The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-22 A leopard can change its spots

Jaina was nervous as the first customer came to her room. The dance had been a huge success, nearly filling the much larger inn. Roric managed to find a group of five minstrels, and they readily accepted the terms, playing a much more elaborate song with erotic overtones. Jaina and Evalynn danced as twins, wearing the same outfit as they waved their arms in sultry motions. Coins had fallen at a near-constant rate with Gisley on hand to scoop them up and let them know when the next phase began.

Jaina and Evalynn stripped each other while sharing a few kisses as the crowd was first shocked and then went wild. The rules were posted on a sign, but it wasn't until the naked dancing and the first masturbation that people really were surprised. They did the first few alone, rubbing against one another for effect but soloing the rest. As the night went on, they began to touch one another until the women were full-blown, making love live on stage.

When the time finally came for the act to end, people were more than ready to pay for more. Still, the excitement felt different in this town, perhaps because so many people were strangers. She didn't know or fully understand, but somehow she felt nervous about tonight, a tension seemingly shared with the others. Chandice, in particular, was permanently red as Natalie lined up a few women to experience her services. She was grateful when Evalynn said she needed the collar back and could finally stop her unique service.

Now the door opened, and she looked into the face of the leopard men from the streets. He smiled at her with narrow yellow eyes as he shut the door and bolted it.

“So you jumped down to protect the whores when you are one yourself,” he laughed as he approached the bed.

Jaina realized that he was thinking of Evalynn, who threatened to skewer the man in the street. How it must delight him to believe he would get to fuck the woman who had earlier gotten in his way. His clothing started to peel off as Jaina sat on the bed naked and waiting for him to pounce. She felt even more nervous than he was here to prove that his words earlier were accurate. He called Jaina a slut slave, and here she was, looking forward to the sex. Was she actually a slut, or was it different because Roroc made her do it and charged for it?

“I hope you had a good laugh over that sleep spell,” he growled. “Because now I am going to make you pay for it.”

Jaina was upset by his comment, feeling that she shouldn’t have to give this fool anything, but something inside made her think again as she considered the man before her. She rose to her feet and strode right up to his chest to poke him with a finger as he recoiled slightly.

“Why would you want to make this a sour experience?” Jaina demanded. “I am here to provide you with wonderful sex, and all you can think to do is hurl insults?”

“You’re just a whore to be fucked,” he replied.

“I am a woman who has committed herself to make you happy for a little while. Now you can embrace that happiness and have a good time, or you can continue to be an ass about it, and I will give you what you want; empty, meaningless sex,” Jaina countered.

“Am I getting under your skin?” he laughed and took her arms.

“No, I am just sad that you’re going to miss out on the best sex of your life because you’re so insecure,” Jaina replied.

“Who are you calling insecure, you bitch!” he shouted and shoved at the bed.

“I am calling the man who can't approach a woman without behaving like an asshole,” Jaina replied as she folded her arms. “You feel a need to treat them like dirt and put them beneath you, all the while desperate for their touch. Well, I am here, and I won't deny you. So why do you have to be so mean about it?”

“I didn't pay for a lecture,” he growled, but Jaina stood back up and looked directly into his eyes.

“No, you paid for a good time. Now, soften up just a little bit and let me give it to you. Whatever is driving you to be so aggressive is a massive turn-off. If you can just get past it, I won't only give you an experience to remember, but we can be friends. I will talk to you in the streets, and we can reminisce about our encounters while planning the next one.” He went to say something, but she put two fingers to his lips and shushed him. “Don't you want to be our friends?” Jaina asked. “Don't you want to see our smiling faces when you say hello, and we all wave back and blow kisses?”

Her words were honeyed on purpose as she used a skill she hadn't needed before.

[lvl 7 Seductress skill: Sway opinion] With the bat of an eye or the flick of a hand, you can sway someone's opinion of you positively or negatively. Opinion change only lasts one hour. Doesn't work on already hostile or attacking targets.

“I,” he began as something changed in his eyes. He looked away as if lost in thought, so Jaina took the initiative.

“My name is Jaina,” she said and ran a hand up his chest. “May I know who you are?”

“Sergius,” he replied and looked back at her.

“Well, Sergius,” Jaina said with a smile. “I am very much looking forward to making love to you. Why don't you lay back and let me do all the work? I want it to be slow and passionate, so we can say that we are lovers when you leave here.”

He nodded, and they slowly changed places, with Sergius sitting back on the bed. Jaina dropped to her knees before him and ran a hand up his thighs while smiling. He watched intently as she grabbed hold of his sheath and started to stroke, working a dark veiny cock free and into her mouth.

He moaned as Jaina's elven lips did all the work, sucking at his tender flesh. Quickly he hardened into the tall, fleshy shaft that Jaina lavished with attention. She wanted him to see that approaching a woman with a bit of respect and kindness could be very, very rewarding.

He leaned back, with eyes shut as she sucked at him hungrily, determined to give him all the pleasure she could. Then, with her head bobbing up and down, she put the collar's power to use and pressed him deep into her throat. He shook at how deeply she was going and began to squeeze the blankets as she forced him to endure it.

To be sure he didn't cum before she was done with him, she activated prolong and then went to work, driving him wild. He moaned and thrashed as she knew his body was rapidly getting close to the desired outcome. Too bad her skills would keep him teetering on the edge, unable to finish until she took pity on him. With a hand gently playing with his balls, she moaned on his cock, sucking as her tongue danced over the surface. The oral mastery skill enhanced his sensation, making him feel every gentle caress. She tasted that warm flesh as it filled her mouth and reached deep into her throat. It was impressive how long these beast-men could be, that sheath hiding such delightful treasure. She kept on going for several minutes until he started to rock, his body trapped on the very edge of release. She felt the need to reward him, so she pressed down until her lips were touching the knot and released her prolong.

He put a hand to the back of her head, pressing her firmly to his knot until she worried it might actually slip into her mouth. His cock throbbed, but it was so far down her throat she tasted nothing. Instead, it went directly into her stomach, giving her a warm meal. She stroked the knot with a hand to encourage him to empty out, then firmly sucked her way back up until the tip came out, trailing a little string of sticky cum. She licked that off as he stared at her with a broad smile.

“See what you were going to miss?” Jaina asked in Evalynn's voice as she kissed the side of his spent cock. “I want to show you some more,” Jaina whispered as she stroked his cock. “Now relax, and let me get you ready again.”

He nodded and put his head back, laying flat out on the bed as Jaina smiled. She had a skill she didn't make us of often, but she would make an exception in this case.

[lvl 10 seductress skill: Stimulate] By using her lips, the seductress can remove the exhaustion effect from a target by gently sucking them. They can also restore a sex partner to full readiness even after an orgasm.

She closed her eyes as her tender lips roved over the head of his cock. The tip of her tongue teased the flesh as she let out a long purring moan. Despite having just spent his energy, the cock began to throb, quickly hardening as if she hadn't yet touched him. She gave it a few good strokes to test its readiness, then with a smile, she crawled into bed and hovered over him. Her lips went to kiss his animal face, but he turned his head away as if afraid.

“Is something wrong?” Jaina asked.

“You were just sucking my cock,” he said.

“Oh, you don't want to kiss the mouth that was just between your legs,” Jaina said with a nod. “Well, I have something to show you, but I need you to spit on me.”

“Why?” he asked with a funny expression.

“Just spit on my cheek. I promise I won’t be offended,” Jaina assured him.

He did as she instructed as she felt the wet splash that started to slide down her face. She made sure he was watching her closely when she activated cleanse, and suddenly the spittle was gone.

“How did you do that?” he said in surprise.

“I am a sex slave,” Jaina replied and tapped his chin. “I have a skill called cleanse that allows me to instantly clean my body as if I had taken a good long bath. Inside and out, I am now cleaner than I was before we even started.”

“That seems like a useful skill,” he replied as she traced her nose over his.

“I think so,” Jaina said. “But the real question is, does that settle your mind enough to kiss me?”

He nodded as she cupped his cheeks and pressed her open lips to his, welcoming that long wet tongue into her mouth. They kissed for several long minutes before she reached back and grabbed for his cock. She guided him into place, feeling that firm bestial tip sliding into her waiting folds. Then, with a slight rock of her hips, she helped work him in deeper, stroking the base as her body hungered for more.

His hands came to her body, cupping her rear and holding the small her back. His embrace was warm and tender as he looked away, almost as if in shame. Jaina began to roll her body so that her hips gently rode his body as she kissed along that cat-like face.

“Make love to me,” Jaina whispered and laid her head on his shoulder as he started to thrust into her rolling motion. “That's it,” she breathed softly. “I am your woman now, treat me with love, and I will come running back for more.”

“But you’re a prostitute,” he whispered back.

“That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate your love,” Jaina said and writhed on his cock. “I know you have to pay money, but I still look forward to seeing your face and knowing your touch. I like repeat customers so I can build a relationship and smile when we see each other.”

“And what about your master?” he asked.

“Roric will always come first,” Jaina said and tapped his nose. “But he encourages us to love our customers and treat them all like boyfriends. So if you will let me, I will love you like this all the time.” She finished her point by laying her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes as the gentle thrusting continued.

She started to moan as the collar drove her toward an orgasm, even at the gentle pace. When it came, she clung to his chest even as he tightened his arms to hold her steady.

“Oh, Sergius!” she cried as her body shook. “Baby, take me! Make love to your girlfriend.”

He groaned as she thrashed in the release, his hand cupping her rear tightly. With every pass, his thrusts were becoming more hungry, and she knew he wanted to cum. She was having so much fun soothing this savage beast that she wanted to share a little secret to make the moment special. Slowly she leaned up, pushing firmly on his knot until he looked up at her ample chest bouncing as she rode him.

“I want to share a secret with you,” Jaina said. “Something special for you and me.”

“What is it?” he asked.

Jaina smiled and let her appearance change back even while his cock was still inside her. His eyes widened at the sudden transformation, and she smiled down before explaining. She told him all about her race and how the real elven woman was named Evalynn. She and Jaina liked to dance as twins to rile up the audience and ensure a good turnout for sex afterward.

“You two were very hot,” Sergius said.

“I bet we were, but I want to make you a special offer,” Jaina replied. “I will be any woman you want me to be. Just tell me what you like, and I will change to suit you.”

“Anyone I want?” he asked.

“Anyone, Jaina replied. “If you desire a particular woman around town, tell me who she is. I can copy any person I touch for a short while, so I will go touch her and take her form for you tomorrow night.”

“You will do that for me?” he asked.

“I will,” Jaina replied. “Provided you do one thing for me.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Tell me you love me,” Jaina replied. “And when we see each other on the streets, take my hand and give me a kiss before telling me again.”

“I don’t know if I could do that in front of your master,” Sergius said.

“So long as you fully understand I belong to Roric and that I will never leave him, you can be one of my boyfriends. I can’t give you sex unless you pay Roric first, but we can still talk and flirt like any couple would.”

“But we’re not really a couple,” he sighed.

“Oh, don't be sad,” Jaina urged as she rocked on his cock, feeling another orgasm building. “I know we can't have a full relationship, but I am happy to fill in while you look for one.”

“I'm not very good with the girls,” he admitted. “You were right. I say stupid things to them.”

“Well, if I may be so bold as to say so, I think you just lack experience,” Jaina said. “When you came off so nasty in the street, I knew you had to be one to two types of guy. The first type treats women like dirt and has no use for them outside of sex. The other type is the one that feels safer keeping women at a distance. I thought maybe you were acting like that to look big in front of your friends. That type usually means you just don't know how to confidently approach a woman you're attracted to.”

“Why are you so nice?” he asked as she closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as her second slow orgasm came close.

“I came here to be Roric's pet and share my love with whoever he tells me to,” Jaina moaned while digging her hands into his fur and laying back on his chest. “I love what I do, so why not be nice about it?” She buried her face in his fur as the orgasm came racing out, her body wet around his firm cock. She took a moment to breathe and clear her head before continuing her thought. “If you need advice about girls, I would be happy to talk to you.”

“So, not only will you act as my girlfriend, but you will help me find a real one,” he laughed.

“Only if you're nice to my sisters and me,” Jaina said with a smile.

“So, are all of you sex slaves?” he asked as he rubbed her back, his soft furry hands feeling like silk on her skin.

“Not all of us,” Jaina said in a pant. “The blond human woman is named Chandice. She’s my girlfriend.”

“Ha,” he laughed and shook his head. “So your master lets you have a girlfriend too?”

“She's special,” Jaina said with a smile. “And if you continue to be nice, I might just invite her to join us the next time we share our love.”

“I have never known a girl like you,” he said as his eyes narrowed in pleasure. “And you feel so good.”

Jaina rubbed her cheek on his shoulder before kissing his soft lips. “You still haven't told me. I want to hear it.”

“I love you,” he whispered as she rocked into his thrusting.

“Good, and until you find a girl to replace me, my sisters and I are all your girlfriends,” Jaina replied before moving to kiss him again. His arms went around her back as he picked up the pace, his hunger for her body ever-increasing.

“Make love to me!” Jaina cried as the power started to build rapidly. She felt that knot hitting her pussy and started to push back, hoping to get it inside. “Push hard. I want it inside!” Jaina cried as the thrusting became more intense. Sergius put his hands around her waist and pushed hard while pulling her down. Jaina pressed with all her might feeling the knot struggling to get inside.

[lvl 1 Sex Slave Skill: Accommodate] Your pussy and rectum can stretch without tearing, allowing you to accommodate even the largest lovers.

Her body responded to the need to open up, and with a desperate groan, she felt her pussy spread wide as he went in. It sucked closed around the base, trapping him as deep inside as possible.

“Now cum in me!” Jaina begged. “Fill me with your love!”

He moaned as his hands continued to hold her still while his hips worked in short deep thrusts. He didn't have as much movement with his knot inside, but the depth and force were more than enough. She had another orgasm as she cried out his name, begging him to finish and give her what she wanted.

With her head firmly on his chest, moaning in rapid pants, she finally felt him tremble, and then something warm flooded inside. He let out a long low growl while pushing deeply with all his might. She then felt her shared orgasm break loose, shaking her body with waves of built-up passion.

He returned to a slow, gentle thrust, breathing deeply as Jaina clung to him for safety. She had just made passionate love to a man who had called her a slut a little earlier. She wondered if it would change his opinion or would be back to normal after sway opinion wore off.

She lay snuggled in his arms for several long minutes as he said nothing and stroked her back. Eventually, her body gave way, and out came the shrunken knot, leaving her feeling empty inside. With a sigh, she rubbed her cheek on him again and thanked him for the sex.

“You promise you will come back?” she asked as she slowly got up.

“I will come back,” he said and looked a little lost. “I am sorry for what I said earlier.”

“Don't be,” Jaina said and helped him up. “You just needed to get to know me better, is all.”

“I know you really well now,” he laughed.

“Yes, you do,” she replied and kissed his nose. “Now, remember my offer. If there is any girl you want, just let me know. I will go touch her in some harmless way so I can copy here for you later.”

“So the copy is close?” he asked.

“It's exact down to every hair and mole,” Jaina said. “I will even be able to moan in her voice, and when I orgasm, my body will react the way hers would.”

“You really are something special,” he replied and took a deep breath. “Maybe I played the wrong class.”

“You are perfect the way you are,” she said and smiled wide as she reached down to stroke his soft cock. “Let me clean you up before you go.”

He nodded and closed his eyes as Jaina lowered her tender lips to suck his sex-soaked cock clean. She savored the flavor of their sex but stopped short of getting him hard again. She was sure people were waiting, and this session had gone on long enough. When he was dressed, she walked him to the door, kissing him the whole way and giving him one final promise that she would always be happy to see him. Then she took Evalynn’s form and waved him off before letting out a content sigh.

She could hear Evalynn moaning softly from the door as somebody else was pounding the sexy elf. Gisley was on hand to smile and ask her if she was ready for another, so Jaina nodded and went back to straighten the bed. She had eleven more that night, some quick and done, others wanting a little more love, but her mind kept going back to Sergius as she hoped he would come back often.

In the late hours of the night, she finally left the room to find a very pleased Evalynn naked and smiling as she talked to Gisley and Chandice.

“I can't believe how many women took up that offer,” Chandice said as her cheeks still glowed red. “Thank goodness you two needed the collar back, or it would have gone on all night.”

“Women have needs, too,” Jaina said with a smile. “And right now, I need that brutal master of ours to give me a good pounding.”

“Wasn’t all that enough?” Chandice asked.

“I don’t know if it could ever be enough,” Jaina said and took Chandice into her arms. “And I want to try your imps out one of these days soon.”

“How about I enchant the ropes to bind us together so we can kiss while the two imps take us?” Chandice asked.

“Perfect,” Jaina cooed. “But make sure the ropes hold us for at least a couple of hours.”

“I heard Roric say you were addicted to sex,” Chandice laughed. “I can see why he thinks that.”

“Speaking of Roric,” Evalynn interrupted. “I bet he made an impressive haul. This inn is much larger than the old one, and we nearly packed it. I bet word will spread, and tomorrow night it will be standing room only.”

“I know there was over a thousand gold just from the stage,” Gisley said. “And he only accepted offers of fifty or more.”

“Fifty?” Evalynn repeated and started to count. “But I slept with twelve men.”

“So did I,” Jaina said.

“That means he made another twelve-hundred gold just from sex, not to mention what Chandice made,” Evalynn added.

“I only made a hundred and sixty,” Chandice replied. “And he is letting me keep half of it.”

“Oh good, you can afford to buy me gifts,” Jaina said.

“Oh, I have some gifts in mind for you,” Chandice said with a sultry smile. “I already spoke to Roric about it. He said I could get them, and he would make you wear them.”

“Wear it?” Jaina asked. “What are you talking about?”

“You will see,” Chandice replied and turned to walk away. “Common, I am sure whatever woman he found to keep him entertained is worn out by now.”

They walked through the inn with Jaina and Evalynn fully naked arriving at the suite set aside for their personal use. A quick listen at the door was abruptly cut short when a red-faced barmaid stumbled out, still lacing her dress.

“How was it?” Jaina asked the startled woman.

“He's an animal!” the woman cried and hurried off as they tried not to laugh.

Inside the room was a grand space with a sitting area full of couches around a table and a private fireplace. There were bookshelves along one wall, and the back area of the room went up three steps to a massive bed against a tinted window. Roric was sitting on the bed naked as he watched his lovelies come in full of smiles. On the table along the wall was a pile of coins to rival anything they had before. There were also letters, as always, sorted into two-three piles with the middle pile pulled forward.

“So, how was your night?” Roric asked.

“Satisfying as always,” Jaina replied. “But I can't sleep until I see you take Chandice and Gisley.”

“Me?” Gisley cried in alarm.

“More like us,” Chandice snapped and turned on Jaina. “Why are you throwing us to the wolves?”

“Evalynn and I have had plenty of men tonight,” Jaina replied. “I just thought you two might be feeling the need.”

“Gisley will be busy later,” Roric interjected. “She gave me some of her dust, and I have convinced several patrons to purchase it and sprinkle it on their pillows. She will come to them tonight and ensure they have pleasant dreams.”

“So that means it's all poor Chandice,” Jaina laughed.

“On the contrary,” Roric said and held up a hand. “I want my sweet fairy angel first.”

Gisley smiled to be called a fairy angel and bashfully approached Roric before climbing over his waist as she straightened his cock beneath her. She lowered herself onto him with a musical moan, and they started to make passionate love while the others watched.

“Do you remember those three louts from the street earlier?” Evalynn asked as they watched the passionate sex.

“I sure do,” Jaina replied.

“Well, the dwarf and his gray buddy came to my room tonight,” Evalynn explained. “I had the dwarf eating out of my hand by the end, but the gray one was only interested in the sex.”

“His loss,” Jaina said and then explained that she had the other one with the leopard spots. He, too, had changed his tune by the end, and she expected to see a lot of him.

“Well, this is annoying,” Chandice groaned as she folded her arms. “Watching those two have sex is making me horny.”

Jaina and Evalynn smiled as they shared a glance and then pounced on the unsuspecting Chandice, carrying her to the couch. Chandice made love to twin elven beauties for the better part of an hour until Gisley cried out as Roric filled her body. Then they all crawled into bed together, and Chandice was given a turn at Jiana's master.

It was an unusual life full of sex and passion, but for the four girls in Roric's bed, it was all they ever wanted.



Extra content:   Character sheet.

Chandice Level 9 Human Enchanter Warlock

5 foot 8 inches tall, with long blond hair and amber eyes.

Armor level: None

Weapon Catagory: Light Caster

Weapon Proficiency: Dagger, staff, wand

Skill points max: 18 Remaining: 13

Earned Skills: 

Cleaning 15 

Cooking 12

Running 7

Bought Skills:


Trained Skills:

Womb curse

Skill powers:

Womb curse: Imp whore: A magical mark that flashes slowly when imps are nearby. Imps will be attracted to a woman wearing this mark and will try their best to have sex. The bearer of the mark will also see to be fucked by the imp, as sex with an imp will feel much better than normal. The mark lasts three days, but the timer resets every time an imp fucks her.

Equipment of note:

Backpack of deep pockets. Starter warlock staff. Starter warlock robes. Wand of oak (Enchanter spells cost 2% less to cast) three sets of ropes of binding. Three hand crafted rods of vibration.

[lvl 1 Enchanter skill: Enchantment] Place a temporary enchantment on an item to give it one of the following powers. Glow with light for 10 feet. Weigh 50% less to a max of 20lbs. Do slightly increased damage. Have slightly better chance to hit. Slightly improve armor.

[lvl 1 Warlock skill: Firebolt] Fire a small flaming projectile to strike a single target for moderate damage. 30 meter range.

[lvl 1 general magic: Transformation] with a flare of magic you change outfits from common to your armor or robe.

[lvl 2 Enchanter skill: detect enchantment] You can detect and determine the nature of any common enchantment. Either through the use of a spell or by summoning a mirror of identification. Larger items require the use of the wand and a cerimony to unravel their secretes. Extremely powerful items, artifacts, or items with intentionally hidden powers, require higher level detection skills.

[lvl 2 Warlock skill: Dark Protection] Encase yourself in armor of shadows, granting 10 additional armor.

[lvl 3 Enchanter skill: Enchantment of Combining] Allows you to add low level magical enchantment tokens to player items and equipment.

[lvl 3 Warlock skill: Wave of fire] Creates a curtain of flames that starts just before the warlock and rushes out for twelve feet in a narrow cone. Deals fire damage to all creatures struck by the wave.

[lvl 4 Enchanter skill: animate object] You can animate one mundane object to perform a simple task for one hour. A broom could sweep a floor. A spoon stir a pot, or a door open when somebody approaches. The task must be very simple and the item non magical.

[lvl 4 Warlock skill: Curse of rotting] Lowers a targets armor class by 10 points. Increases by 2 points per skill point spent.

[lvl 5 Enchanter skill: Nystrah’s basic enchantments] You can with the proper materials create the full range of basic enchantments on weapons and items. You can summon a book that details the hundreds of possible enchantments and their requirements.

[lvl 5 Warlock Skill: Basic summoning] [Boosted 5] Summon an imp from the hells or a Grakkin from the abyss to fight by your side.

Authors note: Imps cast shadow bolts. Grakkin are dog like monsters that act as melee attackers.

[lvl 5 general magic: Recall] Mark an item with a magical word then speak that word to call the item to your hand.

[lvl 6 Enchanter skill: See magic] You can see magical effect woven into an area. Such as magical light, traps, detection's etc. You can only discern basic details about the magic.

[Lvl 6 Warlock trained Skill: Womb curse] You place a magical mark on a woman’s body right below their belly button. Effects vary based on curses known.

[Lvl 7 Warlock skill: Tendrils of the void] A mass of demonic tendrils rise out of the floor the grasp and batter anything they can reach. The spell will slow and hinder the movement of medium or smaller creatures while doing slight damage to them.

[lvl 8 Enchanter skill: Mana winds] Bless a target with a flow of mana from the magic winds, causing any magical poor to recover at five times the normal rate for one full minute.

[Lvl 9 Warlock skill: Curse of corruption] Drain the targets strength, lowing damage dealt while also causing a slow damage over time.

[lvl 9 Enchanter skill: Dancing Weapon] Enchant a small weapon with animated life to attack nearby threats. Effect lasts for one minute and then the weapon breaks down into dust unless it is magically shielded or player bound.

[lvl 10 Warlock skill: Summon minor devil] Calls a Galastru devil from the hells to serve as your pet until you release it. (fighter)

[lvl 10 Warlock skill: Summon minor demon] Calls a Cirrithon demon from the abyss to serve as your pet. (Rogue)

[lvl 23 Warlock skill: Soul binding] Binds a players soul to a crystal that become one of their respawn points. Can have one additional crystal per 5 skill points.

[lvl 30 Waerlock skill: Summon succubus]

[lvl 30 Enchanter skill: Transfer magic] You can move a magical enchantment from one item to another, but the first item is destroyed in the process.

Known motivations or important character notes:

Chandice is a traditional pen and paper style role player who came to New Eden intentionally to seek out sexual thrills. She choose the warlock because of its ability to summon the succubus at level 30 and is looking forward to owning her own magic shop one day.

Bisexual, Jaina’s girlfriend. Roric’s lover. Prefers long range combat, doesn’t like tight spaces, panics easily under pressure. Worries her relationship with Jaina isn’t genuine.

2 deaths. Still afraid to die.


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