The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.


Jaina moaned as her pussy was firmly pounded by a man who called himself Londus. He said he was a count in a neighboring kingdom and had come to see Frank and Hannah's lands for himself. He had heard crass rumors about wild orgies but, thus far, had been pleasantly surprised.

Jaina clutched at the bed as he lay across her back, his firm cock thrusting hard inside her. She said she found the city to be a beautiful place full of song and flowers where Hannah was loved by everyone.

He agreed and admitted to taking long walks across the countryside. He had been in the city a dozen times and had heard Hannah sing her lullaby twice.

“She has a beautiful voice,” Londus admitted as he slowed his pace. “I talked to some people in the street, and they all had nice things to say about her and Prince Frank.”

“I haven't met them,” Jaina moaned as he leaned back and pulled her to her knees. She was forced to lean against his chest, the two kneeling in bed as their sex continued. She claimed to have heard Hannah sing many times and saw them from a distance. She asked if he had met them, but he said he hadn't yet had the pleasure. He wasn't sure if it was wise, considering his king's distrust for this land.

“But you came here anyway?” Jaina asked.

“I don't trust rumors,” the man replied. “As far as I can tell, Frank and Hannah only want to create a home where their people can be happy.”

“I think that’s what they want too,” Jaina replied as his hands came up her hot stomach to grasp her breasts.

“I do want to visit that forest, though,” he said. “They call it the Lovewood.”

“Oh, that place,” Jaina said with a smile. “I have been there many times and made love to lots of people.”

“I saw your back,” he laughed before kissing her neck. “You are a naughty girl.”

“I wanted to be a sex slave,” Jaina replied as she hovered on the brink of an orgasm.

“It appears you are one now,” he said as he rolled her nipples. Jaina went over the edge, cumming as his cock continued to thrust inside her. She sang for him as he held her firmly to his chest, savoring every moment of her passion.

“The forest helped me realize this was for me,” Jaina cried. “So I came here to see if they wanted another girl.”

“How fortunate for us,” he said.

Jaina groaned as he pulled her tight, grunting as he neared his moment. She tensed for the coming release and shared its power as his cock began throbbing. He held her tight as their bodies writhed in the pleasure of their sex, then slowly laid her down to collapse on top of her.

“You are so wonderful,” he sighed and stroked her back.

“You were wonderful, yourself,” Jaina cooed as she settled in to rest. “So, will you take what you have seen back to your kingdom?”

“Well, I have already argued against the idea that this land is dangerous to us,” he said. “But then this recent monster player business is an issue that can't be overlooked.”

“I don't understand that,” Jaina replied, resting her chin on her arms. “Why does that have people upset?”

“It flies in the face of the north’s decrees,” Londus explained. “The lords of the most powerful lands don’t recognize monster players as even players. They are hunted out in most places and constantly reset in others. Lands are forbidden to welcome them in any capacity let alone make them all nobility. Everyone knows that was done to cheat the respawn system, and that will draw attention from the north.”

“I hope not,” Jaina whispered. “I really like it here. People are so nice, and Hannah strikes me as a woman who cares about her people.”

“Honestly, most of us think it's Frank who is the power behind the throne,” Londus explained. “We suspect he tells her to do these things to win the hearts of her people. He is a cunning strategist who surrounds himself with players for some greater plan. It was he who organized the monster guild.”

Jaina was disappointed to hear that Londus was one of the people who believed Frank was the real threat. She hated that poor Frank had such suspicion thrown on his head. He was the nicest man she knew and supported all the girls with every ounce of his strength. Jaina loved him and wouldn't hesitate to tell him or offer him her affection. But she couldn't let Londus know that, or her ruse would be over, and everyone would know who she was.

“I can’t say,” Jaina replied. “He doesn’t do much publicly.”

“That’s exactly why we suspect he’s playing some game,” Londus said. “Hannah and the other girls are his tools to enact his plan while he lurks in the shadows.”

Jaina shrugged and then groaned as his cock came out of her wet pussy. She asked him to lay back so she could crawl around and suck him clean. He smiled as Jaina tasted their sex, his cum mixed with the honey of her chain of orgasms. When he was clean she lay her head on his stomach while he played with one of her long rabbit ears. So many of the people at the estate had been nice. The men, in particular, were considerate, thoughtful, and open to new ideas. She supposed this was because many of these men were geeks, gamers, and the less fortunate who turned to New Eden for a fresh start. They weren't the kind of men who had been corrupted by power and influence and saw women as objects to use. They were grateful for the role the girls played and expressed it in how they treated them.

Jaina and Londus spoke for another twenty minutes before he offered to escort her back to the gardens. Jaina helped him dress and then donned her fancy outfit before walking hand in hand down the hall. She passed a smiling Gisley going the other way with two dark elf men.

“Now, that’s a naughty girl,” Jaina said as she glanced at her escort.

“Those two are twins,” Londus explained. “I don't know their story exactly, but they came together to play some kind of evil twin role in New Eden. They are very reasonable, and one of them is fond of poetry. He's fairly good at it, to be honest, and likes to recite in the library.”

Jaina wanted to laugh at how surprising people could be. If New Eden taught a person anything, it was that you couldn't judge a book by its cover. Frank was the perfect example of that, the horrible ghoul with a gold heart.

They passed through the house and into the garden terrace, where Londus parted with a kiss. Jaina went to the railing and leaned over to take in the lawn and gardens as she pondered what to do next.

“I wondered where you were,” came the familiar voice of Julliesta, who arrived at the rail beside Jaina. “And congratulations on resisting my offer.”

“You were teasing me,” Jaina said as she smiled at the woman. “Mistress Alexandria explained your little games to me.”

“I just wanted to see if you would lose yourself and break,” Julliesta said. “So many girls do.”

“Do they really beg you to take sexual pleasure away from them?” Jaina asked, surprised that such an offer would find willing participants. Julliesta said that it was the madness of sexual tension that drove them to do it. She always put them in a compromised situation where the tension could be escalated until the girl was trembling from its power.

“Like the ropes you had digging into my pussy,” Jaina said with a laugh.

“Exactly,” Julliesta said. “Once you have a girl at that precipice, you can get them to agree to almost anything.”

“Hmm,” Jaina replied. “I will have to be careful around you.” She tensed as a hand went under her skirt and skillful fingers pressed into her folds.

“Why would you be careful?” Julliesta asked as she began to masturbate Jaina. “Isn’t this exactly what you want? Don’t you hunger to give over control of your body to another and let them decide how and when you will be used?”

Jaina found her breath descending into short pants as Julliesta stirred the fire inside her heart. She did love the loss of control, savoring the fact that somebody else would decide when and how she had sex. Her pussy ran wet with excitement as Julliesta assured Jaina that she was a submissive slut and needed to be controlled.

Jaina tensed as her body was pushed further, the orgasm coming dangerously close. Then Julliesta pulled away and smiled as Jaina rocked her hips, desperate to have the orgasm that was teased.

“You’re addicted to orgasms,” Julliesta said. “You love having them.”

“Is there a girl who doesn’t?” Jaina panted.

“I still think the ultimate act of submission is to give them up,” Julliesta pressed.

“You can think that all you want,” Jaina said with a smile. “But it’s giving a master control of when I will have them that makes me the most excited. That is my act of submission, to give the thing I want most to another and let them decide when I can have it.”

“Well, if it's orgasms you want, perhaps you should try the stage,” Julliesta suggested.

Jaina had no idea what she meant, so Julliesta explained that there was a theater-like room that sat a hundred around a stage. There was a single red couch on the stage where girls could have sex for an audience. It always drew a crowd that began participating, often leading to a long chain of partners.

“There is a place like that here?” Jaina gasped as Julliesta smiled wickedly

“I see you are interested,” Julliesta teased.

Jaina was interested but wasn't sure it mattered. She frequently made love in the harem, where dozens of people watched the performance. In fact, she rarely made love in privacy anymore and nearly always had a handful of observers. She asked to see this stage, and Julliesta eagerly took her hand and led her down the hall. Sure enough, there was a room like a small theater where guests could sit comfortably before a stage with a single red couch prominently placed at the center. The only light in the room was focused on the couch, highlighting the action that would take place.

Julliesta asked Jaina what she thought about putting her passion before an audience. Jaina saw that question as bait, with the woman hoping Jaina would brag that it wasn't such a big deal. No doubt the woman would pressure Jaina to use the couch and prove she wasn't afraid. That might lead to people wondering why Jaina was so comfortable with her sex when she had been telling them she was rather new to this. Instead, she pretended to be surprised and even embarrassed as she asked if girls really had the courage to do this.

“I have seen several shows,” Julliesta said. “Are you interested in trying?”

“Me?” Jaina gasped. “No, this isn’t for me. I prefer my intimacy to be more private.”

“And what if your master wanted you to perform?” Julliesta pressed.

“Then I would tell her,” Alexandria quipped as she arrived behind them.

“Oh, are you going to ruin my fun again?” Julliesta pouted as the two women smiled while sizing one another up. “I swear you are stalking me.”

“I watch you because you like to play mind games with my girls. You also know that asking a girl to go to the stage isn't something a guest can do,” Alexandria replied. “And as she is new to the estate, you are hoping I haven't explained that to her so you can pressure her.”

“Ever the protective mother, watching over her girls,” Julliesta said as her tone changed. “But I know about your trouble and the people you angered. I wonder if they know you are here.”

“Not only do they know where I am, but all my debts are settled,” Alexandria growled as her eyes locked on the woman with a steely gaze. “And I have the protection of the local leadership, all the way up to Queen Gwen. Nobody can touch me here.”

“How long is this kingdom going to last?” Julliesta laughed. “Everything they do flies in the face of the north and has almost certainly drawn their attention. Frank and his wives are all monster players, and they welcome other monster players to come and cheat the respawn system. Hannah has even admitted before hundreds that she had once been a necromancer. Do you honestly think they are going to ignore this land for much longer?”

“Hannah was tricked into playing a necromancer and only for a few levels before she reset,” Alexandria snapped. “The crime was committed by the person who tricked her.”

“Ha, tell that to the paladins,” Julliesta countered. “Those zealous fools will burn this land to ash just to be sure.”

Jaina felt tense as the two women began a sparring match of veiled threats, all focusing on how short-lived Frank and Hannah's kingdom was going to be. To her surprise, Alexandria defended Frank and Hannah as if she were taking the remarks personally. She would not tolerate an insult hurled their way and boldly stated that both of them were more noble than any hero player she had known. Julliesta laughed and said she needed to be careful with her words, or she might end up in the same noose as her beloved prince and princess. Their sparring match looked like it would come to blows, so Jaina stepped in, speaking up to draw attention away from the fight.

“You don't really think all this will end?” Jaina said in a fearful voice. “This kingdom has been the happiest place I have ever played, and I love it here. I feel like I have finally found a home.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” Julliesta said with a shake of her head. “It's their fault. They shouldn't have played monsters if they wanted to run a kingdom.”

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard,” Alexandria balked. “What does it matter what they played? If people are happy with how they run things, who cares what they are?”

“Obviously, you didn't live through the chaos of the necromancer wars and the devastation caused by monster players,” Julliesta countered. “Let's just say people aren't going to give anyone the chance to recreate it. I don't see any way those two could hold on to this land if they don't take steps to protect themselves…”

Jaina watched intently as Julliesta cut herself off before she said something she didn't mean to. She suddenly took on a stone face as she held her tongue, refusing to continue the conversation. Instead, she changed back to the subject of Jaina taking the stage and insisted she had only meant to tease her about it and see how she responded.

Jaina was now intrigued about what was nearly said in the heat of the moment. It almost sounded like Julliesta was worried about what she assumed was coming. Jaina wanted to press her on it, but as one of the estate's whores it wasn't her place. Alexandria seemed to recognize the sudden retreat from the conflict and immediately returned to a civil tone, thanking her for understanding.

Julliesta turned to leave, and Jaina ran after her, falling in beside her, hoping for more.

“I don’t know that your master likes me playing with you,” Julliesta said in a dire tone. “Perhaps you should entertain another guest.”

“I know it isn’t my place, but what was that all about?” Jaina pressed. “I keep hearing how this kingdom isn’t going to last, and now people are attacking the harem girls.”

“You don't understand,” Julliesta sighed and looked away. “This kingdom is breaking all the rules put in place to protect us. If it were allowed to go on, it would become a real danger to the world.”

“By singing to people and treating them with love?” Jaina asked.

Julliesta stopped and looked around the hall before pulling Jaina into a side room. She shut and bolted the door, then leaned against it as she sighed.

“Look, what is the big difference between a hero player and a monster player?” Julliesta asked.

“You mean, aside from looking different?” Jaina asked.

“No, the fundamental difference that all monster players have,” Julliesta pressed. “Come on, you must have noticed it by now.”

Jaina looked confused as she tried to understand the question. She wasn't sure what the real difference was, except maybe the limits of how they respawned and how easily monster players could be reset. She admitted that she didn't know, so Julliesta explained.

“Hero players level up, but they never change. A high elf is a high elf from level one to level one thousand. They can create a home and place a few NPCs, but their power is fairly limited unless they specifically pick a rulership class like the local Queen Gwen.”

“Ok, so what are you getting at?” Jaina asked.

“Monster players aren't like that,” Julliesta insisted. “They evolve, always becoming something more dangerous than they were before. They also always have a lair option with their primary class and secondary class options that hero players can't access. These options allow them to build sprawling lairs that grow and evolve with them, allowing them to reach levels of power a hero player can only dream of. They have armies of deadly minions and access to a wealth system we hero players can't match.”

“What do you mean a wealth system?” Jaina asked, now truly lost. Julliesta explained that a monster player's minions were randomly spawned with incidental treasures. The monster player could collect these treasures, giving them easy and rapid access to wealth.

Jaina began to see genuine fear in the heart of Julliesta as she laid out how unbalanced monster players were. They had armies of minions, sprawling dungeons full of traps, and self-created wealth. They could easily upset the economy if they were allowed to enter the cities and put that wealth to work. Thankfully, they were so deeply tied to these lairs that leaving them was a massive risk. However, Prince Frank found a way to cheat that system.

“By creating the monster guild,” Jaina nodded.

“Exactly,” Julliesta replied. “Now his economy will swell with wealth and give him leverage against his neighbors. He has become a destabilizing force in the region that will bring punishment down on his head. It's why the North encourages people to treat monster players like cannon fodder. They want to keep their numbers and levels in check because they fear a land where monster players can operate in the open.”

Jaina could see her worries as she explained how the culture of resetting monster players had been carefully cultivated. Now Frank and Hannah were running their own kingdom and encouraging monster players to come and level up. It was an open act of defiance to the powers of the North, who worked diligently to prevent this very thing from happening. She was amazed it had gone on this long and wondered what the North was waiting for.

Jaina dared to ask if she believed the attack on the harem was some preliminary effort to wipe them out. Julliesta surprised her by resolutely saying no but then wouldn’t comment on it further. She was hiding something and carefully avoided saying anything that would give away even a hint of what that was.

“You should go,” Julliesta said as she opened the door. “I am sure your master will come to check on you if I keep you here any longer.”

Jaina wanted to press her, but Julliesta insisted they part company and Jaina entertain another guest. She nodded and wandered off, her mind spinning at what she had learned. Was this really the reason monster players were treated so badly? Were Frank and Hannah playing with fire by openly inviting monster players to level? She was truly upset by what she had learned, but the final comment interested her more. Julliesta was certain the harem attack wasn't part of some effort from the north but wasn't willing to discuss why she was so sure. It could only mean she knew why those attacks were happening, and if that was the case, she had to be involved.

With a sigh, Jaina smiled and entered one of the sweeping halls where guests mingled with the girls to flirt and select partners. She would play her role for now, but tonight, she would enter the dream and tell her masters all she had learned.

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