The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-15 Surrender to the beast

Jaina wisely let her image change back to normal before the door to the room burst open. Alexandria stood there seething with rage as she glared at Jaina in hatred.

“How could you do that to me?” she shouted as her hands visibly trembled.

“How could you kill Roric in a cheap ploy to force me to work for you?” Jaina countered as she stood up and locked glares with the woman.

“Death doesn't mean anything here!” Alexandria shouted and took a step into the room. “But my reputation is everything!”

“It was just a little sex,” Jaina replied and brushed it off like it meant nothing.

“In my body!” the enraged woman shouted. “Do you have any idea how carefully I have kept that secret? And then you copy me and sell it off for pennies!”

“Maybe you should try being angry at yourself,” Jaina countered. “If you had left us alone, I wouldn't be so inclined to get revenge. But no, you had to kill Roric, attack us on the street, and then try to stop Roric from respawning to force me to relent? How vicious can you possibly get?”

“You haven't seen vicious yet, you cheap slutty whore,” Alexandria countered. “I will get you back for this if it's the last thing I do!”

“Threaten Jaina again, and it will be the last thing you do,” Evalynn intervened. “And why does her sleeping with a few patrons from the inn make you this angry?”

“They weren’t from the inn!” Alexandria shouted. “Those were my customers!”

“Your customers?” Jaina said and looked to Evalynn, who could only shrug that she had no idea what the woman was talking about.

“Yes, mine!” Alexandria growled. “Why do you think I was in the inn last night? Did you honestly think I was there to apologize? I was there to put a spell on your offer box to manipulate the offers and ensure my clients were the ones picked!”

“You mean you sent some of your customers to us?” Evalynn asked.

“her reputation is getting around. Some of my regular customers wanted to try her, so a guaranteed they would be chosen for the right price,” Alexandria said.

“I assume you charged a hefty price and skimmed a bunch of it off the top,” Evalynn balked.

“That's beside the point!” Alexandria barked. “Do you have any idea how long some of those men have been trying to get me? Do you realize the favors and influence I can gain through careful teasing and promises? And then this whore just hands it out to anyone with a few gold in their pocket!”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Jaina said as a smile spread over her face. “You're saying I just let a bunch of your clients have a cheap run at your body, and now you have lost influence?”

“Yes!” she shouted.

Jaina started to snicker, and a second later, Evalynn joined her as the two couldn't control themselves. Jaina fell over and lay on the bed as her laughter reached new heights to see Alexandria's face flushing red.

“I hate you!” Alexandria screamed and stormed out, leaving Jaina and Evalynn laughing so hard they couldn't breathe.

“I can’t believe she tried to use you as her whore, and ended up paying the price!” Evalynn groaned as she tried to laugh and speak at once.

“Now, those men won't need to give her favors. They already got what they wanted,” Jaina added. “Karma really is a thing!”

“You two seem happy,” Roric said as he appeared in the doorway. “Does it have anything to do with how angry Alexandria is?”

Jaina had to wipe tears from her eyes as she struggled to explain what had happened. Roric found it humorous as well but didn't like the idea of Alexandria selling Jaina's sex for profit.

“I doubt she will do it again after last night,” Evalynn said as she struggled to get control.

“Probably not,” Roric agreed and rubbed at his chin before turning to Jaina. “Do you need some sleep?”

“I am a little tired, but not enough to sleep,” Jaina replied and sat up to smile. “And if I need it, you can always give me a stamina boost.”

“Still not satisfied,” he laughed and sat on the bed beside her. “Well, good, because we have a quest to do.”

“A quest?” Jaina repeated. “What kind of a quest?”

“One I think you are perfected suited to,” Roric replied with a smile.

Two hours later, they were north of the town heading into hills dotted with pine trees. The road had become little more than a meandering path, and they stopped seeing player homes an hour ago. There were creatures about like wild boars, a few large spiders, and a variety of hunting cats, but none of them came near the trail.

“So, are you going to tell me what we're looking for?” Heather asked as they rounded a bend along a wide rocky stream.

“A player died to a powerful creature in a mine just ahead,” Roric answered. “He's offering a reward to anyone who can recover his magic sword.”

“That's it?” Jaina asked as the quest seemed relatively simple.

“The mine is supposed to be full of great wolves,” Roric replied. “And the one that killed him is an elite named blood mane.”

“So it's a mini-boss,” Jaina said with a nod.

“I wonder if it's a world spawn elite or an ascended one,” Evalynn said as they turned to follow a trail on the side of a hill.

“What’s the difference?” Jaina asked.

“The world spawn ones are, as the name says, spawned by the world,” Roric answered. “But the ascended ones happen when a monster kills a player. There is a small chance they evolve into a higher form, thus becoming an elite.” He looked at her funny, then shook his head before commenting that she should have known that already.

“Why pay attention to combat details when all I am interested in is sex?” Jaina asked. “Besides, I have you for that.”

“Your roles are very well divided,” Evalynn laughed.

“So it would seem,” Roric agreed as they rounded a bend and could see across a field. There was a large pile of waste rock next to an old track leading into a fantasy version of a mine shaft.

“That must be the mine,” Evalynn said and gripped her weapon as two large wolves with black mangey fur came out of the entrance. They sniffed at the air and produced a low growl as Roric turned to Jaina and told her to lure them out.

Jaina stepped into the open and immediately used allure to get their attention. Then she used a seductive smile, and the beasts immediately started to come her way. She stepped back, luring them to the trail until Evalynn and Roric each tackled one and quickly put them down.

“I wonder how big the mine is,” Roric said as they dared to approach the entrance. He peered inside and wished he had gotten that glow enchantment for his weapon. With a grumble, he set his pack down and fished out a torch to light.

“Let me hold it so that you can use both your hands for your weapon,” Jaina offered, so he lit the torch and handed it to her. Then he took the lead with Evalyn close behind and Jaina bringing up the rear.

Jaina was grateful for the naked defense skill as she stepped barefoot across small stones.

[lvl1 Sex Slave skill: Naked Defense] Your bare skin is a natural armor, offering the equivalent of light armor if you are almost completely naked. The more clothing you wear, the less effective the bonus. Also, you no longer sun or windburn and can tolerate the cold. In addition, your bare feet cannot be injured by natural hazards like thorns or sharp stones. You can step on these objects without discomfort.

A few meters into the mine system, they encountered another wolf, but this one was quickly dispatched. Roric pushed on down a tunnel that was wide enough for them to walk side by side. The metal track ran right down the center, and wooden supports held up the ceiling every ten paces. There was additional junk like broken pickaxes and old shovels scattered about, but otherwise, the mine seemed deserted. The tunnel arrived at a large chamber that soared up to three times the height of the tunnel. There were two tunnels leading off, and an old minecart tipped to one side. Odd blue mushrooms grew here, giving off a faint light that was enough to see by. Two more of the wolves wandered this space as if patrolling for intruders.

Roric and Evalynn each chose a target and then rushed in, startling the wolves and quickly engaging them. Like the previous battle, it didn't last long, and Roric took a moment to search the room for treasures only to find an old metal glove.

“Are we likely to find treasure here?” Jaina asked as Roric tossed it aside.

“The classes said we would find incidental loot and potentially the stuff left behind from other adventurers,” Roric replied and looked down one of the tunnels. He sniffed the air a few times and then checked the other one, sniffing it as well. “Let's go down that first one. It has a stronger odor of wolves.”

He and Evalynn led the way while Jaina brought up the rear with the torch. She wasn't sure they needed it anymore, now that the blue mushrooms were rather common and all the tunnels dimly lit. Still, she held it for safekeeping as they found yet more wolves. Five battles later, they had found two more chambers and followed several tunnels only to find the mine went on. Eventually, they found a crossroad, and Roric took them left down a straight shaft that ended at a dead gnome woman.

“A wizard of some sort,” Roric said as he turned over the mangled body to see the fancy robes. “I could smell the body from the tunnel entrance.”

“She probably got in over her head and ran,” Evalynn said as she looked around. “Right into a dead end.”

“Well, her misfortune is our gain,” Roric replied as he plucked the gnome's bag and held me up. “She had a magic pouch of her own, so now we have two,” he said and handed the new one to Evalynn. “That one is yours.”

“Thank you,” Evalynn replied and took the pouch to tie it beside the normal one she already had. “Speaking of carrying things. I do have a pack and some gear hidden in the fields. I should probably go recover it and give it to you.”

“I am proud of you,” Jaina said and put an arm on her back. “You want your master to have your stuff.”

“I admit I didn't mention it at first because I was afraid I might need it,” Evalynn said as she looked down. “But I want you to keep me, and I am ready to give up everything.”

“You didn't have a choice,” Roric said as he finished with the body and stood up. “I have taken you as my slave. I am keeping you whether you like it or not. As for your stuff, we will recover it later, and I will decide if you have anything I want to take.”

“I understand,” Evalynn said as Jaina smiled for her.

“Now, I have to ask what happened to her weapons,” Roric said after the tender moment was over. “She has no wand, or staff, or even a dagger. I doubt she came in here unarmed.”

“That is funny,” Evalynn agreed. “It should be here somewhere.”

“That means somebody looted her already and didn’t want the bag, or the monsters are treasure hoarders,” Rorics suggested as they started back up the tunnel.

“What was a treasure hoarder again?” Jaina asked.

“A monster type that collects any loot it gains in one central space, probably where blood mane is,” Roric said. “The weapon was probably flashy, so they hauled it away but didn't notice the bag.”

“So we might find a proper treasure pile,” Jaina said excitedly.

“Which could make it all more dangerous,” Evalynn said. “An elite monster grows in power with its treasure hoard. So we might actually be challenged if this wolf has a decent stash.”

“What level would this be normally?” Jaina asked.

“The regular wolves are ten to twelve,” Roric replied. “An elite could be fifteen to eighteen, and if it has decent loot, it will have bonus health and maybe a bonus power or two.”

“It also causes a boost to the number of regular wolves,” Evalynn said as they arrived at the crossroads.

Roric sniffed the tunnels and headed straight across as the shaft slowly started to look dusty and abandoned. Cobwebs appeared in all the corners and occasionally made long ropes to the ground. Roric broke a few with his spear before calling a halt with a turned-up hand.

“The scent of wolves is gone,” he said and peered into the darkness. “I think we have wandered into a spider cave.”

“Ugh, I hate spiders,” Evalynn groaned and leveled her glaive as if one was about to attack.

“And I am not seducing one,” Jaina added. “I draw the line at bugs.”

“A spider isn't a bug,” Roric corrected, but Jaina didn't care what it was. She wasn't going to entice one to spread her legs. “Let's go back then,” Roric suggested and turned them around to go back to the crossroads.

“I am surprised to find you have a limit,” Evalynn said as they walked back.

“Could you spread your legs for a spider?” Jaina asked as she shivered to think about it.

“I suppose not,” Evalynn agreed. “It needs to be humanoid at least.”

Jaina nodded as they turned at the crossroad and made their way into a chamber with multiple tracks and minecarts. Three wolves occupied this room, and Roric turned to Jaina to keep one busy.

She considered the wolves and what she had just said about spiders. At least they weren't insects, and to be honest, Roric wasn't so far removed from a wolf himself. With a racing heart, she stepped into the open and got their attention, then used her seductive smile.

All three wolves responded immediately, sniffing the air as one came directly for her. She stepped back into the tunnel, luring the brave first wolf out of the room and past her companions. They intercepted the other two, but Jaina was left to keep the last one busy for a moment.

“Good boy,” she urged as it started to sniff at her crotch. “Just stay down for a minute more.” she tried to put a hand out to keep it at bay when it suddenly licked, and its wet tongue slid between her legs. “Oh!” she cried as the beast started to lick in earnest, tasting her body as she closed her eyes to deal with the pleasure. Her legs shook as she put her hands around its face trying in vain to dislodge the tongue from her pussy. Then, panting rapidly, she stepped back, but the wolf only lunged in, its tongue sliding into her body.

“Roric, hurry!” Jaina cried as her body started to respond, the slave collar pushing her to enjoy the sensation. The tension and panic only made the moment more intense, and before she knew it, her voice was coming out in moaning pants. She looked up to see where her owner was and realized that two more wolved had come out of side tunnels. He and Evalynn were now fighting two to three, and help wasn't coming any time soon.

Suddenly her voice went high as the first orgasm shook her legs. She was lost in pleasure and the tension that a truly wild animal was stimulating her. Her body went wet with her orgasmic fluids, which only made the wolf more aggressive. That wide wet tongue pressed across her entire pussy, stimulating every inch simultaneously. Try as she might to resist, her need to have orgasms began to override her fear. She turned and planted the torch hand against the wall while the other went low to rub her clit. All she wanted was another good orgasm, but the wolf had other ideas.

Now that her back was turned to him, he lunged and fell on her body, bending her over and pinning her arm. She felt his wet cock pressing between her thighs and over her hand as he desperately tried to find her hole.

Jaina cried out in alarm, but her hunger for sex and the pleasure it brought pushed her to dare to help. With her hand already near her clit, she reached for the wolf and guided him in. Suddenly her body was invaded by an animal who was only interested in breeding her. She dropped the torch while falling to her hands and knees as the wolf dominated her, thrusting wildly into her hot pussy. She screamed in pleasure when the second orgasm came, filling her with a sense of need that drove her to rock her hips. The beast was firmly attached like Roric usually was, its knot swollen inside her body. All she could do now was moan and pant as the wolf bred her like a proper bitch.

The sound of wet slaps filled the air as her orgasms made her moist and eager. She cried with every firm thrust, barely able to hold herself up under the onslaught. Her body was rocked violently as her breasts flapped about. The wolf was forceful and efficient, eager to get the job done. By the time her third orgasm broke free, Jaina didn't care what was happening. All she wanted was to keep feeling the joy of that thrusting, hoping the beast would never tire. Sadly her next orgasm came right away as she shared the beast's finish indicating they were done. The wolf held on a moment more then tried to hop off, dragging Jaina with him. He was still firmly attached, and Jaina struggled to pull away until finally, it came out with a gush of hot wolf seed.

She fell to the floor and curled up to protect her tender place as the wolf sniffed at her a few times and then wandered away. It was immediately attacked by Roric and Evalynn, who quickly dispatched it before Roric ran to Jaina's side.

“Are you alright?” he asked as he knelt beside her.

“I feel wonderful,” Jaina moaned. “It was so good.”

“It did give her a good pounding,” Evalynn said with a blush. “She looked very happy with it.”

“Hmmm, My tummy feels full,” Jaina said and reached up to run a hand along Roric’s muzzle. “You do me next.”

“You really are addicted,” he said and took her hand to pull her up.

“I can’t help it. The collar makes it so good,” Jaina sighed.

“I am beginning to feel jealous of it,” Roric laughed. “I wish I could know what it felt like.”

“Hmm, Can you wear your own collar?” Jaina asked.

“No, but I can submit to another slave master,” Roric said. “And my slaves would become hers through me.”

“Oh,” Evalynn said as she heard the explanation. “So you could artificially cheat the slave limit by making other masters your slaves?”

“I suppose you could,” Roric said as he scratched his head. “I could, for example, enslave Alexandria, and then through her, I would have all her girls.”

“However many that is,” Jaina said as her senses began to return. “We don't even know what her primary class is, do we?”

“It must be something slave-focused,” Roric said as he thought about it. “Or maybe she doesn't have very many girls?”

“I have no idea how many she has,” Evalynn admitted. “I refuse to set foot in that place to find out.”

“I guess we are just assuming she has a bunch, but for all we know, it's two,” Roric said with a nod.

“I hope they are happy,” Jaina sighed. “When I spoke to her last night, she made it clear that her relationship with them was purely business. She has no love for the women under her care, though Chandice said she’d heard that she does take good care of them.”

“Well, if they were miserable, the collar would fall off,” Roric pointed out.

“Hmm, I feel bad now to think that you can’t feel the sex as well as we do,” Jaina said. “I wish you could experience it.”

“I like to be the one in charge,” Roric said and ran a nail up Jaina's chin. “I get all the joy I need from my pets.”

“Speaking of joy, you do realize you forgot to put your sex buffs on,” Evalynn pointed out. “If we are going to face an elite, you might want to have them.”

“I can kiss you for buffs, too,” Jaina added.

“Well, thank you for reminding me,” Roric said as he turned to Evalynn. “I think you deserve the reward of being the one who provides them.”

Jaina laughed and removed the collar so it could be wrapped around Evalynn's neck. Then Evalynn removed her belt and the armor at her waist, leaving the rest covered in metal. Roric tied her arms and bent her over to do what he did best, hammering the poor woman like the wolf had hammered Jaina. She watched the red lights flash as his buffs went off, then sighed as Evalynn started to have her orgasms. She even began to play with herself, smearing wolf cum through her folds as she watched their sex.

When it was done, Jaina kissed them both and blessed them with the kiss of passion.

[lvl 12 Seductress skill: Kiss of Passion] grants the passionate defender buff, slightly increasing strength, endurance, and health.

Evalynn used a self-buff that boosted her armor, and then they searched the room to find it contained nothing of value. Three tunnels let from this place, but Roric ruled out one of them right away after smelling the air. The two were a toss-up, so he picked one and headed on. Less than a minute in, they stumbled on another wolf and quickly dispatched it. Jaina waited by the wall for the fight to end and noticed a strange metallic-looking stone surface. She drew attention to it after the battle, and Evalynn explained that this was a tin vein and that players with a mundane mining class could collect it.

“Do they respawn?” Jaina asked as she considered the metal.

“In world spawn caves and mines, yes they do,” Evalynn said. “But the locations are random. Next time, it might be near the entrance or much deeper in.”

She noted that little nugget and followed along as they had five more battles before the tunnel came to an end at a drop. Roric looked over the lip to see a narrow ramp twisting around the side and heading for the tunnel floor.

“This is meant to be a sinkhole,” Roric said as he looked to the ramp. “This is either the right way or the entrance to a different dungeon.”

“I see nothing guarding it,” Evalynn said as she put her elven sight to work. “But the tunnel out of that chamber is twice the size of a mine shaft.”

Roric nodded and sniffed the air before turning to Jaina to shake his head.

“What?” Jaina asked.

“Are you going to use cleanse and clean that up?” he asked while pointing to her crotch.

“I was kind of enjoying the feeling,” Jaina admitted. “It’s still seeping out.”

“And I can smell it,” he replied and folded his arms. “Now get rid of it.”

“Aww,” Jaina moaned and activated cleanse to refresh her body. “Happy now?”

“Very,” he replied and looked back to the path. He took the lead as Evalynn and Jaina shared a smile, then the two followed along with Jaina still holding the torch for light. At the bottom, they thought they would find a new cave, but it turned out to be a double-wide mine shaft.

“A sinkhole from one mine to another,” Evalynn said as she considered it. “Or there was another way down through one of the tunnels we didn't check.”

“That's probably the more likely reason,” Roric agreed, then paused to sniff the air again. “I smell a body ahead.”

With weapons held at the ready, they advanced down the dark tunnel, searching for any sign of danger. Eventually, they rounded a bend and discovered a dead warrior lying on the floor.

“That’s the guy who was offering the reward,” Roric said as he carefully approached the body to discover the sword was missing. “And something took the weapon just like the wizard upstairs.”

“So we have to find the elite and his lair,” Evalynn added with a nod. “Even so, it should be relatively easy for us.”

“Let's hope,” Roric replied as he fished through the man's pouches. He found a small amount of coin and some tin ore, indicating he was probably one of the miner types. He also had a pack full of starting equipment from dried rations, to extra torches, to a small coil of rope.”

“Why do warriors start with so much gear?” Jaina asked. “I didn’t even start with a pack, and I had almost nothing in my pouch.”

“They start with armor and a weapon as well,” Evalynn pointed out. “But what you start with is usually based on your race and class. Your race has natural weapons, and your class makes money very quickly. I suppose the visitors didn’t think you needed a bunch of starting gear.”

“This guy was running from something,” Roric said as he looked to the floor beyond him. “There is a blood trail leading down the tunnel.”

“Then our prey must be that way,” Evalynn said and leveled her glaive. “Shall we go find him?”

Roric had her lead the way because her sight could see through the gloom. She walked right down the center of the tunnel, passing a number of smaller side paths. Eventually, they arrived at a large chamber with a floor that sloped down to a lower level. There were more ore veins in the wall and a few overturned mine carts. However, what truly captivated their attention was the pile of coins and assorted adventuring gear heaped up against the far wall. Standing before the treasure was a wolf that was easily half again as big as the others. He had mangy black fur with red frosting around his neck, marking him as the wolf blood mane.

“There is our elite,” Evalynn said as she pointed her weapon. “This fight will be tough, but we should win.”

“You’re level thirty-two,” Jaina pointed out.

“That’s why we should win,” Evalynn pointed out. “But the creature is an elite which means it will have increased health and double the normal stamina at least. So it will fight well above its levels.”

“The guy said it could howl and summon nearby wolves,” Roric said.

“But we didn’t see any wolves,” Jaina said and pointed back to the tunnel.

“Who knows what’s lurking down those side tunnels,” Evalynn said.

“Exactly,” Roric said and looked at Jaina. “I don’t suppose you’re still horny?”

“What?" Jaina balked. "That thing is almost as big as a mule."

"You accommodate skill will make it easy," Roric replied. "The quest is to get the sword. Evalyn and I can grab the loot while you're entertaining the boss. Then we wait in the tunnel until your done and walk right out without the risk."

Jaina looked at him with a shocked expression until she remembered how he said she was perfectly suited to this quest.

"You planned to do this all along," Jaina said. "That's why you said I was suited to this quest. You knew you would need me to keep it distracted."

“I knew it could summon help,” Roric said with a nod. “So I realized we could get the treasure easily by having you distract it.”

“I don’t know,” Jaina said as she considered the target. “Don’t elites have a better chance to resist willpower attacks?”

"You did pay attention to some of the classes," he laughed and ordered her to pull up her character sheet. Jaina did as she was told, and he looked through her skills and points. "Why don’t we boost Sultry steps and seducing smile to give you the best chance we can get.”

“If you say so,” Jaina replied nervously as Roric spent her points.

"Ten in sultry steps should weaken it significantly," Roric said as he closed her sheet. "If it doesn't work, Evalynn and I will jump in, and you use chameleon to blend into the wall and get out."

“I can absorb some of your damage during the fight,” Jaina pleaded.

"I am aware of that, but if Evalynn or I die, we will respawn. You, on the other hand, will reset,” Roric said with a stern tone. “Promise me you will run and not look back.”

“I promise,” Jaina said nervously as Roric stepped aside and told her it was time to begin.

Jaina walked to the ramp and stood boldly in the center of the room. Elites were not like regular versions of monsters, and this one was clearly larger than them all. If he resisted, this fight might go bad faster than anyone anticipated. It certainly didn't go well for that warrior.

With a deep breath, she put her hands on her hips and started to walk toward the beast as she activated Sultry steps.

[lvl 4 Seductress skill: Sultry steps] Boosted 10] Select a single target and begin walking in a sultry way, swaying your hips suggestively. The target must save vs. Willpower or become enthralled by your display while also lowering their willpower. Bonus to success chance if directly approaching them.

The beast locked eyes on her almost from the second she started walking. It let out a low growl, and she was sure it was going to rip her to shreds when suddenly it turned its head to the side like a curious dog.

“It’s working,” Roric whispered from behind. “Get closer and use seducing smile.”

Jaina nodded as she approached, a nervous smile on her face. The beast seemed larger and larger with every step, but there was no turning back now. Finally, she was as close as she dared to get without knowing if this was going to work. So as the creature stared in wonder, she activated seducing smile boosted to five.

It was almost a relief when she saw the wolf's cock slide out of sheath as her power took hold. She trembled to think what would happen next as the wolf suddenly stalked her way. Without even trying to fight it, she turned around and presented her rear while leaning over to place her hands on an overturned minecart.

The massive beast was on her instantly, its body so long it leaned over her head. That savage cock thrust between her thighs a few times, but the wolf quickly found the mark, and Jaina cried out. The brutal speed of its thrust was unbelievable as its weight threatened to buckle her arms. It rammed in, deep inside, as the knot began to swell well past the size of Rorics. Her stomach bulged from the mass inside as the beast, now firmly attached, punished her body. She came off her feet when it thrust in, and when he pulled back, she had to clutch the minecart to hold on.

Jaina roared with mad groans as her pussy was stretched to the limit and beyond. The sheer bestial power of the moment sent goosebumps racing across her skin and sweat beading on her forehead. She could feel that matted fur across her back and smell the beast's fetid breath. Fear and lust combined to form her favorite intoxication as her racing heart sent it pouring through her veins. Her first orgasms exploded inside, causing her to scream out to mark its passing as the wolf dominated its mate.

By the time the second orgasm came, Jaina was struggling for breath. Her head was down, hair flying wildly as she kept screaming, “Yes!” The wolf was bearing down on her body, driving himself deep into her flesh. If not for the accommodate skill, Jaina was sure she would be torn in half.

[lvl 1 Sex Slave Skill: Accommodate] Your pussy and rectum can stretch without tearing, allowing you to accommodate even the largest lovers.

She began to scream with every thrust as her thighs ran wet with her orgasms. She had her third as the beast suddenly thrust deep, and she was sure he was done, but he resumed his pace a moment later, and she barely held on.

Her fourth orgasm threatened to black her out, and she felt her legs getting wobbly. The wolf showed no signs of tiring, so eager was he to breed her body. To save herself, she started to drain its stamina, using it to keep herself up as the relentless pounding went on and on.

Five orgasms later, the wolf finally growled savagely and thrust in, filling Jaina with so much seed it sprayed out around his cock. She orgasmed with it, her mind nearly gone from the intensity of it all. For almost a minute, the wolf held her in place, then he jumped to the side, and Jaina had no choice but to go with him. She struggled to walk on her hands and feet, suspended in the air by the wolf's knot. It walked her all the back to where it had been standing before her body finally disgorged the bulb, and she slid off.

Crawling for most of the way, she climbed the ramp and headed for the shaft a dozen meters away. Her body was alive with orgasmic energy and the power of brutal sex. She stumbled to her feet and staggered into the tunnel until Roric finally swept her into his arms.

He carried her the whole rest of the way as her body trembled in aftershocks. By the time they got outside, Jaina was wide awake and ready for more, riding high on the stamina she drained. Still, Roric continued to carry her as they headed down the trail praising her skills and bravery.

“Did you get the treasure?” Jaina asked.

“I think we filled both bags of deep pockets,” Roric laughed. “And we carried out several magic swords, a dagger, and a bow.”

“So it was a good haul,” Jaina said with a contented smile. “Let’s come back and do it again tomorrow.”

Evalynn burst into laughter as Roric held Jaina tight. Together they headed home to count their spoils and collect the promised reward.




New Eden Game Mechanics-- Types of players

Players come in four main varieties in new Eden

Hero players:

  • 1 primary class +1 mundane class (If race is human you may choose 2 primary classes)

  • Gains 2 skill points per level

  • Both classes level equally

  • Can set a home point, use a binding stone, or use the closest respawn point. See spawn rules for more details.


These are players who have come to New Eden willingly and gone through the process of creating character and chosen a hero.

Monster players:

  • 1 primary class +1 mundane class

  • Gains 2 skill points per level

  • Both classes level equally

  • Can not set a home point. All monsters can create a lair or occupy/haunt/infest an area. If killed more than 1 mile outside this region the monster player resets at the nearest spawn point.

These are players who like Heros have come to New Eden willingly but haven chosen to play as a monster. In almost all cases the monster race acts as their primary class, gaining special powers and abilities as they level. In some cases like orc, gnoll, lizardman and many others, there are hero and monster variants of their type and do not act as the primary class.

Chosen players:

  • 2 classes (of any type) +1 additional class if race is human.

  • Gains 5 skill points per level

  • Classes do not level equally.

  • Always respawns. Either at home point or nearest spawn

  • Can change classes until one of them reaches level 3.

  • Can change race until any class reaches level 5.

  • Can modify their respawn times to be 1 hour to 1 day.

Chosen are players who were abducted into the world for unknown reasons by the visitors. These players are often not even gamers and usually have little to no idea why they are here. Chosen are also uniquely allowed to change race and class dynamically until they reach level five. At which point whatever they have currently picked is locked in. When leveling, the first class of a chosen is always the highest, with ever class after it being one level lower, than the previous one. The vast majority of chosen players are women.

Contract Players:

  • Unknown number of classes

  • Gains ? Skill points per level

  • No information on how classes level

  • No information on how respawn works.

A deep secret of the world, these are players who are contacted by the visitors ahead of time and offered a specific role in the world. These players are often assigned their race and class by the visitors ahead of time and can be races that are not playable by other players.

Number of classes is variable and can include classes unique to them. Skill points are variable and can be almost anything from 5-10 per level. It is not known if a contract player can be reset as nobody has ever killed one.

Player variants:

Glitches- These are players who have somehow managed to cheat the system and have gained additional classes or powers outside their “standard” rules. Heather is an example of a glitch.

Ascendants- These are players who have reached a level of power and play where they start to climb a new system of ranks more akin to divinity than player levels. The number of ascendants is unkown but one contract player famously ascended and killed one of the worlds gods. This player is known as King Kevin the Dragon Slayer.

Game concept: Ascendants hate glitches and hunt them to extinction for reasons known only to them.



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