The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-47 More danger than we thought

Roric stepped away from the corpse of the giant insect, leaving his spear still embedded in the shell. Jaina was healing Evalynn's wounds away, the monster's pincers having easily torn through her armor. Even Gisley was injured when the creature lashed out with some kind of psychic attack, her antennae making her vulnerable to its wail. She fell to her knees, clutching her head until Roric used his master's defense power to shield her. That the creature had such an attack proved this was a more dangerous dungeon than expected, and they needed to move carefully.

This was the fifth battle since the spider creature, all of which were dangerous in some way. Thankfully the mysterious water woman hadn't reappeared, which meant she was preparing something ahead. Sooner or later, there would be another confrontation, likely coming when they were ground down. Roric needed to guide them carefully to maintain their strength and keep them combat-ready. He also realized they needed more gear, things like potions, magical scrolls, and special equipment if they wanted to venture into dungeon depths.

“Do you think we might stumble on the rogues guild?” Gisley asked as she shivered along the wall.

“I regret that the rogues are probably in the sewers, not the lower dungeon,” Roric answered honestly as he finally retrieved his spear. “We need to find a way up if we hope to get out.”

“That flood can’t possibly still be going. Maybe we can get out that way,” Chandice suggested.

“I think it’s safer to look for another exit,” Jaina said as she finished with Evalynn.

“I agree,” Roric replied. “She didn't go through that much trouble to wash us down here just to let us climb back out.”

“My head still hurts, and I feel hungry,” Gisley said as she got up, her simple dress now soiled from walking in the dingy tunnels. Her hair was a mess, and she had smudges on her face as her damp dress clung to her skin.

“We are changing our tactics,” Roric announced as he went to Gisley. “You and Jaina go naked from now on.”

“Naked?” Gisley asked.

Roric explained that their naked defense skill would make them safer than they were with their skimpy dresses on. They wouldn’t feel the cold and would get the wet clothing off, and then they could use their cleanse ability to clean up.

“Why didn’t we think of this sooner?” Gisley asked as she discarded her dress.

“We were preoccupied with other thoughts,” Jaina replied, pulling Gisley into a hug. “Now, hold me until we're both warm.” Gisley smiled and wrapped her arms around Jaina as she smiled contentedly. Both women glowed for an instant, and the dirt was gone, their bodies perfectly dry and clean. Jaina pulled the snuggly woman in tightly and asked her if she was really hungry.

Gisley nodded and said she didn't like to eat the dry rations Roric often brought in his pack for adventures. Jaina thought of something Gisley might like better, and while nobody was looking, she reached into her pouch and drank Rajeen's potion.

Roric turned to Evalynn and suggested she get naked to join the snuggle. She balked at the idea of being out of her armor, but Roric insisted she had to be the coldest and most miserable of them all.

“My armor is trapping a lot of moisture Evalynn agreed as he helped her undress. A few moments later, he put the slave collar around her neck, and she cuddled with the others, sharing their body heat as they dried.

“Can you make some kind of fire to help dry her armor out?” Roric asked of Chandice, who nodded.

She looked about the room that appeared to be some kind of old dining hall. The beetle that was the size of a wheelbarrow had smashed several old tables and chairs, leaving behind piles of shattered wood. She ordered her demon to gather some of the bits into a pile, then reached out a hand and produced a palm of fire.

[lvl 1 Warlock skill: Create fire] Produce a small flame in the palm of your hand or on an object you are touching. The flame persists so long as you desire it to, or you run out of spell power. Can ignite combustible material.

She carefully held the flame to some of the wood until it started to burn on its own, then stood up and closed her hand to release the spell.

“Let's hope starting a fire underground isn't as dangerous as it sounds,” Chandice said.

“The danger is in air quality,” Roric said as he began to arrange Evalynn's armor around the small campfire. “The fire consumes oxygen and produces smoke, causing asphyxiation.”

“So why are we doing this?” Chandice asked with some measure of concern.

“The space is well ventilated,” Roric said and pointed to the smoke coming off the fire. They could see it was traveling to one side as if carried in a gentle breeze.

“A breeze,” Chandice said as she considered the implications. “Couldn’t we follow the breeze to find a way out?”

“We need to find the source,” Roric replied as he wondered how hard that would be. He would need a way to gauge the breeze as they traveled, leading him to a thought. Gisley could produce glitter if her wings were out, creating a constant hail of the stuff to give them a sense of direction. But it would also mark the floor as they passed, giving anyone searching for them a trail to follow. He supposed he could carry a torch and trust in the dance of flames and trace amount of smoke. That should be enough to indicate the direction the air was flowing, but he would heave to drop it every time they entered battle.

Chandice took a moment to strip off her robes, ordering her demon to hold them near the fire so they might dry. She curled into the snuggle pile, sharing the warmth and love of her family.

“Well, this is nice,” Jaina said with a sigh. “Too bad it's under such terrible circumstances.”

“It’s still nice to find a reason to snuggle,” Evalynn replied. “I feel better already.”

“You had us very worried,” Chandice added and stroked Evalynn's head.

“She had me terrified,” Jaina agreed. “I love my elven warrior.”

“So I am your elven warrior, am I?” Evalynn laughed.

“Oh, sweetie, you know as well as everyone else that you're the most powerful fighter in the group,” Jaina explained. “If you had died, not only would we have been heartbroken, but we would likely have all been killed by now.”

“That spider thing would probably have gotten us,” Gisley added with a shudder.

“I am touched you value my strength so much,” Evalynn said as they huddled.

“I admire this tight elven butt too,” Jaina added as she gave it a squeeze.

“Stop it,” Evalynn laughed. “I swear all you ever think about is sex.”

“That’s what I’m here for,” Jaina replied and kissed her forehead. “My role in this family is to provide it with sex and passion.”

“Mine too,” Gisley added. “Oh, and money by being a prostitute.”

“See, Gisley understands,” Jaina said.

“Well, my role is to help my master protect his family,” Evalynn replied and leaned up. “I will stand between my slave sisters and any danger.”

“And you do that admirably,” Roric said as he joined them to put a hand on her shoulder. “I have never seen you flinch in the face of danger. You charge into every fight and do your best to tie the enemy down.”

“She is a good warrior,” Chandice added and went to rub Roric. “Oh, goodness, you are still soaked.”

“It's the fur,” Roric replied. “And my underclothes of padding are saturated.”

“But you need to dry off too,” Chandice insisted.

“We can't all be out of our armor,” Roric insisted. “I am the master. It is my job to see to it you are all safe. When Evalynn is armored up, maybe I can do something to dry off.”

“Does he smell like a wet dog?” Jaina teased as Roric gave her a little chuckle.

“I suppose I do resemble a dog,” Roric agreed as he stroked Gisley's back, using his claws to give her a gentle scratch.

“He's not exactly like a dog, though,” Gisley said as she looked back at him.

“He's supposed to be more like a hyena, but the silver mane gnolls look less savage because they are hero players,” Jaina said. “And Roric tweaked his appearance to look even less so.”

“I like his fur,” Gisley said as he kept scratching her back, making her twist in relaxation.

“I like that long tongue,” Jaina said.

“I am fond of the other part that’s long,” Evalynn added with a blush.

“Oh, we’re terrible,” Chandice laughed. “Everything we like about him is physical.”

“I wouldn't say that,” Jaina said and looked up to meet Roric's eyes. “Behind all that is a man with a strong heart, deep commitments, and a desire to love his girls. We all see that, and it's why we are here.”

“I want him to be my master forever,” Gisley said.

“I am your master forever, little fairy,” Roric replied and combed her hair with his claws. “The day you accepted that collar, you gave up your right to yourself. You belong to me now, and I am going to keep you at my side.”

“I should get my armor back on,” Evalynn sighed, but Roric put his hand on her shoulder.

“Your armor is not dry yet,” he insisted. “Chandice’s demon and I can guard the room for another ten minutes. Besides, If something attacked, Gisley and Jaina are ready to fight as they are, and I am sure Chandice can manage naked.”

“Ha, I don't like the idea of fighting something naked, but you are right. I don't need my robe to cast spells,” Chandice agreed.

Roric left them to huddle and paced the room, checking the outer hall while leaving the far door bolted. There was a small gate above the door to which he held his hand and felt the breeze. He suspected the whole dungeon was designed to allow air to flow and keep it from getting stale. He added some wood to the fire, keeping it on a low burn, and checked Evalynn's armor until he was satisfied. He then dressed her as she smiled and enjoyed the special attention, especially when a hand occasionally wandered.

Once she was ready, he helped Chandice into her robe, enjoying the moment as his hands rolled over her hips. He cherished these women who trusted in his leadership and followed his direction. Even Chandice, who wasn't a slave girl, followed his lead, even stepping up to the role of helping with the others.

Once they were ready, he went to the door on the far wall and carefully listened before daring to open it. Outside was a hall that went left or right, with nothing of note except a broken wooden shield to the right. He took out a torch and had Chandice light it with her fire spell, then held it up to see which way the air flowed. It came from the left, so Roric handed the torch to Jaina and led the way, hoping for a way out.

The hall passed an open archway that, once investigated, revealed a vaulted room with red carpet running down the floor to what appeared to be a fountain on the far wall. It was a half-circle with a face like a dragon on the wall. Water poured from its mouth into the basin, the sound echoing from the walls. The strangest element of the room was the light, coming from six glowing rings set into the high ceiling, bathing the room in a soft yellowish glow.

“Why is this room lit?” Evalynn asked as she stood in the archway with him.

“I don't know,” Roric replied as he sniffed at the air to detect a scent of incense. “But somebody has been here recently. I can smell a perfume-like scent.”

“Let me go first,” Evalynn said and carefully stalked into the room, walking directly down the carpet. Nothing stirred in the space except the splashing water as she made her way close to the middle.

“She really is brave,” Jaina said as they watched from the arch. “She always goes first and isn't afraid to be hurt.”

“Evalynn is very courageous,” Roric agreed as he entered the room twenty steps behind. He moved to join her near the center, where she looked all around as if unable to believe she hadn't been attacked yet.

“I don’t see any danger,” Evalynn said as Roric reached her side.

“I don't smell anything by the usual dungeon scents and a long passed hint of incense,” Roric said as the girls filtered into the room behind them.

“It doesn’t feel safe to stand in the hall,” Jaina called. “Anything could come up behind us.”

Roric nodded and motioned them up while asking Chandice to send her demon to guard the archway. It vanished into stealth and crept away as Roric suggested to Evalynn that they investigate the fountain. The two crept to the water's edge to see the clear water pouring into the shallow basin. There appeared to be something glittering inside, and Roric quickly realized it was filled with coins. This only raised his sense of danger, and with a gesture to the girls, they turned back to back to look in all directions. Jaina turned her fingers into claws as Gisley summoned her fey sword, being as ready as they could be for whatever might happen.

“This wouldn’t be unguarded,” Roric said as he leaned over the water’s surface.

“Maybe it’s a trap?” Evalynn suggested. “Something to do with the water itself?”

Roric nodded and reached into his pouch to take out a coin and flip it into the basin. It went into the water with a splash but didn't cause a disturbance in the chamber. Still not convinced, he dipped the tip of his spear into the surface, daring to push some of the coins about.

Something howled from outside the archway, its voice sounding almost pained. Roric and Evalynn turned to face the archway as the girls moved away from it, heading closer to their protectors.

“It was trapped,” Evalynn said as she moved to get between the girls and the danger. Roric went with her, putting the girls behind them as they waited with spears ready. Something moved in the all, but the shape was difficult to identify. Suddenly the demon appeared, locked in battle with something they couldn't quite make out. The fight lasted a few moments before a severed arm was thrown into the room.

“Did you see what it was?” Jaina said nervously.

“No,” Roric replied as he tensed. “The hall is just beyond the light.”

They watched as a tall ponderous shape appeared in the archway, slowly moving into the room. As it entered the light, they could more clearly see that it was not a regular creature. It had the body of a black snake, as big around as Roric's shoulders and perhaps twenty feet long. Its head was an elongated skull with a ring of what looked like ribs jutting from its neck. Green lights burned in empty eye sockets as the snake-like thing began to approach, its horrid jaws dripping with fresh demon blood.

“This place is a house of horrors,” Jaina gasped as she stepped back.

“This looks more like an amalgamation than a proper monster,” Evalynn said as she gripped her weapon tightly.

“Dare I ask what an amalgamation is?” Chandice said as she produced her wand, ready to cast a spell.

“It’s a construct made by a player and brought to life with necromantic magic,” Evalynn replied as the creature hissed.

“But necromancers are banned,” Chandice said.

“There are plenty of other classes that can use necromancy,” Evalynn replied. “One is called an animator, and these sorts of things are a trademark of their work.”

Roric nodded and turned to Evalynn, who nodded she was ready. They both burst into motion, suddenly racing across the room, their spears raised to deliver the first blow. The beast let out another pained wail as they connected with the body, causing sickly bubbling wounds of dead blood. The monster moved with supernatural speed, its head whipping around to snap at Roric. He was crunched in those powerful jaws and then thrown across the room with a lash of the beast's head.

Jaina and Gisley felt the wound as they shared a portion of his injury thanks to punishment.

[lvl 8 Sex Slave skill: Punishment][Boosted 10] You take damage in place of your master, absorbing 40% from every attack. The effect lasts 3 hours. Damage is split between all slaves and cannot reduce a slave below 10%.

“Owie!” Gisley cried as she felt the crush of those jaws remotely, followed by the jarring impact as Roric crashed into the wall.

“Kill that thing!” Chandice cried as she produced a pair of imps, ordering them to fire on the beast. She then placed a curse of rotting on the beast in an effort to aid Evalynn, who was now doing her best to keep the monster's attention.

[lvl 4 Warlock skill: Curse of rotting] Lowers a targets armor class by 10 points for 5 minutes.

If the spell helped, it wasn't shown as the monster bore down on Evalynn, catching her in its jaws to deliver a crushing bite. It tossed her the other way to crash into the far wall before turning its horrid gaze on the three girls. With a terrible hiss, the monster produced a fan of green fire-like breath that raced at the women.

“Master’s defense!” Roric shouted as Jaina and Gisley were encased in a magical bubble. Chandice wisely used the bubbles as a shield, ducking behind Jaina for protection.

[Lvl 5 Conqueror skill: Masters defense] – Shield the slave in a protective bubble for 60 seconds.

Roric leaped back into the fight and shouted “Hands off!” at the beast.

[lvl 7 conqueror skill: Hands off] Forces an enemy to attack the master instead of a slave.

The monster slashed at him again, those terrible jaws racing down. Roric met the jaws as he started to glow with red fire, calling on rampage to boost his raw power.

[Lvl 6 conqueror skill: Rampage] [Boosted 3] You gain superhuman strength and damage absorption based on the user's concentration. The effect lasts for the duration of your stamina bar. Once the bar depletes, the effect ends.

He managed to dodge the beast's snaps, delivering a vicious swipe to the monster's body as he rolled away. Evalynn was on her feet again, and she charged once more, blasting a hole in the beast's body. A hail of bolts from Chandice and imps were crashing down on the monster as a golden dome of light and glitter fell over him and Evalynn. Gisley was trying to heal them, but they couldn't stand still to remain in the radius of her spell. His goal was to keep taunting the beast and hope his damage absorption and shared pain would keep him alive. If it worked, the others could wear the monster down and hopefully destroy it. If not, he would be the first to respawn.

“I wish I could help,” Jaina said nervously as she felt helpless with her claws. “I have a ranged attack, but I would have to take the collar off.”

“You are helping,” Chandice shouted as she fired another fire bolt. “You are absorbing extra damage and boosting his stats. If you take the collar off, he loses all of that.”

“But I should be doing something m –,” Jaina went to say as several five in metal spikes punctured her back. She stumbled over, causing Gisley to turn around to see the blue-haired woman standing on the fountain's surface as if it were solid stone.

“Behind us!” Gisley cried as the woman went into a blurring dance, causing a dozen iron spikes and throwing daggers to fly their way.

Chandice and Gisley were struck, the two women staggering away as they were punctured by thrown weapons. Chandice ordered her imps to attack the new threat, and they turned to open fire while she pulled a dagger out of her leg.

Jaina felt her blood racing as the pain in her back throbbed. She was helpless to fight the snake monster, and the collar limited her morphic powers. However, she was a seductress, and this woman was a viable target.

[lvl 8 Seductress Skill: Take Me Instead] Forces a single target to check willpower or become aroused with the seductress, forcing them to focus on seducing her.

The woman's dance came to a sudden stop as her eyes fell on Jaina. There was a twitch of a smile before she came to her senses after being blasted by shadow bolts.

“You dirty whore!” the woman bellowed as she melted into the water to avoid being hit again. A moment later, she rose up and hurled two daggers Jaina's way.

Jaina decided that now was the perfect time to play this woman’s game back at her. She activated a power she hadn’t yet used as her body began to ripple.

[lvl 1 Morphic skill: Fluid Form] For 20 seconds, you can become completely fluid, flowing through small spaces or openings. Once your time is up, your human form reshapes over ten seconds.

The daggers splashed through her as she ran at the woman, turning into a wave of gray ooze. The stranger looked startled by the sudden attack and slid across the pool's surface to avoid being tackled. As she did, she took more shadow bolts, adding to her slowly growing wounds.

Roric saw the battle going on behind them, but the snake was the greatest danger. Still, he could tell by the way his girls were staggering that those weapons had been poisoned. So he quickly called on purge and wiped the poisons out, restoring them so they could fight properly.

[lvl 14 Conqueror skill: Purge] Remove all negative effects from your slaves and render them immune to new effects for 20 seconds.

Gisley looked enraged and rushed to the pool with her sword in hand. Chandice grabbed one of the throwing knives and enchanted it to float in the air and attack the deadly woman. Jaina splashed into the pool, reaching up with dough-like arms to grapple the woman, who shrieked and threw more spikes only to see them do very little harm.

“She never told me you were a monster!” the woman snarled as she took another shadow bolt that made her wince. Then, with a curse, she started to ripple and collapsed into the water, mixing with the pool and becoming unseen.

“Jaina!” Gisley shouted as she reached the side. “Are you alright?”

Jaina's time was up, and she started to recollect, her human form rapidly taking shape. She clambered to the side and threw herself out, afraid to be solid where that woman could reach her. Chandice was at her side in a moment, helping her stand as her form locked in place.

“Get away from the water before she reforms,” Chandice urged as she saw the surface begin to rise. On instinct, she turned and cast tendrils of the void directly on the fountain, filling the basin with flailing limbs.

[lvl 7 Warlock skill: Tendrils of the void] A mass of demonic tendrils rises out of the floor to grasp and batter anything they can reach. The spell will slow and hinder the movement of medium or smaller creatures while doing slight damage to them.

“You witch!” the woman cried as she was battered about, the tendrils throwing her to the side. She was eventually tossed out of the basin, where she landed flat on her back. Chandice saw a rare opportunity to visit some vengeance and dared to rush in to slap the woman on the stomach. She quickly chanted a spell while the stunned woman regained her senses.

“I hope you like imps,” Chandice cried and darted back.

Womb curse: Imp whore: A magical mark that flashes when imps are nearby. Imps will be attracted to a woman wearing this mark and will try their best to have sex. The bearer of the mark will also seek to be bred by the imp, as sex with an imp will feel better than normal. The mark lasts three days, but the timer resets every time an imp fucks her.

A green pattern appeared on her stomach, visible even through her armor. The woman rolled away, staggering a few steps to get clear as she tried to cover the mark with a hand.

“What did you just do?” she cried and looked up to see two pairs of devilish eyes glaring at her as the imps started to grin. A smile crossed her face, followed by a quick shake of her head as she tried to resist the effect. The imps rushed in, grabbing hold of her arms and legs as she screamed and melted back into the water. She rose and splashed into the pool, vanishing from sight as the tendrils trashed the water. The poor imps looked heartbroken to see their plaything vanish and looked to Chandice for direction.

“That was brilliant,” Jaina said as all three women turned back to the snake creature. It was covered in wounds and bleeding dark red blood that looked lifeless. Evalynn had obviously been crunched again as she limped about, dragging one leg but still fighting. Roric was battered and suffering as he tried to keep the beast focused on him.

“Heal from us!” Jaina shouted as Chandice, and her imps returned to fire and shadow bolts.

Roric nodded as green light began to flow from Gisley and Jaina. Jaina turned around and planted her lips on Gisley, healing the fairy woman even as her health was drained away.

[Lvl 6 conqueror skill: Serve me] Transfer health from a slave to the master, restoring the master up to 120% maximum health. A slave cannot be reduced below 50% health.

Jaina held up the healing kiss even as Gisley continued to feed Roric. She suddenly realized what a powerful tactic this was, as she could keep Gisley’s health above the limit so Roric could keep taking and taking.

[Lvl 1 Seductress skill: Healing kiss] Kiss a target to begin channeling your stamina to heal them. Restores 12 health a second until healed or stamina is depleted.

The beauty of this exchange was the fact that Roric’s sex buff boosted Jaina’s stamina by twenty percent. They were a powerful combination allowing Roric to endure wounds he normally couldn't take. Gisley wrapped her arms around Jaina, the two women coming together in a passionate kiss as they traded their health to their master.

Roric felt reinvigorated even as the monster lashed out and managed to bite him again. Even though he took the injuries, he was hardly slowed and planted the tip of his spear directly in the monster's eye. Then, with a surge of strength, he pressed the spear in, causing the skull to crack as the beast tried to spit him out. Evalynn leaped on its back, impaling her spear through it to the ground as Chandice's imps, enchanted dagger, and spells assaulted from below. The beast started to twist as its head crashed to the floor a moment later. The green lights that were its eyes flared up then faded away as the body continued to coil.

“That was no easy kill,” Evalynn panted as she slumped to the floor. “Also, I think my leg is broken.”

“Oh, lover, let me help,” Jaina insisted and ran to her side to plant a kiss. The two locked in a similar passionate embrace as Evalynn was slowly healed.

“A woman who heals with kisses,” Chandice said as she covered one of her bleeding wounds. “When you're done with her, I could use a little.”

“Are you two alright?” Roric asked as he rushed to their side. “I saw the woman in the fountain.”

“Oh, she nearly caused us a problem, but I took care of her,” Chandice said with a wry smile.

“What did you do that made her flee in terror?” Roric asked.

Chandice explained the imp whore curse and how the woman had no choice but to flee or spread her legs for the imps. The beauty of it was that the curse lasted for days, and if she came anywhere near them, the imps would detect it.

“That was very smart of you,” Roric said approvingly. “At least we will have early warning next time.”

“Let me heal you,” Jaina said as she ran to Chandice and took her into a kiss as well.

“We are in more danger than I first thought,” Evalynn said as she walked up, now fully recovered. “I have a sneaking suspicion that an undead-based player has made a home down here. I don't think that creature was a natural spawn for this area.”

“Which means we can expect a lot more trouble,” Roric agreed.

“My sleep spells don’t affect undead,” Gisley pointed out. “And my prostitute powers are useless.”

“You are far more useful as a slave girl,” Jaina said as she finished with Chandice. “You are a better health battery than I am.”

“How so?” Roric asked.

Jaina explained how she could keep healing Gisley with a kiss, allowing Roric to draw off more and more health. Since her healing kiss was based on stamina, and his sex buff boosted her stamina, she could trade that to Gisley, while Gisley traded it into health for him, thus giving him a sizeable boost in health for combat.

“And you two are absorbing some of the damage anyway,” Chandice added. “That makes Roric very hard to kill.”

“You would need to kill Gisley and I first,” Jaina said. “Otherwise, Roric will just keep healing.”

“I wish I could transfer some of that to Evalynn,” Roric said with a sigh. “I get a skill that allows me to heal slaves, but you would have to wear a collar.”

“And then I would be a useless fighter,” Evalynn said with a shake of her head. “I will endure the pain until I can be healed. I have a lot more health to start with anyway.”

“Speaking of that, I leveled,” Chandice said excitedly. “I am level fifteen, and I got a power that might be super useful to Roric’s healing.”

“How so?” Jaina asked.

“I got siphon power, allowing me to drain mana or stamina from a target until I hit two hundred percent of my pool,” Chandice replied. “Then I can use dark gift to give my stamina to you.”

“You can drain stamina and transfer it to me?” Jaina asked as she nearly laughed. “Then I can kiss Gisley, and he can pull on her health for hours. That means Roric effectively has something like four hundred percent health.”

“Well, you have to wait for me to finish draining the stamina and then transfer it over without either step being interrupted,” Chandice pointed out. “But in ideal conditions, Roric will be nigh impossible to kill.”

“Which means people are going to go for you two first,” Evalynn pointed out. “Especially if they see Chandice locked in a channeling spell transferring power to Jaina.”

“I won't do it unless we need it,” Chandice replied. “But yeah, it does kind of mark me out.”

“We should find a safe place to rest for a few hours,” Evalynn suggested. “And not here. I don't trust any room with a water source.”

“We should get the treasure from the fountain then move to a room we already cleared,” Roric replied and went to the basin as Chandice dismissed her tendril spell. He looked apprehensive about reaching into the water, but the imps didn't seem bothered, so he began to collect the coins. Several hundred went into his pouch before he took them back into the hall. Jaina had dropped the touch in the middle of the battle, and its flame had gone out, so he lit another and held it up to see the air flowing from down the hall.

“We will have to come back and investigate that,” Roric said as he led them back to the room with the dead beetle. He shut the doors and attempted to block them with debris while Chandice had an imp stand at each door to be basic guards.

Jaina sat on the floor and beckoned Gisley to her arms, cradling the woman to her chest.

“Are you still hungry, sweetheart?” Jaina asked.

Gisley nodded, so Jaina looked down to see her breasts had swollen. Rajeen's potion had filled them with milk, so she wrapped a hand around Gisley's head and pressed her lips to a nipple. The fairy woman began to suck and then stopped to look up as Jaina smiled down.

“I asked Rajeen for the secret of how she does it,” Jaina whispered. “I wanted to be able to feed my little fairy girl. So go ahead and take all you want.”

Gisley bit the tip of her tongue in a playful smile and then wrapped both hands around one of Jaina’s swollen breasts. Gisley lifted it to her mouth and began to suckle as Jaina realized they were more sensitive. She could feel the milk passing through the nipple, and every touch of Gisley’s lips was like heaven.

“Oh, my sweet fairy,” Jaina moaned. “Oh, please do this every day.”

Gisley pulled at the skin gently as Jaina felt the milk passing. Knowing the woman was feeding from her body was a strange but magical feeling. It was a moment she would treasure for the rest of her life, and she decided to beg Rajeen for more potions.

“So I’m curious,” Chandice said as she looked down on the two women. “When you turned into that goo, what happened to your slave cuffs and plugs?”

“It's part of the transformation,” Jaina replied as she rubbed Gisley's shoulders. “clothing magically changes with me. So I guess those items count as clothing.”

“I thought you might say that,” Chandice said with a smile. “But that raises an important question. What happens to magical items while you are in that form?”

“What do you mean?” Jaina asked.

Chandice explained her theory that if Jaina and her items all turned to goo, then any magical items she carried should transfer their powers to her for the duration.

“I suppose that makes sense,” Jaina replied. “But I don’t see the significance.”

“I am just thinking about how to pair your power with magical tricks,” Chandice replied. “I might not have a good example now, but I bet we can find a way to use that to our advantage.”

Jaina could only shrug as Gisley drained her breast, the fairy woman letting out a soothing moan as she pulled away.

“That is so yummy,” Gisley whispered. “But I feel sleepy now.”

“Shh,” Jaina said and tapped the woman's milk-stained lips. “The milk soothes the drinker and makes her sleepy. It's time for your nap, little girl. Go to sleep, and let me hold you until you wake.”

Gisley smiled and nestled to Jaina's chest as her tired eyes closed. It was time for their rest, and hopefully, they wouldn't be disturbed until they were recovered. Jaina began to rock the sleeping women in her arms, humming another lullaby as they began to wait. Hopefully, they could find a way out before their enemy found a way to strike at them again. If not, they would have to hold out as long as they could and hope Rajeen noticed they had been away too long.

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