The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-150 The Queen of slaves

“You did what?” Blackbast asked as Jaina stood before her in the temple, explaining her encounter with Gwen. She could see the cat woman's ears turn back in an obvious sign of annoyance when Jaina described masquerading as her. She asked a few questions and then let out a restrained sigh before walking a few steps away.

“I suppose you were only trying to help her,” Blackbast grumbled as her tail twitched. “So I assume you want to go collect her?”

“Well, we probably should,” Jaina insisted as the morning sun had risen, and hopefully, Gwen was waiting in the keep.

“You want me to collect her,” Blackbast surmised. “Well, then let us go. I want her back in the temple as quickly as possible.”

Jaina nodded, and the two set off, using the forest doors to quickly get them to Idris's adventure. They slipped past the little village and headed down the road with Blackbast in little more than a slip and Jaina in her slave silks. Jaina felt nervous when the keep came into view, and she wondered how Gwen's night had been. She prayed the woman had learned what she wanted to know, or at least enough to know if she wanted to continue. The little village outside was quiet, and the guards at the keep paid them no notice. They found Gwen standing by a large tree inside the little yard, looking annoyed.

“It's about time you got here,” Gwen snapped when she saw Jaina, then looked down as Blackbast's green eyes bore into her.

“And why should I rush out to collect you?” Blackbast asked as her arms folded. “Did you include me in any of these secret desires? I keep finding you in the heart of problems that you are hiding from the one person who can help you with them.”

“I wasn't trying to hide it,” Gwen sighed. “It was something I was privately thinking about, and Jaina only found out because I had to explain what I was doing. My hand keeps getting forced at the last moment, and I am growing tired of it.”

“Did you learn what you wanted to learn?” Blackbast asked.

“He isn't who I thought he was,” Gwen sighed and looked at the gates. “Can we please leave? I want to be away from this place.”

Jaina was troubled by her comments as they presented the image that things had not gone well. Gwen held her tongue until they were on the road when Blackbast finally took her hand.

“Now, take your time and tell us what happened,” Blackbast encouraged.

Gwen nodded and wove a tale of a man uncomfortable with her presence. He had been a perfect gentleman all night, even offering her a rollout cot to sleep on. However, he was obviously annoyed at her presence and spent most of the time throwing logs on the fire as he paced anxiously.

She tried to engage him in conversation, but his answers were evasive. He never said anything concrete or tangible that she could hold on to. When she pressed him about his past, he became distant, almost melancholy, as if reliving a pain he wished to forget. There was something deeply troubling the man, and she did her best to draw it to the surface all night. At one point, she told him how much she loved this kingdom but didn't understand Gwen. Why had the woman allowed her daughter to create such a place when it would draw the ire of the North?

Finneous actually changed from his werewolf form to a man whose eyes were full of regret. He told her that Gwen was a strong woman who didn't fear the North or her neighbors. She and Hannah were the perfect pairing, and he hoped they would achieve what others had failed to do.

“Others had failed to do?” Jaina said.

“Did you think Hannah was the first one to try this?” Blackbast asked as she turned to face Jaina. “She is not the first player to try to make a kingdom where monster players are welcome, even encouraged. All previous ones have ended in ruin when players from the North come to burn everything.”

Jaina felt a deep sense of regret to know that this had been done before, and it failed. Gwen then mentioned that she knew of three small kingdoms that had attempted it before, and all three were long gone. She said they were taken apart by bad players before they had a chance to establish themselves. In Hannah's case, she was just a part of Gwen's much more powerful kingdom. As such, Gwen had much more power to deal with problem players. She didn't foresee things getting out of hand, but there would be trouble ahead.

“So, he is mournful of something from his past?” Jaina pressed.

“Haunted by it is the better term,” Gwen clarified. “I suspect he has been a part of a kingdom like this before and seen it burned. He may have even played a role in its destruction or defense, but of which I can't say. One thing I did glean was that he cared about Hannah much like a father does his daughter, but he feels he has to keep his distance. I am unsure if that is because of me, his past, or other reasons, but he isn't happy Hannah has taken this slave course.”

Jaina gathered that point from last night but wondered why Finneous would be protective. He technically had no association with Hannah outside Gwen's use as a husband. Judging by Gwen's comments, he was troubled, caring, and hopeful for a better future. He was also in hiding, not wanting anyone to know about his werewolf form. In the end, Jaina had to ask Gwen what she thought of the encounter, and the woman sighed.

“I need to spend more time with him. That he carries such deep pain about the past and concern for the future means he is a caring person. He wouldn't be bothered by these things if he wasn't. However, I need to get to know him better and build a relationship to know more.”

“And he didn’t think to have sex with you at all?” Jaina pressed.

“It didn’t seem to concern him,” Gwen replied. “He was more annoyed that I was there than showed any interest in putting me to use.”

“Does that mean he’s honorable?” Jaina asked.

“Or perhaps he didn't trust your story about needing to get rid of her for the night,” Blackbast replied. “You may have made him suspicious of your motives. Now, he will be suspicious of me.”

Jaina hadn't considered that thought as she pondered the potential that the man had been on guard all night, worried Annasara was some kind of spy. She asked a few more questions as they headed back, most notably what Gwen planned to do now, but it was Blackbast who answered.

“You two are going to the temple, where you will remain until I say you can go,” Blackbast insisted.

“But I have to meet with Lydia and Finneous,” Gwen said. “I can’t send word that they are to present themselves to me then not be there.”

“You are going to the temple,” Blackbast insisted as she grabbed the ring of Gwen’s collar. “And that is my command.”

“Yes, master,” Gwen replied in submission and bowed her head. Jaina was startled to see the woman cowed by Blackbast, but then, right now, she was in the slave collar. She would have to obey or take it off, and Blackbast might not allow her to put it back on in the current state of affairs.

They were silent the entire way back to the temple, where Blackbast told them they would wait until she returned. She then left, and the girls sat about the temple, discussing what Gwen wanted to do. Jaina was hopeful that Gwen would find a path to build a relationship with Finneous, but she seemed hesitant. Finneous had layers of secrecy that he was determined to keep, and she feared what those secrets might mean.

Jaina sat with Gwen on a bench and held her hand as the conversation drifted to Hannah. Gwen was proud of her daughter's accomplishments, even in her submission to the harem. She admitted that she wished she were so brave to publicly declare her place as a slave girl. Jaina teased her about it, asking why she couldn't. What would change if people knew she was part of the harem, serving the masters as a sex slave?

Gwen blushed and admitted that the idea was tantalizing but that somebody needed to be the face of the kingdom, and that person had to be a wall of strength. If it were publically declared that she was a slave girl, it would invite her enemies to act more aggressively. She then admitted that if the harem grew in power enough to challenge the local lords, then maybe Gwen could reconsider. She even suggested that Hannah could sit on her throne as Queen, allowing Gwen to completely retire to the harem.

Jaina tried to imagine Gwen free to play in the harem, then had a sudden idea.

“Well, aren’t you in the harem already?” Jaina asked.

“No, I am just a slave in the temple,” Gwen countered.

“No, you are Blackbast's slave girl, and you are proving that right now,” Jaina countered. “She told you you were going to come here, and you were going to wait until she dismissed you, and here you are. She proved to us that you are her slave girl and she is a master of the harem. That means you are a harem girl whether you like it or not.”

Gwen looked aghast at the idea, then struggled to reply. Jaina laughed and put a hand on her leg, assuring her that there was no defense. If she had Blackbast's collar on, she was a slave girl in the Jade harem, and nothing was going to change that.

“So, sister,” Jaina said as she rubbed the woman’s thigh. “Welcome to the harem.”

“I don’t know what to think about this,” Gwen said nervously.

“Gwen, you have been part of the harem since you put that collar on,” Jaina insisted. “It's just that Blackbast hasn't pressed you to acknowledge it yet, or maybe she has.” Jaina paused to consider the meeting about Zillix's chastity request, where Gwen attended as Annasara. It was Gwen's first interaction as a harem girl, and Jaina began to wonder if Blackbast was slowly preparing Gwen for the transition.

“Do you think she asked you to attend that meeting to get you comfortable with being part of the harem?” Jaina asked.

“I hadn’t considered that,” Gwen replied as she looked into the temple. “She told me I had to attend and hear the proposal but never said why.”

“Because all harem girls were required to attend,” Jaina insisted. “Gwen, she proved right there that she knows you are a harem girl.”

“Oh, it has to be true,” Gwen sighed. “I am already part of the Jade harem.”

“I am afraid so,” Jaina said with a broad smile. “But I think that's wonderful.” She leaned over and kissed the woman on the cheek, causing Gwen to smile. The Queen turned to Jaina and pulled her into her arms, kissing her lips to convey that she loved her.

“You should get your brand,” Jaina said when the kiss parted.

“What, no, I can’t do that,” Gwen said in a panic.

“Gwen, you are a harem girl. You need to be branded with the paw print,” Jaina insisted.

“Jaina, that will mark me,” Gwen protested. “I won’t be able to hide what I am anymore.”

“It’s not like you are going to run around with your rear out,” Jaina said. “Besides, if you wanted to be really daring, you would earn some forest tattoos.”

“You can just stop,” Gwen laughed as she smiled. “You already snared my daughter, but you aren't getting her mother that easily.” Gwen got up and walked across the room, discarding her clothing until Jaina admired her naked form. She gazed on Gwen's beautiful rear and shapely hips as the woman stepped into one of the heated baths. She leaned over just enough so that Jaina could seed the tender folds of her full pussy and looked back to make eye contact. Jaina could see the invitation in that gaze and got up to join the woman.

Gwen waded into the pool, which went to her hips, then knelt until her breasts floated in the water. Jaina stripped and stepped into the warm water, savoring the heat as she sank into the scented surface. She waded to the waiting woman and fell into her arms as they began to kiss with a need for each other.

“Make love to me like a sister of the harem,” Gwen whispered as Jaina clutched the woman’s large breasts. The kiss resumed as their arms went around one another, searching for the power of their love. Jaina reached across the woman’s back, cupping her rear as she pulled Gwen into her lap.

“Surrender to me,” Jaina urged. “You aren't the Queen anymore. You are just a slave girl in the harem and here to serve the masters.” Gwen groaned as Jaina's fingers reached into the folds of her body, dancing with practiced ease. The two writhed together as the tension built in Gwen's body, the slave collar magnifying every caress. Jaina kissed her neck and shoulders as Gwen began to shake, her body near the point of release. Gwen moaned as she clutched her lover with desperate arms until, finally, her body gave up the fight. With a cry, both women shared the orgasm, thrashing in the water as they enjoyed the fruit of their love. Their voices twinned together in a song of passion as the water was flavored with their sweet nectar.

Hungry lips came together in another kiss as the two sought to be part of one another. Gwen cupped Jaina’s face, holding her to the kiss as the power of her lust ran wild. Jaina ran her hands up the woman’s back, cupping her shoulders to pull the embrace tighter. The kiss went on until Gwen finally pulled back and smiled at Jaina. She stood, pulling Jaina to her feet, and walked her to the edge, where marble benches were placed just below the water's surface. Gwen lifted one of Jaina's legs and placed it on the bench before dropping low to see Jaina's spread pussy.

Jaina felt her heart beating faster as Gwen wrapped her hands around Jaina's thighs and smiled. She leaned in, and her tongue slid into Jaina's flower, lapping at her petals as Jaina groaned. Jaina's hips began to roll as the Queen ate from her pussy, her tongue teasing her clit before going deep into her soul. Her breathing became a rapid series of moans punctuated by quick gasps when Gwen sucked on her clit. Inside, the fire was burning, growing rapidly as the collar intensified every touch. Jaina felt her hunger bursting at the seams, screaming out for Gwen to push her over the edge. Two of Gwen's fingers slid into her pussy and began to thrust as that soft tongue focused exclusively on her clit.

Now Jaina was shaking as her orgasm teetered on the brink of explosion, then came rushing out as Gwen shared it with a trembling moan. Jaina had to keep her balance by holding Gwen's head as the woman continued to lap her up, even as the orgasm pulsed inside. She cried out in delight as they made love until Gwen finally stood up and pressed their lips together again. Jaina melted in the kiss, savoring her lover's touch as soft hands caressed her water-slick body.

“Come on,” Jaina urged as she broke from the kiss and pulled Gwen to the edge of the pool.

“Where?” Gwen moaned as she was drawn to the lip and pulled out. Jaina took her into another kiss and slowly walked her across the temple, their wet bodies pressed together.

“You need to let go and just let this happen,” Jaina said as they reached the hall. “Are you ready to surrender?”

Gwen looked surprised, but Jaina put two fingers between her legs and rubbed, causing her to tremble. She asked Gwen if she was a harem girl or not, and the woman practically danced on her toes as she moaned out a yes. Jaina took her down the hall and into Blackbast's private chambers. The doorway here no longer went to the jade temple but directly into the harem room of the floating palace. With a single step, Gwen and Jaina were in the plush harem chambers surrounded by women who looked up to smile.

“Just close your eyes,” Jaina said as women came to their side and took Gwen's arms. Jaina saw the look of shock pass as the once-queen closed her eyes and was pulled down into the arms of the woman. Jaina watched the sex for a few moments as Gwen was caressed and pleasured by a dozen women, each hungry to know their new sister.

“I told you to wait,” Blackbast said as she came up behind Jaina with Rajeen at her side.

“This couldn't wait,” Jaina said as she turned, then bowed to her masters. “I spoke to her in the temple, and she is ready for the mark.”

“We were just discussing that,” Rajeen said as she looked over Jaina’s shoulder at the sex going on. “I agree with my love that Annasara is ready to be a slave girl. Her willingness to bow her head when told to obey is a very good sign.”

Jaina noted the careful use of Gwen's fake name to prevent any harem girls from knowing who the woman was. They discussed the woman's future in the harem and how she would be spending most nights among the girls from now on. Then, the moment came when Gwen had been making love for over an hour and was so lost to the power of sex she was incoherent.

Blackbast was awarded the right to mark the Queen and took up the magical brand as the harem girls positioned her. Gwen never realized that her rear had been exposed, and a dozen girls held her body tightly. She was locked in a kiss she couldn't break when the searing brand kissed her skin and made a soft hiss. Gwen shook and bucked, but a second later, soothing magical honey was wiped over the mark, leaving behind a silver paw. Gwen was now a harem girl, a slave to the masters, and she was taken to Rajeen's bedroom to learn how to serve the tiger woman.

Jaina watched as Gwen spent the rest of the night pleasuring Rajeen as the tiger women admonished her with praises of good slave. Two harem girls were brought in and suspended with chains to watch the sex happening on Rajeen's bed. Jaina was allowed to join the fun an hour in, and the two lapped at Rajeen's pussy together. They kissed and loved until Blackbast joined them and took Gwen to the side. One of the girls in chains was lowered and set free, and then Gwen was locked into the chains. A gag was strapped through her mouth before being raised so her feet dangled a few inches from the floor. Then Jaina was taken aside and switched with the other woman so that she hung on the other side of the bed facing Gwen.

Blackbast crawled into bed with Rajeen, and the two began to make love as harem girls came in and fell before Jaina and Gwen. The two trembled as their pussies were eaten while the two cats made love in the bed. When Gwen or Jaina came, the girl would get up, and another would take her place, resuming the task of pleasuring the captive. Jaina thrashed and twisted as her pussy was eaten repeatedly, but Gwen was singing through her gag. Her skin glistened with a slick sheen as two girls had to hold her legs wide while a third ate from the woman's body. By the end of the night, every girl in the harem would know the Queen's delicious pussy, and included her future daughter-in-laws.

Quinny was the first to sample the woman's honey, making Gwen scream as her back went tight. Umtha arrived a few girls later, and after that came Breanne. The elf woman stood on her toes and kissed the gag as she met the Queen's eyes. Jaina knew these three had no idea this was Gwen, but something odd happened. Breanne leaned in to whisper into Gwen's ear, and the woman nodded. Gwen gently rested her head back and seemed to relax as Breanne kissed her way down the woman's stomach. Slowly Breanne sucked and licked at the Queen's overly sexed pussy, taking her time to lavish it with careful attention. The orgasm took a while to build, but when it came, Gwen kicked with each spasm. Then Breanne left, and a line of girls took her place, each one welcoming Gwen to the harem.

Girls who finished with Gwen joined Jaina's line, and some went back for seconds. Jaina smiled when Breanne appeared in her line and smiled before leaning between her legs. Jaina savored the touch of that delicate tongue as it carefully teased her body. Breanne made her shake as she slowly built the orgasm, then used prolong to keep Jaina on edge. The woman seemed to be savoring the sex and the passion that she couldn't release until, at last, she allowed Jaina to cum. Jaina cried out as she sprayed into the woman's waiting mouth, her nectar coating her tongue. Breanne swallowed every drop, then stood on her toes to kiss Jaina so she could savor the sweet flavor.

“You are a bad girl,” Breanne said with a smile. “You always lure them in somehow.”

Jaina returned the smile but insisted she had nothing to do with it. Annasara wanted this for herself; all Jaina had done was help her take the last step. Breanne laughed and stepped away as another woman took her place, and Jaina felt the loving tongue begin its task. In the bed, Blackbast was calling out as Rajeen skillfully brought her to orgasm, and all around, the sex was flowing. It went on for another hour when the lines finally emptied, and the two girls were left hanging to pant.

Jaina and Gwen made eye contact, and a silent plea passed between them. Gwen had never been so completely pleasured or made love for so long. Even when Jaina threw her to her guards, it hadn't been from a position of powerlessness. Now, every woman in the harem knew Gwen's body, and she bore the mark that said she was property. She wanted to know how she had come to this, but all Jaina could do was breathe deeply to catch her breath.

Then Rajeen got up and came to Jaina, running a hand up the woman's stomach as if testing her ripeness. She nodded and went to Gwen, who was still gagged.

“You know it occurred to us to put you into the chastity belt,” Rajeen purred as her hands rolled over Gwen’s body. “Then there would be no danger of you and your daughter being pressed to play in the temple.”

Gwen looked away as Rajeen's strong, furry hands tested the woman's breasts and played with her tender nipples. “Perhaps you will volunteer to become the dragon's plaything?” Rajeen teased with a single claw, tracing a circle around a nipple.

Jaina saw Gwen shudder as Rajeen teased the idea of putting her in chastity and giving her to Zillix as his pet. The woman was drunk with sex and not thinking clearly as Rajeen drove her tension to new levels. Jaina wondered what must be going through her mind as Blackbast crawled from the bed to join the torment. She went to a nearby table and opened a box to reveal the chastity belt and bra.

Gwen shook as Blackbast carried the devices to Gwen while Rajeen used chains bolted to the floor to anchor Gwen's legs so she couldn't fight back. Jaina's blood ran hot as Rajeen pulled the chains and spread the poor woman's legs wide, then took up the metal bra.

“You would look so good in this,” Rajeen purred as she placed the device over Gwen's breasts, which magically adjusted to contain the woman's massive chest. Jaina couldn't tell if they were teasing the woman or serious as Rajeen reached the metal bracing around Gwen's back and, with a click, locked her breasts away.

Gwen groaned through her gag, twisting and pulling as Rajeen drew her claws across the metal plating, proving Gwen could no longer feel a thing. Rajeen stepped back and took up the belt, holding it where Gwen could see it. Gwen tried to speak through her gag while swaying her hips to vainly prevent the belt from being put on.

“Perhaps one last cock before you are locked away,” Rajeen said and turned to Blackbast, who nodded. The sultry cat left the room as Rajeen set the belt aside. She went to Gwen and ran her hand along the woman's rear, tracing the paw print that marked her.

“You are our property now,” Rajeen purred. “From now on, you will sleep in the harem and not be permitted a private room. You will openly and eagerly make love to the other girls, and your body will be ours to enjoy.”

Gwen let out a whimpering cry muffled by her gag as Rajeen laid out her new life. Jaina felt the tension growing as Rajeen explained how Gwen would serve all the masters without restriction. Was she saying that Gwen needed to make love to Frank? Or was this just a game? Jaina could see the look of panic in Gwen's eyes when the door opened, and in walked Blackbast cradling the tiny dragon Zillix to her breasts. She went directly before Gwen as the Queen looked at the little beast and shook.

Blackbast set him down, and instantly, his scales began to glitter, becoming a cloud of light that grew until Zillix was transformed. Now, he was a tall dragon man with scaled skin over his rolling muscles. He had a long, thick tail and the head of a dragon with a broad neck and jaw full of pointed teeth.

Gwen shook as his hands went around her waist, and he leaned over, his great maw opening wide. He took an entire breast into his mouth, licking it with a tongue as wide as Jaina's palm. Gwen went taught, her back arched as he began to savor her body, licking her like a treat. He tasted everything, eventually reaching her over-sexed pussy, where he lingered long enough to bring her another orgasm. She came on that powerful tongue, her voice crying around the gag as her body shook from the power. Then he stood up, and Jaina could see his rock-hard cock throbbing in anticipation.

Gwen's legs were unchained, allowing Zillix to grab them and lift her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he slid his broad cock into her trembling pussy and began the process of taming the Queen. Jaina hung helplessly as Gwen clutched at her chains, unable to resist the dragon man who was deep inside her body. Jaina knew the power of that cock and the line of bumps that were even now tormenting Gwen's clit. It wasn't long before those legs tightened around him, and her back arched in a powerful orgasm that rattled the chains. Gwen pulled as if trying to get free, but all she did was fall back on that cock, driving him deeper. She was helpless to do anything but serve her master, her pussy the property of the harem.

Jaina watched the woman have five more orgasms, each more powerful than the last. She was screaming through her gag as the dragon man took her body, driving her to powerful climax after powerful climax. Then Zillix hugged her tightly and drove hard, causing Gwen to let out one long, powerful moan. Jaina saw the cum pour from Gwen's pussy as the dragon filled her to overflowing. She shook as each pulse of his cock renewed her orgasm; then he stepped back, and she was finally able to rest. The bra was removed, and her breasts set free, but Gwen hardly noticed.

Rajeen took both women down and set them in her bed together, ordering them to cuddle for a bit. Gwen curled to Jaina's chest, panting as Jaina stroked her head, giving the woman peace.

“What just happened?” Gwen panted a few minutes later.

“You were given a fantasy,” Jaina replied. “It is the job of the masters to find ways to test your sexual boundaries and drive you wild with fantasies.”

“So this was all just a game?” Gwen panted.

“It was, and they did it for you,” Jaina replied. “They wanted you to know they were delighted you were part of the harem and show you what you could expect.”

“But why the chastity belt?” Gwen asked.

“That was a tease,” Jaina said with a smile. “They knew you were charged with sexual energy and wanted to tease the possibility that you would be denied. That's probably why they brought Zillix in and not Roric. They wanted you to think you were being given to the dragon.”

“I did think that, and it drove me wild,” Gwen admitted.

“That’s what they wanted,” Jaina assured her. “And you can expect a lot more of this in the future. They will torment you in ways you never imagined until you tremble in their presence, unsure what to expect.”

“They are very good at this,” Gwen relented and curled more tightly to Jaina. “But do I really have to sleep in the harem?”

“Oh, yes,” Jaina laughed. “That part was not a game. You have a paw print now, and that means you belong here.”

Gwen smiled and settled in, letting her worries melt away as Jaina stroked her head. Once again, the day had been filled with sex and discovery as a woman once unsure took the final steps and became a sex slave. Together, they closed their eyes and fell asleep, locked in their warm embrace. Today was done, and tomorrow was a new adventure for Jaina, the sex slave.

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