The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-24 Hard and Fast

Jaina tried not to laugh as Gisley paced the room nervously, knowing that Roric was even now picking the man who would fuck her. She looked so sweet in her white dress and stockings, so much so that Jaina recommended she keep them on. Her sweetness was her draw, and men loved innocent girls who came off as pure or untouched. Jaina herself was changed to look like Evalynn as they danced with each other to rile the crowd up. However, she put on her red outfit after the dance and now stood in her dark thigh-high stockings, looking ready to fuck.

“I'm so nervous,” Gisley said as she looked at Jaina. “How do you manage the stress?”

“What's there to be stressed about?” Jaina asked. “You have had sex with me, Roric, Evalynn, and several people in the dream now.”

“But those were dreams,” Gisley insisted. “When they wake up, they assume it wasn't real. This person is going to know he had me for real.”

“And that's fine,” Jaina said. “Lots of people have had me for real, and they are wonderful about it. You saw the flowers I got today.”

“Yeah,” Gisley said and looked down. “I guess I am overreacting.”

“You are just nervous because it's your first time using your actual body to have sex with a stranger,” Jaina replied and took the nervous woman into her arms. “If it helps, I will make love to him with you.”

“Maybe,” Gisley said and twitched nervously.

“You know what might help,” Jaina said as she thought about it. “”Make it quick so it's over before you can think about it. Put your hands against the wall and offer them your little rear. Don't even look at their faces. Just let them grab your hips and take what they want.”

“Just like that?” Gisley asked.

“After a few men, you will be over your fear of having sex, and then you can start to play a little,” Jaina said.

“I'm not afraid of having sex. I am just afraid of having it with everyone,” Gisley countered.

“Sweetheart, you're an even better prostitute than me. I am good at luring men into the bedroom, but you are better once they are here,” Jaina pointed out. “Once a man has sampled your skills, he will be hooked, and I can assure you many will come back to have you again. You're going to be quite popular.”

“So I should just get it over with?” Gisley asked.

“You should enjoy it,” Jaina encouraged. “Like I said, once you have had a few, it will become easy, and you will look forward to it. For right now, close your eyes and say to yourself that you are doing this for your master. It isn't because you have a wasted class you want to put to use, but that thought out of your head. You are doing this right now because Roric wants you to, and you want to please him.”

“I want to please Roric,” Gisley repeated.

“Good, now feel that tension stirring inside as your fear mixes with your arousal and fills your stomach with butterflies. That's how you want to feel and always want to be,” Jaina added.

“I feel it, but I am still nervous,” Gisley said.

“You know what, let's make this easier,” Jaina replied and took Gisley to the wall beside the bed. She took the woman's hands, planted them against the wall, and then kicked her legs apart.

“Now, you stay exactly like that,” Jaina said. “I am going out and ask Roric to send two men in, one for you and one for me. I will stand next to you on the wall holding your hand, and we will keep our eyes closed as the men fuck us.”

“Ok,” Gisley agreed.

“And when they are done, Roric will send in more, and all you and I will do is stand here, holding hand and kiss after each man.”

Gisley nodded, so Jaina told her to stay right where she was and went out of the room. She found Roric organizing a list of men and starting to line them up in the hall. She asked if he had one picked out for Gisley yet, and he admitted he hadn't found one because most of the men wanted one of the two elves who were dancing.

Jaina understood but asked for permission to address the crowd. Roric told her to go ahead, so she turned to the men and announced that they had a brand new girl who needed breaking in. It was the purple girl in the lovely white dress they saw on stage collecting the coins. This was her first night as a prostitute, and she was very nervous. They needed volunteers to go in, grab her by the hips and get the job done as quickly as possible. Jaina explained that Gisley was to lean against the wall and let the men do what they wanted without trying to be too fancy. She also explained that she would be in the room right beside her, doing the same thing.

A dozen men volunteered to give Gisley a run, so Jaina told Roric to select six and send them in one after the other. When Gisley was done, she could give her collar to Evalynn, and then they could continue as normal.

Roric agreed, and by the time Jaina reached the room, two men were following her in.

“Close your eyes and face the wall,” Jaina commanded as she came in. She smiled at the men and took her place beside Gisley, shaking her rear to entice them. A tall elf with pale skin took his place behind Jaina while a bald human-looking man with bluish skin and four arms went to Gisley. Jaina watched as the man wrapped two arms around her chest and grabbed at those full breasts. The other two lifted the white dress and exposed Gisley's tender rear. Gisley was breathing heavily as her legs shook, but the man paid it no mind and reached below to guide himself in, her wet pussy offering no resistance.

The slapping started as the man began to fuck the little fairy, even as Jaina's partner pushed his way in. Jaina put her hand over Gisley's and squeezed as both women were taken from behind. They bounced with every thrust, moaning and rolling hips as the men took what they wanted. Gisley's man began to groan almost instantly as she twisted and rolled, putting her prostitute skills to work. By the time Jaina was close to her first orgasm, Gisley was already having one, dancing on her toes as the fucking went on. The man took that as a sign to go faster, so he lunged into Gisley's body, thrusting rapidly as she started to cry out. She writhed again, and the man moaned about how good she was before coming to a powerful finish. Gisley cried out again as she shared his orgasm, her body shaking from the brief but powerful sex. He quickly stepped away and pulled up his pants just as Jaina had her first orgasm.

She moaned as the man behind her hammered away, even as a second man took his place behind Gisley. Like the first, he went right to work, getting himself into that ever-wet pussy. Gisley let out a musical gasp but kept her eyes shut as he took firm hold of her waist. Then they were fully engrossed as Jaina went back to concentrating on her own body. Her orgasm came like a tidal wave, shaking her body even as the thrusting went on. She relished the moment and smiled wide as Gisley had another orgasm beside her. She was almost jealous of the little fairy and how fast they were coming. Then the man behind her moaned and thrust in, emptying his body inside her. Shared orgasm caused her to cry out as her whole body bounced in his deep lunges. Then he kissed her shoulder and stepped away even as Gisley shared the orgasm with her customer.

Both men left and were replaced by two more, each grabbing a woman and getting the job done. Jaina tried hard to keep count as the men came in to use them, but it was clear Gisley was finishing almost two to her one. More so, the men were calling her things like amazing and an angel, often panting like they had just run a marathon as they left. Before long, Jaina was sure Gisley was on her eighth man, and she wondered if perhaps Roric had lost track. When her client was finished, she stumbled out of the room into the hall to ask Roric if he was aware he had sent too many.

“People coming out keep talking about how good she feels, so more keep asking if they can have her,” Roric explained.

“I see,” Jaina replied and looked down the line to see Sergius. “I have an idea,” she said and looked around for Evalynn to see her waiting with a bored expression. “Let me give Evalynn my collar, and she can take my place, then keep sending them in.

“And what are you going to do?” Roric asked.

“Well, I see one of my boyfriends in line, and I have something to tell him. So, I will take him into the other room for a private session,” she offered.

“Whatever you want to do,” Roric said, and Jaina quickly took off her collar. She handed it to Evalynn while explaining what was going on, then sent her in to take her place. Then she walked down the line to Sergius and pulled him out with a broad smile.

“You and I are going to spend some time alone,” she said with a broad smile.

“You look amazing in that dress,” he said as his eyes looked her up and down.

“I am glad you like it. Now common, we need to talk,” Jaina said and pulled him through a door before shutting it tight. She then had another thought and told him to wait while she ran into the hall to tell Roric something. She was back in a flash and quickly walked to the leopard man to start unbuttoning his shirt.

“So did you manage to touch her?” he asked as Jaina looked up and nodded. A moment later, her form blurred and then coalesced into the elf woman Sathalis.

“I can’t believe it,” he said in a gasp. “You look just like her.”

“I sound like her too,” Jaina said in the woman’s voice. “And when we make love, every touch and caress will be just like it would with her.”

“I almost feel dirty doing this,” he replied nervously. “I really like her, and this almost feels disrespectful.”

“Or, you could use this as a learning experience,” Jaina offered.

“How do you mean?” he asked.

“Well, since my body is hers, I will feel things like she would. So you can take this time to learn how to please her, then when you have the real one, you will be able to sweep her away with your sexual prowess,” Jaina offered as his shirt came away.

“You are the most amazing woman I have ever met,” he said.

“That’s only because you haven’t met Gisley yet,” Jaina laughed.

“Is she the purple one?” Sergius asked.,

“Uh-huh,” Jaina said and started on his belt. “And she is driving men wild in the next room.”

“I don’t know how you girls do this,” he said. “You are all so amazingly happy about it.”

“Why shouldn't we be?” Jaina laughed. “Look at how much it means to people like you and how a little sexy fun can change a whole perspective. I love making people happy with my gifts, and you shouldn't be ashamed to use them.”

“A lot of people look down on prostitutes as dirty,” he said while she yanked his pants away.

“A lot of people are stupid,” Jaina replied. “And the funny part is the ones who complain the loudest about prostitutes are usually the ones who need us most.”

“I can’t argue with that,” he said and scratched his head nervously. “I sure needed you.”

“And speaking of that,” Jaina said as she finally took hold of his sheath. “You have a date tomorrow.”

“I have a what?” he asked.

Jaina explained how she arranged a date with Sathalis at the honey bee when the sun reached dusk. She also told him how she convinced the woman to give him another chance, sighting how much he had changed.

“You managed all that?” he asked as she started to lick his swelling cock.

“Are you impressed?” she asked and looked up.

“I really should have gotten you more flowers,” he laughed.

“What you need to do is fuck this body and learn how it needs to be touched,” Jaina cooed. “Then, when you get Sathilis into bed, you can sweep her off her feet. But you have to come tell me all about it afterward.”

“You are the best girlfriend ever,” he moaned as she started to fondle his balls while sucking at the tip. They made love in a dozen positions for the next half hour as Jaina told him what felt best and recommended how hard or fast he should be. When they were settling in with Jaina riding astride his waist, there was a knock on the door, followed by a woman's voice.

“Who is that?” Sergius asked as Jaina smiled.

“Come in, Chandice,” Jaina called and then looked back to Sergius as the blond-haired woman came in.

“Oh, you’re busy, that is you, right? Roric said you wanted to ask me something,” Chandice said.

“It's me, and I did,” Jaina said as she rocked on his firm cock. “I wanted to know if you would help me make love to my boyfriend.”

“Oh,” Chandice said and shut the door. She looked at Sergius with a hungry gaze and smiled. “I suppose I could be persuaded to help.”

“She really likes beastmen,” Jaina said to Sergius as Chandice approached the bed while unlacing her dress.

“Get off of that,” Chandice urged and swatted Jaina’s rear. “I want it.”

“You see how bossy my girlfriend is?” Jaina asked and climbed off as Chandice discarded her dress and immediately fell on Sergius's cock, sucking their sex off.

“You two are amazing,” Sergius cried as Jaina hovered over his face. He reached up and grabbed her hips, bringing her down where he could feast on her luscious flesh. They made love for another hour, finishing with him watching as Jaina and Chandice loved one another. They then lay in bed together as Jaina told Chandice all about Sergius's date tomorrow.

“You should tell her you are grateful she gave you another chance,” Chandice said after hearing all the details. She was lying on his chest, playing with his fur as he rubbed her back. Jaina was snuggled into the other side, resting gently from all the sex.

“What if I say something stupid again?” he asked.

“If she reacts badly, you have to say you're sorry and admit that you're not very good at this, but you are trying to change,” Chandice replied. “Then say something sweet like you want to change because you want to be worthy of her. That should soften her up enough to forgive you.”

“See, I would never have thought to say something like that,” he admitted.

“The key is to sound sincere,” Chandice pointed out. “If you say something like that, but it's obvious you don't mean it, she will react even more harshly.”

“He does mean it, though,” Jaina said in a soft voice as if she was close to sleep. “He wants to change for her because he loves her.”

“Then he should have no trouble,” Chandice agreed. “Just be upfront and honest. If you can’t think of anything to say, be honest about that too. Tell her that she means so much to you that you are afraid to say anything for fear you will say something stupid. That should encourage her to start trying to draw you out, and she will do more of the work.”

“And you can always ask her about herself,” Jaina said. “Ask her why she came to New Eden or what was the strangest class she was thinking of playing. Have fun with the questions and enjoy the moment.”

“Thank you,” he sighed. “It's funny to think I am so awkward with girls, and I am finally getting advice from the two I just slept with.”

“A little experience goes a long way,” Chandice said with a shrug. “A lot of guys change after a few encounters.”

“Sex is good for boys. It turns them into men,” Jaina agreed. “And Sergius is all man now. He is ready to take on the world.”

“Let's not get ahead of ourselves,” he laughed and stroked Jaina's head. “What if she falls in love with me? Do I have to give you up?”

“Yes, unless she's into girls and wants to share,” Jaina said. “Besides, you won't need me once you have her.”

“Oh, and don't tell her about this,” Chandice laughed. “Not until you have been together a long time, and you know she will laugh to hear it.”

“I kinda like how you two work. Do you think she would like a girlfriend of her own?” Sergius said.

“You will find out if she's open to that as you two progress,” Chandice said. “That's not good material for a conversation on a first date. That kind of thing only comes up after you have had sex a few times.”

“Then you can ask her if she is interested in women,” Jaina said. “If she says yes and you're sure you are ok with it, then you encourage her to have a girlfriend if she wants one.”

“But don't just assume you get to have sex with her too,” Chandice added. “Some women like to keep their boyfriends and girlfriends separate. The best thing you can do is offer to take them both on special dates and enjoy something together. If the girlfriend warms up to you, or the mood strikes, you might just get your wish.”

“I don't know how to thank you two,” he said and hugged them. “You have helped me understand.”

“I feel like you thanked me already,” Jaina said and wiggled her hips. “I am still full of your seed.”

“I thought I licked all that out?” Chandice said and looked up.

“Nope,” Jaina replied with a smile. “I can still feel some in my tummy.”

“The way you two openly talk about sex blows my mind,” he laughed.

“That's because we're adults, and we know what we want,” Chandice said. “Also were behind closed doors in bed after an hour of sex. There isn't much reason to be all guarded and reserved now.”

“I like talking about sex,” Jaina said.

“That’s because you really are a whore,” Chandice laughed.

“I know,” Jaina replied honestly. “And I always will be.”

“My girlfriend,” Chandice said with a shake of her head. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Theirs always chastity?” Jaina replied.

“I could do that, but then Roric would demand I take your place,” Chandice said and reached over to swat Jaina’s rear.

“I wonder how Gisley is doing?” Jaina said and looked up. “She was only supposed to do a couple, but she had done eight already by the time I left.”

“I am pretty sure she was in the room still when I spoke to Roric, and there were another thirty men in the hall waiting,” Chandice said.

“Goodness, you didn’t show up until an hour after I got here,” Jaina said in alarm. “They were only taking three to five minutes each. She could have been through twenty more men by then.”

“And twenty more by now,” Chandice added.

“Oh, I hope she’s alright,” Jaina said in concern. “She was so nervous. Maybe I should go check on her.”

“Go ahead. I will keep your boyfriend entertained,” Chandice urged.

Jaina nodded and got out of bed, going out into the hall. She found the line was gone, and Evalynn was helping Roric shove coins into a bag of deep pockets.

“Where is Gisley?” Jaina asked, drawing looks from the two.

“She is in the room straitening the bed,” Evalynn replied.

“Was she in there the whole time?” Jaina asked as she went to the door.

“She was, and she took her pounding like a true woman,” Evalynn replied. “I never saw a woman so happy to be having sex.”

Jaina raised a brow and opened the door to see Gisley bent over as she tucked the covers like an expert. She was out of her dress so that only her lace stocking and belt showed, making it easy to see her little butterfly plug. Jaina crept up as slowly as she could, and before Gisley noticed, she grabbed the plug and pulled.

Gisley stood straight up as her hands clapped over her rear. She let out a shrill squeal that sounded part excitement and part sexual thrill.

“Jaina, you scared me!” Gisley cried when she turned around.

“Well, what happened to miss nervous?” Jaina asked.

Gisley smiled and looked bashful as Jaina took her into her arms.

“I am so proud of you,” Jaina said and rubbed her back. “You did such a good job.”

“Roric said I can do it every night,” Gisley said as she closed her eyes to be rubbed. “Oh, you should have seen how nice the customers were. Some of them even gave me a tip.”

“A tip?” Jaina laughed. “Now I feel jealous. I have never gotten a tip.”

“It was so much fun, and I had so many orgasms I had to move because the floor was too wet,” Gisley said.

Jaina struggled not to laugh as Gisley described how the different men felt and how much she liked some of them. She then looked at Jaina and asked her when she snuck out of the room. Jaina explained that Roric was only supposed to send six customers in, so when number eight arrived, she went to find out why.

“Oh, I was doing too good a job,” Gisley said and looked bashful again. “But I can't help it. Nearly all my skills make sex feel good for my partner.”

“And you should always use your skills to make them happy unless the customer is a jackass, then don't give them anything. Let them do all the work and give them none of the treats,” Jaina recommended.

“All the people were really nice. A few of them said they loved me,” Gisley said.

“I am sure there will be a lot more of those in your future,” Jaina added and then reached down to pick the girl up. She held her in her arms and snuggled her tight while carrying her into the hall to tell Roric she was done. Roric was just packing up to head to the room, so he took Gisley while Jaina went to collect Chandice.

She returned to Sergius and told him they were going to bed with Roric as she took Chandice from his arms. She gave him one final kiss and wished him luck on his date, then helped Chandice dress before heading up to find the others.

When they arrived, Gisley was still talking excitedly about all her sex, asking if maybe she could suck a few next time.

“Next time, you can do whatever you want,” Roric said as he poured the night's coins onto a table to sort.

“So, how many men did you send to our poor fairy?” Jaina asked as she and Chandice sat on the bed.

“A lot,” Roric said. “Every man who came out of that room swore Gisley was the best fuck they had ever had.”

“I had moments where I didn't have anyone who wanted me,” Evalynn laughed. “She went through three men before I had another.”

“I’m sorry,” Gisley replied and hid her face.

“Don’t be sorry,” Evalynn urged. “I loved watching them take you.”

“But how many was it?” Jaina asked.

Roric sat back and started to think about the numbers and pointed out that most of them were getting the job done and coming right back out. He then shrugged and suggested that it was somewhere close to sixty as Gisley squealed in shock.

“Sixty!” Jaina repeated in alarm.

“At ten gold a pop,” Roric said.

“You made six hundred gold off her in one night?” Jaina asked in disbelief.

“Six hundred from her, nearly five hundred from Evalynn, plus the hundred you made, oh and then there was nearly nine hundred from the dance, and another forty in tips,” Roric listed off.

“You made over two thousand again,” Jaina said in shock. “Roric, this is insane money at our level.”

“I know, and it worries me,” Roric said. “Word will get around that we have a lot of cash, and thieves will soon be looking for an easy score.”

“Wait, don’t you usually charge twenty gold for sex?” Chandice asked.

“I do,” Roric replied. “But I was encouraging them to be quick, so I thought the price should reflect how short a session they were getting.”

“Did you make anything tonight?” Jaina asked Chandice, who sighed and admitted that five women had come to be ravaged by imps. She was charging thirty gold a session, but they had a full thirty minutes of nonstop sex.

“So you made another hundred and fifty,” Jaina said and shook her head. “We are making money so fast it almost boggles the imagination.”

“We have over five thousand gold in our coffers,” Roric agreed. “I am going to put three thousand of it in the bank tomorrow, and then we are going on an adventure.”

“Oh, an adventure,” Jaina said and pulled Gisley over to sit in her lap.

“I am told there are some caves nearby with a decent assortment of monsters and loot,” Roric said. “I need to do some actual fighting to keep up.”

“Our poor master isn’t leveling as fast as his women,” Jaina laughed.

“I’m not leveling at all from it,” Chandice said. “I don’t get XP from sex like the rest of you.”

“You would if you wore a collar,” Jaina said as she snuggled Gisley tight.

“Well, unfortunately, your master doesn't have another one, and I am not going to compete for the two you have,” Chandice said. “Besides, I feel like I am having more than enough sex.”

“But if you wore a collar while tied up for your imps, you would earn a bunch of experience,” Evalynn said.

“Huh,” Chandice replied as she tapped afoot. “Do you get XP per partner?”

“The sex slave gets a slow trickle while having sex, and then a small boost when a partner finishes,” Jaina said.

“So if I spent an hour or two tied up with imps constantly changing places, I would get a decent amount,” Chandice surmised.

“It’s something to consider,” Jaina suggested as she reached between Gisley’s legs. “Are you swollen or sore after all those men?”

“I don’t think so,” Gisley said as Jaina tested her folds. She was encouraged to stand up and bend over so Jaina could make a closer inspection.

“She looks fine to me,” Chandice said as the two women began to pull at Gisley’s pussy.

“I guess that’s part of the collar,” Jaina said as she held the woman open. “It prevents the slave from getting sore so she can keep going.”

“I believe that's part of accommodate,” Roric added as he piled up brass coins.

Suddenly the words eat my pussy appeared and Gisley’s rear causing Chandice to glare at Jaina.

“And why are you triggering her ring?” Chandice demanded to know.

“What?” Jaina said with a broad smile. “I can't help it. I see this gooey fairy pussy, and I just want to eat it all up.”

“You are hopelessly addicted to pussy,” Chandice scolded as Jaina leaned forward to give Gisley some long slow licks.

“Since you are so wealthy, would it be alright if I got that gem from the raid identified?” Evalynn asked.

“The one with the funny symbol on it?” Jaina asked.

“Yes, those are usually magical upgrades that can be applied to armor or weapons,” Evalynn said and fished the coin-sized gem out of her pouch. “I would hate wasting a good upgrade by letting it languish in my pouch.”

“Well, give it here,” Chandice said as she got up. “I'm an enchanter, and I have a mirror of identification. Besides, my girlfriend appears to be busy.”

Evalynn handed the gem over as Chandice held it up to look it over. She then went to her pack and took nearly a minute to fish out a book-sized mirror with a highly decorative golden frame. She announced that this was a mirror of identification and could be used to determine the abilities of small common magical items. Large items or extremely powerful and rare things required a spell that took about five minutes to cast, and she didn't have access to it yet.

She set the mirror on the table and placed the gem in the middle before speaking aloud.

“Reveal the magic of this item.”

The mirror filled with lines and symbols as everyone leaned closer to see what it was doing. It pulsed with a soft light as the lines became worlds and Chandice smiled.

“It’s a gem of piercing,” she said and pointed to some runes. “It says it grants any piercing weapon a bonus to penetrate armor. I can probably add it to your glaive myself with a simple spell of combining.”

“Hmm,” Roric said and looked to Jaina. “What about your pearl?”

“My pearl? Jaina replied as she pulled away from Gisley’s body. “That wasn’t magical.”

“We don’t know that for sure,” Roric said. “Give it to Chandice and let her have a look.”

“I guess I'm done playing with you,” Jaina said and gave Gisley a final tease before going to one of Roric's pouches to get the pearl out. She handed it to Chandice, who placed it on the mirror and commanded it to reveal the magic. Once again, the mirror filled with lines and shapes before becoming a readable text.

“A bead of delight?” Chandice said as she looked at the description. “Attached to any jewelry, this item causes the wearer to orgasm whenever somebody masturbates while fantasizing about her.

“What?” Jaina said in shock. “They have sex-based magical items?”

“I had no idea the game world could generate them,” Chandice said in alarm. “I thought they had to be created.”

“It kind of makes sense,” Roric said. “The reward for a raid is tailored to every player. So why wouldn't a sex slave seductress get a sex-based reward?”

“We should attach it to her golden belly chain,” Chandice said and held the pearl up.

“I don't know,” Jaina said with some concern. “I have danced for thousands of people. What are the odds some man is out there is masturbating to the memory of one of my performances?”

“Let’s find out,” Chandice said with a big smile.

“I am interested in knowing this too,” Evalynn said as everyone looked at Jaina.

“Why don’t you wear it then,” Jaina suggested as Chandice approached with the pearl.

“Just pull up your dress and hold still. The spell is super easy to cast,” Chandice urged.

Jaina groaned and pulled her dress up enough to reveal the golden chain. Chandice took out her wand and then pressed the pearl against the chain. With a few simple words, she commanded the pearl to bind with it, causing the two to glow with a golden light. Then, suddenly the chain moved, and the pear was firmly attached.

“All done,” Chandice said and stepped back. “Feel anything?”

“No, and I am not looking forward to having phantom orgasms out of nowhere,” Jaina replied.

“Hmm, you would think with several hundred people watching her dance tonight while using arousal spells, at least one person would be jerking off to her,” Chandice suggested.

“People have better things to do than jerk off to….” Jaina said as her voice suddenly cracked, and her legs began to shake. She looked down as her body went wet with a release and a droplet landed by her foot.

“Ha! She’s having one right now,” Chandice laughed.

“What’s it feel like?” Gisley asked.

“It feels like an orgasm,” Jaina groaned. “Oh, why are people jerking off to me instead of coming for the real thing?”

“Money maybe,” Roric said with a shrug. “I think the average player in this area only makes twenty to thirty gold in a day of hunting and quests.”

Jaina cupped her hand over her wet pussy as another one suddenly rolled in, forcing her to smile. “Please tell me there is a maximum range on this!” she groaned.

“Umm,” Chandice began and looked into the mirror. “It says sixteen kilometers.”

“English, please!” Jaina growled.

“Oh, right, you're from America,” Chandice said and tapped a button to change the measuring system. “That's ten miles.”

“Ten miles!” Jaina groaned.

“That’s big enough to cover the whole town and the surrounding farms,” Roric said.

“Imagine how bad this will be once we reach the large cities with tens of thousands of players,” Evalynn said.

“Let’s imagine you wearing the chain,” Jaina groaned as she pulled her hand away to reveal sticky strands.

“I will get that,” Chandice said and dropped to her knees before Jaina. She licked Jaina's hands clean before leaning in to suck up the moisture between her legs. Jaina took a deep breath and smiled as Chandice's warm tongue collected every drop and left her clean again.

“Who said you could stop?” Jaina asked when Chandice pulled away.

“I’m sure another orgasm will be along shortly,” Chandice replied and kissed Jaina’s belly.

“Well, if you girls are done playing,” Roric interrupted as he got up from his chair. “I would like to satisfy my needs and then go to bed.”

“And which of your girls will take that bestial cock?” Jaina asked as the words fuck me appeared on her breasts.

“All of you,” he replied with a smile.

The next hour was spent with a row of beauties bent over the bed while Roric worked his way through them. Once his harem was suitably bred, he lay back with them all in his arms and went to sleep. Gisley ensured they spent the night in a pleasant dream, where the sex went on and on.

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