The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-66 A strange woman

Roric tensed as the paladin climbed down from his horse to join the two women. He briefly thought about attacking now while the man was off guard but still wanted to try and talk this out. He called for the three to stand down as this was just a misunderstanding, but the paladin laughed.

“The only misunderstanding was your belief that monsters would be tolerated,” the paladin said.

“Stop!” Idris called and ran out to stand before Roric. She held her stomach with one arm, clearly still in pain from the attack but managed to glare at the three. “These people have nothing to do with me. They were just walking by and decided to explore the church. If you want a fight, I would be happy to give you one, but let them continue their journey.”

“Why?” the armored woman asked. “Why kill just one undesirable when we can kill a whole group?”

“Besides, there will be more experience and loot that way,” the green robbed woman added.

“Are these people serious?” Jaina asked and came to stand beside Idris. “You really think you can take all of us?”

“You are not allowed to win a fight against a royal paladin,” Idris whispered. “It is a crime to win if they claim they are doing their duty in the name of King Kevin.”

“Then how are you going to fight them?” Roric asked.

“I am going to let them win,” Idris said.

“What?” Jaina balked as the paladin smiled.

“She speaks the truth,” the man sneered. “If you so much as raise your weapon against us, I could have you branded as criminals or worse.”

“Wow,” Evalynn laughed. “We have been here less than a week, and already we're not welcome.”

“This is stupid prejudice,” Gisley countered. “They are being bullies just because they think this Kevin says they can.”

“Ha, at least your smart enough to understand,” the armored woman laughed. “Now lay down and die like good little sheep.”

Roric tensed for a moment as anger began to boil his blood. He couldn't believe that people like this existed, but he knew from the forums that they did. The whole of the north was ruled by a hegemony of united kingdoms, all claiming loyalty to one man, King Kevin. If you crossed him, you may as well plan to live alone in the wilds because nowhere else was safe.

Now they faced a man claiming to be his agent and lumped in as enemies with the poor woman Idris. She wasn't even a necromancer, just playing a class close enough to give them an excuse. He wasn't about to let them kill his girls or Idris, but to fight might possible branding as an outlaw. It was then that he thought of Jaina and lowered his weapon to make an offer.

“I have a proposition,” Roric said with a hand raise. “I have a beautiful slave girl here. Perhaps you would like to enjoy her skills first?”

“What?” the woman in armor sneered. “It should be against the law for beastmen to be slavers!”

“Filthy things,” the green-robed woman agreed.

Roric turned to Jaina and gave her a nod, silently communicating his intentions.

Jaina went into action, drawing all eyes to her with allure.

[lvl 3 Seductress skill: Allure] Cause people to notice you even when they are distracted. Requires line of sight. Can be upgraded to a single target.

The three intruders and Idris turned to regard Jaina with sudden curious interest. Once she had their attention, she decided to lower some of that disgust and contempt with a bit of innocence.

[lvl 2 Seductress Skill: Pleading innocence] Fall into a state where she appears innocent, causing angry or aggressive targets to change their opinion of her. Even swaying people to believe she is innocent of crimes she has actually committed.

She could see the angry glare in their eyes change as they began reconsidering their opinion of Jaina. Now she walked toward the man, swaying her hips in a sultry way to ensure he was paying attention.

[lvl 4 Seductress skill: Sultry steps] Boosted 10] Select a single target and begin walking in a sultry way, swaying your hips suggestively. The target must save vs willpower or become enthralled by your display while also lowering their willpower. Bonus to success chance if directly approaching them.

He lowered his sword as the look in his eyes changed to one of wonder. Jaina wanted to laugh to see how easily she was manipulating them. They were putty in her hands, and she was going to play with them like toys.

“Are you sure you don’t want to get to know me?” Jaina asked and flashed a little smile.

[lvl 1 Seductress skill: Seductive smile] [boosted 5] Smile at a chosen target to cause them to feel great arousal for you. The target becomes amorous and will follow you for up to 1 hour.

“I,” he began and then cleared his throat. “Maybe we could find someplace to be alone?”

“What is going on?” Idris whispered to the others as she watched the display. “Why can’t I take my eyes off her?”

“Jaina is putting her skills to use,” Roric whispered back. “If you don't want to be affected, you need to look at your feet or close your eyes.”

“I feel aroused,” the woman groaned.

“Jaina has that effect on everyone,” Chandice laughed.

“I see the logic in this approach, but isn’t this going to end with Jaina having sex with them all?” Evalynn asked.

“Just wait,” Roric urged as he folded his arms to watch the display.

Jaina smiled at her new lover and ran a hand across his armored chest. She urged him to turn to the right and then locked eyes with the armored woman. A quick seductive smile and the woman was trembling with need. Jaina had them both under her thrall and feeling a strong desire.

“She is very pretty, don’t you think?” Jaina asked the paladin.

“She is beautiful,” he replied with a nod.

Jaina leaned over to the woman and asked if she would like to share his love and the woman nodded in need. Jaina leaned in and planted a kiss on the woman, marking her with a special gift.

[lvl 17 Seductress skill: Bait and switch] You mark a willing woman, then use your seducing effects to arouse targets. The targets will seek to mate the marked woman instead of you.

Now Jaina turned to the man and remaining woman, hitting them with another seductive smile.

“You three seem so much in love,” Jaina said soothingly. “Maybe you should take some time to express it. The church would be a perfect place to be alone.”

“Yes, the man said as he came to the woman and took her hands. “We could be alone.”

“I want to be alone with you,” the green-robed woman insisted and ran to join her hands with them.

Jaina struggled not to laugh as they walked away, completely ignoring the rest of the group. The only one who proved to be any trouble was Idris, who wanted to follow them as well. Roric and Evalynn struggled to restrain her as she pleaded to be allowed to go with them.

“My powers are dangerous,” Jaina said as she walked up to Idris. She kissed the woman's lips, using her charms to sway her back. Unfortunately, she had no power to reduce the arousal, so that would have to be handled the old-fashioned way.

“I need you,” Idris whispered to Jaina, now that her attention had been pulled back.

“Idris, you are under a seduction spell,” Jaina said. “I used it to get rid of that group without a fight, but you aren't protected like my friends are. You don't really feel this way.”

“But you are so beautiful,” Idris insisted. “I have to have you now.”

“Wow, those charms are powerful,” Chandice said. “No wonder so many men and women line up to your rooms after a dance.”

“I stopped using seductive smile in the dances,” Jaina replied. “I was worried I might entice somebody who would regret it later. I have the same fear for poor Idris here.”

“But what can we do for her?” Gisley asked. “She is turned on and burning with need.”

“Please,” Idris begged. “Let me love you.”

Jaina let out a long sigh and looked at Roric. “Do you think we could use the tent?”

Roric led them a few minutes away from the church and graveyard. The girls were still giggling from the sounds of passion and sex that started to echo inside the building. Jaina walked hand in hand with Idris, occasionally giving the woman a kiss. Idris kept asking if they could make love now, and Jaina had to keep assuring her it would be soon. When they were well hidden from the road in the trees, Roric took out the magic bag and pulled the long string. The tent was up in seconds, and Jaina quickly pulled Idris inside. The two went into a swarm of kissing and roving hands as they tried to devour one another. Jaina was naked in seconds, her clothing nothing but a part of her body.

[lvl 10 Morphic power: Layering] Your skin can imitate clothing so closely that it will even ruffle in the wind or become wet.

This sent Idris wild with lust, her hands grabbing at Jaina's large breasts. Idris sucked at them both while reaching for more of Jaina's body, hungry to have it all.

“Oh, love,” Jaina cried. “You won’t hate me when this wears off, will you?”

“Why would I hate you?” Idris asked after her lips came away from Jaina’s nipple. “Your beautiful.”

“Idris,” Jaina moaned. “I have you under a spell. You are being tricked into feeling passion for me. Please try to resist it. I don’t want you to wake up and be disgusted you made love to another woman.”

“Why would I be disgusted about that?” Idris asked. “I prefer women.”

“Oh,” Jaina said with a pleasant smile. “So this is normal for you?”

“It isn't normal for me to debate what I want,” Idris insisted. “I want you now. I can't wait any longer.”

“Alright,” Jaina said and grabbed at the woman’s dress. “I am yours until you are done with me.”

A wicked smile crossed the woman's pale face, and clothing came away in seconds. She practically threw Jaina into the bed and then, without a word, descended on her pussy. Jaina clutched the bed as Idris began to lick, rolling her tongue through Jaina's petals to taste the flower's nectar. She couldn't believe her powers had come in so handy and earned her a nice reward.

Idris was beautiful in a dark goddess kind of way. Now that her dress was off, Jaina could see the elaborate tattoo on the woman's back. It was full of dark lines, skulls, and thorny spirals. Just above her waist was a pair of skeletal wings to either side of a heart. It added to the woman's mystery and made her exotic.

The woman looked up from her meal and gazed into Jaina's eyes. Jaina smiled back and flinched as the woman kissed firmly at her clit. Two fingers slid into her body and began to thrust with intent as Jaina's slave collar reacted. It made the pleasure more intense, causing a knot to begin growing inside rapidly. Of all the blessings the collar offered, she loved the ease at which she could orgasm the most. They were child's play to have, requiring only basic stimulation. Even now, her body began to tremble as it grew closer to the edge.

Idris focused on Jaina's clit, sucking and licking wildly while the fingers kept up their pace. Jaina began to groan as her head tipped back, the tension inside desperate to get out. Then it broke free, washing over her body like a flood as she sang in pleasure to mark its passing. Idris shifted her lips to the quivering opening, eager to lap up the reward of her efforts.

Jaina lay back to pant and was given a brief moment while that tongue reached deep into her body. Then the pale woman moved, throwing a leg over Jaina's body as she turned her back. Jaina smiled as Idris's pussy descended on her face and reached up to guide her into place. The soft folds of her lover kissed at her lips, and Jaina got to work, returning the passion.

She tasted the lovely sweetness of the unusual woman and heard her first moans of pleasure. Jaina was delighted when Idris reached down and began to rub her pussy. The heat went higher and higher as Jaina moaned into those tender lips, the tension rapidly building again. She struggled to bring Idris to orgasm first, fighting the storm inside, but it was a losing battle. She came once more, Idris's fingers going wet as the woman kept rubbing. Jaina clutched at her thighs, pressing that soft pussy to her lips, and did everything she could.

[lvl 14 sex slave skill: Oral mastery] Passive, Oral sex provides extra stimulation to the one you are giving it to. You also cannot choke and have no gag reflex.

Oral mastery made the work easier, and soon Idris was shaking with delight. She clutched her own breasts as her back arched in the growing tension. Suddenly her legs tightened, and her voice came out in a low moan as Jaina shared the orgasm, both bodies pulsing with the joy of love.

Idris practically fell on Jaina, the woman panting on her thighs. Jaina gave her a moment to recover, then went right back to eating the delight before her, causing the pale woman to groan. She shifted over and pulled Jaina's thighs wide before pressing her face in to eat Jaina's passion fruit in return.

For the next ten minutes, the two locked in a kind of contest, each trying to make the other orgasm first. Bodies went taught and beaded with sweat as the tensions built for both of them. Jaina lost count of how many orgasms she had as Idris proved to be insatiable. Not only did she have the ones Idris caused, but she was sharing the ones she caused in return. Sexual escalation was making them so powerful Jaina was now screaming through them, her body thrashing with every one.

Eventually, a soft hand caressed Jaina's face, and she looked up to see Gisley.

“Need a break?” Gisley asked with a sweet smile. “I don't mind taking over.”

Jaina nodded vigorously but couldn't get out from under the hungry woman. Gisley smiled and stripped off her dress, then climbed in beside them to lay on her back. She then helped Jaina hand the woman over until Idris sat on Gisley's face instead. She finally took the hint and switched to the fairy's body, the two going at one another passionately.

Jaina stumbled out of the tent to find Roric sitting on a log with Evalynn astride his lap. Chandice was naked and looked exhausted, slumped at his side to pant.

“I see I wasn’t the only one having fun,” Jaina teased as Evanlynn slowly rode her master.

“How is that woman going on so long?” Evalynn asked. “We peeked a few times, and she never tires of oral sex.”

“I don't know how, but I loved it,” Jaina sighed and moved to sit with Chandice. She pulled the tired woman into her arms and cradled that soft golden hair to her breasts. “She is very fond of eating women.”

“You should drag Chandice in there for her to have,” Roric suggested.

“No!: Chandice moaned and wrapped her arms around Jaina to hold on. “I can’t take anymore.”

“Goodness, what did you do to her?” Jaina laughed.

Evalynn smiled and explained that all three of them had decided to descend on poor Chandice. The woman had only been allowed to rest just before Gisley went in to take over but needed a rest long before that.

“Oh, you poor thing,” Jaina teased and stroked her head. “I hope you will be recovered enough to walk later.”

“Speaking of that,” Roric said as Evalynn happily went about her task. “What are we going to do with Idris? Those fools will likely be waiting for her if she returns to her lair. They may even be enraged over what they just did.”

“Why would they be upset that they had sex?” Jaina asked. “I bet that paladin has been dreaming about it every night.”

“He might have, but did his two female companions share the same desire?” Roric asked. “They may come to their senses and be angry about what just happened.”

“I think it is safe to assume they will know we used seduction magic on them,” Evalynn moaned as her back arched. “They might take their anger out on her.”

“Well, unless you have another collar, we can’t keep her,” Jaina said. “And I worry she is going to be just as mad when she wakes up.”

“Which is why I am not touching her,” Roric said. “Let's see how she feels when the effect wears off. She may be mad enough that she made love to two women.”

“Oh, I wouldn't worry about that,” Jaina said with a pleased smile. “She told me she prefers women, and from how skillfully she put that tongue to use, I'd say she has had plenty of them.”

“So that leaves us with what to do now,” Roric said and cupped Evalynn's rear. “Maybe we should take her with us for a bit. Just to help her stay away. She can return home in a few days when the paladin and his women have gone.

“Her home will likely be gone by then,” Jaina said. “I hate to say it, but they didn't seem to care she was a hero player. Nor you, for that matter. They think their allegiance to that mad king gives them some authority to behave like morons.”

“Rajeen warned me of this,” Roric said with a nod. “She said that players look for a group to target. First, it was the monster players, then the necromancers, and now it is bestial races or those who don't conform to their beauty standards. She had a run-in while up here, and it ended in a pitched battle. She says it was her connections to so many of the local powers that kept her off the hit list. Maybe we could use her to achieve the same protection, but I hesitate to ask her for more help.”

“I am sure the duke would help,” Jaina replied with a smile. “Especially if you offered him another thank you.”

“Ha,” Evalynn moaned as her voice went higher. “Why aren’t all diplomatic matters handled like that?”

“Could you imagine?” Jaina laughed. “I could end all conflict and unite the world in peace.”

“Well, you could unite them anyway,” Roric said. “I doubt anyone would enjoy peace. The world is designed to be deadly and competitive. Players can't truly die, so they have little to lose by being reckless.”

“Well, that charm should be wearing off soon. I hope she doesn't get any about Gisley,” Jaina said and pulled Chandice tighter. “And I am sorry I didn't invite you to share Zorac.”

“It's ok,” Chandice sighed as she nestled into Jaina's bare breasts. “I just assumed you were going to soon, and then we had to leave, and I missed my chance.”

“I promise you will share all of them from now on,” Jaina said and kissed her head. Then, she rested her chin on Chandice and listened to Gisley, Evalynn, and Idris have orgasms from their sex. After a while, Evalynn finished Roric but kept him inside. She settled into his arms and held him tight while he stroked her long silky hair. Chandice was asleep in Jaina's arms, dreaming of wonderful things, but inside the tent, Idris and Gisley were having another orgasm.

“I can’t believe they are still going at it,” Jaina said. “Idris is a machine.”

“And without a slave collar,” Evalynn said. “Could you imagine what she would be like with one on?”

“No,” Jaina giggled. “She would be insatiable.” Jaina finally woke Chandice enough to lean her into Roric, then went to the tent to see what was going on. She found the two had finally separated but were now lying in bed, kissing like old lovers.

“Are you two finished?” Jaina asked as she stood at the side of the bed.

Gisley shrugged as Idris looked up with narrow eyes and finally sat back.

“How did you make me do that?” she demanded.

“I told you how I did it,” Jaina said. “I used my seductress skills to arouse the paladin and his friends. Unfortunately, you were affected as well, and I did try to tell you what was happening.” Jaina could tell by the look on her face that she was thinking back. Thankfully she admitted to remembering Jaina telling her she was under a charm and that Jaina had even begged her to resist it.

“At the time, all I wanted was you,” Idris said as she looked bashful. “But when did I start making love to her?”

“Her name is Gisley, and she's a wonderful little sex fairy,” Jaina explained. “She took my place when you went on for long. She thought I needed a break.”

Idris nodded as she chewed on a lip before looking up with bright eyes. “You aren’t mad at me, are you?”

“Mad?” Jaina laughed. “Are you kidding? That was wonderful. I was afraid you were going to be mad at me, but then you said you preferred girls, and well, I let go.”

“I am a lesbian,” Idris admitted. “I have had a couple of men, but it just isn’t my thing.” She looked away as if ashamed at her admission, prompting Jaina to sit at her side.

“Hey, you don't need to be upset about that,” Jaina said as she put an arm around the woman. “I happen to like girls more too. I make love to men almost every day, but I get my fair share of the girls. Gisley and I make love all the time, and so do the other two girls in our group.”

“So you are all partners?” Idris asked.

“Sex slaves,” Gisley replied and pointed to her collar. “Except Chandice. She's Jaina's girlfriend.”

“Wait, you are sex slaves?” Idris asked and stared at the collar around Jaina's neck. “I saw the collars, but you looked so normal I assumed it was just an accessory.”

“We are traveling a significant distance, and we dressed down to avoid drawing attention,” Jaina explained. “Normally we walk around naked or in very revealing clothing designed to heighten our allure.”

“And you like being a sex slave?” Idris asked.

“I love it,” Gisley said happily. “I get to have sex all the time.”

“We all enjoy being sex slaves,” Jaina added. “But I can tell by the look on your face you are skeptical.” Jaina decided to help her relax by reaching up and taking her collar off.

“You can take it off?” Idris said in surprise.

“Of course, we can,” Jaina replied. “Though all of us wish they were locked. The issue is they interfere with your first class and handicap your abilities. So a lot of slave masters don't bother to lock them. That way, their slaves can take them off when they need to.”

“Why would you want to be a sex slave?” Idris asked as she stared at the collar.

“Hmm,” Jaina replied as she had an idea. “Tell you what, let me put this on your neck, and you look at your character sheet. Then you tell me if you see any reason to want to be a sex slave.”

“You…. You won't lock it?” Idris stammered as she leaned away.

“She can't lock them,” Gisley said. “Only Roric can and only if he casts a spell on it that starts the locking process. Then you have to take the collar willingly, put it around your neck, and go five days without taking it off.”

“Why so complicated?” Idris asked as she looked confused.

“The visitors designed the system to protect the slaves,” Jaina explained. “The five days are to give you time to change your mind, and all the rest is to ensure it can't be forced on you. Even if somebody found a way to blackmail you into putting it on, the system can detect that you are unwilling, and it won't lock.”

“Even if it did, if you became miserable being a slave, it would unlock on its own and set you free,” Gisley added.

“I guess it's ok then,” Idris said as she licked her lips.

Jaina carefully fitted the leather band around the woman's neck and clicked the clasp in the back shut. For a moment, Idris looked shocked, then she started to breathe and touch the collar.

“I was expecting it to do something,” she said.

“Sorry, it doesn't covey superpowers,” Jaina laughed. “But look at your character sheet. You might like what you see.”

Idris willed her sheet open and started to dig through her powers. Her eyes went wide as she read some of the new skills, and blushed as she read others.

“Oh my,” she said and covered her mouth. “You can stretch to accommodate any man?”

“Well, there are limits,” Jaina assured her. “But you would be surprised what they can get up there.”

“You orgasm more easily,” Idris said more to herself. “No wonder you had so many, and oh, you orgasm every time your partner does.”

“Look at sexual escalation,” Gisley urged and pointed to the skill.

“Ohhhhh,” Idris said as her pale cheeks went bright red. “So not only do you orgasm easily, but they keep getting better?”

“Yep,” Jaina said and rubbed her leg. “And when you make love to a man, that final orgasm you share with him is mind-blowing.”

“You can walk on sharp objects and not hurt your feet?” Idris asked.

“Ha, that’s the skill that impresses you most?” Jaina laughed.

“Well, aside from the fact that you can orgasm from having your breasts rubbed,” Idris remarked as she poked through more skills.

“Anal sex is just as good as vaginal,” Gisley pointed out. “Oh, and it never hurts.”

“Nor can you gag from oral sex,” Idris read. “You are the perfect sex partners.”

“I have never heard it put that way, but you’re right,” Jaina agreed.

“Hmm, I expected this to be full of things that made you grovel at your master’s feet,” Idris remarked.

“Well, we can't stray too far from our master, and if we do, we start to feel an overwhelming desire to return to him,” Jaina pointed out. “

“It’s really hard to resist,” Gisley admitted. “And it slowly gets worse until you run back and throw yourself at his feet.”

“But you can always take the collar off the stop the calling, or as in our case, you can have a kind master who alters the timer so you can be away for short whiles,” Jaina said.

“Roric is a wonderful master,” Gisley added. “He is so good to us. He does all sorts of things to make us happy and help our fantasies come true.”

“I am glad to hear you have a kind master,” Idris said as she reached up to remove the collar. “But I could never serve a man in such a role.”

“Hey, that’s fine,” Jaina replied as she took the collar back.

“So where are we?” Idris asked as she looked around the tent.

“Oh, we went well away from your church so those fools wouldn't find us when the charm wore off,” Jaina replied. Gisley chimed in that she wished she could see them the moment it faded. She wondered what kind of reaction they were having.

“I bet they have destroyed my home,” Idris sighed. “That’s the fifth one in as many months.”

“Wait, your home has been destroyed five times in five months?” Jaina asked.

Idris nodded and looked at her feet. She explained how she had made a mistake by picking this particular race. It was favored by necromancers for its pale skin and haunting eyes, but she had picked it because it reminded her of a character from a favored movie. Anyway, her appearance and chosen class linked her too closely to the necromancers. As far as most people were concerned, she was one, and they punished her accordingly.

“That’s awful,” Jaina said and took one of her hands. “I am sorry you have had to go through that.”

“When I started planning to come in, the necromancers had an empire. So I enrolled in the program and started the training, eager to build a home there. However, by the time I was done, that empire had been annihilated, and they were outlawed. I didn't realize it until I came in and started looking for them. Because of my undead abilities, I had always intended to work with them or classes like them.”

“I am sorry,” Jaina repeated.

“It's not your fault,” Idris sighed. “But it has been hard. I keep trying to rebuild and create a fun zombie hoard adventure. I want to show people they can have fun trying to defend the village every night and earn experience doing it, but it never works. All it does is draw the wrong attention, and then people come to smash my interface, and I have to start over.”

Jaina leaned in and gave the woman a firm hug, feeling a strong cord of sympathy. They, too, had a home destroyed by players who didn't understand, and she knew all too well how that felt.

“So what will you do?” Gisley asked.

“I don't know,” Idris replied. “I was thinking of packing up and going way south. I heard a rumor that there was a necromancer in the south someplace. Maybe I could find him and finally work together.”

“Oh,” Jaina said and shook her head. “We also heard that rumor and met some people who claimed to have met her. She isn't a necromancer, just a flower singer and a recluse.”

“Her recluse skill allows her to build a lonely tower and fill her garden with the undead,” Gisley explained.

“Why would she do that?” Idris asked.

“Her friend is a ghoul,” Jaina said. “The two people we met said she does it to blend in with her friend's graveyard.”

“Well, there goes that idea,” Idris replied as her shoulders slumped.

“Hey, don’t get upset,” Jaina said. “You met us and had a little fun.”

“A little,” Idris admitted and looked at Jaina. “Too bad it has to end.”

“Well, maybe it doesn't,” Jaina said. “I mean, if your home is destroyed, you have no reason to stay here; maybe you could come with us for a bit, then look for a new home.”

“No offense, but I hardly know you,” Idris said.

“Really? Because I bet if I asked you what my pussy tastes like, you could tell me easily,” Jaina said as the woman blushed.

“I guess I know you a little bit, but I don't know if that's a good idea. I mean, we had sex, and I am sort of embarrassed about it,” Idris said.

“Oh, Idris,” Jaina groaned. “If Gisley and I offer to make love to you right now, are you seriously going to be embarrassed? What if I go and get the other women? You could have all four of us right now. Are you really going to say no?”

“But I have never done anything like this before,” Idris said as her cheeks got so red her whole face started to discolor.”

“So?” Jaina asked and had a better idea. “I tell you what, you come with us for a few days and keep the collar on.”

“What?” Idris asked with a funny expression. “What for?”

“To enjoy the sex, of course,” Jaina said. “You can wear a collar whenever we make love and enjoy all those increased orgasms that get ever stronger.”

“I don’t know,” the woman said as she struggled not to smile.

“Oh, shes’ staying,” Gisley laughed. “Look at the expression on her face, she can’t wait to try it. Let’s get her dressed and tell the others she is coming with.”

“Wait, but what about the man?” she asked.

“Well, you will be wearing his collar,” Jaina said.

“No, I don’t want to do that,” Idris said. “I told you it isn’t my thing.”

“Alright,” Jaina replied. “What if I get him to agree that you are to make love only to the women? But you have to be fine about watching him make love to us.”

“He makes love to all of you?” she asked.

“All of us,” Jaina said firmly. “But you won’t have to touch him.”

“He’s really nice,” Gisley insisted. “He would treat you like gold and do all he could to make you happy.”

“I just don't like men,” Idris insisted and wrapped her arms around herself. There was something strange about the way she said it, and the sudden reaction. It was as if she was trying to protect herself from some ghost from the past.

“Idris?” Jaina said as a concern began to rise. “Is there something you're not telling us?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Idris replied. “It was a long time ago before I came here. I would like to leave it in that past life.”

“Were you hurt?” Jaina asked as she sat up to cradle Idris to her chest.

Idris’s eyes began to fill with tears as she slowly nodded.

“Shh, then don’t say anything,” Jaina whispered. “Nobody can hurt you with us, and we won’t make you do anything you don’t want to. Well, at least not again.”

“Don't worry about that. I enjoyed our time,” Idris admitted. “It has been a long while since I had a lover.”

“I tell you what,” Jaina said as she rubbed the woman's scalp, carefully avoiding the spikes. “If you want to come with us, Gisley will be your girlfriend. I will talk to Roric and explain the situation, I am sure he will have no problem with your requirements.”

“You are sure?” Idris asked.

“Love, I will go ask him right now. If he says yes, will you come with us?” Jaina asked.

Idris nodded, so Jaina handed her over to Gisley, who was happy to cuddle her. She went outside to find Roric holding Chandice and Evalynn, who were snuggled together on his chest.

“Is she done?” Roric asked.

“She is,” Jaina said with a smile. “But I have a favor to ask you and a very unusual request.”

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