The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-37 I will never change

Jaina opened her eyes to discover she wasn't hanging anymore. She was lying on another woman's chest while another lay on her back. Yet another clung to her legs, and all around her were piles of sleeping women quietly holding one another.

She was back in the harem in the arms of her sisters, and she smiled while setting her head back on those warm breasts. She absentminded played with a pert nipple as she considered this life. It was absolutely filled with sex, and she had never felt so much like a slave girl before. She could lay here for the next hundred years, making love for Rajeen's enjoyment. It was a beautiful thing in many ways, but something was missing. The love only flowed from Rajeen, whereas the girls were just toys, doing as they were told. It was sex, given because it was expected and without deeper motive. Jaina wanted something more than sex which was easy to have. What she wanted was the love that drove her to it. She Thought of Evalynn and Gisley and how the two exuded love. Being in their arms felt right because she could see how much they cherished her attention. In a harem like Rajeen's, any girl would do for an orgasm, and deeper meaning was pointless. It was funny to find herself surrounded by all the sex she could ever want and yet not be satisfied.

She tried to work out why that was and could only come to one conclusion. It was Roric who made it all worth it. With him, it was never worthless sex. On the contrary, she was having sex for favor or money, always using her body to gain an advantage. With Rajeen it was pure entertainment. She simply wanted to keep girls as pets, leaving them to frolic in her little cage.

Cuddle piles began to shift as women woke up and started to play. Many spent their time quietly lying on laps or sharing gentle kisses as they enjoyed this unusual life. Jaina was rather touched to see how some women simply curled up with one another, sharing nothing more than their warmth. It looked loving, but somehow it still lacked deep meaning for Jaina.

She put the thought aside and looked around the room filled with dozens of beautiful women. They kissed, loved, and slept in each other's arms. Everywhere her eye went, she could see the curves of breasts and luscious rears. Even more, she could see moist pussies waiting to be feasted on. Jaina could smell the sweet scent of their sex in the air. Roric's words about how she loved pussy and desired to eat them came back to her with a pleasing smile. It was his wish that she eat all she could after all, so she sought out the closest one and descended on the poor woman.

Jaina tasted the sweet honey of a strange woman, who spread her legs wider with a moan. She thought of Rajeen's words that she would come to love women so much that she wouldn't want to be touched by a man. Even as she thought that two fingers went into her pussy, working at her as she continued to eat. It was easy to see why one might believe such a thing in the heat of passion like this. All girls loved sex, and in an environment like this, who needed a man? Still, Jaina loved the flavor of a freshly fucked pussy, the man's cum mixing with a woman's honey. As far as she was concerned, the two flavors belonged together, and it made her dream of eating Chandice after sex with Roric.

Her ideal harem would be full of girls like this, having sex with strangers for profit. Jaina would walk around the room and clean each girl up after her partner was done, savoring the flavor of their sex. Still, she did like the taste of pussy, and this girl was no exception. She brought her to orgasm twice, then planted a kiss on her belly before looking for another victim.

She found a zebra girl with soft striped fur who smiled as Jaina stalked in on her. However, the girl was just as hungry to eat a pussy, and as she lay back, Jaina sat astride her face. Jaina then feasted on that tender flower while her own was plundered, the two women locked in a circle of passion. Again this was nice, something she loved doing, but Roric allowed her to have all the meaningless sex she wanted. More, she was allowed to call men lovers and boyfriends, expressing some measure of attachment. She was allowed to have genuine feelings and long for their embraces. Here it was just sex, and she would likely never know this woman's name or anything more than the taste of her pussy.

For the next two hours, she satisfied her desires with a dozen women, eating each of them to several orgasms, all of which she shared. Her pussy was eaten several times as well, adding to her many orgasms. Eventually, she found herself lying on a pillow as a woman curled in her lap to suckle at her breast. She loved it when Gisley did this, curling in her arms to nurse like a child. It made her think of Rajeen and how the woman drank the tigress's milk. Jaina wondered how Rajeen had done it. As far as she knew, women couldn't get pregnant, but there were rumors it was possible. A few reddits had spoken about children being born, but they said it was impossible in the transition classes. She stroked the woman's hair, silently encouraging her to settle in and suck for as long as she wanted. She sighed and listened to the moans of a dozen women engaged in various acts of sex and passion. This was all they lived for, and as near as Jaina could tell, they enjoyed it.

An hour later, food was brought in and set on tables along the wall. It came in a wide variety of types, from simple fruit to roast meats, to candies and cake. Women gathered about the tables, picking at the food while rubbing against one another and squeezing a few rears. Jaina noticed that women were leaving the room, and when her partner moved on, she followed to see where they were going.

Jaina discovered additional rooms to the harem and doorways out to the inn itself. She explored a few of the harem rooms to discover a beautiful bath house. It was all white marble and carved stone, designed into a massive tub of steamy water. Women were making love here, kissing and rubbing while hands worked below the surface. A few were washing one another, using scented oils and soaps to glide across the skin like silk. A wide stairwell went up to a balcony garden where the girls could make love in the open air. It was full of benches and outdoor beds to give girls places for their lovemaking. Jaina also noticed that many of the rooms above looked down the gardens, allowing guests to watch the girls play.

Jaina found the gardens beautiful and decided to lay on a couch eating a piece of cake. A woman who walked by looked down and smiled at Jaina with a seductive grin. Jaina decided to entice her by using a finger to dab a bit of frosting and then rubbed it in her pussy. The woman took the hint and immediately went for Jaina's body, licking the sweet frosting away. Jaina moaned loudly and looked up to see several faces watching from the windows and decided they deserved to see a good orgasm. It only took the women a minute to bring Jaina to a throbbing finish, and she did so loudly so her audience could enjoy it.

They parted with a sexy kiss, and Jaina made her way back inside, where she was pleased to discover Rajeen was now on her throne. She made her way to her surrogate master and fell at her feet, silently begging for permission to go.

Rajeen made Jaina sit in her lap and share a long wet kiss as their breasts pressed together. Rajeen then said she was free to go but warned that she had allowed a rumor to spread. She wouldn't say anything more except that it would make men beg to be allowed to take her. She then began to finger Jaina while imploring her to give up men, offering her a permanent place in her harem. Jaina shook her head and closed her eyes while rolling her hips until she had a good wet orgasm for her mistress. They parted with a final kiss, and Jaina hurried off, her body on fire for the touch of a man.

“Oh, thank goodness,” Jaina cried when she was finally taken to his room and allowed in. Roric looked up with delight as she ran to his arms and threw herself into them. “I want to sleep here tonight!”

“We made a deal that you would be hers while we stayed here,” Roric replied. “I don't think she will accept such a change to the agreement.”

“I know, but I need you,” Jaina insisted. “I didn't think I would feel this way, but I can't stand being apart from you.”

“Jaina!” Gisley cried as she entered the room with Chandice and Evalynn. Gisley ran across the space and threw herself onto Jaina's back. She clung to Jaina tightly, pleading with her to stay.

“I wish I could,” Jaina said and turned around to cradle Gisley to her chest. “But I opened my stupid mouth and offered something I can't take back.”

“It wasn't stupid,” Chandice said as she and Evalynn joined the hug. “You bought us safety and extra benefits. You are still ours, and we should be able to quickly make all the money we need.”

“Speaking of that,” Jaina replied and wiggled to get up. She turned around so they could all see the soft green mark on her left cheek.

“What is that?” Roric asked as he leaned over to touch it.

“You have a tattoo?” Chandice asked.

“Not exactly,” Jaina said with gritted teeth.

“I want to know what that is and how you got it,” Roric demanded.

Jaina explained the whole story and the hours of sex leading up to being branded with Rajeen's mark. Obviously, Roric was upset, but she was more surprised at Chandice, who started to pace the room raging.

“We never agreed to let her brand Jaina!” Chadice yelled. “She knew Jaina wasn't staying; she had no right to do this.”

“No, she did not,” Roric agreed and stood up. “And I am going to talk to her about it.”

“Oh, please don't cause any trouble,” Jaina pleaded. “Let me tell you the rest, then decide if you need to deal with it.”

“There is more?” Chandice asked as she folded her arms and tapped a foot.

Jaina tried to sound upbeat as she explained how the harem girls were forbidden to have sex with men. Because of this, Rajeen believed men would go wild after seeing the mark. They would pay any price to be able to fuck one of the harem girls, and once news spread, it would be a massive draw. She also mentioned the rumor but had to admit she didn't know any more. All she knew was Rajeen had started it, and it had the potential to entice the men even more. She finished by repeating Rajeen's idea that Jaina uses her shape-shifting powers to mimic a new girl every night and trick the men into paying every night.

“In a way, that's brilliant,” Evalynn said.

“But she should have discussed this with us first,” Chandice insisted.

“I still want to talk to her,” Roric said and got up again. “I want to make sure there are no more surprises. If we can’t trust her with this, how can we be sure she will sell Jaina back?”

“You don’t think she would go back on her promise?” Chandice asked.

“Oh, no!” Gisley cried and hugged Jaina tightly. “I can’t do this without Jaina.”

“I am sure she intends to honor our bargain,” Jaina insisted. “Please, you’re all making me emotional. I just want to spend all the time I can with you and be a part of your love.”

“Oh,” Chandice said and relented her hard stance. “I’m sorry we are focusing on the negative.”

“I think her mark is pretty,” Gisley said.

“Pretty or not, I worry why she put a permanent display of ownership on somebody she was not meant to keep,” Roric said as he headed for the door. He paused at the handle and turned to look at Jaina, who looked heartbroken that he was upset.

“I love you,” he said firmly. “And when I get back, I will show you just how much.”

“I will be waiting, my love,” Jaina replied as he went out the door.

“He will be fine,” Chandice said and turned to Gisley and Evalynn. “Well, what are you two waiting for? Make love to Jaina.”

Gisley giggle

d as she pounced on Jaina, her hands and mouth going across her body. Evalynn joined in, rubbing at her back and neck as she whispered I love you in both ears. Jaina closed her eyes and let the two carry her to the bed, savoring the touch of her lovers. This felt so much more rewarding than the mindless sex of the harem. Gisley and Evalynn weren't making love because they were expected to; they were doing it because they loved Jaina and wanted to prove it. Jaina was quick to get her mouth on the glittery flower of the fairy woman as Evalynn ate from hers. Chandice joined them a moment later, the four women falling into the large bed to make love like wives in a marriage.

Roric was allowed into the harem chambers and did his best not to notice the stares of naked women. Instead, he focused on Rajeen, who sat on her throne with a funny smile as if expecting this visit.

“Ah, master Roric,” Rajeen said in her sultry way. “I assume you have come about the mark.”

“As a matter of fact, I have,” Roric replied and came to stand before her throne.

“Then, let us retreat to private chambers. I have something I wish to share with you,” Rajeen said and got up to lead the way.

Roric noted the woman was naked today, her long furry tail lashing slowly over her tight rear. She took him to a room that resembled a study, with plush couches arranged around a white marble fireplace.

“Now, before you say anything too harshly, let me assure you the mark will fade,” Rajeen said.

“It will?” Roric asked with a raised brow. “Jaina said you branded her. She said the pain was so bad it made her cry.”

“It is a magical trick,” Rajeen insisted as she crossed the room to recline on a couch. “It is also part of the illusion I use to help put the girls in the proper headspace.”

“So you didn’t actually brand her?” Roric asked as he entered the room and moved to a couch facing her.

“I can show you the brand if you wish,” Rajeen replied. “

It is enchanted to make the slave feel she has been burned. It even applies an illusion of blistered skin to complete the effect. Then we use a salve of soothing cream and wipe the pain away. In truth, all we are doing is dispelling the illusion and leaving behind a simple body mark.”

“I see,” Roric replied as he nodded his head. “And you do all this to help create the proper atmosphere?”

“You are a slave master,” Rajeen replied. “You understand how much of a slave's happiness is psychological. I create the illusion that she has been bought, marked, and placed in my harem. As a result, she feels owned and bound to serve, putting her in the right frame of mind. A woman who truly desires to be a slave will relish this feeling and will lose herself to it.”

“You play the game well,” Roric agreed. “But you could have told us first.”

“I would have, but you were never before me without your slaves present,” Rajeen laughed.

“Hmm,” Roric said and rubbed at his chin. “Did you really use her body to spice a wine?”

“A most delicious flavor your Jaina adds,” Rajeen replied with a nod.

“I might have to try that,” Roric said as he looked up to meet the tiger woman's blue eyes. There was something hungry in them, a predatory look that only a great cat could manage. Roric suddenly felt like a rabbit being hunted as Rajeen got up and came to stand directly before him.

“Did she tell you how the mark would drive men to seek her?” Rajeen asked as her naked body hovered inches before him.

“She did mention it, but how do you know if it will work?” Roric asked as he could smell the scent of her pussy.

“Because I get several offers a day,” Rajeen said as she dropped to her knees before him and reached up to begin unfastening his belt. “You see, I make quite a display of my girls and let it be known that they do not partake of men. Naturally, this drives many wild with desire, and they offer me hundreds for a night with one of the girls.”

“So you think if they see Jaina's mark, they will pay well?” Roric asked as his pants came open.

“More than well,” Rajeen said sensually and grabbed at his sheath. She began to stroke, driving his cock out while staring into his eyes. “You would be foolish to charge less than three hundred for her.”

“Three hundred is a lot more than I have been charging,” Roric admitted.

“Oh, must we talk about business?” Rajeen asked. “I have something so much more pleasurable in mind.”

“I would have thought you would prefer women like your girls do,” Roric said as he grew harder by the second.

“Oh, I love women,” Rajeen replied. “But what I love most of all is deciding who they can share their bodies with. All of those women are lesbians because I say they are, and it pleases me greatly to know they will never have sex with a man again.”

“You mean that?” Roric asked as Rajeen began to stroke his cock.

“I do mean it. Once a girl becomes a member of my harem, she will never know a man again,” Rajeen said before giving his cock a good lick. “I, on the other hand, am free to enjoy any man I wish. It thrills me to know I am having such sex when they will not.”

“And none of your girls ever cheat?” Roric asked as he found that hard to believe.

“Once in a while, a girl cheats,” Rajeen said, then ran her lips along his shaft. “But then I put her in chastity so long she forgets why she wanted a man in the first place.”

“So you punish the transgression of men with chastity,” Roric said as the tigress sucked on the top of his cock.

“It works for some,” Rajeen said as she pulled away. “But some cannot be swayed away from men. These I remove my mark from and send away.” She then opened wide and swallowed Roric deeply.

Roric closed his eyes and leaned back as Rajeen feasted on him. The conversation died until she relented and stood up with her tail in his face. He grabbed that white tail and used it to pull her into place, his stiff cock planted deep inside her body. She did the rest of the work riding to her heart's content as they spoke about the future.

Rajeen admitted she would love to keep Jaina because a shapeshifter would be a fine addition to a harem. Roric agreed but told the story of how he and Jaina came to be here. He could play at giving her up for a bit, but he would die inside if he ever lost her. She was his very heart, and he loved her dearly. Rajeen moaned while agreeing that they shared a unique bond and promised to give them plenty of time together. Roric dared to ask if Jaina could have a night or two with them, and Rajeen was all too happy to agree, provided on those nights, she got twenty percent of what Jaina earned.

“So you get her for pleasure or profit,” Roric laughed.

“I must enjoy something of my slave,” Rajeen replied.

“I can agree to that, provided I can enjoy something of her mistress from time to time,” Roric said.

“Oh, are you enjoying this?” Rajeen asked as she rocked on his waist. “It is only fitting that we slave masters should enjoy one another.”


grabbed her breasts, then stood, turning around and bending her over the couch.

“Then let me show you how a master like me makes love,” he said and shoved hard. Rajeen groaned as her pussy stretched around his knot, and then with a plop, he was fully in. A minute later, the tigress was singing a long wailing song as Roric showed her how a gnoll breeds a woman.

Jaina was on her stomach licking Evalynn's pussy as Gisley sat on her legs and played with her rear. She was surprised to see the plug was missing and offered to give Jaina hers. Chandice wanted to order some wine so they could try spicing it with Jaina's body, using Gisley's kiss to fill the wine with orgasmic juices.

Jaina was all for it, but before Chandice could fetch the wine, Roric returned to explain things had been sorted with Rajeen. He also told Jaina that she would be staying with him tonight. She was so happy she started to cry, and Roric moved to the bed to hold her tightly. He reassured her that she was loved and would always be his slave. Then, to prove it, he put her on all fours and worked his way into her tender pussy. Jaina loved how full he made her feel, especially when that knot swelled inside. She could feel it tightening, and he tested the pull a few times until he was sure she was stuck. Then she smiled as he grabbed her hips and started his brutal fucking.

“Thank you!” Jaina cried, thankful a man was taking her. Her breasts bounced as he pounded her from behind, forcing her moans out in short gasps. She closed her eyes to focus on the intense fucking happening between her legs and wondered how Rajeen could ever think she would not desire men. Her first orgasm came less than a minute into the sex, and she clutched the blankets as her head was thrown back in a howl.

Evalynn's hands slid over her shoulders as the woman knelt beside her. Jaina loved that they were watching her be fucked so forcefully. She even relished knowing that they sometimes got to have slow tender sex while she always got it fast and hard. This was the role she was born to play, her master's fuck toy, used for his pleasure. Just thinking that made her smile and brought on the second orgasm that flushed her wet. Evalynn's leaned over her body, wrapping her hands around her chest to grope at her breast, clutching them firmly. She began to roll Jaina's nipples, adding to the sensation that flooded her body. Her feet twisted as the tension built while Evalynn leaned over to whisper in one ear. She admonished Jaina for being a good slave and encouraged her to sing for her master.

Jaina did as she was told, opening up her voice to cry out so everyone could hear how much she loved her fucking. She was sure the people in nearby rooms could hear her being put in her place by her master.

“I love you!” Jaina cried as her body rolled in a third orgasm, her back arching as she struggled to contain the ever-increasing pleasure. Roric responded by going at her even harder, demonstrating his love by proving he was in charge. The wet slaps added the loud cries so that anyone in the hall would know Jaina was being pounded. Evalynn clutched Jaina's breasts hard as Roric thrust so deep Jaina's knees came off the bed. Then, with a growl, his orgasm came, and Jaina shared it, rolling in yet another even more powerful release.

The orgasm rocked her to the core, sending her into deep, panting breaths. She threw her head down only to discover that Chandice was climbing into bed before her. She lay on her back and spread her legs wide, presenting her pussy to be eaten. From behind came warm licks as Roric pulled back, his knot causing Jaina's abused pussy to bulge out. Gisley leaned in to lick the edges of the bulge, tasting Jaina's sex as Rorics seed leaked out around the edges.

This was what Jaina loved, having a master and mistress who showed their love by using her as their slave. Playing in Rajeen's harem was fun, but it was only sex, and the sheer number of women made it interesting. However, she did like the bondage and being put on display. Maybe she could talk Roric into a little of that. Certainly, Chandice would love to see her restrained.

She leaned in with a moan to feast on her mistress's pussy as Roric remained firmly rooted in hers. It was the life she wanted, and Rajeen was crazy if she thought Jaina would ever change. She had another orgasm when Roric finally came out, spurred on by Gisley's warm tongue and Evalynn's tender caresses. She shared a fifth with Chandice and was finally allowed to rest. The others pushed her into Chandice's arms, then fell over her to lay in a bundle of sex.

“I missed you last night,” Chandice said as she stroked Jaina'a head. “I started to have doubts that this arrangement was a good idea, but I am glad it happened. It helped me realize just how much I love you and how badly I miss you when you're gone.”

“Oh,” Gisley and Evalynn sighed as they listened to the tender words.

“I missed you too,” Jaina replied as she nestled in closer. “This is where I belong, in your arms.”

“This is where you belong,” Chandice agreed. “And I will never stop reminding you of it.”

“Thank you,” Jaina sighed.

“Now, go have sex with strange men and make us some money,” Chandice teased.

“Gee, thanks,” Jaina laughed as Gisley and Evalynn hugged her tightly. They snuggled tightly for a long while until Roric joined them on the bed. Then they all fell on him, savoring the warm fur of their master as he praised them for being so wonderful.

The rest of the day was spent together, exploring the fantastic inn. Roric took them to a hall set aside purely for dining, and Jaina laughed when they were handed actual menus. She was surprised by the food choices as well, with many options being recreations of foods from the real world.

“They serve fish and chips?” Evalynn laughed.

“And they have sushi,” Gisley pointed out.

“Fried mushrooms,” Jaina sighed as she saw one of her favorite foods. “Oh, can we please get some?”

“Get whatever you like,” Roric insisted. “We don't have to pay for anything, remember?”

“Oh, that's right,” Jaina laughed and looked down to see an assortment of alcoholic drinks. Some of these were recreations of real-world things, and she ordered a rum punch the second one of the serving girls showed up. The woman was a fairy-like Gisley but shorter with a more insect-like appearance. She blinked at Jaina with faceted eyes and stood there as if confused.

“Is something wrong?” Jaina asked.

“Umm, why you here?” The girl said as she looked at Jaina's exposed body. “Harem girls are supposed to eat in the private halls unless they are working.”

“Jaina is only on loan,” Chandice interjected. “She has special privileges and is allowed to eat with us when not on duty.”

“Oh, umm, but nobody told me,” the woman said. “I am not supposed to serve harem girls, and I don't want to get in trouble.”

Chandice looked enraged, but Roric stood up and calmed the situation. “Then consider it my order. You bring it for me, and I will decide which of my girls gets to drink it.”

“Of course, I didn't mean to be rude,” the woman insisted. “It's just our master is very assertive in her rules. I don't want to end up in her belt if you get my meaning.”

“Her belt?” Gisley said as Jaina giggled and assured the girl they were not offended.

She ran off with their drinks order as Jaina decided to explain how Rajeen meted out punishment. She described how Rajeen used chastity belts to punish her slaves. The crime of having sex with a man was a full year in chastity, which prompted Chandice to joke Jaina would be in one soon.

“She told me I had special permission,” Jaina countered.

“Hmm, perhaps we could negotiate her being in a belt when not performing her duties,” Roric suggested.

“Hey,” Jaina countered as Evalynn and Gisley snickered. “I happen to like having sex.”

“But I am your master,” Roric replied. “If I told you I wanted to keep you locked away, would you accept it?”

Jaina felt her heart begin to race as Roric asked a direct question that challenged her own desires. Yes, she loved having sex, but her first and foremost desire was to please him. Above all other regards, obeying his command took precedence, and with a nod of her head, she admitted she would wear it.

“Then let's talk about it no more,” Roric replied and looked over to see three harem girls walking by. “I see she lets them wander about.”

“She never said we couldn't wander,” Jaina replied. “But she doesn't want us to talk.”

“Oh, you can talk outside the harem chambers,” the waitress said as she returned with the drinks. She set two of them before Roric with a wink, then handed out the others. “It's only in the harem chambers you are supposed to keep quiet. The only thing Rajeen wants to hear is your moans of pleasure inside there.”

“So I can talk to the other girls, provided it's outside the chambers?” Jaina asked.

“Of course,” the woman replied. “You are talking to one right now.”

“You're a harem girl?” Jaina asked in surprise as she looked at the woman's fine silk wraps.

“Some of us wear clothes when doing domestic tasks,” the woman said and turned around to show them her pretty pink rear. She lifted the silk so they could see the paw that marked her as one of Rajeen's girls. Gisley took an extra-long look admiring the fairy's cute butt as Jaina smiled to think of how hot the sex would be between the two fairy girls.

“And we can wander the whole inn?” Jaina asked.

“Well, most of us can't leave the harem chambers,” the waitress replied. “They have to stay in the rooms set aside for them, keeping their promise of silence. Their are girls that haven't spoken a word in five years.”

“That doesn’t seem very nice,” Chandice said as she sipped her drink.

“Oh, I love it,” the waitress said. “When my service as a waitress is up, I get to stay in the harem for years. I can’t wait.”

“Huh,” Jaina said and looked to Gisley and Evalynn. “Could either of you live like that?”

“I would die,” Gisley said. “I love to sing so much.”

“I don’t think I could do it either,” Evalynn agreed. “I crave hearing words of passion and need to be able to tell you that I love you.”

“You can communicate all that with a look and a gentle kiss,” the waitress insisted. “Honestly, you have to experience it for a little while. You will soon realize that words only get in the way. A moan of passion during sex says more than a hundred promises of love.”

“I admire how you look at this,” Jaina said as she considered the thoughtful answer.

“Just curious, can the harem girls leave the inn?” Evalynn asked.

“Only with special permission,” the waitress replied. “And there are five harem queens who help manage the girls. They leave on regular tasks, but otherwise, you are expected to stay here.”

“Hmm, I would say the collars would bring you crawling back, but most of the collars can’t be real,” Roric said.

“Our mistress has twelve collars,” the waitress corrected. “The favored girls get to wear them. The rest are just for show.”

“I must be favored,” Jaina said and touched the collar around her neck. “Because mine is definitely a slave collar, I checked my character sheet.”

“Then you are a lucky girl,” the waitress said with a loving smile. “Now

, what can I get you to eat?”

The girls were eager to try various things and began asking if they could taste each other's food. Roric laughed and told the girls to order two things each so that they could share between themselves. He also doubled up the mushroom and an order of onion rings so everyone could try them. Then they sat back and feasted with Evalynn feeding Gisley as the two women exchanged loving smiles.

Jaina witnessed firsthand how a lot could be said with just a smile and a loving look. She began to wonder if she would willingly give up speaking to develop a more silent language of love. It was enticing to think she could spend years without saying a word that wasn't a moan of pleasure. Then Roric placed his hand over hers, and she looked up to see his eyes and the love he carried. Without a word, she knew exactly what he was thinking and realized the waitress was right.

“Well, I learned several things today,” Jaina said as she leaned into him to share a kiss. “Love can be shared in many different ways. Silently with a look, passionately with a kiss, but words have power, and I need to be able to tell my master, I love you.”

“And I love you,” Roric replied before taking her face in his hands. “I look forward to when we leave so you can be mine again. Then we will go look for a place to build our home.”

“What about your dungeon?” Jaina asked.

“I have been inspired by what I see here,” Roric said and looked around. “I want our forest home where my slave girls prowl about sharing love with those lucky enough to find them.””

“You really want that for us?” Jaina whispered.

“Except on the days you are chained to my throne,” Roric answered. “Otherwise, your task is to have sex with as many people as possible.”

Jaina laughed as she considered the contradiction between Rajeen and Roric. One wanted her slaves all to herself, sharing their love only with women. The other wanted his slaves to have wild sexual adventures and encouraged them to share their love with any gender. She realized that with Rajeen, life would be interesting, but with Roric, it would be adventurous. No matter what lay ahead, she knew Roric was her path, and Rajeen just an adventure along the way.

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