The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-161 A typical day in school

They settled into bed for the night, dreaming of what they were about to do. Jaina smiled as Hannah curled to her back after a night of loving sex. She gone to Frank’s bed tonight to share what she learned about Finneous, then stayed to enjoy the carnal delights. She truly thought of Hannah as a part of her soul and found those loving arms too intoxicating to resist.

She also thought of Frank as her master and cared for his happiness. She treasured the love they shared while Hannah watched, smiling for his happiness. He and Hannah were so deeply committed that they felt no threat from other women. Even now, three harem girls were in the bed, each having had their turn with Frank. They also had their turn with Hannah and her sisters, sharing their love freely.

It produced a bed of sexually content women clustered around a man who could love them all equally. Jaina was happy to be a part of that unique relationship, sharing in that love. She was pressed to a harem girl's back while Hannah was pressed to hers. She was surrounded by soft, warm skin on every side, cradling her in love.

Now, she drifted away, eager to begin her new adventure with Roric and his family. First, Gisley would take Hannah and her group into a dream to relive something that had happened on their previous adventure. Then she would come for Jaina and the rest, to have their first day as a Japanse school girl.

Her eyes closed, and it seemed only a second before she found herself in a little noodle shop, sitting beside Chandice and Evalynn.

“Oh, is it starting already?” Jaina asked as she got her bearings.

“It’s been like two hours since you left,” Chandice said. “Did you spend all night having sex?”

“It has?” Jaina asked as she looked around the empty shop. “It didn’t feel like it.”

“It’s hard to tell time when you’re sleeping,” Chandice replied. “I was already dreaming about going to work. I was relieved when Gisley pulled me out. You were probably asleep for an hour and dreaming about something you don’t remember.”

“Huh,” Jaina replied as Roric suddenly appeared beside them.

“What took you so long?” Chandice asked.

“Rajeen wanted a little special attention,” Roric replied.

“Oh, was Rajeen in your bed tonight?” Jaina pouted. “Why do I always miss her?”

“Bad luck?” Evalynn said with a smirk.

“Why do you never go to Frank’s bed?” Jaina asked as she eyed the elvish woman. “Evalynn shrugged and said she and Breanne had plenty of time during the day.”

“So, we are all here then,” Roric said as Gisley appeared in the shop. She was her beautiful human self with long black hair and a lovely dress.

“Are we ready?” Gisley asked nervously.

“You don't sound very committed to this,” Jaina asked as she noticed the woman's nervous appearance. Gisley explained that she was nervous and worried about how this would play out. Jaina reminded her that they were here to have fun and learn a little about what life was like for the real Gisley. Candice then intervened and said that wasn't right. The goal was to rewrite Gisley's past and have fun, allowing her to relive a more exciting and loving youth.

Jaina shrugged as Gisley turned to Roric and asked him if he still wanted to go through with his idea.

“What idea?” Jaina asked as Roric assured Gisley he did. Gisley smiled and closed her eyes to focus as Roric's image blurred. A second later, he was a human man with Asian features and short dark hair. He wore a school uniform of a blue suit and pants over a white shirt with a red tie. Jaina was stunned by the transformation but approved of it with a nod. Out of all of them he was the more unusual and would be a little jarring to the immersion.

“You wanted to fit in, didn’t you?” Jaina asked.

“I did,” Roric explained as he looked at his hand. “I think it will help the dream flow better. Anything we can do to reduce the strain on Gisley will help.”

“Isn’t it straining her to alter your appearance?” Jaina asked. Gisley explained that she only needed to expend some energy to make the alteration. Once done, they all collectively maintained the image as it became what they expected to see. It would all be slowly draining Gisley, but she felt she could hold the dream for an hour or two.

They agreed they were ready, and Jaina tensed as the world around her changed. She blinked to find herself standing on a street corner surrounded by an assortment of small apartment complexes. The sun was low in the sky, casting the long shadows of early morning. A gentle breeze ruffled her blue skirt as a small van passed on the street. Jaina looked down to see she was wearing a white button-down blouse with a little red tie. She wore black shoes with knee-high stockings over creamy white legs. There was a small backpack slung over her back and a little red ribbon in her hair.

“Sheesh, I need a tan,” Jaina said as she flared her skirt.

“There's our little whore,” came a familiar voice as Chandice walked up with Roric at her side. She was dressed like Jaina, but her hair was golden and curled with a cruel glimmer in her eyes.

“We should be careful about using terms like that,” Roric cautioned. “We want to fit in as much as possible.”

“I can’t believe I am willingly going back to school,” Chandice said as she fell in beside Jaina. “I hated school and swore I would never go back.”

“It's not really school,” Jaina replied as she admired Roric who looked smart in his blue coat with school insignia on the pocket. He looked like a typical anime protagonist, the boy who was oblivious to the girls fighting for his affection all around him. She wanted to run into a back alley and have him now, but she surmised they were waiting for the others before walking to school.

Evalynn arrived next, her long, lean body looking too muscular for her outfit. The little skirt at her hips flared and floated as she turned little circles, showing her athletic figure. Chandice ordered her to stop, or they would be late for school. Jaina knew why they would be late and teased that being tardy on the first day was expected.

“Are we ready?” came a timid voice as Gisley walked up, her long dark hair falling flat down her back. She looked nervous as Chandice smiled in a way that promised hours of peeling that innocence away. Gisley took Jaina's hand as Roric and Chandice took the lead, discussing what they expected to find in school.

“I am joining a sports team,” Evalynn said. “What do Japanese girls play in school?”

“We have a tennis team,” Gisley suggested as they waited to cross a street.

“Tennis?” Evalynn replied with disinterest. “Don’t you have something more aggressive?”

“If you're looking for mud wrestling, you're not going to find that here,” Roric said as Jaina burst out laughing. It was a rare bit of humor from the man who was her master, and even Evalynn laughed.

“I was thinking more like soccer,” Evalynn replied. “Though, a fencing team might be fun.”

“My school didn’t have a girls soccer team,” Gisley replied. “But I could alter it to include one.”

“Let's not,” Chandice said. “Then you will have to invent a whole team, coaches, logos, and everything that goes along with it. I worry we are pushing you too hard as it is.”

“Which is a good point,” Roric said as he looked at her. “If this becomes a strain, you take us out. Don't even hesitate.”

“I promise,” Gisley said with a smile.

They walked about four blocks, eventually arriving at a building that didn't look like a school. It was more of a compound with high walls and extra fences as if the school were very interested in keeping students in.

“So what’s our first class?” Jaina asked as they entered the building with hundreds of others, all dressed in the same uniform.

“Fondling one oh one,” Chandice said as she grabbed Gisley’s tight rear. “Where is there a room we can use?”

“We can’t mess around now,” Gisley said with wide eyes.

“Oh, little girl,” Chandice said with a wicked smile. “You will fool around when I tell you to.”

“If it isn’t the slut club,” came a terse voice causing Chandice to look up in surprise.

“Excuse me?” Chandice snapped back as she glared into the face of a tall girl with shoulder-length black hair and a stern gaze.

“Do we know her?” Roric asked under his breath.

“That’s Maylin,” Gisley replied. “She didn’t like me much in school.”

“How does she know us?” Roric asked as he grew curious.

“She knows us as if we have been going to school here all year,” Gisley replied. “And she suspects our activities.”

“Chandice,” Maylin said with a pleased smile. “We all know what your group does when nobody is looking. Why else are you always sneaking off.”

“What we do is none of your business,” Chandice countered as she folded her arms.

“The whole school knows what you're up to,” Maylin laughed. “And everyone knows what a slut that one is.” She pointed at Jaina, prompting a smile in return.

“Well, thank you,” Jaina said. “And here, I didn't think you liked me.”

“Ugh!” Maylin growled. “You don’t even try to deny it.”

“Why would I deny it?” Jaina asked.

Roric stepped between them as Maylin glared at him, her mouth twisted in a scowl. “You have said what you wanted to say. Now leave us be.”

“You don’t deserve to have all these girls fawning over you,” Maylin said. “It’s disgusting.”

“She says that to you again, and I am going to take up boxing,” Evalynn threatened as she shot the woman a heated stare.

“Always the guard dog,” Maylin laughed and turned to walk away. “See you in class if you're not busy screwing somewhere.”

They watched her go as Jaina nearly bounced with excitement. This was better than she ever imagined and it sent tingles up her spine. Roric asked why this girl had so easily accepted their roles, and Gisley explained it was because she made it so.

“So we have a nemesis,” Chandice said as she grabbed Gisley by the rear again. “And you had her call us the slut club?”

“I couldn’t think of a better name,” Gisley replied.

“Come here,” Chandice said, dragging her to a girl's bathroom. She returned a moment later, with Gisley blushing deep red while Chandice approached Jaina.

“Hold these for me,” Chandice said as she handed Jaina a pair of panties. “Or put them on; I doubt you're wearing any.”

“What, how did you know?” Jaina asked as they started walking.

“I know you,” Chandice said.

“Are you really going to make me go to class with no panties on?” Gisley asked.

“Little girl, if you don't stop complaining, you will be wearing a plug tomorrow,” Chandice countered.

Jaina laughed as they went to class and began their morning as Japanese students. Jaina enjoyed every minute of it, mostly because Gisley never stopped blushing. She also saw Maylin across the room, shooting her hateful glares. They attended a few classes and then broke for lunch, going to a small park area outside to eat.

“I have a bento box!” Jaina cried as she dug a box out of her backpack. “I love it here.”

“We should all have one,” Gisley replied as she slowly dug through her pack.

“Alright, what gives,” Roric said. “You don’t seem at all happy to be here.”

“It’s just seeing Maylin again,” Gisley sighed as she put her pink box on her knees. “She was terrible to me and stole my first boyfriend.”

“You should have told us this was going to stir up painful memories,” Roric replied as he put an arm around her. “We would have understood.”

“No, I am enjoying this,” Gisley said as she looked down at her rice balls and other treats. “I love that we are sharing this.”

“Where is Evalynn?” Chandice asked as she looked around. “She said she was coming.”

“She went to sign up for some kind of sport,” Jaina said as she began to eat. “Girl has more energy than anyone I have ever seen.”

“Umm?” Chandice said as she looked up to see three boys approaching. They appeared to be slightly older, with muscular frames and wry smiles.

“Hmm,” Roric replied as he stood up and met them standing as the three boys formed a semi-circle around him.

“Hey, Roric,” the lead man said. “You need any help with your girls?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Roric replied as his brow furrowed.

“Oh, common,” a short spikey-haired man said. “Everybody knows what you and these girls are doing when nobody is looking.”

“Eating lunch?” Chandice asked.

Roric folded his arms and met the larger boys with an icy stare. “These are my friends,” he said as she gestured to the group. “Only Chandice and I are dating.”

“Don't be like that,” the boy said as he leaned in close. “I would hate to have to show your girls who the better man is. He smiled for only a second then his eyes went wide. Suddenly, he cried out in pain as he buckled backward, falling to the grass as his comrades scattered, nursing bruised arms. Evalynn stood behind him with a golf club in her hands, glaring at the felled man.

“Are you crazy?” the man cried. “You could have broken my leg.”

“You were just leaving,” Evalynn said, waving the club menacingly.

“Come on, that girl is crazy,” one of his comrades urged as they limped away, leaving the group to eat in peace.

“Where did you get the club?” Jaina asked as Evalynn sat down.

“They have a girl’s golf team here,” Evalynn replied as she took out her lunch. “And I signed up.”

“It seems we have a reputation,” Roric said as he sat down.

“Yes, as the slut club,” Jaina laughed. “I love it.”

“I can take it out,” Gisley offered.

“No,” Roric said as he went back to his lunch. “I like the challenge it represents.”

“Speaking of challenge, why have I gotten to lunch and I haven't had sex yet?” Jaina asked.

“My god, you really can’t help yourself,” Chandice said.

“I happen to be addicted to it,” Jaina said. “And I love being in that sex-induced state of delirium. If I had my say about it, I would be in that twenty-four hours a day.”

“So you want to be fucked stupid and kept that way,” Chandice said.

“I so very much do,” Jaina replied with no shame. She smiled when Evalynn's hand crawled up her skirt and reached for the doors to her temple. Jaina leaned into her and kissed her neck as her fingers found their target and began to rub with practiced skill. She moaned softly as her body responded, savoring her lover's touch.

“Oh, that’s it,” Jaina cooed as people passed in the distance, oblivious to the sex going on in the corner of the yard. She lost herself to the moment and didn’t even notice that Chandice had commanded Gisley to stand up. Now she stood before her and Roric facing away with her skirt pulled up in the back. Her pretty little rear was exposed for only them to see, but she blushed for fear somebody might realize what was happening.

Roric reached up to fondle that tender skin, caressing her rear as he nodded.

“If you want to be part of our unit, you are going to have to learn to express your sexuality,” Roric said. “We will show you what it's like to surrender everything to another.”

Gisley trembled as Jaina grew tense, her body growing close to her first orgasm. She moaned louder and louder until finally, Evalynn pushed her over. She came with a flow of honey and delight that wet her thighs and put a pleased smile on her face. Evalynn kept up the pace for a minute more to ensure her orgasm burned as long as possible, then stopped when Roric commanded.

“Jaina,” he said and pointed to his lap, where he had opened his pants to reveal his firm cock.

Without hesitation, Jaina got up and turned her back to him before lowering her body to his waiting cock. He guided himself in place as she sat down, her eyes closing as she felt him filling her body. She rocked her hips to get him as deeply as she could, then opened them to gaze at Gisley's tender rear.

“Make love to us,” Roric commanded, and she nodded in delight. Her hands wrapped around Gisley's hips as she bent over, her tongue going between the girl's sweet cheeks. Her hips bobbed, giving Roric steady, shallow strokes as she began to lick Gisley's tender hole.

“What if somebody sees?” Gisley asked as she looked across the yard to see at least a dozen people eating lunch.

“Then you had better stand still,” Chandice replied. “You are the shield preventing them from seeing what Jaina is doing.”

Jaina could tell the girl was tense, which made the situation all the more enticing. Despite how slutty Gisley was in New Eden, here, she felt a sense of propriety. She was so into character that she trembled as Jaina’s tongue tasted her tight butt hole. Jaina decided to help her relax and reached a hand between her legs, pressing two fingers to Gisley’s moist body. She nearly jumped as they slid in, quickly being coated with her love before beginning their firm thrusting.

Now she was hard at work, riding Roric while masturbating Gisley, sending her body in a wild hunger. She loved living a life of sex and power, where everything she did was in the pursuit of pleasure. Her body was alive with sensual fire as she delighted in Gisley's response to her touching and how the woman’s warm pussy ran wet with honey. She was struggling not to moan as Jaina worked at her vigorously, doing all she could to torment the quiet woman.

Roric didn’t say a word as she bounced on his lap. He leaned back and put an arm around Chandice as if nothing were happening. Chandice reached over to wet her fingers in Jaina’s honey and take a quick taste.

“Oh, she’s flowing good,” Chandice announced as she reached for another taste. “And her pussy is going to be seeping cum for the rest of the day.”

“Just hearing that sent Jaina spiraling as her body quickly raced to an orgasm. Her legs trembled as she came, her wild moan hidden in Gisley’s rear. She was on fire with a wild hunger, needing to feed the beast that was her desire. She could feel every inch of Roric claiming her body as she served her purpose to be his sex slave. This was all she ever wanted to be, and doing it here, in a dream of the real world, made it all the more intense.

She went on as Gisley began to make small noises. Chandice got up and went to her side, putting her arm around the girl's shoulders.

“This is your role in our club,” Chandice said. “We will teach you to obey and use your body as we see fit.”

Jaina could feel Gisley twitch as Chandice wound her up, and then, suddenly, Gisley let out a tender cry. Jaina felt her pussy spasm and run with sweet honey as she had an orgasm of her own. She pulled her hand away to let the flow run down Gisley's thighs while focusing on her task behind. Roric was close, and a hand on her hips told her he was ready to cum.

She ground into him, working in more rapid strokes until she suddenly felt him throb. He grunted as his cock filled her pussy with his sweet cum. He held her down, ensuring his cum went deep into her body. Only when he was satisfied he was done did he allow her to get up and leave behind his love-soaked cock.

“I will clean that up,” Jaina said happily.

“No, Gisley is going to do it,” Chandice said.

“But I was blocking people from seeing,” Gisley insisted as she looked back to see his cock gently throbbing.

“I will stand in the way,” Chandice said. “You get on your knees and do what you are meant to do.”

Jaina helped guide the nervous girl into place and wanted to laugh to see her so wound up. Gisley, of all people, knew this was a dream, yet she was overcome by the reality of it. She responded as if this was her absolute reality and that she might be caught and shamed for her actions. Her knees hit the grass as she looked into Roric's eyes her hand gently raised as if afraid to grab him.

“Get it over with,” Chandice demanded. “Or I will sit down, and you can do the job while the whole yard watches.”

“Don't pressure the poor thing like that,” Jaina countered as she stroked Gisley's head. “She's nervous.” She did her best to calm the trembling girl, urging her to do what she needed to do. Gisley's tender lips parted as she put her hands on Roric's legs and leaned over. Roric didn't react as she took him in, sucking at his cock like a good girl. Her head bobbed as he sat unmoved while one of his girls did their duty.

“This is so much fun,” Jaina said while watching the display.

“I have to admit I am enjoying it,” Chandice said. “I even love the fact that I have a nemesis. I am going to fight with that girl every chance I get.”

“I wonder if I will get to play golf,” Evalynn said as she admired her club.

“Really?” Jaina asked. “We came here to play as a sex club, and you want to play golf?”

“I want to complete my character's image,” Evalynn replied. “And she’s sporty.”

“We are a good mix of character types,” Chandice agreed. “Roric and I are the dominant ones, Jaina's a slut, Evalynn is the sporty girl, and Gisley is the sweet innocent one we are going to corrupt.”

“Oh, are we going to corrupt her,” Jaina cooed as she admired how the girl sucked at her master’s cock.

“That’s enough,” Roric said, allowing her to stop. “Sit down and eat your lunch.”

“She just had it,” Jaina teased, but Gisley sat quietly to the side with her bento box on her knees. Jaina sat beside her feeling the warm sensation of cum leaking out between her legs. She wasn't wearing panties, so there was a good chance she would have a wet spot on her skirt soon. She liked the idea of the other students seeing the spot and wondering how she got it. She liked it even better that Gisley was so committed to playing along.

“You did good,” Jaina said as she put her own box in her lap.

“I was so nervous,” Gisley replied without looking up.

“Sweety, is there something more going on here?” Jaina pressed. “You are awfully committed to this fantasy. I would say you were genuinely afraid of being caught having sex.”

Gisley sighed and picked at a rice roll stuffed with fish. She explained that she was never brave enough to do things like this in reality, and coming here was so real to her. She couldn't separate the fantasy from reality and felt like she was right back in school, doing things that would shame her.

“As long as it's just fun,” Jaina said, worried that Gisley wasn't telling her everything. They ate lunch and returned to class, where Jaina sat through lessons shining in the afterglow of sex. She rested her chin in a hand, smiling as she could feel her body seeping. She even caught Maylin staring and blew the girl a little kiss. Obviously, the girl suspected that Jaina had managed to have sex over lunch and was horrified at her behavior. Jaina loved playing the slut, and reveled in the reactions of others. She was going to play this up, flirting shamelessly and teasing everyone she could.

When classes finally ended, they walked home, pausing at the noodle shop to eat. This was where they agreed to end their adventure and sat down to a meal of green noodles and shrimp before going.

“This was a lot of fun,” Jaina said as she struggled to use the chopsticks. “When can we come back?”

“Two days,” Roric replied. “I want to give Gisley a day to recover before taxing her again. He looked at Gisley and asked how she was feeling. She explained that she was fine, but mostly because she was cheating. She pointed out that the city was pretty much empty, with people only existing when they were present to see them. By allowing the other people to go, she didn't have to expend nearly as much power. Also, she knew this world very well, and it was easy for her to visualize it.

“So you could manage a few more hours?” Jaina asked.

“We are not staying a few more hours,” Roric insisted. “She has done what we asked, and it has worked well so far. I do not wish to push her too far until we are sure there will be no ill effects of this.”

“Well, this dream recreation thing is an amazing tool,” Chandice said. “But it raises an interesting question. How real is this compared to New Eden? I mean, is New Eden just a dream world being controlled by someone like Gisley, sleeping in some hidden chamber?”

“I still lean into the idea that this is a computer simulation,” Roric countered. “And this dream is just a simulation with more rules nested inside the larger simulation.”

Jaian nodded as Chandice and Roric debated how reality worked. She really didn’t care one way or the other, so long as she got to be a sex slave. She patted Gisley’s leg and smiled, giving the girl assurance she had done well. The day had been fun, and they looked forward to their return, where they could live another life as they played in their own personal anime.

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