The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

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Jaina moaned as her body writhed on the wet ground as a firm rain doused the Love wood. Roric held her legs back, pinning them next to her shoulders as he took what was his as her master. Her wet hair splayed about the ground as his powerful thrusts rocked her body. She looked into his beastial yellow eyes and saw the hunger for her flesh burning inside. She sang to him with every thrust, letting her master know she was his to fuck.

On he went, consuming her body as she shook in another orgasm. The slave collar made them so easy to have, and Roric spent points to increase the rate. Now, sex was an unending chain of powerful releases that increased in intensity as each passed. They would culminate in a shared orgasm that magnified the power of all the previous ones into one last torment. Of course, Roric would ensure she had plenty before that final moment, so when it came, she would melt.

She smiled through her moans, looking up at her master as he held her in place. She loved him for making this life possible and keeping her as a slave. She couldn't imagine a better life where all that was expected of her was to be pretty and make love. Of course, New Eden made being pretty as easy as breathing, with perfect bodies and health considered the norm. Only by choice was somebody ugly, and even then, it was only cosmetic.

She shook as his knot hammered against her pussy, threatening to force its way in. She rolled with her fifth orgasm as his long cock reached deeply inside. How wonderful was this word where sex was something purely to be enjoyed without risk of disease, injury, or children? How even more amazing was it that by being a sex slave, it was all magnified to the point of it being a drug or a sinful intoxication?

The rain continued to fall, washing over her face as he used their sex to power his buffs. His conqueror class required sex slaves in order to reach its full potential, and Roric now had three lovely meals on which to snack. Jaina cried out as his thrusting drove her body on, threatening to force her into another orgasm.

“Yes!” she yelled as her body teetered on the edge. “Oh, master, fuck me!”

“You really enjoy being a sex slave,” Roric growled between pants.

“I love it!” Jaina cried, holding onto her ankles. “I never want this to end!”

“Good, because your collar is locked, and all you can ever be is a slave girl now,” Roric said.

Jaina groaned as he thrust hard, his knot suddenly slipping inside. She felt his cock throb as his seed spilled into her womb, and his powerful shared orgasm rocked her soul. She sang in one long spiraling note as they came together, a slave and her master fulfilling their roles. Then he let her legs go, and she wrapped them around his side while he stayed firmly rooted in her body.

“I love you,” Jaina whispered, her body burning with sexual delight and tension. She could feel his animal-like cock deep inside, his inhuman seed fertilizing her womb. She still felt a sense of taboo and a need to stop every time they made love. It caused her blood to course with the intoxicating sense of lust and panic, making the sex much more powerful.

She smiled when Roric sat back and pulled her up, the rain running down their heads as they hugged. It had been a magical idea to make love in a remote clearing of the Lovewood under a warm summer's rain. Now the sex was over, but she wiggled her hips, enjoying the feel of his cock in her sensitive pussy.

“Do you ever wonder if this is heaven?” Jaina asked as she held on, struggling to catch her breath. “Can you imagine a better way to enjoy paradise?”

“It is a wonderful place, but it isn't paradise,” Roric cautioned her. “We had to struggle to get here, and it could still be taken away.”

“That’s sad,” Jaina sighed as she clung to his wet body. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine why anyone would want to ruin this. It was terrible to think that ruining things was what some people enjoyed. Why wouldn’t they want to eat from the fruit on offer and savor the delights of the Lovewood?

Roric began to stroke her back as she held on, putting the sour thought out of her mind. Maybe it wasn't heaven, but it was better than the world she came from. She wasn't sick here or dependent on a dozen medications to keep her fragile body functioning. She was eternally beautiful and healthy, with a body that would never die or become weak. It was as close to heaven as she could get, and she shared it with a man who adored her.

At last, they came apart as Jaina groaned to feel him exit her body. He helped her up and picked the grass from her back as she smiled at the simple gesture. Holding hands, they walked through the forest, enjoying the rain and the moment together.

An hour later, they were home and in Roric's camp with Jaina seated on a log beside a warm fire. Lilac held a towel, firmly scrubbing Jaina's hair to dry the woman.

“You must be hungry,” Lilac said as she worked. “I will bring you something warm to eat and drive away the chill.”

“It was a beautifully warm rain,” Jaina interjected. “I am not cold at all.”

“Still, as master's slave girl, you must keep up your strength to serve him,” the gnoll woman insisted.

Jaina wanted to laugh as the woman fussed over her, always treating her like a daughter. She wondered if this could be her Gwen and shook her head at the silly concept.

“You will catch a chill,” Mirandi said as she dried Roric with a loving swipe of a towel. “You are the chieftain of the camp. It would not do for you to catch a chill.”

“Yes, master,” Jaina teased. “You should listen to your wives.”

Mirandi and Lilac perked up at the suggestion that they were his wives and quickly went about their tasks as if they hadn't heard. Roric shook his head at Jaina, but she smiled and waved, knowing full well the two women would love to be called his wives. Even Chandice saw them as his unofficial wives and shared his bed with them without complaint.

Jaina thought of the beautiful blond woman, and as if on cue, she walked into the room wearing a simple black slip. She smiled and came to Jaina, her hands going around her hips as they softly kissed.

“How is my girlfriend?” Chandice said when the kiss parted.

“Wonderful now that you are here,” Jaina replied as Lilac finished with her hair.

“Did you get caught in the rain?” Chandice asked, but Jaina shook her head. She admitted to sneaking off with Roric to make love in the rain and share a tender moment. Chandice nodded and returned to the kiss as her hands cradled Jaina's rear. “Let's go back out so you and I can make love,” she said with a smile.

“You will both get sick,” Lilac interjected as she finished with Jaina’s hair. “Now sit by the fire and enjoy the warmth.”

“We can't get sick,” Chandice countered, but the gnoll woman paid her no mind. She went to a nearby table and spoke with another gnoll woman, requesting warm food and some wine. The woman hurried off to fill the request as Lilac returned to sit behind Jaina and rub her back.

“I don’t know why anyone refuses to come here,” Jaina groaned as Chandice sat beside her. “Who wouldn’t want to live this life?”

“The life of a sex slave to a powerful gnoll warlord?” Chandice laughed.

“His power is growing,” Lilac agreed. “He is a ruler of the capital city now.”

“They know about the Jade Harem?” Jaina asked, looking back to where Roric sat with Mirandi rubbing behind his ears.

“I told them I was a master of the harem,” Roric said. “I never said anything about it conveying any power in the city.”

“I told them that,” Chandice admitted. “I am proud that my husband has attained such status and power. You should be recognized for your station in the city.”

“I agree with your first wife,” Mirandi said. “You should not conceal your true status. You should be respected as the leader you are.”

“Maybe I need to tone down their devotion to my glory,” Roric said as he looked at Mirandi funny.

“Oh, don't do that. You need more women to praise your glory,” Jaina teased as she leaned into Chandice.

“Speaking of glory, has anybody seen Gisley?” Chandice asked.

“She's been bursting with happiness since Hannah married the other girls,” Jaina said. “We heard her singing in the forest earlier, and you could hear her enthusiasm.”

“She has been excited,” Roric agreed. “But then they married just yesterday, so she needs more time to relax.”

“She's excited because she got to sing so much,” Chandice said. “And then, of course, give most of the city good dreams.”

“I am sad they didn’t take my suggestion,” Jaina said dejectedly.

“You suggested all the brides visit the city in their dreams and have sex,” Chandice said.

“Well, not the entire city,” Jaina countered. “But, a few dozen lucky individuals would have been fun.”

“You are a whore,” Chandice laughed and pulled her in with an arm. “And I love you.”

“So, were they doing anything for their honeymoon?” Jaina asked as she snuggled into Chandice.

“We offered them the use of the cabin in the mountains,” Roric said. “Hannah could recreate her dance for her new family.”

“But we aren’t sure they are going to do much of anything,” Chandice said. “They wanted to get to work on the new monster player wing of the guild as soon as possible.”

“And which one of us are you giving to Frank as a wedding present?” Jaina asked as she winked at Roric.

“Evalynn,” Roric said just to make Jaina flinch.

“Evalynn?” she cried and stood up. “I am Hannah's girlfriend and the one she comes to for advice on this lifestyle. Why would you give them Evalynn?”

“Oh, somebody thinks highly of herself,” Chandice laughed.

“Well, I didn’t mean to say Evalynn wasn’t worthy of it, just, I had my hopes set,” Jaina pouted and sat back down.

“I talked to Frank about giving him one of you, and he thanked me but said he had too many girls as it was,” Roric explained.

“I suppose he does,” Chandice said. “Five hot women all to himself.”

“I still don't understand how Frank ended up with a larger harem than us,” Jaina added. “And it's only a matter of time before they add Idris.”

“Do we count Anasara as one of his?” Chandice asked as she pondered the thought. “I mean, Blackbast is her master just like she is to Hannah. So technically, that makes her Frank's as well.”

“Hmm, she is a full harem girl now,” Jaina agreed. “She has the paw print to prove it.”

“She has special status,” Roric countered. “She may serve under Blackbast, but we all know why Frank will never touch her.”

“Well, it's fun to imagine,” Jaina giggled as she rested her head on Chandice's shoulder. The gnoll woman returned with a tray of steaming meats and a lovely stew, setting it before Chandice and Jaina. Jaina loved how, despite being a slave girl in the camp, the gnoll women cared for her. She was a prized possession of her master; thus, she had value in their eyes. She reached out a single finger, tapping at a side of meat as her absorption power began to consume it.

“Can you please eat like a normal person,” Chandice groaned as she picked up a bowl of the stew.

“It’s more efficient this way,” Jaina said as she absorbed the food directly through her skin.

“Well, seeing you eat like a slime monster is disturbing,” Chandice argued. “Now, chew your food like a human.”

Jaina shrugged while reaching for a fork and began to cut the food normally. She ate and enjoyed the warm meal while basking in the fire's heat. Her naked body dried as her lover held her tight, taking a few moments to nuzzle her neck.

They enjoyed the meal and then got up so Roric could attach his chain to Jaina. Music began, and Jaina started a slow, sensual dance, putting her sexy body on display. Chandice had her own throne beside Roric, where she took her place to hold his hand while watching the entertainment.

Jaina fell into the music, swaying her hips seductively as she displayed her naked body. This was something she and Roric talked about before ever setting foot in New Eden. The dream was that one day, she would dance at the end of a chain for his amusement. She raised her hands high as she turned slow circles, enjoying the game of being his slave. She danced for ten minutes or so until a new person arrived in the back doorway.

Jaina looked up to see Gwen in a beautiful silver gown, a crown of blue crystal on her head, and her stunning black hair woven into a long curling braid. She strode into the room like the Queen she was as Roric and Chandice stood to give her a polite bow.

“How may we be of service to you?” Roric asked as Gwen turned to regard Jaina, smiling at the sexy dance.

“I wanted to talk to you about this monster guild,” Gwen said without taking her eyes off Jaina.

Jaina was delighted to hear what Gwen wanted to talk about, as it had been the buzz of Hannah's wedding. Frank had spoken to the entire city, sharing a plan to add a new wing to the adventurer's guild. This wing would be for monster players, allowing them to register with the guild and publicly announce the location of their lairs. Under normal circumstances, monster players avoided this kind of attention because players had a tendency to swarm their dungeons. This often resulted in the monster player being killed outside the bounds of what was considered their home. This resulted in the monster player resetting, sending them back to the character editor as level one. Many monster players gave up, switching to a hero class for survivability. This resulted in a terrible imbalance on the server, where hero players outnumbered monsters dozens to one. However, Frank's plan included a genius element, where players who registered would become minor nobles in Gwen's kingdom. This made the entire kingdom part of their lair, meaning a monster player no longer needed to hide in their lair. They were free to visit the cities, the Lovewood, or the far corners of the land, unafraid of being killed and reset.

Gwen explained that she wanted to create a noticeboard system that allowed monster players to list if their lairs were open or closed for the day. This would allow hero players to pick and choose which ones they wanted to raid from a list of waiting monster players. It was a brilliant idea that had the city cheering Frank's name as he invited all monster players to settle in the kingdom.

Of course, Gwen would have to do the hard work, creating an extremely low title with few advantages to give these players. She came to ask Roric if Jaina could test some of it for her, as Jaina was a monster player with no title in the land yet.

The funny part was that Gwen explained all this while barely able to look away from Jaina. There was a desire in her eyes as she watched Jaina dance at the end of her chain. Her naked body enticed Gwen with promises of lurid sex and passion.

Her attention was broken when she felt a tug at the lacing of her dress and turned back as Roric pulled the front open. Her hands came up in shock but stopped short of grabbing him as her dress split and the corset that held up her massive chest spilled out.

“What are you doing?” Gwen said in alarm as Roric ran his hands down her sides, pulling the dress from her shoulders.

“I am helping you undress,” Roric replied.

“I see,” Gwen said as she smiled back at Roric. “Are you playing with me?”

“Would you rather I stopped?” he asked.

“I am wondering what has emboldened you to think you can undress me,” Gwen replied.

“I am helping a slave girl learn her place,” he replied. “She is overdressed, and I want her naked.”

“I see, but am I your slave girl?” Gwen asked as the skirt of her dress was lifted by Chandice. Jaina watched as Chandice exposed Gwen's rear and touched the silver paw print that marked her as a harem girl. Chandice asked her if this was a slave mark, and Gwen went silent as her hands clenched into fists. Gwen looked back to Jaina, who smiled seductively, using her charms to try and entice the woman to let it happen. She knew Gwen easily resisted it, but the Queen trembled as her dress crossed her hips.

“It's your choice,” Chandice whispered. “You can stay the queen, and we will never play with you like this again, or you can surrender and rest assured you will be treated like we treat Jaina from now on.”

“What do you want from me?” Gwen asked as her breathing became labored.

“I want you undressed,” Roric said firmly as Gwen closed her eyes, and the dress fell to her feet. She stood before them in thigh-high stockings, held up by straps connected to her corset. Her pussy was covered in soft white panties decorated with a pattern of white flowers. Chandice went right for these, pulling them away as Gwen gasped, the Queen's pussy tasting the warm tent air.

“But I'm not in my collar,” Gwen whispered as she stepped out of her panties, leaving her pussy on display for Roric.

“You are a harem girl whether you wear the collar or not,” Roric replied, reaching up and taking her hands. He was still naked from the sex in the forest, and his cock protruded from his sheath. Gwen looked down to see that dark purple flesh growing as if reaching for her pussy. She began to tremble as he tugged her to him, forcing her to kneel on his chair, hoving over his lap as Chandice reached over to stroke him.

Gwen's massive breasts were in Roric's face as she closed her eyes while Chandice got him hard. She then rubbed Gwen's royal pussy, getting her good and wet for what was about to happen.

Gwen shook as Chandice got her wet, then spread her petals to guide Roric in. Slowly she was lowered down, his cock sliding into her body inch by inch until she moaned as her pussy rested firmly on his knot. Jaina watched as Roric made no move to take her, instead sitting back as she sat in his lap. Gwen realized what was expected and put her hands on his shoulders. Slowly she began to move, doing all the work as she rode her master's cock.

“Is this how you intend to negotiate with me?” Gwen moaned as her body was ignited in sexual fire.

“From now on, whenever you and I discuss business, you will ride my cock while doing so,” Roric stated.

“But I am your queen,” Gwen moaned as she threw her head back, the motion becoming more fluid and natural.

“And I am your master,” Roric replied firmly, challenging her authority. “And your body is mine to take whenever I desire. Now fuck your master, slave, and I will consider your request.”

Jaina gasped as Gwen rolled her hips while pushing with her legs, riding Roric's cock like a slut. She closed her eyes and moaned as she obeyed her master, fucking like a good little slave girl. Roric didn't say a word as Gwen did her duty, serving her master with her body. It was all Jaina could do to keep dancing as she watched the Queen's full pussy suck that hard cock in with every pass of those hips.

Gwen kept up the pace, the tension building even without a slave collar. She finally cried out as her body shook, an orgasm sending her into bliss. Chandice stood behind her, reaching around to cup those pillowy breasts. Gwen was driven on as Roric sat still, watching the woman do her duty.

“So, can I borrow Jaina to test the settings?” Gwen groaned as she drove through the orgasm to keep up her motion.

“Of course,” Roric replied as her massive chest was massaged by Chandice.

Gwen nodded in thanks but never slowed her pace, riding on Roric's cock as Jaina stumbled in her dance. She found it impossible to focus on her steps when the Queen was fucking like a whore. It went on for nearly ten minutes, with Gwen having several orgasms. She finally got cross and asked Roric if he intended to finish, citing that her legs were getting tired.

Roric smiled and gave her the reward she sought, filling her body with his creamy gift. Jaina saw it seeping from Gwen's body as the Queen kept pace until he stopped throbbing. She leaned on him for support and rested for a few minutes, allowing herself to catch her breath. Then she leaned back while commenting that these had been interesting negotiations then slowly climbed off his lap. His cock slid from her pussy, dripping with the nectar of their love. Chandice snapped a finger at Jaina, who excitedly ran to clean up.

Jaina started with Roric, sucking their sex from his cock to taste their passion. Then she turned on Gwen, kneeling before the woman with her face buried between her legs, lapping up the fruit of their sex.

“I don’t know what came over me,” Gwen sighed as Jaina licked deep into her body.

“We noticed how you were staring at Jaina's dance,” Chandice said. “We assumed you were a little horny and would like a chance to unwind.”

“Well, with the wedding and all the changes, I haven't been able to visit the temple in the past few days,” Gwen admitted as she put a hand on Jaina's head to hold her in place. “Even when I do, there is no guarantee of a visitor to satiate my needs.”

“Do you need to hurry off?” Roric asked as Gwen trembled under Jaina’s attentions.

“No, not expressly,” Gwen admitted before looking up. “Why?”

Roric held up a leather collar and a thin chain. “You could always wear this and dance with Jaina for our pleasure.”

Jaina felt Gwen tremble as the offer was made for her to be chained to Roric's throne. Gwen expressed a fear that she had already done too much in her true form and didn't want to risk being seen. She explained how her enemies would love to learn about what she was doing, but Chandice ended the discussion. She took the collar and chain from Roric and walked to Gwen, attaching them to the Queen before telling her to dance.

Jaina stood up, her lips glistening with Gwen's honey and took her hand, leading her to the floor so they could dance. For the next few hours, music was played as Roric and Chandice spoke while watching their two slave girls dance in a slow sexual motion. Once again, Jaina was reminded of how wonderful this life was and how much it had to offer. Here, a woman could be a queen, a slave, and both at the same time. When the dancing was done, she and Gwen were allowed to lie on the cushions and share with each other. It was a wonderful way to end the day as Jaina made love to Gwen for the next three hours.

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