The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-155 A friend in the tunnels

“What are you doing here?” Roric asked as he released the lovely succubus woman from a hug.

“Hannah told us about seeing you in the graveyard and what you planned to do,” Quinny said. “Then Zillix showed up and said he had been killed on a lower level. Frank is busy with other things, so he asked me to check on you and make sure you were alright.”

“Is Zillix upset?” Idris asked.

“Nah, he's fine,” Quinny said, looking at the zombies behind her. “You can stop it with the illusion now.” The zombies poofed in a cloud of multicolored light, revealing the tiny dragon flying behind them. Idris called out his name and rushed forward, taking him into a hug and swaying him around.

“You are too reckless,” Idris scolded. “You're not a front-line fighter.”

“I take it you guys ran into some of the more dangerous stuff,” Quinny said as she walked to the edge of the bridge and looked over with no fear. “How did you get to level four so quickly?”

“We fell,” Roric said, describing the trap room that dumped them into the canyon.

“I told Frank that was a little much,” Quinny said apologetically. “But he put the trap room deep inside and left clues in other places to warn people about it.”

“We must have missed the clues,” Jaina laughed.

“It wasn’t so bad,” Chandice added. “It was a good experience for us. It really made us think on our feet.”

“Agreed,” Roric replied. “We have been working our way back up to find a way out.”

“I can show you that,” Quinny said with a smile. “But it will cost you.”

“I could just order you to tell me,” Roric countered.

“You could, or you could pay my toll and make love to me,” Quinny countered with a bat of her eyes.

“I like the tolls in this place,” Jaina said. “I should work here.”

Roric smiled and beckoned the succubi to his side. Quinny came to him, her tail lashing as he undid his belt. Jaina watched him turn her around and take her arms, preparing to give her a good pounding. Quinny was bent slightly over as he positioned himself behind her and began to feed his swelling cock into her pussy.

The sex that followed was fierce as Quinny was fucked like a slave girl. She had several orgasms before Roric filled her with his sticky seed and then held her close while she recovered. He let her go when she could stand firmly, his sticky cock slipping from her body. Gisley went to Roric to suck his cock clean, while Jaina went to Quinny, licking the woman's tender folds.

Roric's cum poured from that hot pussy as Jaina licked with a burning hunger. She tasted their sex as she lapped every inch of Quinny's tender flower, eager to feed from her body. Jaina moaned from the sheer delight of eating that pussy, savoring her favorite food. Roric had long ago ordered her to be a lesbian and crave to eat pussy, but he needn't have bothered. Jaina loved pussy, and eating them was all she ever wanted to do. She loved the sweet flavor of a woman's body more than anything she could do with a man.

Evalynn moved to hold Quinny's arms as the succubus woman buckled under the pleasure below. She helped hold her up as Jaina continued the pressure below, driving Quinny's body wild.

Chandice joined the fun, walking up to kiss Quinny while placing a hand on Jaina's head. She pressed Jaina deeper into the woman's warm pussy, encouraging her to eat.

“There you go,” Chandice cooed. “Good little lesbian, you eat that pussy up.”

Quinny moaned as she began to twitch, her body teetering on the edge of pure bliss. When it finally came, Jaina was rewarded with a flow of milk and honey, the sweet reward for pleasuring a woman. She pushed Quinny to two more before deciding her pussy was clean enough and let her be to recover.

It was a lovely respite from the darkness of the tunnels, and afterward, Quinny clung to Gisley, the two kissing passionately. She offered to show them the way out and allow them to bypass the threats, then suggested they hurry. Roric asked why they needed to hurry, and Quinny dropped a bombshell.

“Frank and Blackbast thought we should level, too,” Quinny explained. “They want us all to level, especially Hannah, but Blackbast suggested we could do it by having sex. So they pulled Hannah aside to look at her experience history to see how much she had gained recently.”

“And?” Jaina pressed, not sure where this was going. She was shocked to discover that Hannah had been having abundant sex with the harem, resulting in over six levels. It was surprising when Quinny pointed out that the Lilim class gained experience by having sex, and then a little more when her succubi slave girls did as well. On top of that the sex slave class was also gaining experience by having sex, meaning she was getting double rewards every time she spread her legs.

As a result, Hannah was rapidly gaining experience every time she made love with someone. To their utter amazement, Frank and Blackbast decided to test just how fast Hannah could gain experience from sex. Santos and his rogues were brought to Blackbast's temple, and one after the other had sex with Hannah.

“You have got to be kidding me?” Jaina gasped. “She had sex with them all?”

“Every one of them in just under forty minutes,” Quinny said. “Frank and Blackbast wanted to see if quantity was better than one long partner. After they had a number, they had Frank make love to her nonstop for forty minutes to compare it.”

“I am very interested to know what they discovered?” Roric asked in a curious tone. “We should have tested this long ago.”

“Oh, are you thinking of using the same tactic?” Jaina asked with hands on hips. “And you’re right, why wasn’t I used to figure this out?”

“It hadn’t crossed my mind because we kept trying to level the old fashioned way,” Roric countered. “But if sex proves to be very efficient, then maybe you girls should do it too.”

“So, what did they discover?” Chandice asked to get them back on target. Quinny smiled and let out a sigh before telling them that Frank had asked her not to say too much until the tests were done. Roric asked what she meant, citing she had just said the test was to see how much she could earn. Quinny laughed and said that the first test had inconsistent data, and they started more tests to find out why. Those tests, led to more tests, and so on until Hannah was exhausted from the sex. She didn’t want to give them bad information, but she was willing to share what she knew so far.

The first test seemed to indicate that one long session was the best way to earn experience, but there were other factors and inconsistent rewards at play. Frank wanted to have solid testable data before he made a final proclamation and declared one method better than the other.

“That makes sense,” Roric agreed.

“He and Blackbast said they would share the results with the other masters,” Quinny replied. “Once they finished all the other tests.”

“There were other tests?” Gisley asked.

“Yeah,” Quinny replied. “They had a bunch of tests in mind. It all had something to do with numbers not adding up. The rogues all brought her gifts, and it turned out that giving her something first boosted your numbers. They had some of the rogues go back in and pay her in increasing amounts. They discovered the more a person paid her, the more experience she got.”

“That’s just the earned treasure reward,” Roric said as he nodded. “We learned that from dancing in the inns.”

“We could probably have saved them half the tests,” Chandice laughed.

“They tried to see if her feeding on them changed anything, but it didn't,” Quinny said. “She did get more if she seduced them first, but it didn't matter how many seductions she used. I think they said that the partner's level and the value of his gift had the biggest impact.”

“Hmm,” Roric replied as he worked on the thought. “But you’re not sure if a lot of partners is better than one long partner?”

“Sorry,” Quinny replied with a shrug. “I was pretty busy with rogues when they were testing that, and I missed some of the results. But I can tell you that the first round of tests did seem to indicate one long session was best.”

“What do they plan to do with the data?” Jaina asked, wondering how this would be applied. She nearly swooned when Quinny said that they were going to arrange for Hannah and the girls to have sex in order to level. If quantity was the key, they would ensure the girls had plenty of partners, but if one long partner was the key, they were talking about another option.

“What other option?” Gisley asked.

“They were going to put up a notice looking for a men to be our personal power levelers,” Quinny replied. “It would be their job to fuck us for a couple of hours a day to keep us leveling up.”

“I can’t believe I am hearing this,” Jaina laughed. “They are going to hire somebody to fuck them like a job.”

“It should work out really good,” Quinny added. “Hannah will earn bonus experience as Breanne, Umtha and I are power leveled. Then Blackbast gets some from Hannah, so it should level us all up.”

“Except Frank,” Evalynn pointed out. “He’s not actually their master. I mean, as far as the game mechanic considers it.”

“Yeah, we know,” Quinny sighed. “But he feels it’s more important for us to level than worry about him. He understands the danger posed by the north and our unhappy neighbors, especially now that he started the monster guild. He wants Hannah and the rest of us to have the levels to help Gwen if it ever came to blows with the other rulers. He says he doesn’t care if we get well above him in level.”

“He’s far too nice,” Jaina said with a shake of her head. “I hope this isn’t secretly bothering him.”

“Nah, Frank really loves having a harem, and he will just play with the other girls while we are busy,” Quinny said. “Besides, none of us would ever do this without his permission.”

“That’s because you are good slave girls,” Jaina said approvingly.

“Still, Hannah doesn’t want to leave him behind,” Quinny said. “She has been wracking her brains trying to think of some way to help him.”

“He's getting experience right now,” Roric pointed out. “By playing in his dungeon, he's slowly getting experience from all of us.”

“Yeah, but not enough people come down here,” Quinny pointed out as they reached an archway that led into a dark room. She went in first and ordered the zombies inside to stand aside. They obeyed her command, and the group passed by without a fight as Roric suggested Frank hold a contest to draw players in.

“That might be a good idea,” Quinny agreed. “Get dozens of people down here at once.”

“It's a pity Frank won't take that slave master evolution he has,” Jaina cited. “Hannah doesn't care what his collar does. She just wants to be his.”

“We know, but Frank doesn't like how the class works,” Quinny said. “It reduces the slave to an expendable object. They exist solely to die for their master.”

“That does sound like something Frank would be against,” Evalynn agreed. “He values you all too much for that.”

“Oh, I wish I could get another womb tattoo for him,” Jaina growled. “Then he could pick any slave master class he wanted.”

“Why can’t Quinny or Hannah get one for him?” Gisley asked as she walked beside Idris.

“I never thought of that,” Quinny said as she paused in a hall to think. “I guess I could get one for him. Yours and Rajeen’s aren’t that bad.”

“Let’s not plant this idea,” Roric countered and turned to look over the girls. “I don’t want any more of you getting womb tattoos, even you,” Roric added as he pointed at Quinny.

“Yes, master,” Quinny replied with a smile acknowledging that she knew he was every bit her master as the others were.

“You honestly think Hannah is going to put that aside so easily?” Chandice griped.

“She will do as she is told,” Roric said. “Frank may be her primary, but I am still one of her masters, and I will tell her no. I am sure Blackbast and Rajeen will agree with me.”

“I wouldn’t bet on Rajeen,” Jaina laughed. “But this is just idle talk.”

“Listen,” Roric said, turning to Jaina and taking her by the arms. “I am eternally grateful for what you did for me, but these tattoos are a huge burden, and we have no control over what she might get. It could ruin her life or make her miserable. Just think of the limitation put on you that a loved one has to be watching in order for you to orgasm. If not for that dragon, you couldn’t play in the forest, or have sex in private. You would be having far less orgasms over all and I am sure that would make you unhappy.”

“Of course it would make me unhappy, but she will be told what the restrictions are before she receives the tattoo,” Jaina countered. “She can make the decision then.”

“Let’s drop this,” Chandice cut in. “I don’t want my wedding gift shackled in some evil tattoo. She has enough problems as it is.”

Jaina let the matter go as they passed down another hall. She was amazed that Hannah, of all people, had made love to the entire rogues guild, but then Jaina and her sisters had done so several times. She supposed it was a natural progression for Hannah to push her boundaries in her journey to become a full sex slave. What Jaina really wanted to know was what they found. Was it better to have sex with a lot of men in a short period of time or one man for a long time? She knew from her experience that she earned a little experience during the act of sex and that seducing targets did earn more. There was a big reward at the end of the sex, but they never paid attention to the details. It seemed logical that more would be better, but could it be cheated? They could all make a man cum in seconds, with Gisley able to trigger them with but a touch of her fingers. They could get through hundreds of men an hour that way, easily sleeping through the population of the kingdom in a day. There had to be a limit, a rule that kept that kind of abuse from happening, but how did it work, and had Frank and Blackbast discovered it?

Quinny took them on a little tour of the level and arrived at an even higher ledge overlooking the vast chasm. This was an underground graveyard of mausoleums and moldy stones. The ground was uneven, and the walkways were broken as they wound through a misty yard that went on for farther than they could see. It was populated by ghouls, zombies, a few skeletons, and dangerous things like corpse eaters and Gray horrors.

Jaina marveled how the cliff wall had been turned into a long row of mausoleums lining the street that passed through the yard. It had statues and pillars with dead trees rooted to places to make it look as if this place had been swallowed from the surface. Dark things scittered in the distant mist, their red eyes watching, but they couldn't get a good look at them. Nothing approached with Quinny in their midst, but she did stop to point out a particularly dangerous peril.

It was an open grave, but she said it was really the home of a monster. The creature functioned like an ant lion, lurking beneath the loose soil at the bottom of the grave to lash out with long arms and drag a person in. Then, it would collapse the grave on top of them, pinning them inside as it devoured them.

“That’s horrific,” Chandice said as she made a face.

“Yeah, I tried to get Frank to add more, but he said one was enough,” Quinny replied.

“You wanted more?” Evalynn asked. “Your forest is such a happy place, I find it hard to believe you went for gothic horror here.”

“I was helping Frank with a theme,” Quinny replied as she led on. “He wanted the dungeon to have just enough danger to keep people on their toes. He didn't want it to become a theme park like my forest.”

“He’s done a very good job,” Roric replied as they passed under a stone arch that spanned the road.

“Yeah, he and Breanne spend a lot of time down here,” Quinny admitted. “But Umtha doesn't like coming down here.”

“I can’t imagine why,” Evalynn laughed. “She’s more accustomed to a goblin mountain home.”

“I suppose,” Quinny said with a shrug. “Her culture never got around to writing stories about fantasy monsters, so this is all unnerving to her.”

They spoke for three hours as Quinny took them up. Jaina asked a lot of questions about the testing Frank had done and then pressed Roric to consider the same. She said that if they were serious about leveling, they might need to start dancing again. They could adventure in the morning and dance at night, earning experience from both methods. They would only stop earning when they slept, but then Quinny dropped another bombshell.

“You get experience from having sex in the dreams,” Quinny said.

“You what?” Chandice, Jaina, and Gisley said in unison.

“What? You didn’t know?” Quinny asked as they passed through a massive doorway into a long hall of skeletons.

“We never spent any time trying to work this all out,” Roric admitted.

“Wow, we have been sloppy,” Chandice sighed.

“I don't know that we have been,” Evalynn said and held out her arm over which floated her interface. “Gisley put me in a dream the other night, and I don't have a reward for it.”

Jaina quickly went to her interface and pulled open the experience history to see she didn’t have one, either. She had been put into a dream with a man from the inn and spent a lovely night having sex, but there was no reward during the time when it happened.

Quinny then opened her interface and showed them an encounter she had with Roric two days before and the solid experience reward she had earned. They were puzzled why Quinny had the reward but not them until Gisey admitted she had it. Her experience was going up from sex in the dreams just as much as Quinny's was.

“It must be their class,” Roric said. “The succubus is all about sex and feeding, so the visitors must have allowed it, even in a dream.”

“And Gisley's class is all about dreams, so she has it too,” Jaina agreed.

“So, can the succubus feed on a person in a dream?” Idris asked as she cradled Zillix.

“I never tried,” Quinny admitted. “But we always feed when we have sex. It refills our passion pool that we use in place of mana.”

“Wait if sex feeds you then why did Hannah have to bite me to feed?” Jaina asked.

“Oh, that’s a different kind of feeding,” Quinny replied. “Having sex is passive feeding, but we often expend more passion points using her skills than that kind of feeding returns. Active feeding is more aggressive and can drain another person really fast. Passive feeding drains a little bit of their stamina, but active feeding can drain stamina, health, strength, or mana. We can choose what we want and add it to our pools to boost them above the normal levels. But it doesn't last. It slowly ticks away over time until we go back to normal.”

“So you have to bite people in order to actively feed?” Jaina asked, thinking of the day Hannah had bitten her and drained a little of her stamina.

“It's all conditional,” Quinny said. “I could drain you just by holding your hand, but it would be slow and hardly take anything. I would get more if I drained a man during sex or a woman while I had my tongue inside her. In fact, whatever I drain will last longer if I do it while you're having an orgasm. But, the longest-lasting method is by blood. If I drain you by biting you, it lasts forty-eight hours and allows me to drain you very quickly. I also get a ten percent bonus to the cap.”

“Ah, that makes sense,” Jaina agreed but asked how the cap worked. Quinny explained the succubi could boost a power bar by up to thirty percent by draining it from others. However, if they used blood, they could reach forty percent. Hannah's numbers were slightly higher, at forty and fifty percent, based on how she drained. She could also feed from her succubi, gaining the bonus every time.

It was interesting to see how much thought they were putting into leveling and maximizing the use of their classes. Jaina pressed Roric again to level with sex and let them work just as hard. He said he would give it some consideration, but pointed out they had the harem for nearly unlimited sex.

“It's faster with men,” Quinny replied. “We looked over the numbers, and sex with a man earns nearly twice as much as a woman does.”

“I wonder why that is?” Gisley asked. “Are the visitors sexist?”

“They are not,” Jaina laughed. “It's probably something they are testing, like how they reward people for playing humans. It's just another way to encourage people to do things a certain way for the benefit of their tests.”

“I don't think either of those are true,” Quinny said. “It has something to do with how women orgasm. When you have sex with a man, the duration builds up, and when they come, you get a big reward. But we women orgasm all through the sex, so it never builds up to a big reward.”

“Do all the little ones add up to be relatively equal?” Jaina asked.

“No, it doesn't add up,” Quinny said. “We think the sex has a cumulative effect. The longer you go before the partner cums, the greater reward you get when they do. However, the rate of growth increases over time. Since we women come so easily, we never reach the higher gains.”

“Which would imply that one long session would be better,” Idris cut in.

“Yeah, that's what we think,” Quinny shrugged. “But I was too busy to hear the results, then Zillix showed up, and Frank asked me to look for you while they ran more tests.”

“I am dying to know what they found,” Jaina said.

“I want to see how fast we can level,” Gisley said. “And how fast Roric will get experience.”

“But what about Chandice?” Roric asked and stopped the group to address them. “Let's not forget we did this so she could gain experience to help Hannah. She will gain nothing from your efforts and lag behind.”

“Hmm,” Jaina replied as she looked at Chandice. “I don’t want to leave you out.”

“Well, it can't be helped,” Chandice said. “Unless I can somehow collar my own girls, I am not going to keep up.”

“Again, that can only be done with the tattoos,” Evalynn said.

“Or a reset,” Idris chimed in.

“I don’t understand this tattoo talk,” Zillix cut in. “Why do they help?”

Jaina explained her womb tattoo to the dragon, going over both the process of getting it and how Roric was elevated to a chosen because of it. Zillix asked how this woman could have done such a thing, and they explained the woman was part of the system. She was created by the visitors to dangle this curse before the players to see who would take it and why. At least, that's what they assumed. Witches and other curse-givers were common in fantasy, so maybe the visitors added it just because they could.

He was still confused and asked if it persisted after death, then if that was normal. Jaina was surprised at how much he didn't know about the system, but then he was just like Hannah. He was essentially a chosen, abducted from his world, and thrown into a new one with no warning. Perhaps somebody needed to sit down with him and go over how this all worked.

Quinny took them through the underground graveyard to a mausoleum in the wall. She took them inside, where they found a large inner chamber with a spiral staircase. This took them to a secret area on level two and a quick exit to level one. It took another hour of walking, but they eventually returned to the surface to find a rainy sky. The graveyard was even more dreary, looking under a gray sky and soft rain, and the distant thunder added ambiance.

“I wonder what Hannah is doing now,” Jaina said as they made their way to the tower, passing the central mausoleum they had entered from. “Oh, by the way, when did Vylah move?” Jaina asked as they went by the structure.

“What are you talking about?” Quinny asked as she looked back. “She’s right there.”

“What? No, she isn't,” Jaina countered. “We entered that way, and it's a normal mausoleum now. She must have moved, and Frank rebuilt the old building.”

“No, she hasn't,” Quinny countered, then called out loud. “Hey Vylah!”

To Jaina and everybody else's amazement, a form grew from the road out front and took the shape of a woman. Vylah waved back, asking Quinny how she was and what was going on. Quinny replied that she was fine and just taking the group to the palace. They parted with another wave and headed for the tower as Jaina and her family shared a confused look. Quinny parted ways with them inside, and they headed for the magic door, waiting until she was gone to speak.

“So that was her?” Chandice said in confusion. “Did we go to the wrong building?”

“No, that was the exact same building,” Evalynn countered.

“Maybe we didn’t knock hard enough?” Gisley offered as a viable explanation.

“We knocked and called her name,” Roric replied. “Then, handled her as we pulled the doors open. I don't understand why that didn't cause a response.”

“She’s very odd,” Jaina said. “What kind of player wants to be alone most of the time?”

“She talks to Quinny a lot,” Gisley cut in. “Quinny told me that she, Frank, and Vylah do a lot of talking sometimes.”

“Still, there is something wrong with that woman,” Chandice insisted as they climbed the steps of Hannah’s tower. “Maybe she needs a boyfriend.”

“It sounds to me like she would prefer a girlfriend,” Jaina said. “Remember she stayed in the swamp hoping her lover would return for her.”

“And her lover is a woman,” Gisley added. “Hannah thinks it’s Hathlisora.”

“They all think it’s Hathlisora,” Roric said. “But Umtha was Hathlisora’s lover and has no idea who Viylah is. So either one of them is lying, or Hathlisora didn’t tell her lovers about one another.”

“Considering how loving Hannah is, I find it hard to believe she was keeping them a secret,” Chandice said.

“And we know that Hathlisora was given the chance to escape, but she loved Umtha so much she wouldn’t go without her,” Jaina reminded. “That’s not a woman who would keep secrets like that.”

They agreed that was strange as they reached the hidden magic door and crossed into the hall of Rajeen’s Jade temple. They wanted to learn what Hannah’s family had discovered and eagerly went through the harem that was now magically linked to the floating palace. Harem girls waved and smiled as the group passed, crossing the room to a wide arch nearly twenty feet across. To a casual observer, this arch was just decoration, with more harem chambers beyond. However, that space beyond was in the palace, and they crossed over with girls ever watching as they passed.

“It's so amazing that this is our life,” Jaina said with a smile. “To think a year ago, I was sick and overweight, peering at a computer screen in the dark. Now I am eternally young and beautiful, living the kind of life only the wildest of anime could imagine.”

“At least we're not being bred by goblins,” Gisley said as she swayed her hips.

“Oh, did you like that anime?” Jaina laughed as Gisley blushed a deep violet. “Well, we know plenty of goblins to make that fantasy come true.”

“My girls are insane,” Chandice groaned as Roric contained a laugh.

They found the throne area in use as Rajeen and Blackbast sat together in a single throne. At their feet were a dozen harem girls, lounging on cushions and kissing. Two tiger guards in heavy plate armor stood directly behind the thrones, creating an image of power. The air was sweet with incense, and the fine perfumes some of the girls wore. All around was the naked beauty of the female form as breasts and hips were readily on display.

“Hello, ladies,” Roric said as he arrived with his retinue.

“And how was your delve into the dark depths?” Rajeen asked. “You managed to get poor Zillix killed.”

Roric admitted it had been more dangerous than expected, but only because of Frank's rather devious trap. Still, it had been a decent amount of experience and even a little treasure. They briefly described the wonder of the canyon area and the subterranean graveyard that dominated it. However, the conversation quickly turned to the tests and what Blackbast had discovered. They were amazed to find out the test had been run several times, with one round being oral and another anal. They tried every combination of factors, but in the end, it boiled down to one simple truth. The length of the session was more important than the number. In fact, if the sex didn't go at least three minutes, a slave hardly earned anything at all. It seemed like the visitors wanted to ensure nobody could power level by using powers to trigger orgasms in rapid succession.

Once a session had gone for more than three minutes, it slowly started to earn more, building up so that every minute after that was better than the minute before. There was a cap on how much could be earned in a minute, and that was based on level. The level of the partner determined where the process started and where it capped out. Anal and oral sex provided the same rewards as vaginal, but there were small gains to be made by seducing the target first. A small one-time reward was gained from a target paying Hannah for the sex, but they found an interesting system. If Hannah gave the money back, she lost the reward. If Frank collected the money from Hannah and gave it to the rogues to pay her again, it didn't count. The gifts that had been given turned out to be the best incomes, with the puzzle box strangely earning the highest amount. It had to be something truly given and accepted by Hannah, and the same gift couldn't be given twice.

“Wow, I can’t believe you tested all that,” Jaina said at the staggering amount of information they gathered.

“So, what’s the fastest way to level?” Gisley asked, not sure how it all worked out.

Blackbast smiled and explained that a high-level, male, paying customer is first seduced and then taken to bed for at least twenty minutes of constant sex. If the sex stops for more than a minute, the exp growth resets, so it needs to be constant and passionate. In testing, the experience cap was often hit about eighteen minutes, and anything past that wasn't increasing the gain. At that point, the sex slave was earning a flat amount, but they were slowly increasing the reward at the end. Once the man orgasmed, they got the built-up amount, but it reset, and they had to start over, so ideally, the sex would go much longer than twenty.

“But there is a way to really ramp up the gain,” Blackbast said with a wicked smile.

“Which is?” Jaina asked, desperate to know the answer.

“Multiple partners at once,” Blackbast replied. “As I said, there is no difference between anal, oral, or vaginal sex. So if a slave were to have all three in use at once, she would be earning triple the experience.”

“Oh,” Gisley said as her antenna rolled out. “Did you test that?”

Jaina saw Blackbast smile wider and knew it had been thoroughly tested. She was almost angry at herself for missing this and wished she had been on hand to help collect the data. Still, it had been collected, and now they knew exactly how to level with sex. In a way, she was like Hannah; her seductress class earned experience from sex, as well as her sex slave class. They both earned a double reward, and thus, sex was very profitable. Roric quickly reached that same conclusion when he touched Jaina's shoulder to get her attention.

“I think I am going to talk to Frank about what he plans to do. If they are going to power level, Hannah, I want you to level with her,” he said in a serious tone. “From now on, you two level together.”

Jaina felt a pounding in her heart as she understood what he was saying. Whatever regime of sex Hannah was put to, she would be right beside her doing the same. It was a fantasy of epic proportions, and I couldn't be happier. She was about to share a wonderful experience with a woman she loved, going to places neither of them had ever been. She practically danced in excitement, praying that was what Frank intended to do. Her life was about to take a wild new twist, and the sex would flow like a river.

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