The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-83 A promise made

A silence fell across the group as Blackbast bowed her head before the tiger women. The mood was broken a moment later when Heather finally regained her senses.

“Wait!” she shouted. “Rajeen is your master?”

Jaina and the others were also surprised by the revelation. They were unable to accept that the slave master was, in turn, a slave to another.

“What? Did you think I could not bow my head to another?” Blackbast asked as Rajeen ran across the space and tackled the woman.

“My pet, you have finally come home to me!” Rajeen cried and kissed all up and down Blackbast’s face. “I have dreamed of this moment for nearly two years. Why have you been away so long?”

“Why aren’t you ever that happy to see me?” Chandice whispered to Jaina.

“Go away for a few years and come back,” Jaina said as she looked on in amazement while pure emotion poured out of the two feline women.

“I had responsibilities I could not be away from,” Blackbast replied. “And you know how it is at my temple.”

“Your temple should be a part of my palace,” Rajeen replied. “It is here that you belong.”

“Oh, I would love to agree, but you did not like me entertaining the men,” Blackbast countered.

“Why would you need to spoil yourself with them?” Rajeen asked. “There are so many women to share yourself with instead.”

“What am I missing?” Heather asked as she looked to Jaina for help.

“Remember that harem I told you about?” Jaina asked. “Well, it belongs to Rajeen, and she forbids them to share love with men.”

“She does?” Heather asked as she took Frank's hand. “But, men are so useful.”

Jaina laughed at how awkwardly Heather put it and nodded in agreement. She then suggested that if Blackbast were part of Rajeen's harem, she must have been forbidden to entertain men. By what little she knew of Blackbast's requirements that was probably causing a bit of friction.

“She’s not allowed to turn anyone away,” Heather said.

“And I bet Rajeen hated that,” Jaina said as they watched the two cat women share loving kisses that bordered on foreplay before Rajeen finally looked up to consider the others.

“We will share more in a moment,” she assured Blackbast while refusing to release her from the embrace. “But now, who are your guests?”

“These are very good friends of ours,” Roric said and gestured to Heather and her group. “This is Frank, Heather, Quinny, and Breanne.”

“Heather is getting married to Frank tomorrow!” Gisley burst out as she practically danced.

“So, this is the eve before the wedding,” Rajeen said with a nod. “Is that why you came?”

“No,” Roric said and nodded to the black cat in her arms. “She is. When we learned that Priestess Blackbast was a friend of yours, we thought you would enjoy seeing her again.”

“She’s a gift,” Jaina added with a smile.

“Oh, my sweet lover,” Rajeen said as she finally released Blackbast to saunter to Roric. “You have no idea how happy you have made me.” She placed her hands around Roric’s back and licked at the side of his face. “Let my pet and I show you just how much. I have a room where we can all be comfortable. Let us explore your friends together.”

“Umm,” Jaina said and coughed to get the sultry woman's attention. “I would like to point out that Heather is a wonderfully reserved and traditionally valued person. She isn't like the rest of us.”

“Oh, I see,” Rajeen said with a nod as she faced Heather, who was red with a blush.

“I don't mean to upset your way of doing things,” Heather apologized. “I just don't do those things.”

“Please do not apologize,” Rajeen said as she walked up and took Heather's hand. “I am grateful to meet a friend of my pet. I also wish you well on your wedding. You have selected quite a handsome man.”

Jaina noted how Heather smiled and looked at Frank, her love for him blatantly obvious. However, she was surprised when Heather freely admitted that Frank was wearing a disguise and was actually a ghoul. Rajeen didn't flinch at that revelation as if what he looked like meant nothing. Blackbast came to her side and curled into a strong arm, the two cat women staring at Heather with pleased smiles.

“You must tell me the story of how you all met,” Rajeen insisted as she looked at Roric. “I want to hear every detail.” She beckoned them to sit around one of the private tables while guiding Blackbast to sit at one side and Roric to the other. She pulled them in close, with Blackbast in her lap as she settled into Roric's.

Heather sat with Frank and began the story but surprised Jaina again by holding nothing back. She told Rajeen she was a chosen and a necromancer, causing Rajeen to look up. Blackbast explained how the choice had been forced on Heather when she was still in the shock of her abduction. Heather took over from there, describing her random adventures for a few hours.

Jaina and the others enjoyed this more detailed account as Heather described her many mistakes. She was focused on finding a way to escape New Eden, and Frank had selflessly been helping her. This led to a series of disasters, mostly caused by Heather's inability to accept her situation. She admitted to being blind to the people around her and how her rash decisions affected them. It was how she began to describe her slow awaking to the reality of her new life that something made sense.

“When I realized Frank loved me so much he would do anything to send me home, I knew I wanted to be with him forever,” Heather said.

“That’s what she holds so special and dear about him,” Evalynn said.

“Oh, how sweet,” Gisley said with a tear in her eye. “He was willing to give up the woman he loved to make her happy.”

“It is very touching,” Rajeen agreed and nodded to Frank. “You are a rare man of noble quality.”

“I just wanted Heather to be happy,” Frank replied as Heather hugged him tightly.

Heather smiled and rubbed his shoulder before continuing with her story. She then continued the story highlighting when she met Blackbast and how the woman had sacrificed a great deal to help her. The story eventually reached their meeting with Roric and how meeting them inspired Heather to act on her love for Frank and the others. The two groups grew close on their short journey, and Heather finally offered them a place to build their home.

“A touching story,” Rajeen said as she stroked Blackbast’s back and then turned to Roric. “So you have found a home at last?”

“We hope so,” Roric replied. “The land is perfect for what we want, and there are miles of it to use.”

“You have seen this land already?” Rajeen asked. “I thought you were far to the north?”

“Heather has a set of magic doors given to her by her mother,” Roric answered. “She travels in a palanquin with one of the doors mounted to the back. The other is in her home near the southern spawn ring. She graciously allowed us to use her doors to see the land ourselves. We have hope that his home will stand the test of time.”

“And so far to the south,” Rajeen said with a certain measure of approval. “That is sure to throw off your angry pursuer.”

“Even if she found us, being so close to Heather and her mother will give us some safety,” Roric replied.

“How does this provide you safety?” Rajeen asked.

“Since Roric and his family are my friends, they will be afforded every protection my mother can give them,” Heather explained. “That includes us coming to their aid if they need it.”

“And Heather's mother can provide a lot of aid,” Jaina added. “Heather's mother is the Queen of the entire region. So there is no chance of Alexandria stirring up the local leadership against us.”

“Yes, she will find the queen quite hostile to her manipulations,” Evalynn added.

“It isn't a good idea to anger my mother,” Heather said. “She won't tell me what level she is, but I know it's over a hundred.”

“She’s over a hundred?” Gisley gasped. Jaina was surprised by that, too, as that detail had escaped all previous stories. She and Roric dreamed about breaking a hundred and gaining the choice of an advanced power that they could use to enhance their characters. If Gwen was over a hundred, she had to wonder what power the Queen had chosen. It was a point that would have to wait as Heather answered Gisley's question.

“That's what she says, Heather replied. “You should see some of the power she flexes sometimes.”

“Gwen is hella scary when she’s mad,” Quinny added. “And she isn’t afraid to defy King Kevin.”

“A bold woman,” Rajeen agreed as she rubbed at her chin. “I have always thought it silly that he still calls himself a king when he rules over kings. I wonder why he has never taken the title of the emperor?”

“He has no need of the title,” Blackbast replied. “He has established his power and does not need to flaunt it.”

“Perhaps,” Rajeen agreed. “Besides, his hold is tenuous. If he pushed his luck too far, he might find many who are tired of him.”

“There are still plenty who would rush to his aid,” Blackbast argued. “Gwen is very brave and fiercely protective of Heather, but any confrontation with Kevin is a risky one.”

“She just threw a bunch of his lieutenants out of her kingdom,” Heather added. “She isn’t afraid of Kevin and has even threatened to fight a war if he wants one.”

“How interesting,” Rajeen replied. “Why did she do that?”

Heather explained the confrontation and how they were there to ensure Gwen knew her place. They also wanted to make Heather a bargaining chip, inducting her into one of their knightly orders, then taking her away where she could be kept as leverage. Jaina was stunned by the way people tried to manipulate one another. Poor Heather had been driven from one choice to another by people with their own interests. To think they wanted to keep her as means to control Gwen and the Queen had shut down their power play. Would that lead to repercussions they needed to consider before building their home? Was the danger of being close to Heather about to erupt into open hostility?

“So, she is no friend of the powers in the far north,” Rajeen replied.

“No,” Heather answered and told another new story. This one explained a lot about Queen Gwen's hostile opinion of the north. Gwen had once entertained a lover who managed to steal her kingdom heart and left her a prisoner in her own castle. He and an ally used magic to subvert her land, ruin her kingdom, and strip her of her power. They used golems to drive players away until her city was an empty shell, and her power languished. She pleaded with the kings of the north to send heroes to recover her stone, but all they did was mock her. She was left to rot while one of the thieves openly boasted that she would have to marry him to get the stone back.

“It went on for years,” Heather said. “They wouldn’t do anything for her and even severed connections to her city so heroes wouldn’t find her and potentially help.”

“But we found her,” Quinny cut in. “And Heather never turns down somebody who genuinely needs help. She went after the stone and defeated a wizard, master thief, and their army of golems.”

“She brilliantly unraveled their riddles, traps, and secret methods of travel,” Breanne added. “She ran them down and took the tone by force right from their hand.”

“Ah, I see the connection now,” Rajeen said. “They wanted the Queen in a state of weakness, but you came along and destroyed their plans. Because of their inaction, she is no longer willing to cooperate, so now they need the means to apply pressure. How better to do it than through the woman, she named as her daughter.”

“I put an end to that by introducing them to Frank and Quinny,” Heather said. “They wanted to conceal their chains by inducting me into a holy order. This would be their excuse to shackle me to their side and keep me where they could use me. However, The order they wanted me to join were undead hunters, and since my husband and best friend were undead, I had a reason to decline.”

“You didn’t have to decline. That woman said she didn’t want you,” Quinny laughed. “She was so horrified that she refused to accept you into her group.”

“So you narrowly avoided the trap by showing them part of the truth,” Rajeen said as her eyes narrowed. “I assume none of them know you are a necromancer.”

“Only those I trust know that,” Heather replied. “And since they speak about you with so much fondness, I know I can trust you. For that matter, nobody knows I am chosen either. We even hid that from some of Gwen's neighbors.”

“Hmm,” Rajeen said and stroked Blackbast's head. “Well, I am grateful that my loved ones have met such a fascinating woman. I will keep your secrets as if they had never been spoken.” She leaned back to look up into Roric's eyes before purring at him gently. “And I am grateful you have found such a home. A pity I do not have some of these doors so I can come to see you.”

“Maybe we can find a way to acquire some of our own?” Roric suggested.

“How do you get those doors?” Gisley asked as she looked at Heather.

Heather explained they were gifts from her mother. Gwen purchased them with some kind of rare and expensive social points. Heather had two sets of them, and it was in asking for the second set that set her on the road to being married. It turns out that social points were earned by holding social events, and the wedding would earn enough to pay for the second set of doors.”

“Do you think she could make another set?” Jaina asked with a hopeful tone. What a wonderful thing it would be to be able to walk through a door into Rajeen’s harem. They could live wherever they wanted, and it would be like they were still at the inn. She wondered if asking for the doors was abusing their relationship, but she couldn't help herself.

Heather shrugged and explained that she could earn all the points she needed by marrying others. She even joked that she could marry Quinny and Breanne so Gwen could pay for them. Jaina nor the others laughed at the joke as the very real possibility of having such a doorway hung in the balance.

“So you can do it?” Jaina pressed.

“Are you serious?” Heather interjected.

“Is it a bad idea?” Jaina asked as her hopes began to slip. “You four are practically a family already.”

“I know, but I feel like this idea keeps getting pushed on me,” Heather protested. “I just want to get my marriage to Frank over first. Then we can explore the rest of it.”

“And we should honor that,” Roric said with a firm look at Jaina. “We should not push them to grow faster than they are ready.”

“Oh, I didn't mean to push,” Jaina said and turned to Heather. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you into anything. I know you are already making some big changes, and you don't need me making them harder.” Jaina felt awful for being so blind to Heather's feelings. Thankfully Heather graciously waved the moment away, saying it was alright. She said she was glad to have met them as it opened the door to her current happiness. She promised those weddings would come in time, and they could explore the option.

“A pity I am not such a class,” Rajeen said. “I am sure I could afford such a door by now.”

“Yeah,” Heather said as she took on a far-away look.

“Is that her mad scientist-thinking face?” Jaina asked as Quinny nodded.

“She will probably have this solved in a few moments,” Quinny said.

“Well, not solved,” Heather replied as she worked on an idea. “But we know that the points are dependent on attendance, so what if we boosted the attendance?”

“Boost it how? Evalynn asked as she looked to Breanne, who shrugged.

Heather smiled and looked at Rajeen. “I am told you have a large harem.”

“I do,” Rejeen replied with a slight smile. “I have seventy-one girls who call me master.”

“What if you and all those girls showed up for the wedding?” Heather asked.

“I see,” Rajeeen said with a nod. “But I am familiar with how social points work to some degree. Yes, attendance at an event is important, but so are the levels and titles of those who attend. The more powerful the guest, the more points she will get.”

“So it won’t be enough,” Heather sighed.

“I wouldn't say that,” Rajeen said. “I have no idea how much these doors cost, but I know many local lords and people with titles. I might be able to persuade some of them to attend your wedding to boost your mother’s point gain.”

“Does that mean she might be able to give us a door?” Jaina asked.

“Slow down,” Heather urged. “We have no idea what they cost. I will ask my mother. That's all I can promise.”

“That would be a great blessing,” Rajeen said with a nod and asked for the name of Gwen's city. She would arrange a temporary magic portal so she and her company could attend. They would do this as part of her wedding gift to Heather, even if no door could be given.

“Now that I know where you are, I can always pay to have portals opened when I need Them,” Rajeen said as she stood and pulled Blackbast with her. “Now, I would like to take my dearest pet someplace more private. I have a lot I wish to share with her.” She shared a final kiss with Roric, then took Blackbast away, the submissive woman clinging to Rajeen as if for safety.

“Aww, you got left behind,” Gisley said and leaned into Roric.

“I told her not to waste any energy on me,” Roric said. “This night is for her and Blackbast.”

“Rajeen used to be Blackbast’s master?” Frank asked with a look of shock.

“I know. I can hardly believe it,” Heather replied. “She was always the one who liked being in charge.”

“That doesn’t mean she can’t love somebody so much she wants to submit to them,” Gisley suggested. “That’s how I became Roric’s slave girl.”

“Yeah, but Blackbast is a slave master class,” Heather said. “It’s hard to think of a master submitting to be a slave.”

“I think it’s beautiful,” Jaina said. “They must deeply love one another.”

“I guess so,” Heather agreed as she looked at Frank with a hint of longing.

Jaina wished she could read Heather's fantastic mind, imagining all sorts of naughty thoughts going on. Her mind returned to the doors and how Heather figured out a method to game the points system to try and buy more. With Rajeen, the local lords, and the entire harem in attendance, Heather's mother would get a decent boost in her points. Maybe it would be enough to earn another set of doors?

“Could we see more of this place?” Quinny asked as she looked around.

“Sure,” Jaina said and got up. “Why don’t we give you a tour.”

She showed them the grand hall, especially a round stage near the far wall where she said they used to dance for packed crowds. Evalynn blushed while suggesting Jaina not tell everyone the details of that time for fear Heather might be shocked.

They moved on to halls dominated by fountains, gardens, and even a massive library. She described the harem rooms but didn't want to take them there for fear of interrupting Rajeen and Blackbast. After nearly an hour of taking in the impressive structure, Gisley used her power to create the illusion of the inn being in use. Suddenly it was crowded with exotic people and harem girls in little or no clothing. They sat at a table and were served amazing drinks, with Heather asking for refills. Foods of all kinds were brought to the table as Jaina, and her sisters recommended various things.

“See, this is what I was missing,” Heather said as she sipped a cup of wine. “I was so blinded by my refusal to be a part of the world. I was determined not to be happy here and made myself miserable.”

“Well, you did go for pizza that one time,” Breanne said. “We had fun on that adventure.”

“Yeah, and we ran like fools from a troll,” Heather pointed out.

“We were lower level then,” Quinny said. “But that changed as we leveled up. Now when your friends were in danger of being killed by a sand demon, you went out to face it alone.”

“Goodness!” Evalynn gasped. “You faced a sand demon alone?”

“Heather was amazing,” Quinny said. “She took her devil form and went out onto the glass as we tried to steer the boat away. The crew used magic to abandon it and left us to die, but Heather wouldn’t let that happen.”

“Going out alone against a monster like that,” Roric said as he hugged Gisley and Evalynn. “You are very brave.”

“Well, I started alone, but my family wouldn't leave me behind,” Heather said and looked at the others. “They all found a way to help, and we managed to defeat it.”

“You defeated it,” Breanne said firmly. “All we did was distract it.”

“Heather got shocked by red lighting a bunch of times,” Quinny said. “She just kept getting back up.”

“A noble warrior,” Evalynn said and lifted a glass in salute. “I knew I liked you.”

“Please, how can you not like her,” Jaina said. “She is a wonderful person.”

“Well, this has been fun, but we should go back so Rajeen and Blackbast can reconnect in private,” Roric suggested.

“Oh, we’re not going to join them?” Jaina asked with a pleading look.

“You have enough of that at home,” Roric countered.

“Hardly,” Jaina replied and tossed her head. “You have been neglecting me. I haven’t been used for my purpose in hours.”

“Maybe we could talk about that in private,” Roric suggested, gesturing to Frank and Heather with his head.

“Oh, right,” Jaina said and blushed a little. “Sorry, I am just so used to being open about our lives.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Heather said and patted Frank’s hand. “Your openness is what made me want our bigger family.”

“Well, let’s go back,” Roric said and looked to Gisley. “Wake us up.”

Jaina stretched and discovered that Gisley was directly on top of her. The fairy woman was breast to breast with her head just to the side, so their cheeks were touching. Her arms wrapped around Jaina in a warm hug as she stirred, prompting Jaina to kiss her cheek.

“I like it when you sleep on me,” Jaina whispered.

“I know,” Gisley replied and finally leaned up. “I love being in your arms. Can we make love now?”

“Let’s help Frank and his girls get out first,” Roric suggested as he stroked Chandice’s back.

Gisley smiled and hopped up, walking barefoot to where the others lay on Frank in a pile. They were all awake but not moving as Blackbast was lying in Heather's arms.

“This will be tricky,” Heather said as Frank tried to move. “How do we get up without waking her?”

“She will be fine,” Gisley said as she arrived at the pile of women. “So long as you handle her gently, she won't wake up. She wants to be in the dream and will stay there unless her real body is in danger.” She helped Heather and the others escape, then gently set Blackbast on a bed of pillows.

“She looked so happy to see Rajeen again,” Gisley said as she stroked Blackbast’s head.

“She did,” Heather agreed as she pondered what to do next. “I guess I need to see my mother.”

Jaina perked up to hear Heather talking about going to her mother. Quinny laughed and said she wanted to be there when Heather asked for more doors. They joked back and forth about how Gwen was likely to have an explosive reaction to the request. Jaina wondered again if asking for doors had been going too far. She didn't want to pressure Heather to anger her mother for their sake. As much as she wanted the doors, she wasn't willing to put Heather in an awkward situation.

“Oh, please don't do this if it's going to be trouble,” Jaina said as she joined Gisley's side. She felt her hope dying as she realized they were asking too much of Heather. However, Heather didn't seem bothered and waved their concern away. She said she would tell her mother about all the guests Rajeen could bring to the wedding and ask if that was enough to pay for them. She saw no harm in asking the question and even went as far as to say that she would marry Quinny and Breanne eventually to earn more. Heather promised to get them the doors no matter what it took and would pay the price herself to make it happen.

Jaina looked at the woman who carried so many terrible secrets and could only see kindness. Heather didn't think about the costs of helping people; she simply helped and didn't even realize it. Jaina's lips trembled as she started to smile before jumping at Heather to wrap her in a hug.

“What happened?” Heather asked as her arms went around Jaina.

“Oh, thank you!” Jaina cried. “You are the kindest person we have met in this world.”

“You really are selfless,” Roric said. “You have no idea how much your generosity means to us.”

“You are so wonderful. You hardly know us, yet you are willing to help reunite us with our dearest friend,” Gisley said.

“Now I see why they all love you,” Evalynn said. “You claim you always put people in danger, yet all I ever hear is how you come to people's rescue. You are a princess because you came to the Queen's rescue.”

“You rescued your husband-to-be from his isolation and loneliness,” Roric added.

“And you rescued Quinny and Breanne from their cells,” Gisley finished.

“I was just doing the nice thing,” Heather replied as she heard them talk about her with such kindness. “I don’t do these things because I want something in return.”

“That’s why you two are perfect for each other,” Jaina said as she stepped back. “You keep telling us how selfless and devoted Frank is, but you are just the same.”

“I am nothing like Frank,” Heather protested. “I wish I could be that brave and kind.”

“She can’t see it,” Gisley said with a smile. “She can’t believe she is just like him.”

“We have been trying to tell her for weeks,” Breanne remarked. “Stubbornness is one of her greatest skills.”

“Hold on,” Heather interjected. “You’re the one who risked her life to rescue Grumosh.”

“You’re the one who charged a sand demon so we could all get away,” Breanne countered.

“And you faced Lydia alone to save us from her plan, then had the mercy to rescue her from her own demise,” Quinny reminded.

“Then charged into the paladins to save us,” Frank said as Heather stood by in stunned silence. “You were going to take that entire group on solo and would have fought to the death if the goblins hadn’t arrived to save us.”

“Somebody here is starting to sound like a superhero,” Jaina laughed.

“What about all my flaws?” Heather protested. “I got us all killed because I refused to face the truth that people were coming to claim the bounty.”

“You were still in shock and denial from your abduction,” Roric suggested. “You needed time to come to terms with your new reality. Until you did, you refused to accept the world around you and the danger it might represent.”

“I agree with Roric,” Jaina said. “You told us yourself that you refused to be happy because you wanted out.”

“Oh, she was in terrible denial,” Breanne laughed. “But her stubbornness is a virtue when it is turned to the right cause. She never gives up on an idea, especially when it is for someone she cares about.”

“Alright,” Heather sighed and put a hand on her forehead. “I guess I have done some growing since I got here. I just like to help people, and I didn't think I was doing anything special. I want to help you because I like being useful to people, especially people I think are good.”

“You think everyone is good until they prove otherwise,” Breanne said. “Look at how quickly you asked Viylah to live with us. All you needed to know was she was alone, and you readily asked her in. You did the same thing to Quinny and I.”

“Stop,” Heather insisted and fought a smile. “I appreciate the compliments, and thank you all for being so kind. Now, let me talk to my mother and find out about these doors.”

“I am still coming with,” Quinny insisted.

Jaina leaned into Roric as they watched the group go. She and the others were overcome by the joy of knowing they would have the doors one day. That meant they would always be a part of Rajeen’s harem and could spend their nights buried in sexy women. She would even be able to see Zorak again and make love like they always did.

She was so lost in that dream that she didn't notice Roric move behind her. She jumped when he took firm hold of her arms and pulled her to his chest.

“So I haven't been using you for your purpose enough?” Roric asked as she was held tight.

Jaina rolled her hips as he commanded Gisley to get him into her. Gisley smiled and knelt before Jaina, kissing her tender mound as she reached between Jiana's legs. Gisley plucked out the golden shield and gem, then reached between her own legs and pushed it in. She then reached for Roric's cock, stroking him as she used a free hand to spread Jaina wide. Jaina felt the tip of Roric’s swelling cock pressed into her folds as the fairy woman guided him in. She adjusted herself to allow him more reach and sighed as he hardened inside her.

“What are you?” Roric asked as his knot began to grow, filling her body.

“A sex slave,” Jaina gasped.

“And what is your purpose?” Roric demanded.

“To provide my body to my master,” Jaina said as Gisley resumed kissing at her stretched pussy.

“Good slave,” Roric said and began in earnest.

Jaina was crying out in seconds as her body was overcome by his hunger. His knot made it impossible to come out, so instead, his thrusts were deep and fast. The impacts forced her onto her toes, each thrust threatening to lift her from her feet.

“Oh, yes!” Jaina cried as she lost herself in the moment. This was what she loved, serving her master as his slave girl. She reeled in passion the slave collar magnifying the pleasure of his thrusts and Gisley's tongue.

“Make her cum!” Roric commanded so Gisley kissed two fingers and rubbed Jaina’s clit.

Jaina cried out as her body instantly exploded into an orgasm that couldn't subside until Gisley allowed it. She squirmed and danced as Roric held her arms while the knot held her pussy. She was helpless to escape as her body shook in endless climax, her thighs running wet as the sound of their sex descended into wet slaps.

“Let her rest,” Roric commanded, and Gisley took her fingers away. Though Gisley wasn't forcing her to cum, Roric was still hammering away. Her pussy was hyper-sensitive now, and every thrust had her dancing on pins. Gisley's tongue went back to licking at her clit, which was stretched wide over the knot inside her body. Jaina tried to struggle, but the effort only increased the sensation inside her body, and before she could stop it, she came again.

“Ohhh!” Jaina cried as she nearly fell, her body supported by Roric as he continued his assault. Short panting moans escaped her lips as she danced on her toes. The orgasm barely began to subside when Roric commanded Gisley to make her cum again.

Her head swung back to lie on Roric's broad shoulder as her back arched in tension. Her body exploded with a third orgasm as Gisley worked her magic fingers. Jaina pressed her thighs together, twisting her legs, but it offered no release. She kept cumming until what seemed like ten minutes passed when Roric told Gisley to stop.

Now she was a panting wreck with her long black hair hanging in her face. Roric was still taking her hard, forcing her onto her toes with every thrust. She barely heard him command Gisley to rub his balls and use her power to hold him at the edge.

“Noooo,” Jaina moaned as she realized he wouldn't cum until he wanted now. The deep-rooted pounding quickly built into a rolling storm as every muscle in her stomach tightened.

Sexual escalation made the fourth orgasm a mind-numbing delight. She cried out with every thrust as she realized this was how it would always be. She had made him promise always to be rough, and he intended to keep his word. When their new home was built, she would be chained to his throne, a toy to use as he willed, and it would always be rough.

Her mind swam in that notion as she dreamed of dancing for him while Evalynn sucked at his cock. She couldn't believe a life like this was possible and she could have it with such a wonderful master. Her blood ran thick with the toxin of lust and fear as she wondered how many men he would throw her to. This was her purpose, and he would not hesitate to use her to entertain guests or chain her to their beds.

She was shaken from her thoughts by another orgasm as Roric leaned back and lifted her up. Her feet came off the floor as he held her on his cock, leaving her helpless to do anything but moan.

Three orgasms later, she was gasping for breath, her chest heaving in rapid pants. Gisley kept him at the edge, preventing the finish that Jaina now hoped was coming. Her head lay on his shoulder, rolling as her body shook, the knot stretching her abused pussy.

“How many more?” Jaina pleaded as Roric’s hot breath tickled her ear.

“I don’t know,” Roric replied. “But I want to test your limits.”

“How?” Jaina gasped as she hung helplessly.

Roric growled and tightened the grip on her arm. “The sex will stop when you pass out,” he said, thrusting all the harder.

Jaina cried out as the thrusts became so forceful they threw her up. Her momentum was broken by the knot that pulled her back down into the next thrust. She had never felt him go so deep before and was sure he was in her womb. The sensation sent shock waves running up her spine as her stomach twisted in the knots of the next orgasm.

She settled in to take her punishment but smiled as she rocked in the next orgasm. Of all the great moments that had come since arriving in New Eden, this was one of the best. Jaina closed her eyes and waited for the moment to come as her master fucked her to sleep.

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