The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.


Jaina soaked in the hot pool, letting the stress melt away as they waited. Across from her, two harem girls sat flanking the mysterious woman who only identified herself as a pyromancer. She was still asleep but had been stripped and sat in the pool with the girls to help hold her up. Now, they waited for her to recover and open her eyes to the new reality of her situation.

She was a pretty girl with shoulder-length orange hair and a slightly tan complexion. She looked human but had orange stripes on her body, some of which faded into red. A few of the harem girls suggested she was an elemental kin, a human elemental hybrid with her particular bent being fire. There were little signs like ridges on her ears and dark lines on her feet with bright orange toenails that lent credence to this. She also had red spots on the back of her neck and presumably her scalp, marking her as something not quite human.

So now they waited with the woman soaking in the tub, her head tipped back and resting gently on a pillow. How would she react to waking up to her new reality, and what would she have to say for her actions?

Jaina pondered that thought for another ten minutes until the woman finally moved her head. Mumbling something that sounded like kill them all.

“Let's hope we misheard her,” Jaina said as she leaned back and watched the woman's eyes open.

She lifted her head from the pillow and gazed at Jaina, sitting in the pool with her breasts floating at the surface of the steamy water. She looked confused for a moment, then lurched in shock as soothing hands pressed her back into place.

“Do not struggle,” one of the girls urged. “You were badly injured and need your rest.”

“What is going on? Where am I?” the woman demanded.

“You’re in the bath,” Jaina said in a dry tone. “Because you need to wash.”

“How did I get in a bath?” the woman shrieked and looked down. “Where are my clothes?”

“Please relax,” the other girl urged. “Your clothes have been cleaned and mended. They wait you on the table nearby.”

“Who stripped me?” the girl asked as she struggled. “Was it that man?”

“Would that be such a terrible thing?” Jaina asked as she smiled. “But before you say yes, I did it. Roric wasn’t even in the room.”

“Why would you strip me?” she demanded as her arms came up, and she glowed briefly. “Why are my powers not working?”

“The collar inhibits your powers,” a girl said as she grabbed the woman’s wrist. “Now, please relax and let us wash you clean.”

“The collar?” the strange woman replied, fighting to touch her neck. “No, I thought I imagined that.”

“You begged for it,” Jaina said. “As you were dying on the end of a spear where you belonged. Despite what you did, Roric showed you mercy and brought you here to sit in a warm bath while being waited on by the very girls you killed.”

The pyromancer looked to the side in shock, and she took in the sight of one of the girls. The tall, slender beauty nodded in recognition, then leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

“Yes, you killed me, but we are sisters now, and I forgive you,” she whispered.

“No, I don't want to be a slave,” the woman cried and began to struggle. Jaina realized she was going to slip into a panic, so she waded over and knelt before the woman.

“It's only for a few more hours,” Jaina said. “Then you are free to go and return to your horrible ways.” This made her relax, and she stopped struggling to stare at Jaina.

“Why bother then?” the woman asked. “Why did you bring me here?”

“We wanted to clean you up and wash your hair,” Jaina said. “You got so much blood in it that it matted to the side of your head.”

“Can we please wash your hair?” the harem girl asked. “We promise to be gentle.”

Jaina could see the uncomfortable twitch in the woman's face as she fought to answer. It was clear she would have none of this and not play along, so Jaina shook her head.

“I am afraid you are going to have to step in,” she said.

“I knew I would have to,” a low voice purred, causing the angry woman to look over. Rajeen sat on a wicker throne of white reeds, wearing nothing but a slip at her waist. She clawed the arms of her throne as her blue eyes bore into the woman who sat nervously in the tub.

“I am afraid you don't have much choice,” Rajeen said. “So long as you wear that collar, you are going to have to obey. Now, you can sit back and let my girls tend to you with care, or I can get Roric. Then you can stand before him, naked and dripping, while he commands you to do as you are told. I am sure you are aware that you will do what he says.”

Jaina hated that Rajeen had to threaten the woman, but it was for her own good. She lowered her head slowly and let out a defeated sigh that told the girls they could begin. The harem girls took silver decanters of scented water and poured them over the woman's head gently working it into her hair. Then they took bowls of creamy soap and began to lather her up, working carefully to massage her scalp.

“Oh, those dots do cover her head,” one of the girls said as they worked. “She is very pretty.”

Jaina hoped their tender care and soothing comments would help, but tears began to run down her cheeks. There was something terribly wrong with this wounded soul, and Jaina needed to understand.

“Hey, why are you crying?” Jaina asked as she reached for a hand. “We would never hurt you.”

“You are hurting me,” the woman said with a sniff. “I want to go home.”

“Alright, look. There is something going on here that we don't understand,” Jaina pressed. “All we wanted from you is a chance to talk before we let you go. I promise you can get dressed and go home in a few hours, but in the meantime, will you please talk to us? Tell us what your name is, at least.”

“Jessica, I mean Cindariel,” the woman corrected.

“Oh, like cinders in a fire,” a harem girl commented. “What a perfect name for her build.”

Jaina saw more tears, and for some reason, it was breaking her heart. This woman was horrified by what was happening, and Jaina needed to know why.

“If we leave the room and let you get dressed, will you feel more comfortable?” Jaina asked.

More tears followed by sobs were all the woman could answer with and Jaina had to look to Rajeen for help.

“What do I?” Jaina asked.

“She is wounded in a way we cannot fully grasp,” Rajeen replied. “I have seen trouble girls before, but never did they respond as such when given tender care. I am afraid you are going to have to use your powers. You need to set her at ease.”

“I don’t like the idea of forcing that on her,” Jaina said.

“Don’t force me to do that,” the woman moaned through gritted teeth.

“No, please, we wouldn't hurt you,” Jaina urged and willed open her panel. “Here, look, see, I have a skill that calms you and takes away fear. We were just talking about using that to help you get control so you can talk to us.”

“That’s all it does?” the woman asked as she looked up to read the description.

“Yes,” Jaina insisted. “I promise you, we won't make you do anything you don't want to do besides wash your hair and talk to us. So, can I please have your permission to give you a little courage?”

The woman nodded as soap ran down her head, and Jaina touched her hand, bestowing her calm on the woman. Instantly, her body relaxed, and she took a deep breath, even leaning back to close her eyes as the girls continued to rub her scalp.

“That’s a very useful spell,” Cindariel said.

“It has its uses,” Jaina agreed. “Now, just relax and tell us why you attacked us.”

“Because what you are doing and what it represents is evil,” Cindariel replied.

“Evil?” a harem girl giggled. “It feels more like love to me.”

“That's because your mind is twisted in that collar,” Condariel argued. “They forced it on you, and now you can't tell what you really want.”

“Nobody forced this on me,” the girl replied. “I came to Rajeen and asked her to collar me. It isn't even locked. I could take it off if I wanted, or,” she paused and looked to Rajeen, who nodded that the girl had permission. She smiled and reached up, taking the collar off and holding it up. “See, she doesn't force me to wear it. I do it because I love her.”

“But do you have any idea what a mockery of real slavery this is?” Cindariel challenged. “Do you know how many people suffer and what terrible things are done to them?”

“Now, hold on,” Jaina cut in as Cindariel went from tame to raging. “You can’t compare what we have to the real world. This isn’t the same thing at all.”

“It's still slavery, and by flaunting it like it's just some game, you are mocking the people who suffered,” Cindariel said.

“Like you did,” Rajeen said, causing a look of shock to pass over the woman's face. Jaina saw the reaction, and suddenly, it all made sense. This woman knew what the dark side of real slavery was, and now it haunted her.

“I am so sorry,” Jaina said and went to touch her, only for Cindariel to yank her hand away.

“You have no idea what they did to me!” she screamed. “Just because I was a woman, just because I was pretty! It hurt,” she sobbed as new tears came to her eyes. “Oh, they hurt me so much.”

“How did it happen?” Jaina asked.

“My mother sold me to them!” the woman cried and hid her face in her hands.

Rajeen got up and ordered the other girls out and not to breathe a word of what they had heard. She then told Jaina to get up and hold the large towel as she carefully pulled Cindariel to her feet. Jaina wrapped her up, and Rajeen carried her to a nearby couch and sat down, cradling the woman in her arms.

“Shh,” Rajeen purred. “You have suffered a tragedy, but that pain is over now. I will never allow anyone to harm you again.” She stroked the woman's head as she continued to sob. Jaina sat beside them and dared to stroke the woman's back, wondering what she could say that would matter.

“I forget that our little game isn’t so fun for those it really happens to,” Jaina said.

“I try not to think about it,” Rajeen agreed as she gently rocked the woman in her arms. “But there are many like her who have come to New Eden to escape the horrors of a life of suffering.”

“Can we do anything for her?” Jaina asked.

“All we can do is be better,” Rajeen said. “Show her that this is nothing like what she experienced.”

“It’s all the same!” the woman sobbed.

“No, it isn't,” Jaina urged. “Every girl here is voluntary and treated like a treasure. They are cared for with love, affection, and a true desire to see them happy.”

“A master doesn’t gain anything from an unhappy slave,” Rajeen added. “The collar cannot be forced on a player, and nothing could be gained if it was. My girls are my heart and are more precious to me than my own life. I would do anything to see them happy.”

“Honestly, we are more of a family,” Jaina insisted. “Every one of us are sisters with Rajeen doting on us like a loving mother. It isn't even right to call it slavery. It honestly needs another name more akin to marriage.”

“It does,” Rajeen agreed, stroking the woman's back.

“I want to go home,” the woman sobbed as she hid her face in Rajeen’s shoulder.

“I will get Roric to remove the collar,” Jaina said. Rajeen nodded, and she ran off, heading for the harem chambers where he was sitting with Zillix, debating what had happened.

“Is she talking?” Roric asked as Jaina ran up.

“She's talking, and it's horrible,” Jaina said. “You need to get that collar off her before she has a full mental breakdown. Rajeen has already agreed it needs to come off before this gets any worse.”

Roric nodded and excused himself, rushing with Jaina back to the private rooms. Jaina quickly filled him in and helped him understand the pain the woman was going through. When they arrived, Rajeen hadn’t moved as she held the sobbing bundle curled in her arms.

“Let me take that off,” Roric said, reaching down, carefully unlocking the collar and freeing the woman. “I will never put that on you again.”

“She is a wounded thing,” Rajeen said. “Venting her anger on those she feels insults the pain she went through.”

“I wish we could make her see how wonderful it is here,” Jaina said. “I would love to call her a sister.”

“Why?” Cindariel asked as she looked up.

“Because you are hurting so much,” Jaina said as she knelt before the woman. “I want to help wipe all that pain away and fill your life with happiness. I want you to want for nothing as you play with us and experience the joy that is Rajeen's love. I want you to smile with true freedom from your past so you can look forward to a better future.”

The woman's look said she didn't trust Jaina but didn't try to escape Rajeen's arms. She returned her head to Rajeen's shoulder and closed her eyes, seeming to enjoy being held.

“She doesn’t need a master,” Roric said as he stepped back.

“No, she needs a mother,” Rajeen said as she tightened her arms around the woman. “The true wound of her heart is that her mother did this to her.”

The long wailing sob that Cindariel produced was all the agreement they needed. Roric bowed and left the room, leaving Rajeen and Jaina with the tortured woman.

“So what can we do?” Jaina asked, still lost as to how to help.

“I am going to adopt this one,” Rajeen said. “Not as a slave girl, but as my daughter.”

“No,” Cindariel said and leaned up. “I just want to go home.”

“The home you desire is no longer yours. You want to go to the place your mother cast you out of,” Rajeen said. “A place you know you can never go back to.” Fresh tears wet her eyes as she lay back and resumed crying. Rajeen began to stroke her back and hum a soothing tune. “Close your eyes and let me love you as your mother should have. I will replace her and give you a home full of love and magic.”

“Why?” she sobbed while curling tighter.

“Because I want to love you,” Rajeen said. “If you will allow it. I will name you my daughter. I will even go before Gwen and make it an official change so that your character sheet will show me as your mother.”

“Does that still make us sisters?” Jaina asked.

“Of course it does,” Rajeen replied. “Just she will not wear a collar and will have much more freedom to move about. I might even have to approve her boyfriends and drive off those who don't meet my standards.”

Jaina was pleased to see that got a laugh from Cindariel who ran her hand up and hooked Rajeen's shoulder. She began to breathe more normally and kept her eyes closed as if stress were inducing her back to sleep. She leaned in and snuggled in beside her, throwing an arm around the woman, hoping she would feel safe.

They slept that way for hours until a rumble alerted Jaina that something was wrong.

“Goodness girl, was that your stomach?” Jaina asked as she sat up, and it rumbled again. “When was the last time you ate?”

“Umm,” Cindariel began and looked to a window to see it was dark. “A day ago?”

“A day ago?” Jaina laughed. “If Hannah went that long, we would be able to hear it from the street.”

“If Hannah went that long, the beast would emerge and consume everything in its sight until it was sated,” Rajeen argued.

“Hannah?” Cindariel asked. “You mean Princess Hannah?”

“Yes, sweetheart,” Jaina replied. “She is a slave girl in the harem, as are her wives. Her husband, Prince Frank, is one of the masters, as is his wife, Blackbast.”

“I thought she was a master,” Cindariel said.

“No,” Jaina said with a wide smile. “Hannah is just another slave girl, and she loves it.”

“I don’t understand why you all like this life,” Cindariel said.

“Sweety,” Jaina urged and took her hand. “This is not the life you knew. You will be amazed by what you see and wonder how the two can be so different. Now come, let's get you dressed, and I will take you to the common room for some food.”

She slowly climbed from Rajeen's arms and clutched her towel as Jaina took her to the red robes that were cleaned and mended. She allowed Cindariel to change behind a screen, then took her hand as Rajeen approached.

“Please, see what kind of master I am,” Rajeen asked. “Then consider my offer. It would be my honor to be your mother and give you the love you deserve.”

“I don’t understand why you are all like this,” Cindariel replied.

“Because you have a preconceived notion about what we are supposed to be like,” Jaina said. “Now, common, it's time to shatter those notions so you can see the truth.”

The woman nodded as Jaina took her to the jade doors and threw them open. Cindariel gasped as she gazed into the room beyond, her eyes wide as she beheld the sight.

“What is this?” she asked in shock.

“This, my sweet, is the harem,” Jaina replied.


Thank you for reading. I know a lot of people read for the sexy scenes but if we don't weave a story in here someplace it will get boring. 

Anyway, Please consider the patreon where you can always read 12 chapters ahead (Currently 19) and participate in polls that shape the story.

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