am told she is to work my temple, so I would like to mark my new slave girl.”

“Can you believe this moment has come?” Jaina asked the sexy cat woman.

“I knew it would come,” Blackbast replied with a satisfied nod. “Now, quickly while they are drunk with passion. It is time to make them harem girls forever more.”

Jaina nodded and nervously reached for one of the metal brands. She drew a long thin shaft from the canister, and out came a magically smoldering green tip. It was shaped like a tiger's paw, the mark of Rajeen that all her girls carried with pride. Once branded, Heather and her girls would belong to Rajeen forever, and the harem would be their home.

Blackbast nodded and urged them into place, each woman taking their position over the rear of the girl they were to mark. Evalynn stood nervously over Breanne as Gisley trembled beside Umtha's green rear. Blackbast gave Quinny's rear a firm lick to mark the spot she would brand as Jaina started at the lovely oiled skin of her true love.

Together they looked to the head of the room where Frank sat with Rajeen in his lap. She leaned in close and said something they couldn't hear, but he locked eyes with Jaina and nodded.

Jaina's hand trembled as their master told them to go ahead. She looked down at that delicate rear as they all aimed their branding irons, and then, in unison, they plunged in. Bodies went ridged with shock at the sudden pain, but they were unable to move. The girl's tails were held aside to ensure they couldn't interfere as the green branding magic did its work. It took all of a few seconds, but when it was pulled away, a pink burn-like mark remained. Another woman quickly wiped the wound with magical honey and soothed all the pain away. Jaina wanted to cry when the honey was cleared, and on Heather's rear was a silver paw print. She was a proper harem girl at last, and her sister in love now and forever together. She couldn't help but lean low, kissing the print and whispering.

“I love you,” she said before kissing it again. “I love you, my dear sister.”

Bodies relaxed as the lovemaking resumed, and the pains were quickly forgotten. The passion was hot and furious for the next hour, but eventually, it slowed until the girls were finally allowed to breathe. Rajeen had all four of them carried to her room and laid in the bed where she would attend to them personally.

Jaina cuddled with Gisley and Evalynn, all crying in happiness.

“They did it,” Gisley said and clung to Jaina. “We are finally a family.”

“Yes,” Jaina replied as Evalynn hugged them both from behind. “And from this day forward, we show them all the love we can.”

“I have never felt so happy before,” Evalynn said. “I feel like something amazing has happened. I can finally make love to Breanne whenever we want. I can sleep in her arms through the night and be the first one she kisses in the morning.”

“You are silly romantic,” Jaina replied and leaned her head back to share a kiss. “But that’s why we love you.”

“Do you think we can sleep with them tonight?” Gisley asked.

“Sadly, I doubt it,” Jaina sighed. “Tonight they are Rajeens. But soon, they will be free, and we will be welcome in every bed they call their own.”

“I hope so,” Gisley said. “I am still worried about the people coming to arrest her.”

“They won't arrest her,” Jaina said with a smile before kissing one of Gisley's antennae. “I promise you that it will all be ok because there is no one for them to arrest. Heather, the necromancer, is no more. She has been reborn as Heather, the sex slave.”

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